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We are a Union of 27 countries and 450 million people sharing one future.

Diversity is what defines, unites us.
Diversity is also what makes us love the fediverse.

As we mark two years on Mastodon, thank you for enlivening the conversation with insightful comments and content.

Love does not increase after the first day, but it deepens.

Let's make this journey even more engaging!

What topics did you like the most and would like to see more often 👇

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Great. People will surely share their thoughts and it's good.
On your side, please act in conformity with your nice discourses. European Union leaders disappoint us way too often.
Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Conversation? I've seen broadcast. Where are the people? Oh, yeah, still at the cesspool.
in reply to Osma A

@osma I agree. Having possibility to have conversation with EU politicians. And not only sending information. Also listen to citizens and not only listen to lobbyists
in reply to Chantal Coolsma

Thank you for your feedback @chantal, @osma! We are always pleased to see different views and opinions shared with. While we might not able to answer to each one, your ideas, experiences, insights, and knowledge are always a source of inspiration and improvement. 😊
in reply to European Commission

Glad to see someone's at that end! Perhaps you can forward the message to the commissioners and others as well. Particularly amusing/frustrating that the people in charge of digital policies, privacy and competition act to promote foreign, privacy-invasive wannabe-monopolies who in turn promote the rise of fascism. All of which in direct opposition to the founding principles of the Union.
in reply to European Commission

@chantal @osma yes, this.
I've enjoyed your account, but it doesn't feel fully part of the fediverse because it doesn't have conversations.
It doesn't matter if it takes a week or even a month - make your account a way to ask questions and get answers, not a one way broadcasting tool
in reply to Jay Stephens

Hello @jaystephens! Thanks for your feedback! We are here to listen and answer. From now on, our community managers will be at your service – also on the fediverse!
in reply to European Commission

The possibilities are indeed great, and this emblem is uplifting as is the sentiment. But too often it is acting just for itself, not for its customers.

And right now, I would not buy its stock.


in reply to European Commission

hey @evan heres another nod to picking lowercase 'fediverse' for your book, as the European Commission has chosen this style as well (:
in reply to wakest ⁂

@liaizon @evan It actively hasn't chosen a style, in the post itself it says "Diversity is also what makes us love the Fediverse" but the image says "United in the fediverse"
in reply to Kitty-in-a-box™

Hi @coolesding! Thanks for spotting the inconsistency! We normally prefer to spell fediverse with a lower-case “f”. We have adjusted the copy of our post and will make sure to be more consistent next time. 😊
in reply to European Commission

You're more than welcome.

Any chance of officially persuading other European countries to follow suit?

Especially Ukraine, as I keep trying to persuade them to do so (even just as a X backup), because I know at some point during the war, putin will instruct elon to switch X off at a crucial point for a small but decisive period of time, and Ukraine won't be able to get the news disseminated as normal ⏩

in reply to European Commission

maybe we should talk about your morderous racist policy at the borders?
in reply to European Commission

Thank you! I appreciate the celebration of diversity and the engaging conversations on Mastodon. I'd love to see more discussions on climate action and social equality. Keep up the great work!
in reply to European Commission

Is there a straightforward way for college or university students to start public university in a different Country of the EU?
What if they are Citizens of EU but doing school outside EU?
in reply to European Commission

Diversity is important, I strengthens and never takes away. However diversity is not an internal matter, it needs to be a consideration of post humanism and considering the wealth of perspectives that exist outside the union.
in reply to European Commission

I think its great you're here! More governments, political organisations and companies should make themselves available on the fediverse so we don't have to enter walled gardens of big tech to hear what they have to say. 🪺
in reply to Will Hall

Hi @limeparallelogram! Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot to us. Which topics would you like to see us cover more of?
in reply to European Commission

Honestly I think you've already got a pretty good balance. I like the posts such as the one from a few weeks ago about #RePowerEU where you talk about some success stories with accompanying statistic but I think its also important to publicise opportunities like the youth train scheme.🚆

It would be good to hear about new motions and commitments, possibly even a brief summary of more trivial things that have been going on, with links so people can read more if they're interested.

in reply to European Commission

And as an aside, I think the digital sovereignty movement is a great opportunity to promote the Fediverse more widely so I hope that you can spread positive messaging regarding this.

Also going back to the RePowerEU thing, I saw your mural on the side of the building when I was in Brussels a few months ago and it did make me smile to see it so prominently featured. 🙂

in reply to European Commission

If you care so much about the fediverse, you could at least add a link in your website pointing to here.

