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This is why I have been trying to warn about #BlueSky.

BlueSky has just been partially bought by a cryptocurrency company "Blockchain Capital" and appointed a blockchain / cryptocurrency expert to their board:…

The board member is a bitcoin researcher involved with NFT analytics.

BlueSky describe the tie-up with Blockchain Capital as a "natural partnership" and says the blockchain company has "a uniquely deep understanding of our decentralized foundation".

(via @jwz)

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in reply to Fedi.Tips

bluesky is nazi Jack, elons bff, new scam. Ditch that trash. delete bluesky & fb.

@FediTips @jwz

in reply to Tor Iver Wilhelmsen

@toriver @skykiss The "same mistakes" that Blockchain Rasputin was talking about were "banning Nazis" and "having moderation at all".

reshared this

in reply to jwz

@toriver @skykiss
and he left BS to back nostr, that was a cryptoshilling decentralized social network right from the start.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Just another corporation. Been saying that all along but some people block and "report" me for the truth.

Truth haters are welcome to block me but reporting me to the admin is useless because I AM an admin on Beamship 😂

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in reply to Fedi.Tips

By "uniquely deep understanding" do they mean "large, open wallet"?

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Quokka


Possibly! Also, it's strange they would say that about Blockchain Capital if they had no intention of incorporating blockchain 🤮 into BlueSky.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

@quokka1 I'd expect some sort of announcement of a "partnership" or "merger" between Nostr and Bluesky sometime soon.

Dorsey's all in on crypto and since he's the primary shareholder in bsky, this announcement should come as a surprise and shock to absolutely no one. It was just a matter of time since the platform was released, because the AT protocol was designed for cyrptocurrency integration.

So now all the crypto spam that riddles Nosr is coming to a Bluesky instance near you. Buckle up, buttercup!

in reply to Fedi.Tips

LOL. Where does the corporate apology industry come up with these fake descriptions? A social networking company needs a "natural partnership" with a cryptocurrency company, like a fish needs a bicycle.

The absurdity and betrayal of customers is typical of private equity, not a responsible social networking company that claims to honor its customers' privacy.

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in reply to Fedi.Tips

While true, the team in that article also state that they "will not hyperfinancialize the social experience (through tokens, crypto trading, NFTs, etc.)"

I do hope that this remains true, as the more alternatives to the bird site, the better. A lot of people still see Mastodon as too isolated, which is fair.

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in reply to Sean 📱

The statement means nothing though.

It doesn't say they won't use those things, it just says they won't "hyperfinancialize the social experience" with those things. What does that actually mean? Why didn't they just say "We won't use them"?

What we do know is they've appointed to the board someone whose expertise consists entirely of bitcoin, NFTs, DAOs and blockchain:…

"... researched bitcoin, ... joined crypto VC firm Blockchain Capital... funding round for an NFT analytics platform... cofounder of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)..."

Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing The Bluesky team said that for their primary revenue source, instead of ads, they were looking at profile customisation and high quality video uploads behind a subscription model, which to me sounds similar to Discord Nitro.
in reply to Sean 📱


They've just partially sold themselves to Blockchain Capital and appointed someone to the board whose entire expertise is blockchain, bitcoin, NFTs, DAOs.

Why would they do that if they intend to ignore blockchain and make money from video subscriptions?

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Call me a sufferer of an infantile disorder if you must, but I want an UNMONETIZED social experience, not merely an unhyperfinancialized one.
in reply to Sean 📱

@sirsean ah... they will not "hyperfinancialize", oh that's reassuring! Maybe they will just "superfinancialize the social experience", or maybe just "financialize the social experience" for starters! Or maybe they're gonna go all in and "ultrafinancialize the social experience"! So many opportunities! /s
in reply to Sean 📱

@sirsean I feel like the isolation here (from widespread advertisements, from open propaganda, etc) should be treated more as a feature, not a bug.

@FediTips @jwz

in reply to xinit ☕

@xinit That's a good point, but a flow on effect of that, is isolation from a younger audience.

Unfortunately Mastodon doesn't have the attention of the younger audience, which leads to an average age similar to that of Facebook and LinkedIn, rather than Twitter, Instagram.

