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Deleted my affirming Friday post because I can't escape pervy guys replying to me.

I guess that's one more thing I don't get to do here anymore.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Ugh, it sucks to be a woman on the internet sometimes. ๐Ÿซ‚
Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

ugh, thatโ€™s awful. Iโ€™m glad I saw the post, it reminded me to call and talk to someone I havenโ€™t gotten to talk to in a while.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I donโ€™t even know what an affirming Friday post is, and I probably never will. (Iโ€™m not asking you to explain)

it feels like Iโ€™ve come to some really amazing place of beauty in the world that I get to see for the first time, only to look down at a pile of discarded beer cans and cigarette butts.

Iโ€™m sorry people are assholes, I hope you can have a great weekend and not let them get to you.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Ugh, what? I loved your note and Iโ€™m so pissed you were forced to delete it by some assholes.
in reply to Veronica Explains

Shame it's come to this. I kinda started to look forward to seeing it in the feed.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I donโ€™t know what you posted and deleted or what was said to you but carry on affirming because youโ€™re awesome
in reply to Veronica Explains

What post was this? Anyway, cheers and wishing you the best. Hope you don't let the haters/those with malicious intent get to you!
in reply to Veronica Explains

Iโ€™m so sorry that happened. People are horrible.

Except for you. You ROCK, and
good job being you this week!</affirmation>

in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm sorry if I've seemed so down lately, folks.

With notoriety comes attacks, I guess. I was hoping the fediverse would feel different, but it's just not.

filobus reshared this.

in reply to Veronica Explains

a lot of folks say that, if you put yourself in the public eye, you should have thick skin.

While I don't think that's necessarily unhelpful, I think it's a sorry state of affairs that that's a requirement; people should be able to live their lives and not be harrassed regardless of their level of public image.

I'm sorry you have to put up with this just to share your passion and knowledge.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Sorry to read this; just so you know, I did notice that I hadn't seen your affirmation post and I wondered about that. I have enjoyed your presentations. Know that your work has helped me. Best wishes from another Minneapolitan.
in reply to Veronica Explains

For what it's worth, the silent majority of us love and appreciate the vibes and care you bring to the community. I hope the goblins don't break ya down too hard
in reply to Veronica Explains

So sorry you're getting attacked. Please know that there are some of us who follow you who don't want to attack.
in reply to Veronica Explains

Since a few of you have asked, I'll just explain what happened this time.

I posted an affirming message like I do every Friday, with a message like "call someone you miss".

Folks in the comments started sexually harassing me, and when someone pushed back, the harassers said that they have fun harassing me.

My favorite* part of this is that because I'd blocked them, they could carry on talking about how fun it is to harass me and I couldn't see it.

* I don't love this

reshared this

in reply to Veronica Explains

"But Veronica, it's defederated, so there's nothing we can do about that"

I know. That's why I'm saying maybe this place isn't fun for a woman with a following.

in reply to Veronica Explains

I'll start this by saying I know this isn't a "solution" since there isn't one as it's a core design issue, but it might help take some load off of your plate.

You should ask the mods of my instance if you can copy or sync with their block list or something. I don't know if they'd be willing or how you'd even go about doing it but the instance I'm on is super on top of things and gets rid of those problematic instances very quickly.

Seriously, every one of your posts has always appeared squeaky clean to me. I didn't realize that was why at first until I looked at your posts on your instance and saw a bunch of shitty comments from people that I couldn't see on my instance.

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in reply to Veronica Explains

can you choose which instances you federate with, or is it a system where you federate openly with every instance of ActivityPub, and have to filter off the bad ones as they pop up?


in reply to Pope Bob

@bobdobberson Mastodon as a server software supports both modes of operation, but it's a decision on server level.โ€ฆ

@vkc @lucyllewy

reshared this

in reply to Veronica Explains

@lucyllewy ๐Ÿ˜•you saying that reminded me that one of the biggest reasons I left Twitter was because I found myself doing exactly that, spending most of my time on the site playing whack-a-troll, and itโ€™s kind of shit that Mastodonโ€™s โ€œfederationโ€ still results in having to play whack-a-troll but with different controls x_x
in reply to Veronica Explains

"You just want a billboard, you don't want to see negative comments"

I get "negative comments" every day from men when I don't pay attention to them. I get those comments online and offline, in virtually any setting you can imagine.

