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Vabljeni na predavanje Darka Kolarja z naslovom "Vpliv vesolja na Zemljo", ki bo v sredo, 29.01.2025, ob 17:30 na gimnaziji v Ilirski Bistrici. Predavanju bodo sledili Astronomski kviz, eksperiment in opazovanja s teleskopom (v primeru lepega vremena).

Prime Palestinian real estate: Trump’s proposed Gaza ‘clean out’ mixes policy and profits…
President Donald Trump proved that he’s no peacemaker when it comes to Israel’s genocidal war. He floated the idea of forcible expulsion for Palestinians Saturday, saying that Jordan, Egypt, and other Arab nations should take in refugees to “just clean out” the destroyed Gaza Strip and create a “clean slate.” He posed the possibility of […]

If you are not in the EU, #Linkedin is using your posts to train its #AI. Here's how to deactivate it:…

Let's ignore those silly bullies and just get on with our lives

I'm going to endeavour to have a really great week this week and I hope you do too x

in reply to Jolene (Meow) 🌸🍓


The first image shows a first-person perspective video game scene. The player is aiming a weapon with a heads-up display showing enemy health and location. The enemy is mid-air. The text below the image reads "hes in mid air i broke him i broke oda HES JSUT STANDING THERE".

The second image is another video game screenshot showing a similar first-person perspective. A character named Sandayu Oda is highlighted on the player's heads-up display, standing in a dark, industrial-looking building. Data about the character is displayed, including affiliation with Arasaka and a 10% work-to value.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

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Si vous êtes donnateur·ice de AIDES, l'asso s'est faite attaquer et les données personnelles y compris votre IBAN ont potentiellement été récupéré. Gare au tentative de hameçonnage !

"die »Tätigkeit und Mitgliedschaft« Poettingers »in extremistischen Organisationen« vertrage sich nicht mit den Pflichten einer Beamtin"

"Dem Kultusministerium ist laut »SZ« primär Poettingers Protest gegen die IAA ein Dorn im Auge, bei dem sie öffentlich erklärte, die Messe sei ein »Symbol für Profitmaximierung auf Kosten von Mensch, Umwelt und Klima«. Die Behörde stößt sich demnach etwa an dem Begriff »Profitmaximierung«. Dieser sei eine den »Begrifflichkeiten der kommunistischen Ideologie zuzuordnende Wendung. Die kommunistische Ideologie ist mit der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung nicht vereinbar.«"

Aua... Mir tut der Kopf weh bei so viel schreiender Inkompetenz

#bayern #bildung #klima #klimaschutz…

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Li vuole deportare, dà a Israele bombe da 900 chili, sanziona la Corte Penale che ha emesso un mandato di cattura per Netanyahu... proprio un bell'inizio

Gazzetta del Cadavere reshared this.

La Palestina senza palestinesi

@Giornalismo e disordine informativo…
Trump ha un sogno, ma rischia di avere un brusco risveglio. Ha sognato, ispirato da quegli altri sognatori di Smootrich e Ben Gvir, una striscia di Gaza tutta israeliana senza più neanche un palestinese. “Prendeteveli voi questi due milioni di disperati” che da quasi 80 anni

in reply to Antonella Ferrari

noi non possiamo votare contro di lui ma contro i suoi lacchè in italia si e a partire dai referendum

Antonella Ferrari reshared this.

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I now have a network service build running in #docker. Docker is running in a linux incus #container. Incus is running in side a #WSL-2 linux container. WSL, is, rather obviously running on windows (11). Why? I can't tell anymore, I might be lost. I meant well.

665 - Tus notas en la nube con Note Mark

Si quieres tener tus #notas disponibles en cualquier sitio una opción mas que interesante es tener tus notas en la #nube con Note Mark utilizando #docker

Ya lo he comentado en mas de una ocasión, la atracción fatal que tienen las aplicaciones de notas para llamar nuestra atención. Es como el perro…

#atareaoConLinux #podcastesp

I finally wrapped up and submitted to PyPi this little set of #python pandas methods for summarising dataframes (like inspectdf if any #rstats -ers remembers / used that). It's a little bit rough around the edges, so forgive any bugs!…

in reply to erin, witch of dumb

the mac mini bottom button is surprisingly convenient for unconventional rack mounting

L'orrore di oggi non può essere vinto dimenticando gli orrori di ieri e di sempre.
in reply to s.filippi

due genocidi e film…

in reply to Ars Technica

I daresay the Miata and SUVs are targeting different audiences
in reply to Ars Technica

Was hoping Ars would stop promoting Fossil Fuels Consumption in 2025

in reply to Khrys


Merci pour le partage, très bon résumé, exactement ce que je cherchais.

Mais wow, glaçant.

Track Trump’s political nominees

#GiftArticle link should continue to work as it gets updated w/time

#Trump has picked 117 nominees to fill key roles in his admin so far

WaPo is tracking 817 government positions among about 1,300 that require #Senate #confirmation.

566 positions have no Trump nominee.

39 picks are awaiting formal nomination.

74 nominees are being considered by the Senate.

4 have been confirmed

#USpol #law #TrumpPurge #loyalists

Nice look'n SVG to CSS converter.

Converts SVG code into a Data URI, an encoded URL format that can be used as a background-image source.

#webdev #SVG #CSS…

Well, I expected the BLE stuff to be a *lot* more work.

But the #Ironman helmet and gloves are connecting to the suit and sending commands to make the suit play synchronised audio for effects, and it is all working.

Of course this means we have applied to be an adopter member of Bluetooth SIG and for a manufacturer ID. Gotta do it right.

I’m actually quite pleased with it all.

Open source code and parts on

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Come scaricare Video, Reels, Stories e Foto da Instagram su PC

Leggi articolo:…
#instagram #download

Stanchi morti per le nuove scaffalature e lo spostamento dei board game, ma eccoci qui. 🌺

Ho iniziato a guardare “#Lockerbie-Attentato sul volo Pan Am 103” su #SkyAtlantic…devo dire che #ColonFlirth con la sua faccia triste è perfetto per questa serie tv.