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Fear is more dangerous than the cliff.
Though, I’m not saying to go towards the cliff either. 😉

#personalshot #photography

#Liberux #NEXX Is a New (Still in Development) #Linux Phone…

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Mit der Spionage-App mSpy überwachen Menschen heimlich die Handys ihrer Partner:innen. Das ist illegal. Jetzt gibt ein Leak Einblick in die Kommunikation mit Kund:innen. Die zeigt, wie skrupellos die Täter:innen ihre engsten Bezugspersonen ins Visier nehmen – auch in Deutschland. #mSpyLeak…

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In den vergangenen Monaten haben wir einen Datensatz mit Millionen von Nachrichten aus dem Kundensupport-System der Spionage-App mSpy durchsucht – gemeinsam mit Kolleg:innen vom SWR. Wir fanden Tausende Nutzer:innen und Interessent:innen mit einem Bezug zu Deutschland. Und Betroffene, die beim Kundendienst um Hilfe bitten.

Alle unsere Veröffentlichungen zum #MSpyLeak:

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Gab es einen konkreten anlass ?
Grundsätzlich sollten alle apps im appstore auf mißbräuchliches vethalten untersucht werden.
Fängt mit Werbe-ID sn ... geht mit gps-daten weiter
Wichtig für bevölkerung: #DigitalLiteracy


S.auch #KuketzBlog

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@ckoever @yoshiXYZ Super Artikel! Habe vieles gelernt. Danke für eure tolle Recherche!

Zu den beiden genannten Tools zu Analyse auf verdächtigen Datenverkehr habe ich ein paar Anmerkungen/Infos:

- "spytrap-wifi": Laut Github wird das seit 5 Jahren nicht mehr gepflegt. Es ist fraglich, ob damit aktuelle Spyware entdeckt werden kann.

- "TinyCheck" (oder manchmal "Tiny-Check"): Diese Lösung von Kaspersky wurde vermutlich auch eingestellt. Der Link zu Github ist tot.


Nach Wochenenden mit Kindergeburtstagen sollte es ein Ausgleichsfrei geben und keinen Montag.


in reply to Kristian (inactive/moved)

Eher andersherum. Der Geburtstag war überraschend entspannt und es wirklich wert, aber heute ist mindestens eine Kollegin krank und abends steht die erste Vorstandssitzung an, die sich dem Munkeln nach gerne mal bis 23 Uhr ziehen kann...
Dir einen unaufgeregten und ruhigen Montag ☕
in reply to Schattenmuse

@Schattenmuse Huch. Dann... hab genug Kraft für alles, was heute auf dem Plan steht. Langweilig wird's wohl nicht werden...🙈☕☕


It’s satisfying.

I did mention that I’m self-aware of being an absurd person, right?

I did think we already covered that 🤷🏻‍♂️

in reply to Coach Pāṇini ®

A still image from the movie Megalopolis, showing a man in a suit sitting at a large, dark wooden desk which is tipped onto its side, partially buried in sand. The desk is overflowing with papers. The room is large and opulent, with tall windows, floor-length curtains, and tall lamps in the corners. Sunlight streams in through the window, illuminating the scene. The text below the image says "'Megalopolis,' shot in Atlanta, gets six Razzie Award nominations".

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

If only there were some kind of phrase in the English language for when someone wants to "clean out" an area of a certain "ethnic" group. A kind of, say, "ethnic cleansing"
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"Two images of a small, black and white mouse sitting in a person's open palm. The mouse has a mostly white body with a black head and ears. The text above the images says 'The face of a creature that knows nothing,' and includes a translation from Japanese."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

In today's picture: Corvus leucognaphalus (known as white-necked crow). #CORVUSPHERE #CorvusLeucognaphalus #WhiteNeckedCrow :crow:

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Today, Kosuge plays #Beethoven #Fujikura #Takemitsu and #Schumann in #Mainz… #wch

Jeep’s first battery EV is not what we expected: the 2024 Wagoneer S
Drag optimization means it's very quiet inside, but it's also quite expensive.…
in reply to Ars Technica

Big dumb SUVs with batteries are never going to be efficient.

"I say this without any polemic: How can one ever perceive themselves as European when it is often seen that this union between nations is not so real nor always clear, and when citizens hardly feel they belong to the land where they were born because various politicians fight among themselves, passing on the most important issues to one another?"

*Ridge Racer 64* (N64).
It brings nothing new to the table – even the tracks feel extremely familiar – but that doesn't make it any less fun. Except when I try to drift and end up skidding all over the place. I'm not sure if the control is legitimately worse or if it's a me problem.
My rating: 65%.

#gaming #videogames

Obscure Game(s) 6:

Brave Story New Traveler is a turn based RPG developed by Game Republic and published by Sony for the PSP in 2006.

It has solid combat, not so stretched out maps, amazing music and plot. I would say it is deceptively plot heavy for me, when I first played it. Also, it felt quite atmospheric too.

PSP is a treasure trove when it comes to hidden gems, and this game definitely fits to the definition. Quality title that did not receive the recognition it deserved.

I really like turn based RPGs, navigating throughout the not so stretched out open world and with a reasonable encounter rate the aforementioned genre can be quite therapeutic experience. That is how Brave Story felt for me. Immerse myself with the plot or just do some grinding.

The game is not grind heavy by the way.