To show the world that we exist.

Second you can confirm your profile as authentic.

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

1/2 As a committed European, working with European programs, I am convinced that we urgently need to defend democracy and the EU against the ultra-right and the right-wing populists. Positive solution narratives would help here: what exactly does the EU bring to citizens, how and where can they participate? Are structural reforms planned, and which ones? Practical things instead of slogans. So many people don't know about the citizens' participation…
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in reply to Petra van Cronenburg

2/2 nor do they know the programs that help developing their region/nature (LEADER, Natura 2000 etc).
Unfortunately, the extremely poor findability and old-fashionedness of the websites do not contribute to the information/motivation of citizens; the design only makes bureaucrats happy. 😉

Therefore, your communication here, beside nice slogans and the website's administrative language, is so important! Tell us, what the EU does for us and what we can do for us all in the EU!

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

"Love does not increase after the first day, but it deepens."

What in the holy name of shitty AI copy is this?

in reply to European Commission

Your presence on the Fediverse is deeply appreciated! Keep informing us, please. Regarding topics, climate change policies and water management and safety are two of utmost importance to me (and I guess most people). Saludos from Spain.
in reply to European Commission

Let me start off by saying that I love your coverage of topics related to this social network such as the Digital Markets or Services Act! I think it hits right home with what people on here are interested in the most and the almost live coverage of specific steps (identifying gatekeepers, having them contacted, explaining the consequences of this law, etc.) made this historic piece of legislation all the more engaging, educational, and made me feel as if I was part of the process!

Through analyzing those great posts and what I've liked about them I have made some suggestions about what I believe would help future coverage of new legislation or the EU overall:

Suggestion 1: Generally keeping people up to date

I think keeping people up to date about important legislation such as that is a great way to get people to understand why the EU exists and the importance of participating in elections.

Suggestion 1.1: Legislation Recaps

When it comes to the supply chain act (CSDDD) or the minimum wage directive I'd love similar updates! Additionally, once legislation passes it'd be nice to have some sort of recap of it, such as “this is when the legislation was originally proposed by this working group or this party” and “These reforms, changes, etc. were made over time during this meeting by this or that party”. Just to generally have the majority of people get an understanding of the EU legislation process, the different institutions involved in it as well as a transparency about what parties do what when elected in government! I could see this being done as a thread where a new post gets added when some important change happens with every user being able to scroll up to see all former posts regarding this topic. Replies to your own posts (Threads) are also regarded the exact same as normal posts, so it will be sent to all your followers and show up on your account feed just like a non-thread post.

I know that's a lot of work, especially it's hard to figure out what legislation will interest most people (as there are hundreds of things voted on each day) but generally that'd be a service I'd enjoy!

Suggestion 2: Interactive Posts

Also maybe interactive posts such as polls would be lovely! If there's a legislation you can ask about people's agreement to that legislation with a small explanation what it was and why it was introduced.

Suggestion 2.1 Polls

For example:

“Do you think the DMA would have a positive or negative impact on your daily life?”

“[Explanation of the DMA/DSA + Link to further reading]”

“Poll Option 1: Positive”

“Poll Option 2: Negative”

...and maybe you can ask “what would you change about this law/the EU/etc.”

Suggestion 2.2 Ask me Anythings

Possibly you can get important EU institutions, parties, figure heads, to do “AMAs” (ask me anything) so for a certain time period they'd try to respond to every question sent to them by people on here!

These are a few suggestions and idea I had to make the fediverse both more attractive, the democratic process more transparent, as well as the EU more engaging for people!


Erik Uden 🍑 reshared this.

in reply to Erik Uden 🍑

Thank you, @ErikUden, for this insighful suggestions! We will make good use of them 🙂

Erik Uden 🍑 reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

@ErikUden The EU had been at the fore front of legislative evolution and regulation of modern markets, digital spaces, data and information security, and privacy. As you further regulate these spaces, it will encourage other countries to do the same
in reply to Erik Uden 🍑

@ErikUden I don't have the time to fully read all the text you've posted, but based on glossing over it and the "chapters", I wholeheartedly agree with you. Right now, the EU commission account feels like another broadcasting account on social media. Even though I've seen the account respond to comments, even on this post, I still feel like a listener to a radio show or podcast, not as though I am an actively participating european citizen. I would love a way to directly offer my opinions and voice concerns I have "to the EU". Polls or AMAs would also be a great way for minorities like me to talk about problems and try getting improvements to go into effect sooner and be more effective.
in reply to European Commission