Thus, if you want to see discussions and opinions for an older age group, Mastodon is great. If you want the younger audience, you'll have to look elsewhere.

in reply to Sean 📱

@sirsean maybe the way forward is with an easy to learn instance that has roughly the same function as a BlueSky would with regard to Fedi, but run non-profit. No need to pick an instance for the 20 something's.

With a clean app, etc that could appeal to the people raised on corporate algorithms (CA). Hell, an open recommendation engine that simulates those CA, but with accessible configuration for a feed. Dial up the noise, dial down the signal, or whatever you prefer.

@FediTips @jwz

in reply to xinit ☕

Pick an instance seems to me a direct consequence of defederation, which seems to me a direct consequence of federation, decentralization, implementing at smaller than server farm scale, and smaller than server farm startup costs. Better perhaps to develop the same effort into more seamless account portability between instances.
in reply to lori

@lori full account portability would be nice, especially if there were a way to trigger it securely should an instance shit down spontaneously.

@sirsean @FediTips @jwz

in reply to xinit ☕

@xinit @lori @sirsean Sadly full account portability would require public key cryptography which was dropped in one of the Mastodon updates and was barely supported to begin with.

It's also why Bluesky went with a new protocol instead of ActivityPub.

That portability only works if follows, posts, likes and reposts aren't tied to domains and are instead tied to cryptographic keys.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


Blockchain is nothing to do with AI/LLM?

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Thanks for posting this - I've been seeing cryptic Bluesky related posts all day, but had no clue what they were about. Now the other shoe has dropped! Not surprised, wasn't this all built by Mr Twitter? Why would it be any better the second time around?
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Love that bit about how they won't "hyperfinancialize" the site, which I can only assume is something distinct from merely turbofinancializing or ultrafinancializing it.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Siiiigh. I've been resisting getting a Bluesky account for a long time, but recently had begun to reconsider as they seemed active and nothing too bad had happened. But now the other shoe has dropped. They crumbled before my resolve did.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Never trusted the weaselly little bastards. This is why
in reply to Fedi.Tips

This won't shock anyone who's been paying attention. Their CEO Jay Graber comes from crypto.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

good thing I heeded the warnings (here and elsewhere) and never even considered Bluesky!
in reply to Fedi.Tips

From what I gather in the comments, it seems the users are okay with it as long as there are no actual crypto stuff and no ads. Not a high bar to clear, but when your other experience is with Twitter, you'd take what you can get.

The Fediverse is still the more optimal choice, but overall I'm more cautiously optimistic about Bluesky rn. It's interesting to see how it will sustain itself in the future without succumbing to ads, and maybe there's lessons to learn from it too.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Sir I am a Blockchainian Prince. I am reaching out to you to help move my cryptocurrency fortune out of the country from a frozen account.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

how many times do we have to learn the lesson that private companies should never control a public good?
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


None of this is speculation, the text is all directly from their own press release.

"They say the won't make any use of crypto-shit"

That's not what they said. The only thing they ruled out was "hyperfinancializing the social experience", but that phrase doesn't mean anything.

Here's what it comes down to: why would they partially sell themselves to a blockchain company and put a blockchain expert on the board if they don't intend to use blockchain?

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Ok but "This does not change the fact that the Bluesky app and the AT Protocol do not use blockchains or cryptocurrency, and we will not hyperfinancialize the social experience (through tokens, crypto trading, NFTs, etc.)."
So this isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Is the lack of information in the post an act of fearmongering? Possibly. Read your news, people!
in reply to BlueStaggo :blobfoxcomfycomputer:


The only thing that statement says about their future is they won't "hyperfinancialize the user experience".

As that phrase is meaningless, they haven't really said anything about their future plans.

What we do know for sure from the press release is they have just partially sold themselves to a blockchain company, and appointed a blockchain specialist to their board. We also know their CEO has a background in blockchain and cryptocurrencies too.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

" they'll pay that back in a year."

This isn't a loan. The blockchain VCs now have partial ownership of Bluesky and a seat on the board. They will want profits, and then bigger profits after that, forever. It's not sustainable.

Also, even before this deal, the CEO of BlueSky is also from a blockchain/cryptocurrency background.

As far as I can tell, most of the BlueSky board is now blockchain/cryptocurrency people.

Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
@checkmite @FediThing @sirsean Remember whatsapp's early business model? 1$ a year and user, they practically *swam* in money. they got 15M users already, convert 5% to paying 1$ a month and they'll pay that back in a year.
in reply to Flauschdompteur

@checkmite @FediThing @sirsean unlike twitter, bsky actually keeps up an insane pace of new features and progress, their moderation is decent, and e-long keeps driving users to them. people might actually want to get a paid tier this time, to prevent the service from being sold off to some billionaire because no one wants to fund it.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

yes, that was to be expected.

I’m glad that Mastodon is licensed under AGPL, because that makes it much less likely to be proprietarized (as long as a diverse enough group of people contributes).

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈
I'm guessing they will enshittify regardless of whatever nominal features they have on paper. 😦 Especially if they start adding blockchain into the mix.
Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Everyone who read this post and responded with, "This is just FUD, the press release clearly said they would NOT do hyperfinancialization, you are overreacting, here is a link to primary journalistic sources, I am very smart" --
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


VCs aren't interested in building serious use cases, they're interested in making as much money as possible and then selling to someone else.

That's why so much of the internet is "enshittified", because the owners of sites and services care more about getting rich than what actually happens to the users or services they build.

Blockchain seems to encourage this behaviour to go to extremes, as seen in the documentary "Line Goes Up":…

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Companies claiming to have 'uniquely deep understanding' sounds very nefarious to humans I know.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

If Mastodon is so much better than Bluesky, then explain this
Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
Unknown parent

gotosocial - Collegamento all'originale
Especially now that the FTC sez you have to let people exit from subscriptions.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

don't see that they did it,
had read the post and nothing bad there.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Actually, they weren't bought out partially, just some A series funding stuff, but as the blog says, they won't make it into a crypto based thing, so I don't see any reason for anyone to worry about it, Bluesky is a perfectly fine service, and if they also implement federation, that will make it better.
in reply to Alex Chapman

"A series funding" means buying part of the company:…

"Series A, B, and C are funding rounds ... providing outside investors the opportunity to invest cash in a growing company in exchange for equity or partial ownership. ... The terms come from the series of stock being issued by the capital-seeking company."

When you take funding like this, you are giving them ownership of part of your company.

And the blog does not say they won't use blockchain. They say they won't "hyperfinancialize the social experience" but this is a meaningless phrase.

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing Oh well, I dunno why people are so bothered by it, as long as it don't turn into X 2.0 we'll be fine, and the chances of that happening are like extreeeemely slim
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Yeah, Bluesky is not worth it. Just more tech bros in power. Plus, their attempts to filter content are laughable and are often self defeating.

But I need to know, WTF is an "NFT Analyst"?!? Seems like a pretty simple gig, tbh. I think Keanu Reeves showed that he nailed the job requirements here:…

#nfts #keanureeves #bluesky

in reply to Fedi.Tips

BlueSky writes in the announcement:
"Our lead, Blockchain Capital, shares our philosophy that technology should serve the user, not the reverse — the technology being used should never come at the expense of the user experience".

Ah, the user experience! Meta (or any other big-tech company in the surveillance capitalism league) would probably come up with a simular statement if asked ...!

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Seriously. This is the worst. Every time I say, 'It isn't so bad' this week, life tacks on another pack of bullshit like this. I seriously tire of life right now.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

whatever, they deserve to be duped again, we'll still be here whenever they're ready.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

@FediThing At some point I think it's what will happen: Bluesky will introduce paid plans for advanced features, but the protocol is anyway open and your data are yours.
Want to build something new with AT Proto? Go on, nobody will stop you.

VCs are happy, people are happy too.

It's not black or white.

in reply to Alessandro

They absolutely will stop me, because AT protocol is deliberately structured to depend on expensive relay servers which I cannot afford to run myself.

This is in contrast to ActivityPub where running your own server costs a tiny fraction of the price and is truly independent.

AT seems to have been designed to make companies money rather than give control to the grassroots community.

Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.s. A number of people have pointed out that the current CEO of BlueSky is also from a blockchain/cryptocurrency background:

2015 - Engineer at blockchain company SkuChain

2015 - Worked assembling bitcoin mining equipment

2016 - Developer on Zcash cryptocurrency

2019 - Happening Inc founder (cannot find any trace of this, no idea if it involves blockchain)

2021 - CEO of BlueSky

Also, the current BlueSky board seems to be three people: two blockchain experts and one non-blockchain person.

