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Please remember that Mastodon doesn't have a marketing team or budget. Whatever media coverage Mastodon gets is from inbound interest from journalists. The growth of the platform has been predominantly through word of mouth. If you want the fediverse to grow, tell your friends.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Also helps to be welcoming and helpful to new users. Mastodon has a reputation for really rancid vibes/scolding.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I would love it to grow, and I think the Fediverse is a very important ecosystem.

But to achieve that, Mastodon also needs to grow up with much better user safety tools.

Especially things that some other platforms have, such as controlling who can reply or answer.

I realise that's not necessarily that easy to implement, but I think that without it, a lot of people will no longer find this a safe (and fun) enough place.

in reply to Derick Rethans

@derickr Why limiting who can reply matters? Honest question, never felt need for it, and people who use these features are usually not fun in the first place.
in reply to Ilija Studen

@ilijastuden Your (any mine) experience isn't everyone else's.

Listening how other people experience things here is mega important if you don't want to push people away.


Deleted my affirming Friday post because I can't escape pervy guys replying to me.

I guess that's one more thing I don't get to do here anymore.

in reply to Derick Rethans

One of the really important parts here is how the only moderation tool that's available to her to stop the harassment is to delete her entire post. Blocking the harassers does not stop them being able to interact with each other on replies on her post. And been unable to limit replies to followers makes alt accounts for harassers even more effective here.


in reply to Robyn

@RedRobyn @ilijastuden @derickr
"Only"? What about Block&Report? In my experience moderators have been quite quick and responsive dealing with overt violations of server rules, and ready to defederate from instances that don't enforce those rules. But the mods can't do shit if you don't report.
in reply to Artemesia

She quite specifically says blocking them does not stop them continuing to interact with each other on the thread. It only stops her seeing it
I understand that even if they can no longer see her posts they are still there, still seeing everyone else's and still visible to others. It's also potentially draining whack-a-mole work.

Reporting assumes that the harassers host admins give a shit. Anecdotally if they don't it can also lead to .targeting

@ilijastuden @derickr @Gargron

in reply to Robyn

@RedRobyn @ilijastuden @derickr
You know that admins on your own instance can block or limit users on other hosts, and defederating from the offending instance will be discussed? Perhaps my experience with mods has been more positive than yours.
in reply to Artemesia

I have a small and relatively inoffensive account. But I listen to and believe victims of harassment. I think it's interesting that the most pushback I get is when I try to amplify their voices.
The short answer is no, not everyone gets a good response from their own admins, and no "just move then" is not helpful advice.

@ilijastuden @derickr @Gargron

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thatโ€™s one side of the deal. The other is to listen to the needs of the full diversity of users. If you want us all to be your marketing team, you need to accept everyone on your product team too.

the esoteric programmer reshared this.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

we try so hard.
The book with a long interviewโ€ฆ
The free Talk from Public Spacesโ€ฆ w @bjoernsta where the NL mastodon team spoke too.
Deeply sorry that journalism has become a cosy copy bubble.
Deerply sorry that our colleagues are that supid ignorant.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I'm more a "quality over quantity" guy, but if you want more people to come over here, you need to provide the tools that folks have been asking for for years. Like quote posts, and banning racist accounts. So many people come here and give up because of the toxicity, and they are the ones who you would have wanted, because they post interesting, fun content.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Are you planning to have a marketing team in the future, given enough budget, or it's a deliberate decision?
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; John Mastodon need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
in reply to Eugen Rochko


Mastodon moderation tools need improvement.

Please listen to disadvantaged groups and individuals who are victims of bullying and harassment.

There are many examples where the Mastodon moderation capabilities are weaponized against disadvantaged people.

Please share widely.

