Items tagged with: lemmy
I had posted once about the need of some annual action for the promotion of an open source and decentralised Internet. I have found that there was an attempt to introduce the #InternetFreedomDay, held at 18th of January to commemorate the victory in the case of #sopapipa acts in the USA. I think that the #fediverse totally corresponds with the ideas of that day, so it would be good occasion to revive it. What do you think about?…
#fedi #opensource #internet4all #johnmastodon #exitt #internetfreedom #mastodon #pixelfed #peertube #friendica #lemmy @Mastodon @pixelfed @peertube
Celebrating Internet Freedom Day: Understanding Its Significance and Impact
Internet Freedom Day reminds us of the essential role that free and open access to the internet plays in empowering individuals, fostering innovation, and promoting global communication.Linklr
For those who love the #Fediverse social media environment, a reminder that there are also #Reddit replacement applications like #Piefed, #Lemmy, and #MBIN.
If you're interested in checking out the experience, I opened a couple of weeks ago. It's a PieFed server. PieFed is nearly out of beta, but seems to be working perfectly well. I'm enjoying it. Registration is open.
Es führt nichts daran vorbei, diese Dienste einfach nicht mehr zu verwenden und Alternativen sekbst zu hosten.
🚀 Buddyverse is Live! 🌍
Join us to engage in open discussions, create communities, and explore topics you’re passionate about—all while being part of the Fediverse.
Show me a #FOSS project which is not 1-3 overworked people. I think only a few like #Godot and #Blender and #Wordpress escape this event horizon by getting very lucky 😁
My own #FOSS project has thousands of users, and 2 devs as well. If you put all the devs of #Lemmy together, you get like 3 full-time devs paid like half a full time dev >_<
So frustrating that interaction between #mastodon and #lemmy (or #piefed) is still so bad. People it should not be that hard to expand the text of a lemmy article in mastodon! It can't be that someone with a mastodon account has to open an external link to read the content, but then have to return back to mastodon to comment on it.
It's such an easy win for everyone and would provide so much more activity for both platforms.
Konkret angeschaut haben sie sich dabei: #Peertube, #Akkoma, #Pixelfed, #Bookwyrm, #WriteFreely, #Funkwhale, #Lemmy, #Friendica, #kbin, #flohmarkt und #Mobilizon.
#fedivoyage #mrmcd24 #mrmcd
Fedivoyage – per Anhalter durch das Fediversum
Das Fediverse ist ein Zusammenschluss unabhängiger, oft nicht-kommerzieller sozialer Netzwerke. Es besteht aus einer Vielzahl von
Some of you here, and on other servers, post on particular topics, like Celtic culture, Linux, cardiovascular health. But most microblogging applications, like Mastodon, lack engagement. People who read your posts don't see follow-up discussions, either because they are unaware there is a discussion, or because, given the nature of the Fediverse, their server doesn't receive all the related posts.
Imagine if you were able to set up a "digital campfire" as a supplement where you can dive deep into discussions, answer questions, and engage with your readers about your passion and interest, where everyone can see all the interactions.
This is what Fediverse applications like PieFed, Lemmy, and MBIN provide (Reddit alternatives). They allow you to create focused communities dedicated to your passions and interests.
These platforms are also federated, connecting with other Fediverse apps for wider reach.
Ready to create and moderate a digital campfire? You can set up a community on my PieFed server at or a different server more suited to your liking. You can then invite your readers to join and engage. While there, you might find other communities to join. There are tons of them.
@_elena @NeuKelte @Cardialgy @twosortoftechguys @rimu #PieFed #MBIN #Lemmy #Reddit #KBIN #Fediverse #threadiverse
It's always a pleasant surprise to see my articles from #TheFutureIsFederated shared by other people on #Lemmy.
I typically click on the post and wade into the comment section with hands over my eyes, expecting burning critiques, but I am invariably surprised by the smart and civil discourse.
Thanks to @Grimpen now I have two new books on my "to read" list:
- "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric Raymond
- "The Hacker Ethic" by Pekka Himanen
Want a piece of PieFed? I'm now running a PieFed instance:
A long time ago I had a #KBIN instance, KBIN is part of the "threadiverse", a Reddit replacement.
When KBIN was abandoned, I shut it down. KBIN became #MBIN and Jerry Bell opened a fantastic MBIN instance,, to go along with the mother ship instance. I didn't see a reason to open yet another MBIN instance. So remained parked ... until now.
Ending its time in beta, there is a new #Reddit #Fediverse replacement, #PieFed, which is similar to MBIN in how it works, but is built with different technology.
While MBIN is mainly written in PHP and Node, and uses RabbitMQ for queuing, PieFed is written using Flask/Python, with Celery for queuing.
