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How often do you think of the European Commission?

Consider this: every time we strive to make our Union stronger and fairer, it’s with you in mind.

Doing this is in our fabric and an essential part of who we are.

Check this explainer to discover us a bit more ⬇️

in reply to European Commission

I thought a lot about you when you proposed breaking private communications for all EU citizens. It was barely avoided, but you are still on my mind, as #chatcontrol and similar draconian invasions of privacy haven't been rejected by vote or law, but simply postponed until the people are distracted by something else.

Lately, I'm thinking a lot about you.

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in reply to European Commission

I would think of it even more and more favourably if we wouldn't have to fight half of the decisions being made there because of the wishes of some small special interest groups and the heavy lobbying.

But keep it up, i still have hope.
Even the majority of the British realized it by now that it was better in the EU than where they are currently. So that's a +1 for the EU.

in reply to European Commission

You people tried to establish a law last week, that would have infringed on hundreds of millions of european citizens right of privacy in communication. Stuff like that and how many european commissioners deliberately lobby while being in office and mishandle funds has NOTHING to do with fairness. Nothing.
The only thing stuff like this does, is raise the suspicion, that the second you are stopped being watched you would sell us of without a second thought.
in reply to European Commission

Every time I send a message to someone, I have to think how You are constantly trying to approve a law to spy on my Private communication.
Then I have to think how You also tried to put an exception in that same law, so Your communication would not be scanned.
Some people are more equal than others, ah??
Questa voce è stata modificata (7 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

This does not matter much if you don't stop Chat Control first. It will tear down the "essential part of who we are" and turn us into sheep.
in reply to European Commission…
As i watched this Video, i thought a lot about you.
Questa voce è stata modificata (7 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

each time I hear "chatcontrol" I think very negatively of you.
And that happens several times per day. PER DAY!!!
in reply to European Commission

Soyou want to know what we are thinking?
This is why you want chat control, so that you always know what we are thinking, even when it's private.
in reply to European Commission

I think a lot about the European Commission because it is sneaky and snoopy.…
Questa voce è stata modificata (7 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

I think about you every day, because #chatcontrol and #EuGoingDark are still hot topics.

There are also good things coming from the commission, but increased mass surveillance is unfortunately the dominating image I have of you.

in reply to European Commission

Considering that Commission wants to enact end of privacy, a lot.

Also every time I open a bottle.

in reply to European Commission

I think you should all be unemployed. I do not consent to you, your organisation, your goals, or ideals. Resign.
in reply to European Commission

Apart from the things mentioned above, I want to add something positive:
I think of you when our pupils at school do #erasmusplus projects. The programme is a great and inclusive opportunity for Europeans to learn more about digitalisation, sustainability, inclusion and diversity, democracy,...
And all that making great new experiences with people from all over Europe. Thank you for this great programme!
Questa voce è stata modificata (6 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

"it’s with you in mind." I believe that. It's only who it's fair to etc. that worries me. #taxtherich #chatcontrol
in reply to European Commission

Green deal was s thing, which seems to get lost. The rest is chat control, the worst thing you ever could come up with. Not of any use except to spy on each and every European citizen (which would be your domain), and the rest of the world, because of "why not". So, to get a better reputation, just bury chatcontrol as it is useless anyway, and evil, and aim for better targets
in reply to European Commission

I'm really worried about the EU Commission many times a day.
You have to be wise and you have to be strong. Europe and the EU is the best thing that could happen to us.

But why do you screw up our climate and environment, why do you lead us towards an digital colony, why do you want to control our everyday live?
From digital Euro (use GNU Taler!) to Chatcontrol, from MS365 to iPads, from ClimateChange to Donald Trump, ...
Be string, be clever, be inclusive, protect the weak, protect our values, protect (digital) freedom and make yourself independent from companies and lobbyists coming from US, China, Putin, SaudiArabia, ...

in reply to European Commission

I also think of you when I learn that you want to sue the European Data Protection Supervisor instead of making US companies comply with EU laws.
in reply to European Commission

Wie die meisten in diesem thread bin ich froh über die Existenz der EU, aber unzufrieden mit dem Demokratiedefizit (Wahl der Kommission...) und besorgt insbesondere über
- die unzureichende Friedenspolitik / Diplomatie
- die soziale Ungerechtigkeit,
- die Abschaffung des Asylrechts,
- zu wenig Umweltschutz und
- bedrohte Bürgerrechte.
Wie sollen wir uns dabei eine menschenwürdige Zukunft vorstellen?
#Chatkontrolle #privacymatters
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