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🎯 Calling all Elixir developers to take on a bounty and get compensated for contributing to the commons!
Help us overcome key technical challenges and move closer to the Bonfire v1.0 release.

🔍 Discover more about our Bonfire cooperative bounty program:…

Check out the current bounties and start contributing:
🧁 Improve DB query performance:…
🧁 Improve feed rendering performance:…

#Elixir #bounties #Bonfire
🧵 1/2

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 mesi fa)
in reply to Bonfire

🌍 Fediverse community, we need your support!
We’re funding bounties with the resources we have, but we need YOU to help fuel open-source contributions.
💡 Each bounty now has a dedicated donation page via our Open Collective:

1️⃣ Optimize DB query performance:…
2️⃣ Boost feed rendering performance:…

Join us in creating a cooperative environment where every input and suggestion counts!
#Fediverse #bounties #Crowdfunding #OpenSource #Bonfire

in reply to Bonfire

Hi there 👋 The URL to your Bounties repo on GitHub is off. It should read… , not… (...) as the opencollective pages say.
in reply to Bonfire

hi, I'm an Elixir developer, but I'll be honest and say I don't know where to start with contributing to bonfire. Do you have any good first issues?
in reply to David

@wizardfrag hi, that’s good question, we’ll tag a few on GitHub in case you want to try your hand with some smaller issues before (or instead of) the bounties!
in reply to David

@wizardfrag have tagged a few here:…

happy to discuss further here or in an issue if one catches your eye…