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Found this on Mastadon!

Seems like a group of people dedicated to archiving American research that is at risk of being removed from the web.


in reply to Sandbag

Is it for the sake of "Trump proofing" or are there other reasons? Looking at what has been safeguarded one thinks they are expecting a some sociology department purge. No matter what one might think it's still a really bad idea to start a book burning. Even if it could be objectively proven that all that stuff is nonsense and dangerous it still doesn't mean that they warrant destruction, because everything is worthy of keeping around because it can still be referenced and for history's sake. People who ban books and restrict access are really more afraid of an argument than protecting the truth.

fyi: Never title our posts like "I found this on site X" or "I found this to be cool". It's seriously bad practice.

in reply to Korkki

Yeah, I'd like to know what they're worried will happen. Because this sounds like a complete overreaction.

Better safe than sorry I guess, but I'd really like to know what they're keeping it safe from. Surely backups already exist for anything deemed important.

in reply to Korkki

They're already purging everything that includes the words diversity, inclusion and equity, you know that once they start, they'll continue to add stuff that needs to be deleted, like trans, racism, any economics that isn't neoliberal, etc.
in reply to jonne

deleted by creator
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in reply to jonne

deleted by creator
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in reply to jonne

deleted by creator
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in reply to GreenKnight23

Being ~~white~~ (thanks autocorrect)quiet is exactly what they want. They want to snuff out all opposing voices so only their own can be heard.

in reply to WhatSay

They don't just kill science: that's inconvenient and dumb but it can be put on pause fairly safely.

In this case, they're putting public health in grave danger. That will turn them into literal mass-murderer if a new pandemic takes hold.

in reply to ExtremeDullard

Science is a tool.

20th century facists used eugenics (which was considered scientifically sound at the time) to argue for genociding disabled people.

in reply to FundMECFS

With the small caveat that eugenics is not scientific.
in reply to ExtremeDullard

It was an extremist interpretation of mendelian genetics. But it was a near dominant view among geneticists at the time.
in reply to FundMECFS

What's crazy to me is that eugenics is largely sound... It's literally a forbidden branch of science not because it's unscientific, but because our species can't be trusted with it

So much so that it becomes worthless. Elon Musk is doing his best to spread his genetics, even inappropriately offering up his sperm to female employees... He thinks he's one of humanities best and brightest. The kedamine addicted failed programmer turned conman, a guy so insecure he faked being good at video games and has created nothing himself, thinks his genes need to be spread far and wide

We are animals, we can indeed be bred for traits like animals, but we're so bad at evaluating ourselves we literally cannot use this branch of science

in reply to theneverfox

Eugenics is not sound because
1) It makes moral judgments as to what human traits are desirable and undesirable, which are non-scientific and largely based in prejudice.
2) It treats all traits as heritable which neglects socialisation and other complex factors.

Like for example eugenics in the Nazi regime genocided 90% of people with schizophrenia to try and wipe it out. But now, in 2025, schizophrenia rates are largely the same between germany and other western countries, because schizophrenia only has a small heritability factor.

[QUESTION} Tools to manage homelab

I've noticed that with time, my homelab is growing and with this comes complexity and time required to maintain. A big challenge is keeping on top of updates of firmware and key components (router and NAS, with pfsense and Truenas Scale respectively). What area people doing to ensure they keep on top of their homelab?

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in reply to F04118F

I added renovate to my project over the weekend. I got 26 PRs for updating things I have missed, so it is working well for most part!

The only issue I have with it are a few docker images come from docker hub and I am getting 429 response codes for pinning digests. Do you have any tips for renovate on this? Ideally I'd like it to just update and pin digests on the next update to avoid api hits.

I am doing a regex datasource for most of them since my k8s resources are in yaml files and found right now it strips - alpine and such from the version tags... Haven't looked into this issue too much yet though.

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in reply to

Honestly, k8s + GitOps at home is my project that I'm just starting this week. I found a community around it (on Discord 🤮) called Home Operations.