What I want is a place in this world that's free from that. And this place - the fediverse - isn't it.

reshared this

in reply to Veronica Explains

I am a guy, and I don't understand the mentality of guys that do this. (Why in the world is it "fun" for them?) I have to, unfortunately, accept the fact that people like this exist and they will be wherever other people are -- until something fundamentally changes, but I don't know what that something is.

I'm sorry that women have to experience this.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Entitled commenters are entitled.

Not at all as awful as what happen(s/ed) to you but I have seen a little of this mentality; first month I was here I got some weirdo who 100% seriously argued that the 1st amendment made blocking illegal, and especially the fact that he would not be able to see what I post after being blocked since it was "his right" to see everything everyone posts...

Yeah I did block him about 2 seconds later.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Also... why would anyone want negative comments about anything, except maybe if one is looking for feedback on a project?
in reply to Veronica Explains

Sigh. I hear you, I believe you, this sucks, I don't know what can be done about it, and I'm sorry you and so many other women have to deal with this.
in reply to Veronica Explains

Creepy assholes ruin everything.
Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm so tired of seeing people I follow being harassed and pushed over and complaining over and over again that the platform they're contributing to makes it so hard to minimally protect them. Life is hard as it is.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I've been in and out of twitter and mastodon before exactly because of this. If this platform doesn't protect their creators what's the point of being here? I just don't think this (fediverse and social media in general) is worth it. I miss webrings! I miss people having their own digital castle where they controlled every aspect of their interaction with the world. I miss your posts in, you seemed way happier there and in control of (almost) everything.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm sure people that followed you from twitter to mastodon would gladly just use your site, having an rss line from you reminding me to call someone I love would be so many times better than the most "inclusive" social media, because I would just know that you would be so more comfortable with it there, without the weight of social media on your back.
in reply to Veronica Explains

There is not a single person in mastodon that wishes that mastodon wouldn't exist, that wishes that people would simply blog or vlog with the people that they want without intermediaries, without the necessity of moderation and moderators, I think this technology already exists, and it's about time people to realize that social media it's just something were forcing ourselves to think:"this is actually really good". It's not. It was never meant to be good or make good.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I think Mastodon and/or other activitypub frontends should take a page from xmpp. On xmpp, some servers use a real-time block list module with a centralized subscription. If a user gets reported enough (generally only takes a couple of trusted community members reporting them) then they get added to the list. Every server that the uses the module will automatically start blocking that user. An instance could ignore other instances that don't use the same blocklist subscription
in reply to Veronica Explains

Sorry this had to happen to you.
Maybe you could switch to purely uni-directional broadcast on your work profile (even having it automated or handled by a media manager) and have a more personal account under a nickname. Even minor celebrity seem to be a drag...
in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm sorry that stupid idiots are harassing you. You deserve to be treated better. You are a treasure of the Fediverse!
in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm sorry this is happening to you. This place desperately needs more user focused controls such as choosing who can reply to posts.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm less of an expert than you are, but could it help to mark that kind of messages as followers only?

It wouldn't help grow your reach, but it might help grow community in a slightly more sheltered space.

in reply to Renรฉ Seindal

@seindal No, because it happens with any kind of message. If I just post all messages as "followers only" then I'm losing reach, which is a big point of the fediverse.
in reply to Veronica Explains

Sorry this is happening. ๐Ÿ™ the admins need to at least try and do something about it ๐Ÿค
in reply to Veronica Explains

itโ€™s unlikely but not impossible that these jerks could be tracked down in real life and that someone could give them a visit and a โ€œtalking to.โ€

They think itโ€™s fun because they are horrible people and there are no negative repercussions. If someone shows up on their porch and only talks with them (or their parents), and makes it clear that next time it will be more than a talk, they may find something else to do.

in reply to Veronica Explains

wait... So if you block someone on mastodon they can still see your feed and reply to your posts?
in reply to Veronica Explains

People say that the fediverse has "anti-viral" features - for example, that there is no algorithm other than people's own boosts that promote specific content and make it go viral.

