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Which Linux distro are you all rocking these days, and why?

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in reply to Linux For Everyone

Just switched over to Pop!_os like a week or two ago, but i've been running fedora for the last 5 years.
The reason is that since Cosmic is relatively new, maybe i can mean something in it's development by way of fixing bugs or whatnot. Never had any issues with fedora, but i'm really liking where pop!_os is headed so i'm trying to keep on top of it 😀
in reply to Vancha :fedora:

@vancha Wow, it's been a minute (3 years or so?) since i've used Pop. Might be time to circle back.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Could be worth a try ^ ^
I'm fine with both, and for my day to day work the two would be identical. I wonder how suitable the new version of pop would be for the average user when it comes out though. It's likely to be a little rough around the edges, although the beta does look promising already. A bit bare-bones, but promising.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

I've got fedora on my laptop and Manjaro on my PC (mainly because I thought I could set up the gamepad UI but it ended up being incompatible with my nvidia gpu)
in reply to Linux For Everyone

LMDE-6 for legacy HW from 2005. It's so cool in speed and convenience, that I prefer doing web activities with FF here, also GIMP, LO and Inkscape.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

In the last year, I've used Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian (first KDE then GNOME).

I've stuck with Debian GNOME the longest because it works best with the software I rely on.

in reply to Linux For Everyone

Fedora Silverblue on desktop.
Fedora IoT on home server.
Bazzite on my HTPC (we call it BMO box because of the startup movie I set as BMO from adventure time).
Bluefin on family laptop.
PureOS on phone.
in reply to :silverblue:

@torbuntu Wow, I’ve been out of the game too long. Haven’t even heard of Bazzite until now!
in reply to Linux For Everyone

I definitely recommend it for a gaming distribution. Which reminds me I use SteamOS on my steam deck hah, whoops.

Bazzite is great. It turned my HX99G into the perfect Steam Machine game console.

Unknown parent

Linux For Everyone
@waimus Nice! Can’t remember the last time I made it that long without distro hopping.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

why hop all of the time, because you can, or actually looking for something that is missing, I always wonder. On the other hand, I currently have three Linux laptops and they run Fedora, Arch and Debian, so maybe I have no urge to switch, as I’m very well covered.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Arch as my main OS and Mint (Debian Edition) for work and relatives.

Both just keep on chugging and have great communities around them. Also Arch wiki has a solution to 99.99% of my issues with it. And LMDE w/Auto Updates is a lifesaver for relatives 🥳

in reply to Koutsie :unverified:

@k Ha! Yea, I’ve found the Arch Wiki has solutions to a ton of issues even outside of Arch itself.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Fedora! Been a RedHat Linux user since the 90's and somehow stayed within that family. Used Gentoo for a while, but finally returned...
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Kubuntu primarily, seems to be most functional out-of-box for me, and also probably due simply to familiarity with 'Buntus for years now.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Manjaro, because it's really stable on my hardware, I'm used to pacman from runing Antergos back in the day and with KDE it looks sooo great
in reply to Linux For Everyone

arch with kde because it just works and I want all the new stuff
in reply to Niels Roetert

@tuxlife For me personally, it was always about discovering the nuances and perks of each distro, and trying to convey that to my audience (especially for Linux newcomers).

Also, I may have a very strange addiction to installers...

in reply to Linux For Everyone

I'm on Arch mainly for the AUR and testing new stuff. But when I'm doing work I'm on Fedora. It's good to hear from you!
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Debian 12 Xfce - stable, low stress, community built, does everything I need it to (and does it well) without feeling over engineered.
Unknown parent

@waimus same here. I use KDE on fedora since version 36. Before I ran arch, but it was too unstable. Never looked back
in reply to Linux For Everyone

For sure Debian. Ever since i installed potato in around 2000 ish there have been no other distro.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

i build my own custom pre-configured Debian ISO for all my machines. Stock packages, different settings, basically saves me the setup work.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

presently on RebornOS - I came back to Linux a few months back and have always been a KDE fan and wanted plasma 6 and having used manjaro before wanted a Arch base. However I don't like living on the command line (so not EndeavourOS) and Manjaro keeps breaking for me/still hadn't gone to plasma 6. Hence I found RebornOS which is more gui focused and have had no problems with at all. Love their installer options too. Surprised it is still a lesser known distro tbh.
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in reply to Linux For Everyone

A custom Fedora Silverblue image, based on Universal Blue's stuff.

Desktop is (mostly) vanilla GNOME, most of the customizing is under the hood

in reply to Linux For Everyone

openSUSE Tumbleweed. You get latest software quite quickly but it is all tested vi their QA so it is a very stable for a rolling release distro. Also has one of the best integrations of KDE Plaasma. It also has a great YaST control center and very nice btrfs+snapper integration out of the box.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

@Linux4Everyone@fosstodonorg Artix(archlinux without systemd), pretty much stuck with it tried some other distros when i got my new laptop but somehow ended up with a more stable experience with artix(plus i get aur back)
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Got a few things:
- SteamOS for Steam Deck cause I dont wanna tinker for gaming much
- Arch on one thinkpad
- PopOS on an old asus laptop that served me quite well
- Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi
- NixOS on my home server (another old laptop) and my current framework machine

So far loving the NixOS stability, rollbacks after a failed experiment and ephemeral shells are great, so my end goal is to get one config to set all the machines except the deck.

in reply to reshi

@reshi Thank you! NixOS is high on my list of distros to dig into.
in reply to Linux For Everyone

Five machines in my house have Linux Mint, two machines also have Bodhi, one machine has both of those and also KDE neon, another machine has both of those and also Lubuntu. The one machine which does not have Mint or Bodhi on it... Well, I don't remember what distro I have on that one right now. My wife's two laptops are Mint only, as is the machine in the living room on which we mostly watch YouTube and TV. All are on current versions. This does not include our tablets.