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As #Signal has had severe problems recently due to its centralised nature, here are some decentralised libre alternatives with Fediverse accounts:

➡️ @snikket_im - Initiative to give XMPP a consistent look and feel on instances and apps, to make it more attractive to new users

➡️ @xmpp - XMPP standards foundation

➡️ @delta - Decentralised messaging through email

➡️ @matrix - Best known for the Element client

➡️ @briar - Peer-to-peer encrypted messaging

➡️ @Jami - Peer-to-peer Skype alternative
Unknown parent

FediFollows has moved!
I am not sure what you mean by "roaming profiles", but you can move your profile, followers, follows and other data from one instance to another on the Fediverse:

Unknown parent

FediFollows has moved!
With centralised networks like Signal, you are entirely at the mercy of a single instance forever, there is no other option.

With decentralised networks, if something goes wrong you can move to another instance.

Even in a worst case scenario, on decentralised networks you can start a new account on a different instance without leaving the network. This "new instance, same network" option does not exist on centralised networks.
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

I would prefer redundancy here: maintaining multiple channels with both centralized and decentralized ones.

The pain point is that you would have to persuade your non-tech savvy friends with the idea having multiple channels which must be unfamiliar for them.
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

please be careful here. don't recommend non-mature, unreliable apps as alternatives to a reliable solution just because you're trying to push decentralization. are you 100% sure all those apps are as reliable as Signal is? provided you are one, have you asked feedback about this to any other IT security experts?

Signal and the security it provides mean the difference between freedom or jail to some people.
in reply to Pixelflowers

I am recommending people follow these accounts and try the platforms out.

We will end up in trouble if we rely on centralised platforms, and we can only get off centralised platforms by building decentralised ones.

Signal's behaviour has been somewhat strange and inexplicable, for example continuing to require phone numbers despite promising many years ago that people could use usernames instead. Their sudden introduction of cryptocurrency was worrying to many too.
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

i dont think your evaluation of Signal "problems" is as widely shared across the security community as your posts seem to imply. less informed people may understand it's not reliable while afaik #Signal is very, very reliable. i recommend being careful.
in reply to Pixelflowers

Centralised platforms are innately dangerous.

The people running them can become corrupted, or misguided, or coerced, or they might sell out to an untrustworthy corporation, and if that happens the users are locked in by the network effect.

This is what happened to Whatsapp, for example.

Signal is owned by the Signal Foundation. The Signal Foundation is headed by the billionaire Brian Acton. Brian Acton created Whatsapp, then sold it to Facebook.

This is not very reassuring.
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

@FediFollows@Pixelflowers this worries me. I've read an interview where Brian Acton said that he regrets having sold whatsapp, but I'm still very worried about him owning signal
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

@xmpp@delta@Jami The problem is that not a single friend or family use these. Therefore I have to use Whatsapp. My guess is this applies to 99% of people
in reply to Daniel Gomes

Yes, the "network effect" is very strong on messesngers, totally sympathise if it's not possible 😔

But for those who have already switched to Signal (at least to some extent), maybe they could work on switching to one of the options above.

The options above are potentially more sustainable than Signal because they are decentralised, so if something goes wrong with a provider they can switch providers without leaving the network.