Docker Hub sucks and is VERY strict with rate limits. Try or the aws container registry.

Why you’ll leave X (as well as Instagram and all the other private platforms)

in reply to psychothumbs

This is definitely worth a read and I very much hope the author's predictions come true, but I think it misses the mark in two big areas.

  1. This article presumes these platforms will remain the same. In reality these companies will pull out all the stops to incentivize users to stay, and if that doesn't work they will just buy up and acquire the competition, wherever the users are. Look at what's happening with tiktok.
  2. Some users - believe it or not - want a way to keep up with IRL friends and acquaintances. Instagram and Facebook provided a great way to do this (however less "great" nowadays). Still, I don't want to email or text every single person I know just to share a photo or a recent event. And honestly I also don't want every acquaintance I have sharing every detail of their lives over text or email or phone. Even with an alternative, we'd have to find and rebuild our personal networks all over again.
in reply to ifGoingToCrashDont

Yes! Instagram is the main way I start in touch with my friends and family and I keep my fb account alive because my parents and aunts/uncles still use it. Whatsapp is also our main form of communication so basically we are super tied to meta. I did close my twitter and Reddit accounts but essentially all the people I care about use meta in some form or another
in reply to ifGoingToCrashDont

Facebook is the only way for me to keep up with what's happening in my town. Lots of the older generation of people are on it and always post what's the best repair people, events or other news worthy things. Basically local news feed.
in reply to ifGoingToCrashDont

Yea it's way too optimistic to presume these companies will not lash out in their death throes. They'd destroy as much as possible on their way out.
in reply to psychothumbs

I'm in my mid 40s huge geek, programmer, gamer...I never had a huge calling to join those platforms. I was always a more forum type. Admittedly I checked out the sites from links of Reddit and such, but never had an urge to join them for anything, probably due wanting to read more conversational type input from others. Maybe I missed out but seems like being an old foggie sort of won out in the end with what I'm reading these days.

I'm sure there was decent conversations on some of the platforms as well, so not saying they were always bad just wasn't something that I had an urge to put time into, mostly so I could game more heh.

La nave Cassiopea è partita per l'Albania con 49 persone migranti a bordo - Il Post

Pronti per un nuovo psicodramma con giudici brutti e cattivi che seguono la legge invece che i desideri governo?

IIRC dall'ultima volta non è cambiato nulla sul piano normativo (forse la cosa di spostare la competenza alla corte d'appello dal tribunale ordinario? immagino non farà nessuna differenza, non è che le corti d'appello siano più malleabili dei tribunali ordinari).

A voler esser stronzi (e contemporaneamente ottimisti!) si potrebbe sperare che si stiano preparino a far un gran rumore su questi 50 poracci per coprire quello di un qualche altro evento (eg. magari un certo ministro finalmente si dimette?). Ok, 100% speculazione.

in reply to Akasazh

The entire history of the Republic of Korea from 1945 to 2025 suggests otherwise. The US propaganda is strong, I see.
in reply to SoJB

Just the case of a leader trying insurrection and holding them accountable. You know, like the US failed to do...
in reply to SoJB

Recognizing the ROK's past dictatorship doesn't mean pretending they aren't more democratic than the US. It isn't black-and-white.
in reply to purplemeowanon

lol imagine thinking that a country where pretty much everything is owned by a handful of families is a democracy
in reply to SoJB

'This is good.'

'But they've fucked up before!'


This is still good.

in reply to schizoidman

Declaring martial law is a very serious step. You do not fuck around with it. This man clearly does not understand his responsibilities.
in reply to schizoidman

If there's anything that deserves the death penalty, it seems like attempting to subvert a democracy because some idiot Youtuber channel convinced you might qualify.