Cast of characters are quite likeable, and they fit the worlds they inhabit quite effortlessly.

Sadly this game is not currently available on any official capacity. It is a shame though it is an amazing one.

This game definitely deserves your attention.

#japan #game #gaming #turnbasedrpg #rpg #bravestorynewtraveler #psp #obscuregame #videogames #turnbasedrpg

#Afrihost's hosted email is going up again in March. From then, it's going to cost me R59 per month to keep my email address going.

When I first started, it was R19 per month.

I don't use that address very much, but I need to have it. R59 is still cheaper than @protonmail's €3.99 per month... but not by much. Another year or so, maybe, and I'll switch. I have to have SMTP and IMAP access, though, and I'm not too sure if Proton's €3.99 plan will offer that. I'll check closer to the time. :/ #email

in reply to Chris

@flipsideza I just went through the same. I'm switching my email to Zoho on recommendation from someone here on the Fediverse.

For my website, I already use Netlify, because it doesn't have any server-side code. If it did have server-side code, I'd probably consider running it on one of the Oracle Always Free VMs.

in reply to Graham Downs

Aah thanks for the tips! I will looking into those for sure. I am hosting a tiny site & some email accounts that my family use. So self hosting would be a brave step for me and bring a lot of reaponsibilties too.

If there are any folks like me out there that host behind #ubiquiti but don't *strictly* use their IPS: They seem to have dropped an update to the "country restriction" option that allows you to specify allow/deny and inbound/outbound/both. Before this change, I believe it only applied as deny and both directions.

I've historically avoided this option. Geo IP has gotten *fairly* good, but it's still wrong often enough that I don't like the idea of needing to debug it when some random thing doesn't work as expected. The option to filter inbound-only means I can leverage this for server protection without needing to worry about accidentally breaking stuff I need to access.

If they add an AS-based restriction, I can die happy.


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Avec Joseph Benamran, l’inarrêtable business du mal-logement

La Ville de Strasbourg et l'État ont lancé plusieurs procédures à l'encontre du multipropriétaire Joseph Benamran. Malgré tout, beaucoup de locataires continuent de vivre dans des conditions indignes. Des casseroles sont disposées sur le sol pour recueillir l'eau. Au-dessus, un chiffon humide est coincé dans une fenêtre rafistolée avec du plexiglas. Ce velux fait partie d'un mur fissuré et entièrement moisi.…

Und wieder Montagmorgen nach Montagnacht. Erste Versuche, die Dunkelheit wieder aus den Räumen zu geleiten, vorsichtig, sich nicht nochmals tief in ihr zu verfangen. Zwischen hier und der Kreuzung schließen Autotüren, starten Motoren, leeren sich Stellplätze. Bus wartet an der Haltestelle, ein Radiosprecher erörtert die Bedeutung alter Musik, der Wasserkessel schaltet mit dem üblichen Signalton ab, der an manchen Tagen durchdringend und nervig ist. Kaffee, Brot, Duft des Vortags hängt noch unter der Küchendecke. Und ein paar haltlose Erinnerungen dazwischen. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #concrete city #home office hours #waking to the day

Experts gather in Rome to form special taskforce to protect Syria's cultural heritage

Posted into Europe News @europe-news-euronews

Doesn’t surprise me that PC gaming has eclipsed console gaming.

PC gaming is more flexible whereas I feel Xbox and PS are stuck in the past. Every generation, it’s just an upgrade in specs.

Only Nintendo is pushing console innovation.……

*New Report Shows That Work Requirements for Safety Net Programs Fail to.* To simplify the matter few people make a choice to forego working if they are poor enough to be eligible for these aid programs.

Protesters in Greece demand answers two years after 57 killed in Tempi rail disaster

Posted into Europe News @europe-news-euronews

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Lotus Resources bereitet sich auf die Uranproduktion im dritten Quartal bei... - published 27 Jan 2025 #ASX #Tech #Grafa #FTSE…

Lotus Resources prepares for Q3 uranium production at Kayelekera Project - published 27 Jan 2025 #Mining #ASX #Tech #Uranium #Grafa…

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mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
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NEW: North Korea names three figure skaters to compete in 2025 Winter Asian Games…

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Getting ready for bed :BlobCat_Blankie: I work tomorrow... But I got a lot done today!! #CatsOfMastodon
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Summer and I enjoyed a pleasant sunset moment. At least we had some color in the sky.
She is so soft and cuddly after the groomer visit.
Whatever he does, makes her fur so much softer, than when I give her a bath.
I almost want to keep her clean for a minute.
The next two days are filled with tests and doctor visits so it will be hard to fit in a muddy walk anyway.

Poco interesse per la politica locale
Stipendi inadeguati, questioni sempre più complesse e critiche pubbliche dissuadono molti dall’impegnarsi a livello locale - Un problema per il futuro del sistema di milizia

Mezzi pubblici gratis? A Ginevra è un successo
I giovani al di sotto dei 25 anni, in formazione o con basso reddito, non pagano. Per gli anziani fattura dimezzata - Cittadini entusiasti

Here are my thoughts on handheld PC gaming after CES 2025. Does the PC industry *need* to challenge the Switch 2? Nah. But there's an opportunity they could seize — together.…
in reply to Sean Hollister

I think the only way the Switch 2 competes is by being cheaper than the Steam Deck.