I think this is not really correct.

I have actually come to understand that what this *really* means is that the fediverse *does* have features that chase off people who *do* "go viral"/have a large following. Exactly like you've identified here.

This sucks.

I am happy here, with my fairly small account, but it makes me unhappy that people with actual large reach are not.

in reply to Rob Ricci


It's a people to people web, so huge accounts can't and don't talk back, so can't be "native" to this #opwnweb path we take. So it's not a question of choice, rather a question of path if that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜€

Might be useful to think about this as being #blind to thinking outside our current #dotcons path, thus bring it into the #openweb reboot.

Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

fuck that bullshit. I am so sorry.

You are entitled to receive basic human decency, and respect. Nobody deserves garbage juice drinking chuds ruining their engagement experience as a creator either.

in reply to Veronica Explains

don't mute, block. Mute is when you can't see them, but they still can see you and your posts. It is like putting on a blindfold to cope with people pissing in your vegetable garden.

Mute is really only for media stars who want any engagement from anybody, but don't want to see it from some people because it upsets them. It let's your followers argue with each other without seeing the worst of it.

BLOCK. Block stops the blocked from seeing your future posts. They can't follow anymore.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Another example of designing a system assuming everyone will play nice. We'll never find our Utopia at this rate.
in reply to Veronica Explains

By golly! You're right!: Mastodon needs a comment moderation (and locking) for posts. That is a gaping big hole through which harassment can wheedle itself in right there. We have to be able to stop arseholes from messing with our posts in the comments.

I know: a technical solution to a human problem, but as long as we cannot fix those horrid humans...

Edit: turns out it is being discussed for, among other things, the reasons that affected you:โ€ฆ

Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

The Fediverse, like all social media (and all social institutions) is made of people.

I wish I had better news.

in reply to Veronica Explains

I am so sorry that mastodon is a hostile environment for you. I'm an old unix guy, and I really enjoy l your videos on YouTube, and your posts here: they're funny, they're happy, they're approachable, and they're technically very good.

I hope you find a way to stay here that works for you, but if you can't that's an indictment of Mastodon not a failure on your part, and I'll look forward to continuing to follow you elsewhere.

in reply to Veronica Explains

I'm not sure how to fix this, but I really feel we should be able to.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I have a solution. You have to call out these guys for their "social media masturbation". Afterall, what is masturbation? A behavior that makes you feel good, but does not do any good for anyone else The concept is more fully explored here:โ€ฆ
Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

I refuse to believe sane people behave like that. I chalk it up to chaos-friendly entities intentionally sowing division. Or mental children who have not yet learned how to live in society. I know it doesn't mean much, but you have my full 100% support for you to be you. - Peace and love from northeast Kansas, USA, Earth, System of Sol, Milky Way galaxy, Local Galaxy Group, Virgo Supercluster. (Edit: Fixed the misspelling)
Questa voce รจ stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to Veronica Explains

I know that @thisismissem is working on trust & safety tools for mastodon, I wonder if she has any thoughts on what tools can help with this problem or if others are working on them?
in reply to Veronica Explains

People suck, and that's my contention. I can prove it on a scratch paper and pen. Give me a fucking Etch-a-sketch, I'll do it in three minutes. The proof, the fact, the factorum. I'll show my work, case closed. I'm tired of this back-slapping "Aren't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.

--Bill Hicks.

in reply to Veronica Explains

Damn, I'm so sorry this crap is so widespread and sorry it happens to you or anyone.
in reply to Veronica Explains

I really wish Mastodon would allow a followers-only reply feature. Iโ€™m sorry youโ€™re experiencing this. And more sorry for the inevitable replies about how great the fediverse is from white men who donโ€™t experience this.
in reply to Veronica Explains

damn, i really enjoyed them. now i think i understand what another youtuber was saying about sub-tooting.