I truly appreciate the move and have been following the account since the very beginning. However, the president and many others are still posting on #Twitter first. The #fediverse official accounts should be their starting point for posting. Most of the official accounts do not really engage with anyone here on Mastodon because they are not real people. Their accounts are simply cross-posting from Twitter.
Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Message for Ursula via the #Fediverse…
in reply to European Commission

Talks and promotions of (Language-)Exchange programs.
And also on how to make the #EU more independent in regards to big tech companys(especially those that violate the #GDPR).
#GDPR #eu
in reply to European Commission

a union of 27 countries and 450 million people at the service of a small bunch of billionaires, you meant. That's all that remains of the European Union, you no longer represent anything. Sad.
in reply to European Commission

I like getting news from the EU here (occasionally with comments).
I'm interested in legislation update topics.
Would like to see more public profiles here too (Ursula von der Leyen, Christine Lagarde etc), especially now that X is in cash grab mode.
Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Déjà deux ans ? Le temps passe vite.

J’ai aussi l’impression que le compte de la Commission européenne est plus un relai de diffusion qu’un moyen d’échanger avec ses membres.

Je me demande qui parmi les membres connaissent le Fediverse.

#Europe #Fediverse

in reply to European Commission

Great to have such official accounts on the #Fediverse!

Main topics IMHO:
✅ reinforced public health and concrete answers to the #ClimateChange crisis
✅ Better protection of workers and better #wellfare against precariousness
✅ To welcome #migrants according to European values and its #humanist principles
✅ A more combative Europe against racisms, especially antisemitism and muslim-hatred politics
✅ Protection of #Ukraine from #Poutine's agenda

#Européennes2024 #LesEcologistes

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to Grégory Gutierez 🌻

Hi @Greguti, thanks for the list of suggestions – we will make sure to take it into consideration.
in reply to European Commission

1. More support for Ukraine
2. A sanction committee to keep track of sanctions, in particular against Russia and Putin's cronies (cooperation with the Anti-Corruption foundation would help)
3. A regular live podcast with high-ranking officials talking about current events and taking questions from the audience
in reply to Anton

Hi @antonsem! Thanks for the suggestions, we have noted them down. Did you know we already have a podcast? It’s called “Europe Calling”, you can find it wherever you get your podcasts. Have a listen and let us know what you think!
in reply to European Commission

no, I didn't know about the podcast. Thanks for mentioning it, I will definitely check it out 🙂
in reply to European Commission

one future: get us in USA/NATO war
Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

L'amour s'approfondit comme dit précédemment, restons conscients et continuons l'élévation.
in reply to European Commission

Ja, be less racist today and lesser still tomorrow. The European problem is racism and resurgent fascism.

Friendly banter.

in reply to European Commission

but not too diverse please, so we just drown those we don't want, yes?
in reply to European Commission

I’m an American who moved to #Ukraine to help win the war and to help Ukraine fulfill its dream of joining the EU. I hope Ukraine will eventually permit dual citizenship and honor me with a Ukrainian passport. Then I, too, could belong to the union I have admired since its inception. I actually made a pilgrimage to the EU visitor center in Brussels before coming to Ukraine, just to visualize it all, to put those strong intentions into the universe: EU membership for Ukraine, and eventually, for me too. I love your posts that focus on connectedness and interdependence. I hope you’ll be able to stop EU-sourced parts from being used in Russian weapons. Thank you for supporting Ukraine. I’d also like to see more posts about efforts to address #ClimateChange.
in reply to European Commission

The EU's federated accounts are very useful to me; I don't use most other social media so I stay up to date here.

I like to see how the EU has come together and how it has spent funds; for example, I liked the black hole research post a few days ago and I would like to see more posts showcasing EU-funded projects (such as NGEU-funded projects).

in reply to European Commission

I know that legally we are no longer part of the EU but in our hearts and mind we never left 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺
in reply to European Commission

"If Putin is weaponizing migration, then Europe, in a very real way, is channelling ammunition to him."…

I think that the European Union has to accept migrants coming through the southern border. There will be more and more people coming as climate changes. We have to accomodate them.

Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. It only makes it worse for everyone.