#Harassment #Bullying #Moderation

in reply to Eugen Rochko

add safety tools to address harassing posts from people who are new to the recipient
in reply to "Dear Dr." ionizedgirl

@ionizedgirl Harassment is a complex multi-faceted issue that we're addressing on multiple ends, but filtering notifications from specific sources is something that's been live for a couple months on and in the nightlies.

reshared this

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I don't have any complaints (I love it here), but I beg you to check out some recent posts by @vkc, as they highlight patterns of abuse that most people aren't aware of -- and because she has done everything reasonable and possible to block the abusers, but still gets targeted.


in reply to Eugen Rochko

safety is a top priority to make good on your nonprofit mission. @ionizedgirl
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in reply to Eugen Rochko

I still worry that Mastodon is effectively invisible to website owners because of `noreferrer` on outbound links. I know the community has spoken, but I'm not sure about the trade-off.โ€ฆ

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Will do, boss! :smurf:
(Just kidding, here's my list of demands and grievances that have to be met until midnight or the dog gets it.)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

and if youโ€™re a writer/editor, keep pitching Mastodon stories!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Yes I tell them and they say: nice but not enough range. Stupid them.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I am not sure if I want the Fediverse to grow. I never felt welcome. The cancel culture is worse than on Twitter before Elon, and the post deletion mechanisms are not compatible with a #constitutional #democracy. I wish social media not to fail, but Mastodon has a long way to go before it contributes to a solution for our current problems.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I posted this as reply to all interesting accounts I follow on the old twitter:

Do you also post on mastodon or bluesky?
Especially for the brazilian fans...

Sorry for not making it mastodon only.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

In lieu of financial support, which I'm not prepared to offer right now, I'm happy to consult a few hours on strategic communications, media training, etc.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I donโ€™t really mind if fed remains the size it is. Looking towards perpetual growth is part of the reason why many central platforms have become shit.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I tell my friends but they never listen to me. If they did, they would install Signal instead of solely using Facebook Messenger
in reply to Eugen Rochko

trying this, promoting mastodon on twitter, feel free to likeโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Hi, feel like promoting #mastodon ? We are going to raid elon Muskโ€™s #centralized #proprietary #twitter #twixxer #x promoting to migrate here. If you feel like promoting the #fediverse against proprietary centralized social media, this is your chance. Feel free to post links below and to boost the ones below ๐Ÿ˜€. #foss #elonmusk #elon #musk #hatespeech #transphobia #racism #protecttranskids

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I no longer promote Mastodon to anyone. The harassment problem needs to be solved before I would do so, because while I am as replete with white privilege as can be, the vast majority of people I consider friends are highly marginalized in one way or another.

I am here strictly because it has no monetization being attempted, but I am already scanning the horizon for what else is being developed. My guess is it will talk to Mastodon, in a limited way, if things continue as they have.

Unknown parent

Evan Prodromou
@gemlog @cwebber I disagree; I think everybody deserves a chance to try the open social Web.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

and tell your politicians. If the politicians come, the journalists will follow
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Chiming in here just to say Mastodon is great and thank you.

It must feel oppressive. Everytime you post something, people take the opportunity to catalog their issues and complaints. In large measure it's because people love Mastodon and just want it to get even better, but it must be hard.

Folks, here's a person who's devoted his young life to creating something very special, not to get rich, but to make the world better. So, thank you Eugen, and yes we'll keep spreading the word.

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in reply to Mastodon Migration

So glad I left X, I have found a great little community & admin @stux

Thanks to you and all who mastodon!

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in reply to Mastodon Migration

I have been spreading the word. And like every good ally, I'm providing the feedback from my efforts.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I've been trying to invite both my IRL friends and online friends, but I seem to be the only one interested in federated/FOSS alternatives to... well, anything.
Unknown parent

Evan Prodromou

@gemlog @cwebber that's a long time for a lot of people to be stuck in siloed social networks.

It's fine if you have other things to do.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

You can also just add a mastodon link at the same rank as any social media, this way it could grow.
in reply to Eugen Rochko


I mean with all the antisemitism baked into the fediverse from it's eastern european origins, and not dealt with in any serious way on purpose, with jewish voices overwhelmed, abused, and regularly and systematically silenced in defending ourselves, I really can't suggest Mastodon or any of the other Fediverse social media to anyone. I'm glad it was available when I left Twitter, but I can't recommend it

in reply to Eugen Rochko

If you want software developers work on open source software, tell your friends about them.
in reply to Evan Prodromou

@Evan Prodromou Exactly. This is not about becoming huge with the aim of attracting venture capital (well, maybe for Mastodon it is a bit like that ๐Ÿ˜ˆ), but it is about giving the opportunity to the greatest number of people to access the free social networks of the free fediverse

@Kermode @Christine Lemmer-Webber @Eugen Rochko