MacOS -> Linux: BetterTouchTool replacement

I'm still trying to get myself over to linux, and I'm having a hard time finding a replacement for BetterTouchTool. Essentially, the app lets you customize multitouch trackpad gestures per-app and system wide with single to 5 finger support.
in reply to Horsey

probably off topic, but i never understand people who actually use a trackpad, as i find them horrible to use and carry around a bt mouse w my notebook so i don't have to use the trackpad. if you have the time, could you please explain a bit why you personally use it? Thanks!
in reply to telepresence

The multitouch trackpad for me is a great way to get the eye candy of having linear animations tied to your finger movement. In a practical sense, I use linear animations in MacOS to "peek" between desktops and pages in Safari all the time. The fact of the matter is that linear animations are just far smoother, and useful than ones that snap into place from a single input trigger. I even have a trackpad for my home desktop setup and literally don't use my traditional mouse unless I'm playing a game that doesn't support controllers.

A good example of this is to compare Windows's app exposé with the MacOS one. In Windows when you swipe up (or down? I forget which one) with 4 (3?) fingers, once you hit a certain point the app exposé just appears no matter how slow or fast you're doing the gesture. On MacOS, you can do the app expose gesture on the trackpad as slow or as fast as you want and it'll animate in time with the speed of your fingers doing the gesture.

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in reply to Horsey

Try Touchegg!… it works very well on X11, not sure on Wayland tho because most DEs get in the way with their gestures.

in reply to NastyNative

All things cost your money, your data, or your soul. And those at the top love nothing more than to trick us into paying all three at once

Demisio kaŭzas malordon en la TEJO-estraro

Pro malaktivado, la dua vicprezidanto de TEJO demisiis. Tamen TEJO momente ne havas elektan komisionon, do ne eblas elekti novan anon al la estraro laŭ la kutima maniero. Provizore la ĝisnuna ĝenerala sekretario anstataŭas la demisiinton. La antaŭa vicprezidanto Snehaja Venkatesh, kiu nun ne membras en la estraro, provizore laŭ decido de la prezidanto transprenis la taskojn de ĝenerala sekretario.…

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in reply to wowwoweowza

South African Nazi ass bitch needs to fucking die. ASAP

Joy in Ramallah as Palestinians welcome freed prisoners

cross-posted from:

By Fayha Shalash in Ramallah, occupied Palestine
Published date: 25 January 2025 17:31 GMT

Joy in Ramallah as Palestinians welcome freed prisoners

cross-posted from:

By Fayha Shalash in Ramallah, occupied Palestine
Published date: 25 January 2025 17:31 GMT

Forum software NodeBB joins the fediverse

in reply to Raymond Shannon

Some would say trump is artificially intelligent.

Some would say that about all of us at some point.

Me, I think we're in the matrix and about to get group flushed as fails 😝

in reply to MyBandicoot

Well, I guess we can say we're done for, Bandicoot 🤷
in reply to MyBandicoot

Me, I think we’re in the matrix and about to get group flushed as fails 😝

That would be a relief at this point.

in reply to Raymond Shannon

Looks like the one of the many copies of this you posted was removed, and that's the one I commented on. My original comment:

I read through most of the executive orders, and while I admittedly skimmed a lot, I didn't notice these kinds of things. Can we get some examples?

I read through the excerpt image you provided. Maybe I'm just not exposed to LLM generated text frequently, but I don't see how that's generative text.

[HELP] LMS to Lyrion migration in docker

I have LMS at its latest version (8.5.3) installed on a VM. I hadnàt updated for a while and so decided to do so. To my surprise, I learnt that Logitech Media Server is now called Lyrion Music Server.
Has anyone migrated from one to the other in a non-painfull way? I did a quick search. There are some guides for Synology and QNAP servers but I was after a more generic guide for pure docker. Anyone come across any?