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

1. showcases of best projects funded by EU,
2. dialogue, not broadcast,
3. clear and plain speak communication of strategy, priorities, funding programmes,
4. can you make EU states to use fediverse too (besides DE, NL and FR which already do)?
in reply to European Commission

Alternative energy, alternative transit instead of cars and planes, more human rights, sustainable agriculture, education.
in reply to European Commission

I'd like to read more about:
- software freedom
- european digital sovereignty
- civil rights
- data protection
- right to an analogue life
- NGI Taler and digital Euro
- independance from GAFAM and US lobbyists
- protection from foreign intelligence services and companys
- european values
- politicans being honest to its citicens
- politicans being honest to its citicens
in reply to European Commission

digital safety in education. Not having to use products and services from big tech. It should be possible to go through an entire education from birth to PhD without the need of a Google or Microsoft account.
in reply to European Commission

Does every MEP have an option to make their account on EU Mastodon instance?

Is there an easy way to see which ones do and follow them?

in reply to European Commission

English is not the official language of the EU. To make sure that your social media team respects the Commission’s commitment to #multilingualism, create an account for each of the 24 official working languages. :idle:
in reply to European Commission

keep up posting about decisions made by the EU, and how it is relevant in today's world : Climate, Environment, Defence, Social Justice,... We need to hear about what's decided and also who votes for and who votes against
in reply to European Commission

I’d like to see more about infrastructure funded by the Union. I’m in the UK and we are still working on prjects funded by the Union. For instance, in Nottingham our new cycle paths are funded by the EU.
in reply to European Commission

It would be neat if the #EU supported local communities such as small towns, counties, etc., to stand up their #fediverse instances, on which the local population could self-organize.

It has been shown, that a loosely connected network of networks is more beneficial than trying to connect every people on the same platform as in centralized social networks.

We need to transform the citizens of the EU into digital Europeans, not exploitees of American megacorporations.

in reply to European Commission

How about campaigning against countries that are committing Genocide, instead of supplying them with weapons?

How about condemning Netanyahu for the war crimes he is committing, instead of allowing the EC president Ursula von der Leyen
to go on unscheduled arse-kissing visits to Israel ?

How about stopping Germany from a new chapter in Genocide Denial ?

#Gazagenocide #Gaza #Palestine

Von der Leyen accused of ‘unacceptable bias’ toward Israel…

joene 🏴🍉 reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

Linguistic diversity (and messages in a different language than English).

Lingva diverseco 🤗

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
European Commission
Hello @strght! Thank you for your input. We are always evaluating our presence on social media, and we believe that our community on the fediverse is a great asset.
Regarding our digital policy, we believe in working towards a Europe fit for the digital age, while safeguarding the rights of our citizens online.
You can learn more about it here:!MCvQ7g
in reply to European Commission

I'd be Interested to hear more about the ECs plans to implement the EU green Deal. I feel the communication efforts around this have been lacking.
in reply to peter sabaini

Hi @peter! Thanks for your input! We will make sure to communicate about the #EUGreenDeal in the future. In the meantime, visit our website to learn more:!8bB4bR
in reply to European Commission

It's great to finally have a two way communication channel!

I would like to see more on independence from tech giants and privacy + security by design. Less of those weird proposals of scanning everyone's (encrypted) communications. Also everything climate action is welcome!

in reply to European Commission

Hi @EU_Commission, it is great to have you here in the #fediverse on your own trustworthy domain/instance (EU Voice). I don’t ask for much, but you could definitely ‘make this journey even more engaging’ by keeping EU Voice and EU Video alive. Please see this:…
Should not be too difficult to fix that. Thanks!


Two years ago, #EDPS embarked on a pioneering journey launching a pilot project of two decentralised social media platforms: #EUVoice & #EUVideo.

18 May will mark the end of the project. Time to review the results of this successful story.

Read Press Release!yJqDgK

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)

Asta McCarthy reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

then why is @EDPS abdicating sovereign privacy-preserving self-hosting of EU Fediverse instances?…
the EU is supposed to be better than the US on privacy and data sovereignty. so disappointing. 😞

Two years ago, #EDPS embarked on a pioneering journey launching a pilot project of two decentralised social media platforms: #EUVoice & #EUVideo.

18 May will mark the end of the project. Time to review the results of this successful story.

Read Press Release!yJqDgK

in reply to European Commission

I'm very happy to have you here and I hope you'll stay despite the latest announcements.

If you do, I wish the account can be a little more "matter of fact" and less "look how great we're doing in the EU, we're really amazing" as this often feels forced, especially on important matters where we know that "it's complicated" and, though we're doing things, there still quite a way to go.