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27 January 1921 | A Czech Jewish woman, Růžena Buschová, was born in Prague.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from the Theresienstadt ghetto on 6 September 1943. She did not survive.

Right now, an #Adams' world premiere with Hanick and #Bruckner's Sixth from San Francisco… #wch

#Threads testet Werbeanzeigen
Musk klagt, X "kommt kaum über die Runden"…

The medina of this ancient city has many souqs offering myriad items. #travel #history……
⚡️🇺🇦Oil Price Downfall Will Be the Downfall of Russia (and Its Invasion of Ukraine) | (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Reality is broken. Game designers can fix it.
in reply to C🌙

Alt text: A page from a book about computer gaming. The top of the page says in bold text, "REALITY IS BROKEN. GAME DESIGNERS CAN FIX IT," with "COMPUTER GAMING" underneath in smaller text. Below that is a graphic of a stylized head with a robotic arm adding square blocks to its hair. To the right is text outlining the history of video games, including key dates and milestones.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Unlocking the Power of Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation in Machine Learning

Automatic Differentiation (AD) is revolutionizing how developers compute derivatives within complex machine learning models. This article dives deep into reverse mode AD, its implementation, and its c...…

#news #tech #MachineLearning #AutomaticDifferentiation #ReverseModeAD

Para mais previsões, sigam e compartilhem.…

in reply to Bendita Copa Libertadores 🚬

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem:

A imagem mostra um post de mídia social anunciando a demissão iminente de Fernando Diniz do Cruzeiro na segunda-feira (27), e que Renato Gaúcho será o novo técnico. Duas fotos acompanham o texto: uma de Fernando Diniz, e outra de Renato Gaúcho. Ambas as imagens mostram os treinadores em campos de futebol. Os créditos fotográficos são dados para Gustavo Aleixo (Diniz) e Lucas Uebel (Gaúcho).

Fornecido por @altbot, gerado usando Gemini

Every time I see a post with a censored swear word I feel the urge to reply with just that word

Para mais previsões, sigam e compartilhem.…

Questa voce è stata modificata (3 giorni fa)


A close-up shot of a bald, pale-skinned man with a receding hairline and blue eyes. He's wearing a light gray collared shirt and a red bow tie. His expression is one of mild alarm or concern. Text overlaid on the image reads: "It is happening again."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Marjorie Evans Goslee (USA, 1915-?)
Nimabah (Afghan Hound), 1946
Ceramic, 31.8 x 26.1 x 8.3 cm (12 1/2 x 10 1/4 x 3 1/4 in.)
Cleveland Museum of Art 1946.97
#DogsInArt #WomenArtists

in reply to Nelson Lopez

A grayscale sketch of a cartoon character, resembling a ram or goat with large eyes and small horns, is shown looking thoughtfully upward. The character has one hand to its mouth, and the other hand appears to be holding a long, thin object resembling a gun or wand. Above the character's head is a small, stylized diamond shape.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Is there anyone in the #TacomaWA, #Seattle or #SeaTac area who has a network switch they're willing to give away? Ideally one with PoE and managed features. Looking to upgrade my homelab and get some practice with VLANs!

(Also, if anyone has any spare UPS' or DAS enclosures, hit me up 👀)

#Networking #Homelab #HomeServer

I've been busy on some #selfhosting projects.

I ended up liking my way of installing #Huginn more than I liked the documentation that I found on it. So I published my notes, in case others might want to try it.…

Ubuntu 24.04 6Ghz WiFi SSID seen but can not connect #networking #wireless

⚠️🇭🇺Time To Finally Article 7 Blackmailers? Hungary Blocks Joint EU Statement On Presidential Elections In Belarus -- Sources (more) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #OSCE #PACE #CoE #EuropeanUnion #Article7 #UnitedKingdom #Hungary #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Mudança em sistema de validade de alimentos não é sugestão do governo…

A proposta foi sugerida por associações da indústria de alimentos e de supermercados.
in reply to Marcelo

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem:

A imagem mostra um post de mídia social do UOL Confere, um site de checagem de fatos. O post apresenta dois vídeos curtos lado a lado. O vídeo superior mostra um político falando, com um texto sobre ele prometendo picanha para os pobres durante a campanha. O vídeo inferior mostra uma mulher em uma reportagem, com um texto contradizendo a afirmação do vídeo superior, indicando que a promessa é falsa. Um carimbo com a palavra "FALSO" em vermelho está sobreposto aos vídeos. O logotipo do UOL Confere é visível no canto superior direito. A imagem é marcada com a marca d'água do UOL Confere repetidamente no fundo.