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in reply to trilobite

I run it on bare metal, had no issues whatsoever, if I recall correctly. This was some months, less than a year, ago. Just installed Lyrion over the LMS (love that it's still LMS ;)

Trump says ‘clean out that whole thing’ as part of his plan for Gaza

cross-posted from:

By Lubna Masarwa in Jerusalem
Published date: 26 January 2025 10:44 GMT

[some very ominous statements from #Trump]

in reply to banshee

While I doubt she would have won a primary, I am disappointed she got shoved into a difficult situation. With all of the zionists in American politics, it’s hard to speak out against it during an election. We will never know what her plans would have been, but I think most of us know anything would have been better than what Trump intends to do. Gaza is prime real estate now, and the developers are salivating.

Trump says ‘clean out that whole thing’ as part of his plan for Gaza

cross-posted from:

By Lubna Masarwa in Jerusalem
Published date: 26 January 2025 10:44 GMT

[some very ominous statements from #Trump]

in reply to JusticeForPorygon

You jest, but I was quite capable of firing a gun at the age of 12 and I didn't grow up in a warzone.
in reply to DeadWorld

Because Israel commits horrific war crimes. There, saved you a click.

in reply to Raymond Shannon

To be fair, I trust ChatGPT to not make typos a hell of a lot more than Trump’s people. AI might be wrong at a high level but it usually gets the little details like typos right.

Yup this is the term of AI…

Fallout: The Frontier Rework Master Document

cross-posted from:…

Most people know of the disasterous launch of (Legacy) Fallout: The Frontier, but did you know about the rework which is underway? That's right, The Frontier's release is still ahead of us, and the team released a master document outlining their plans for the future early September, last year.

P.S: The rework is currently looking for chinese-american voice actors fluent in both mandarin and english for an upcoming faction, if this sounds like you, please consider applying!

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in reply to rosahaj

To what extent is the weird sex stuff going to be preserved?

in reply to bdonvr

Yeah, it becomes one when you start feeling bored by the book you're reading.

in reply to UltraGiGaGigantic

You ever get so excited to smoke some weed you give your bong a cheeky little kiss?
in reply to dumbass

i do; every 👏 single 👏 time 👏 i come back from texas.

Trump suggests Palestinians leave Gaza and ‘we just clean out’ territory

Donald Trump has suggested large numbers of Palestinians should leave Gaza to “just clean out” the whole strip, after ordering the US military to restart shipments of 2,000lb bombs to Israel.

The US president said he wanted Gaza residents to move to neighbouring nations, and that they could be displaced “temporarily or could be long-term”, after a phone call with Jordan’s King Abdullah on Saturday.

“I said to him: I’d love you to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people,” Trump said, when asked about the call.

He also suggested Egypt as a destination for Gaza residents, and said he would raise the issue with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi on Sunday.

in reply to geneva_convenience

WHERE ARE ALL THE GENOCIDE JOE BOTS AT??? Fucking idiots, I can't believe people got swayed by such obvious propaganda into not voting.
in reply to madcaesar

Genocide Joe also tried doing this plan like 5 months into the genocide. Sent American envoy and all to pressure Egypt but to no avail. Egypt would not take them for Biden and it looks like Egypt is not taking them for Trump either.
in reply to geneva_convenience

Yes it's exactly the same but Trump has a more straightforward rhetoric so you were super wrong

don't like this

in reply to geneva_convenience

You are a lying bag of shit

don't like this

in reply to geneva_convenience

genorcide Joe

Okay, enjoy genocide Donald, loser.

don't like this

in reply to geneva_convenience

Why don't the Palestinians just go back to their own country??

Israeli forces shoot, kill Lebanese residents returning south

Israeli forces opened fire on Lebanese people returning to their homes in southern Lebanon on Sunday, killing at least 15 people and injuring 83 others.

Lebanese residents attempted to return to their villages in defiance of Israeli military orders on the day a deadline for the Israeli military to withdraw from Lebanese territory expired.

Israel said on Friday that it would keep its forces in the south beyond the deadline set under a US-brokered ceasefire with Hezbollah. The Israeli government accused Lebanon of not yet fully enforcing the terms of the agreement, requiring the disarmament of Hezbollah in the south and the deployment of the Lebanese army in the area.