I'm much more familiar with Python than PHP, and so PieFed is particularly interesting to me. I might even be able to contribute to the project someday when I get through learning the codebase and learning Flask.
More information about PieFed is here: and…
Want to play with PieFed? is available now. Registration is immediately available while I'm available to watch, but restricted when I'm not watching. If restricted, you just need to give a quick reason for joining and then be patient.
Also, some email providers have an issue with email addresses ending in .social, especially that come from a mail server hosted on Digital Ocean. If joining, check your spam filter and white list
Remember, it's beta. So there may be issues and there may be downtime at times to address upgrades and what not. Also, I've been so busy bringing up the server that I haven't had a chance to learn everything yet about it, so I may not have answers to questions.
It seems to run efficiently, but I'm unsure if I sized the server optimally. I will grow it if need be.
Welcome to anyone interested in checking out PieFed!
@mastodonmigration @rimu @_elena
#Fediverse #Lemmy
The Future of Social is Here: a Show and Tell (part 4: Lemmy, PieFed & Mbin)
An exploration of Fediverse content aggregators as an alternative to, with a twist: the magic of ActivityPub, allowing communication with other Fediverse projectsElena Rossini
october pixelfed
seventh social
the new social pub, with friends.
#groups #activityPub #lemmy #smithereen #pixelfed
My Lemmy experiment is over -…
#fediverse #lemmy #selfhosting
My Lemmy experiment is over
After over a year I’m going to take down my personal Lemmy server. Running it on Hetzner has been relatively easy and with only a few hiccups along the way, for a single user instance it uses about 20-30gb of storage for it’s db and image cache.Mike Bell (Mike Bell - Blog & Stuff)
Is Threadiverse alive? is down for a while. What about others?
#lemmy #kbin #fediverse #threadiverse #reddit
Le projet pourrait bien disparaitre 😕
Une réflexion est engagée avec l'idée folle mais tellement enthousiasmante de le connecter au #fediverse peut être à #lemmy Nhésitez pas à participer à la discution.Le jdh mérite notre attention pr pouvoir le reboot 😀…
repouet apprécié
I have a number of #Lemmy instances meant for discussion groups around specific topics. They are not being as used as I expected/hoped. I would like to set them up in a way that they can be owned by a consortium of different admins so that they are collectively owned. My only requirement: these instances should remain closed for registrations and used only to create communities.
More details:…
When information is cheap, attention is expensive
May I interest you in one shiny topic-based Lemmy instance? How about fifteen?Raphael Lullis
Latest in my personal experiences of "you never know to where or how your #fediverse posts will be federated".…
My mastodon post getting a reply from a lemmy user. Mastodon-lemmy integration is not good, so seeing it happen passive was weird.
Instead, what happened here (AFAICT):
* An #mbin "magazine" sucked up my post due to a hashtag (I think)
* Added it (for some unclear reason) as a post to it's equivalent of a community
* Then federated that to #lemmy as such
#FediverseFoundation war auf der re:publica '24 in Hamburg!
@michaelpollak durfte unseren Verein Fediverse Foundation und unsere Tätigkeiten einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit präsentieren.
Anschließend gab es noch interessante Publikumsgespräche, bei der wir sehr viel über die Erwartungshaltung der (zukünftigen) Nutzer gelernt haben. Zusätzlich gab es uns auch Gelegenheit, die Funktionalität von #Mastodon, #Lemmy und anderen Tools im Detail zu erklären, sowie die Möglichkeiten, die einem ein offenes System im Gegensatz zu bestehenden (a)sozialen Medien bietet, darzulegen.
Hat Spaß gemacht und uns sehr gefreut, großen Dank an #republica24 für die Einladung!
KDE has a community where users can engage with each other about KDE related topics.
We are searching for open-source software **developers** for Mbin. Do you like PHP and the fediverse? Please join our project: And join our matrix via: Thank you!
Edit: good first issues…
Please boost for more reach!
#mbin #lemmy #fediverse #developer #opensource #software #engineer #softwareengineer #php #reddit #activitypub #federated
GitHub - MbinOrg/mbin: Mbin: a federated content aggregator, voting, discussion and microblogging platform (By the community, for the community)
Mbin: a federated content aggregator, voting, discussion and microblogging platform (By the community, for the community) - MbinOrg/mbinGitHub
Hinweis an alle, die YunoHost nutzen und dort Fediverse Social Media Apps betreiben oder dieses planen
Es gibt jetzt ein Forum zum Erfahrungsaustauschzum Thema Fediverse Social Media Apps mit YunoHost:
Social Web on YunoHost
#selfhost #yunohost #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #gotosocial #pleroma #bookwyrm #lemmy #writefreely #hubzilla #friendica #glitch #iceshrimp #plume #misskey #epicyon #sharkey #diaspora #fediverse
Getting your employer to support FOSS:
H e r z l i c h w i l l k o m m e n !