Fornecido por @altbot, gerado usando Gemini

В общем все кроме винды из дистров линукса перегружается или виснет. Манджара, попос и несколько версий убунты. Самая живучая убунта. Винда работает без проблем. В режиме гибридной графики и uefi глючит. Возможно проц отвалился, именно такие проблемы так выглядят, а леново славится тем, что кампаунд под проц сует и он со временем от перепадов температуры его отваливает. Сделаю я бэкап данных и может поискать кого тут, кто осилит ребол, я сомневаюсь, что найду, но вдруг.
in reply to Roman

а в дискретном режиме стабильно работает?

Я помню, мы вроде почти одновременно ноуты покупали, или ты чуть раньше. Через три года появились перезагрузки?

in reply to atnimak🐧☕

@atnimak в дискретном режиме линуксы тоже не пашут.

NSFW 18+ Nudity
  • Sensitive content
  • Parola filtrata: nsfw…
‼️🇺🇦Summary from the front: Russian invaders liquidated in Kursk! | Front News (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Awwwwww someone actually left their cake out in the rain
in reply to Jorge

@motoridersd Do we think this movie is actually widely and well loved, or just by us gays of a certain age that can quote it line by line?…
⚠️🇭🇺When Will EU Use Article 7 and Finally Reel In Orban And Hungarian Blackmailing? (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #OSCE #CoE #Article7 #PACE #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Hungary #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Nach Aschaffenburg: grinsende Grüne sorgen für Empörung und Kritik – TE-Wecker am 27. Januar 2025… Wahlkampfauftakt der AfD: Chrupalla sagte, Ziel bei der anstehenden Bundestagswahl müsse es sein, mindestens zweitstärkste Kraft zu werden ++ Wahlkampfauftakt Grüne: Habeck sieht auf dem Bundesparteitag in Berlin seine Partei im Aufwind ++ München: 23 Polizeifahrzeugen brennen in München neben Polizeiwache ab ++ Ungeklärte

This DefSec today was fun... I had to record it about 8 times due to cats fighting under my desk.

in reply to Karsten Johansson

fwiw, this guy posts awesome mic reviews

in reply to joriki

@joriki thanks for the link. I have a LOT of microphones. I keep going back to the shure SM7B though. It’s quite forgiving in a noisy room but needs some extra equipment


reshared this

Putting Tim Cook in the new #Severance promos… I can’t work out if Apple is in on the dystopia or what??
in reply to Mark

Tim Cook seems fine with supporting our current real-life dystopia, soooooo...

9 façons de mettre des bâtons dans les roues de l'impérialisme américain :…

#Consommation #GuerreÉconomique #Canada #BoycotAmazon

in reply to Les capsules du prof Lutz

@lutzray Même avant ça, plus simple : si on avait, comme LaPoste en FR, un courriel "souverain" gratuit garanti à vie, ça ferait ça en moins aux GAFAM. Arrêter aussi de biberonner les étudiants au Micro$oft. Des solutions existent déjà pour reprendre un peu d'autonomie. Ah oui, c'est vrai il faudrait du courage politique....
in reply to Croguet

@croguet @lutzray
"Ah oui, c'est vrai il faudrait du courage politique...."

... et un peu moins de corruption à tous les étages.

non seulement de la part des donneurs d'ordre, sensibles aux lobbies, mais aussi de la part des "techies" qui veulent garder leurs sinécures et ne veulent pas que les utilisateurs s'autonomisent.

#LogicielsLibres #linux

Das Paradies ist beschlossene Sache… Aktuelles vom Parteitag der Grünen. Sie haben – vermutlich sogar einstimmig – beschlossen, dass die Welt eine bessere werden möge: Das Programm ist beschlossen: bezahlbare Mieten, günstiger erneuerbarer Strom, Investitionen in die Bahn, in Schulen, die Polizei u. unsere Sicherheitsbehörden. Klimaschutz & Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit & Sicherheit gehören zusammen. Bin voller Zuversicht nach

Great conversation on Big tech, Global economy and politics, and democracy.
Elon Musk’s Move Into Politics: Yanis #Varoufakis and Cory #Doctorow @pluralistic on Fighting Billionaire Control
#bigtech #enshittification #technofeudalism #cloudcapital #diem25

Why do the pirahnas sound like underwater caffeinated woodpeckers?


First selfie from the new phone. Certainly a better camera than the old one.