Core Elements of Capitalism, Socialism (Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Stages), and Communism

This graph is important

It’s based on the writings of professor Cheng Enfu, President of the Academy of Marxism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of CASS.

Socialism and communism are not one and done processes. They are gradual changes, both Marx and Lenin have addressed this extensively. We can’t just instantly press the big communism button unfortunately.

Core Elements of Capitalism, Socialism (Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Stages), and Communism

This graph is important

It’s based on the writings of professor Cheng Enfu, President of the Academy of Marxism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of CASS.

Socialism and communism are not one and done processes. They are gradual changes, both Marx and Lenin have addressed this extensively. We can’t just instantly press the big communism button unfortunately.

in reply to eldavi

The controversy is that a Chinese enterprise made an LLM that's supposedly cheaper to run than ChatGPT, is better than it in many aspects, and is open source so if you've got your own cluster or rig with a shitton of RAM you can run it yourself.
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in reply to Cysioland

i can infer that it's something like this based on the context; but is there a flamewar about it raging on fascist friendly platforms like twitter or facebook?

in reply to Allah

Don't worry it makes up for it in fake frames..
in reply to りん〜

...That are built into the generation pipeline in a way that pads numbers instead of augmenting real frames. It's dogshit.
in reply to Allah

So for someone who has a 2080ti, should I go with a 50 series card? If so, would anyone have a recommendation? I don’t need it right away by any means, as I’ll need to save up for an upgrade if I even can. I just know that I will need to replace it as newer games come out.
in reply to LucidNightmare

I'm still rocking a 1060. I need to at least get a 2080ti or 3060ti
in reply to LucidNightmare

Always depends on what you're doing with that computer. Is your current gamin experience satisfying? Stay with your current setup. If you don't need it, don't buy it.

Lemmy selfhost hints

Hi all!

I have decided to setup and selfhost my own private Lemmy instance.

I will be doing with docker (podman, actually).

Should I host at home or use a dedicated VPS?

Anybody selfhosting its own Lemmy?

Do you guys have any hints for me?

in reply to Shimitar

If you haven't seen it, headscale is an open source controller for tailscale clients. Assuming your allergies are related to using their public offering.
in reply to johntash

I have heard of headscale, and agree that would fix my allergies.

But I don't have a use case for that either, so...

Maybe in the future, who knows.

Alternatives to VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is ridiculously simple to set up and get virtual machines going. Shared folders, shared clipboard and much more are no issue.


It eats resources. The installed virtual machines (VM) run relatively slow. What have you found to be feature comparable - and most importantly more resource-efficient - alternatives for running VMs under Linux?

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in reply to Einar

Might be that you really don't need VMs but just lightweight namespace containers. If so, you can use docker/podman, systemd-nspawn or various other tools. The overhead will be less than 1% if you stay within the same architecture as your host.…

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in reply to Einar

Virt-manager with qemu-system, although if you use the kvm driver for both performance should be about the same I think.

Don't forget virtualbox has a lot of configuration options that may improve performance, Ive never had a problem with it but also never need high performance from a VM.

IPTV: Why XtreamCube is the Best Choice for Modern Viewers

IPTV: Why XtreamCube is the Best Choice for Modern Viewers


In today's digital age, IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) has become a household name, revolutionizing the way we consume television content. As viewers, we are now well-acquainted with the benefits of streaming TV over the internet. However, with numerous IPTV providers available, choosing the best one can be challenging. In this article, we will explore why XtreamCube stands out as the premier IPTV provider, offering unmatched quality, affordability, and flexibility.

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in reply to rosahaj

Fallout 4 seperated the design for feral and non feral ghouls, making the former more human and the ladder less so. Ignoring that is kinda cherry picky
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in reply to EmoDuck

im not sure what you mean, ferals were also much more monstrous in 3's artstyle. besides, the post mostly shows how they inexplicably have full heads of hair.