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A report, published by the NGO Transport and Environment (T&E), points out that Europe “put 58% of all rapeseed and 9% of all sunflower oil consumed in the region into its cars and trucks”, as well as 50% of palm oil and 32% of soybean oil. And thus, it claims, provokes food inflation - vegetable oils have risen in price by 2.5 times since 2021, added T&E. The NGO also states that 18% of the vegetable oil produced in the world, while suitable for human consumption, is used for biofuels.

#Economy #Politics #Fuel #CookingOil #Capitalism #Environment #Dumbfukistan #Idiocrasy

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in reply to Farhad 🆓🇵🇸 ☮️Now

I remember people in Turkey were panic buying cooking oil to fuel their diesel cars and proudly posting it on their TikTok channels.

None of them is doing it any more!

in reply to Farhad 🆓🇵🇸 ☮️Now

And after all that, it may not even be reducing carbon emissions or greenhouse gasses because of the fuel used in farming and processing and the nitrates input
in reply to Farhad 🆓🇵🇸 ☮️Now

In new zealand we have just had a company trialing the production of biofuel close.

I think they used tallow animal fat but the price of the feed stock rose 400%.

The price rose because the Americans subsidised the sale of bio fuel and a Singapore refinery bought the tallow to refine to export to American.

So now we are going to import biofuel from Singapore to meet our governments goals.

Just think of all the non biofuel burned for the import and export of this.