In 20 minutes, an #Adams' world premiere with Hanick and #Bruckner's Sixth from San Francisco… #wch

Any pointers for when you can't use a VPN on a site or app? I'm thinking just close what can be and minimize permissions to reduce exposure.

@iffybooks is it true that you have printed copies of The Counterforce and put them in the shop? Amazing if true!!
in reply to The Counterforce

A contributor/editor(?) dropped off physical copies a few months ago and we’ve been reprinting them at the shop since they ran out. Really great work, keep it up!

Historical US Pol

Sensitive content

9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: January 26th, 2025… #9to5linux #linux

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

galactic republic senator: senator palpatine, would you please stop submitting that "death star" bill every single session, it's never happening.

senator palpatine: oh we'll see, trevor, we'll see.

ant58ore  @@antdam
In memoria di….
Guardare Auschwitz.
Sentirsi le budella ritorcersi
nel vedere
corpi rigidi ridotti a non più
di congegni meccanici inservibili,
mischiati al fango e ormai già fango.
Scheletri nudi,
con braccia lignificate;
cataste di figli, di madri,
di uomini inermi
che la morte soltanto accomuna.
Tutti avvolti, ieri,
da una sola, grande speranza,
riparo dalle atrocità: la vita!
Capelli lunghi intatti
pendono a coprire il volto ignoto
di una madre strappata a suo figlio
anche nella morte.
Mani crudeli,
con maschere antigas
per non morire soffocate
dal fetore da loro stessi prodotto
con folle determinazione,
profanano ancora una volta
quei corpi umili,
da lungo tempo
annientati da menti cattive.
E vedere sorrisi intorno a tanta paura
fa rabbrividire.
Ma il rimorso non li prende;
il pentimento
è un’isola per pochi naufraghi,
che pur vivono male
senza un’ombra dietro
in cui riconoscersi
e dieci, cento, mille ombre di morti
che dilaniano i loro corpi
con ferite senza sangue, insanabili.
Riecheggia, così,
che mi era sempre sembrato
lontano millenni?
Questa parte oscura
della dimensione uomo
si staglia ben netta
agli occhi di un individuo
che “vede” la vita,
e pesante su di lui
si fa l’eredità
della bestia che fu!

(A. d'A. - 1978)

What should I dream about? I will abide by the results of this poll.

#StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt

  • Pencil drawing of a Cessna 172, steampunk (0 votes)
  • Soundstage of a Michelin-star dessert, abstract (0 votes)
  • Soundstage of a dinghy, cubism (0 votes)
Poll end: 3 giorni fa

I've gone live!

Let's Install DOS and Windows 3.11, then some Shovelware Exploration!

#owncast #streaming #vtuber #vtuberen #art #tech #lgbtq

Pela conversa que eu bisbilhotei, não é comum o pessoal por aqui usar o Briar pra comunicação pessoal. Com meu defasadíssimo celular, preciso me limitar a um único comunicador alternativo, de fácil uso. Gostei bastante do briar, mas não parece ter agradado muito vcs não, né? Qual seria o defeito dele?

#briar #softwarelivre #nobigtechs

in reply to lucas ∞

ele parece ser uma ferramenta anti-censura com segurança aplicada, por exemplo quando precisarmos de algo assim em protestos etc pois parece ser totalmente decentralizado
in reply to lucas ∞

@lucasmz Se é bom pra privacidade e segurança de ativistas então é bom pra mim. :rosalux:

Why was it not in my 🧠 that Amber from Clueless and Morgan from Sabrina The Teenage Witch were both played by Elisa Donovan? Like, did that fact just fall out an ear at some point?Because how could I not have recorded this in memory before? This must be a glitch in the matrix.

There's always a danger in writing that you can lost in world-building, and never get around to actually telling a story. This blog post by Jessica Abel is a must-read on the subject. I like her phrase "binders of lore."

I have my own idea debt, although it is not for a fantasy series. I think the reason I haven't done anything with it is it's a subject that I've felt doesn't work so well in prose.

AI drone that could hunt and kill people built in just hours by scientist ‘for a game’ #Technology

Decided to close my #Threads account. Wasn’t really using it and did not like where the platform was going. Sorry all, you’re stuck here with me!

教えてもらった肩こり解消の軽い運動めちゃくちゃ効いたので置いておきます。 鎖骨が動いてる〜〜!って手を置いたまま確認しつつやると良いです。万年肩こりの私ですが、やりはじめすんごいゴリゴリ言ってたけど今やるとゴリゴリすごい軽減されてる…めっちゃ肩軽い気がする…のでみんなにも試してほしい