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

I'm guessing BlueSky's main worry is how to make money from a free site without it becoming an advertising or personal-data tracking company. As with nostr, crypto people like to think cryptocurrencies are one way this would be possible, it allowing their users to make pennies (or sats) from their content, with the site getting a slice of that. If that's their thinking though, it'll change the way some of their users will use or view the site.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

The problem in our society today is that everyone thinks IT services are free. I donate to Mastodon and my instant operator every month. I doubt whether my contribution covers the costs, but I am doing something.

Only a fraction of people do this. And probably even fewer at BlueSky. I suspect that BlueSky will start advertising sooner or later.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

"bitcoin researcher involved with NFT analytics." sounds like the biggest bullshit job on the planet.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

No surprises here. Bsky scored very high on my enshittification bingo card since day one, but there's no need to go through the whole list. The most important parts:
- Is it closed source? Yes (partially).
- Is it for-profit? Yes.
- Is it centralized? Yes.

Such projects turn into garbage very fast these days. Historically, the process was much slower (although the end result was the same).

in reply to Fedi.Tips

@mynameistillian "Just one more centralized social media platform bro it won't enshittify trust me bro just one more twitter clone"
in reply to Fedi.Tips

fyi I wrote up a semi-technical bit on BS’s so-called decentralization here…

And it hit hackernews here…

which actually has some good back-and-forth with some actual #BlueSky devs and others. I think the BlueSky devs and ATProtocol hobbyists have some good ideas and good intentions, but they’re also being used by a company that’s owned by assholes and driven by greed.

So, you know how Facebook is a corporation with a lot of spread-out servers that talk to a centralized database and algorithm that controls and manages all your posts, opaquely, for profit.

And so is Xwitter. And so is LinkedIn. And so is TikTok.

And so is BlueSky. 😲

BlueSky's big claim is that they're "decentralized" with "no algorithm". And yeah, technically, ironically, everything's an algorithm, but I'm not well-actuallying that word. Their current default feed algorithm is not The Algorithm; it lets you see all the posts from all your friends and that's great. It also lets you block at will, and won't shove spam on your feed, or shadow-ban your friends' political posts. It's not evil (yet). It's fine.

But. It's not decentralized. #BlueSky is a centralized corporate app, running a theoretically-decentralized network protocol that currently has only one (1) active node on the network: BlueSky. The other minor members of the ATP network are just piggybacking on BlueSky's 13 million captive users for auth and reach.

It (allegedly?) uses #ATProtocol to pass messages between its edge nodes. But all its central features are still centralized, and the protocol allows "reach" to be centrally managed separately from "speech" (to enable centralized blocking, and goosing and filtering in various feeds), and the protocol isn't even fully implemented as designed.

For example, ATP allows for "DID"s for identity portability, so if you later want to switch to a hypothetical GreenSky competitor, you won't lose your followers and blocklist and post history.

But the actual BlueSky app does not implement DIDs. It's called "did-placeholder" on their github. It's a stub. It's TBD. It's not a feature, it's a feature request.

And guess who just bought a seat on BlueSky's board with a $15M Series A round? That's right, a crypto vulture named Blockchain Capital.

Their general partner Kinjal Shah -- whose cryptocurrency-fueled career has careened from Bitcoin to NFTs to DAOs to VC -- is now on the BlueSky board, and methinks the press release doth protest too much when it defensively claims, with just a pinky promise, "the Bluesky app and the AT Protocol do not use blockchains or cryptocurrency, and we will not hyperfinancialize the social experience (through tokens, crypto trading, NFTs, etc.)."

Go ahead and enjoy BlueSky. It's better than Facebook. It's easier than Mastodon. It's sassier than TikTok. It's not motherfucking Xitter. But it's not decentralized.


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in reply to Fedi.Tips

I didn't think that they were privacy respecting in the first place lol

They've always looked sketchy to me

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Who’s bread you eat, their songs you will sing.
Questa voce è stata modificata (3 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

It's a natural partnership. Bluesky needs money and Blockchain Capital is willing to give them money.
in reply to Glenn

It's not someone giving someone else money. This isn't a loan or a donation.

Bluesky are (partially) selling themselves to Blockchain Capital, that's why there is someone from Blockchain Capital on Bluesky's board now.

Selling your company to VCs tends to lead to enshittification because VCs usually want lots of profits and growth, even if it's unsustainable in the long term. There's an example of something similar happening here:…

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