#MatteosMiniWebPage (Thread 2/8)
Hallo, ich bin kein smarter Zeitgenosse, der ein Interesse daran hätte, seine Mitmenschen zu übervorteilen. Zähle mich eher zu den tragischen Looser-Typen des Lebens. Auch aus diesem Grunde habe ich um antisoziale Medien wie Twitter, X, Facebook und WhatsApp immer einen großen Bogen gemacht. Ich bin ebenfalls kein professioneller Informatiker, der etwas vom Programmieren versteht oder ein IT-Administrator, der über Fähigkeiten verfügt, einen Server zu verwalten. Ich bin einfach nur ein normaler Ruheständler, technisch interesseriert, der jetzt private Zeit übrig hat, Dinge zu tun, die man schon immer machen wollte. Freilich jetzt mit den üblichen gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen, die das Alter so allmählich mit sich bringt und demütig macht.
Mit dem Fediverse bin ich erstmalig über #Lemmy in Berührung gekommen. Dann habe ich #Mastodon, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Akkoma, #Firefish, #Iceshrimp und #Catodon ausprobiert. Jetzt bin ich wieder bei Mastodon gelandet, weil man eben mit der guten Mastodon-API sehr viel machen kann und es fehlerfrei, ohne Bugs, stets zuverlässig funktioniert. Die Mastodon Glitch Edition mit Formatierungsmöglichkeiten hier auf und seinem 5000-Zeichen-Limit für Postings gefällt mir sehr gut. Mein Dank richtet sich an den tollen Administrator, der all dies ermöglicht.
Täglich dringen Großkonzerne, staatliche und private Akteure, ungefragt und von den meisten unbemerkt, in die digitale Privatsphäre ein, durchleuchten und bewerten uns anhand der von uns produzierten Daten. Dass sich noch immer kein Widerstand in der Bevölkerung gegen die Vermessung unserer Person regt, ist auf eine ganz besondere Eigenschaft von Daten zurückzuführen: Man kann sie weder fühlen noch schmecken oder riechen. Nach meiner Auffassung kann informationelle Selbstbestimmung aber nur dann gelingen, wenn wir das Wissen darüber haben, wer, wie, wann und wo unsere Daten im Hintergrund abgreift, speichert und verarbeitet.
Für die gemeinnützige Gestaltung einer digitalisierten Welt braucht es digital souveräne Menschen, die über ein Verständnis von digitaler Kultur und Technik verfügen, die die selbstbestimmte Nutzung von Daten voranbringen, die Privatheit und IT-Sicherheit als schützenswerte Güter achten. Genau deshalb interessiert mich das Fediverse so sehr.
Folge mir einfach @matteo. Oder wenn nicht, dann schreibe mir eventuell nur mit einer Erwähnung, zum Beispiel über mastodonshare. Wenn sonst niemand mitlesen soll, gerne auch als private Direkt-Nachricht.
#neuhier #introduction #privatsphäre #datenschutz
Easy, free and 100% private solution to allow your users to share content on their Mastodon.MastodonShare
Wait... someone just demoed a not-evil, privacy-just-for-you-on-your-device, algorithm generator to curate your own social feeds??
Only on #Lemmy (for now!?)
#Fediverse #FediForum2024 #CSAM #Admin
Quiblr is a place to explore online communities that match your hobbies and interests. Jump in and find your community!
How #Lemmy could interop with #Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky:
“When you post on Fp, we propose that a mirror post will also be created in your Bluesky account. When you comment on Frontpage, we propose that a mirror reply will be created in your Bluesky account.
Conversely, when you reply to one of these mirrored posts in Bluesky - we will show it as a reply in Frontpage.
Additionally, Bluesky likes will be translated to Frontpage votes and vice versa.”
🚀 The Future is Federated - issue no.10 👩🚀
"My Fediverse summer & the top 3 lessons I learned"…
with shout-outs to: @poliverso @phanpy @ivory @MonaApp @pixelfed @Tusky @MoogleMaestro
#TheFutureIsFederated #blog #tech #bigtech #socialmedia #FOSS #Fediverse #Mastodon #Wordpress #Friendica #Pixelfed #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #Firefish #Ivory #Phanpy
My Fediverse summer & the top 3 lessons I learned
The 3 biggest lessons I learned this summer about the Fediverse as I went from 1 account to 9!Elena Rossini
I think we're all wrong:
I've got a #Bookwyrm account, and a #Pixelfed account, and a #Lemmy account, and a #Peertube account. If I see something on one of them I like, and I want to show people who follow me on the others what do I do?
I have to boost them with my #Mastodon account.
We should only have one ActivityPub Actor, and all our activities on various sites should get published to that.