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Ah yes, the old “everyone is leaning fascist” and “Trudeau is a fascist just like Trump.”

No, not everyone is leaning Fascist. And even though I don’t like him, there’s a big difference between Trudeau and Trump.

Again, if you Americans stayed home and didn’t vote, you are complicit in everything that Trump does.

dang bro, I think you forget to realize that globally everyone is leaning fascist and everyone is wrapped up in it. This isn’t solely at the feet of Americans. And it’s not like Justin Trudeau doesn’t continue to be a fascist and fuck over indigenous people and Canada has a huge Islamophobia issue or anything. The western societies are all complacent. It’s not just Americans. But keep blowing off that steam while you work towards dismantling yours and our mess.

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in reply to Chris Trottier

I'm getting less and less patient with those "let everyone burn because I won't settle for the lesser evil" types.

Yes indeed there's a lot to criticise the Democrats on, and to hold them accountable for. II can understand one would want to stay true to their own convictions, and not support them with their vote. But is it worth the mass deportations, end of women's rights, end of trans people's rights, end of freedom of the press, and very likely invasion of sovereign nations?

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in reply to Chris Trottier

First apart agree.

Second part, piss off.

If someone could not vote for a party supporting a genocide, then the parties are at fault not the voters (or non voters).

in reply to Estarriol, lucozade dragon

@Thebratdragon Nope, they could vote but choose not to. And not choosing is still a choice.

Specifically, if you didn’t vote, you chose to not stop Trump.

in reply to Chris Trottier

they had the choice of, genocide supporter or genocide supporter.

How is that a choice?

or are you just shit scared that the US overseas policies will now be enacted at home?

You didn't care when it happened to others and suddenly worried you are in the crosshairs. That is your fault. Not anyone elses.

in reply to Estarriol, lucozade dragon

@Thebratdragon If you can’t see the qualitative difference between Trump and Harris, congrats, you’re the mark.

And I’m not American. I am Canadian.

I am indeed shit scared because someone right next door is about to do crazy things.

Maybe you think, being in the UK, you’re insulated from all this nonsense. You’re not.

in reply to Chris Trottier

ABOUT TO? was already doing crazy things.

Genocide is genocide, it is unsupportable full stop.

You however have made the decision that it is only bad if it might happen on your continent.

Vote for this genocide supporter over that genocide supporter, is not offering a choice. It is telling me that you can stomach genocide.

in reply to Estarriol, lucozade dragon

@Thebratdragon Nope, you don’t get to feign the moral high ground. Not doing something to stop the worst outcome is assisting the worst outcome.

Comments like this are why I know a whole lot of self-identified “progressives” are full of shit and aren’t taking things seriously.

Trump is imposing a 25% tariff tax and is threatening to annex Canada, and the response here is “I’ll miss Coffee Crisp”?

GTFO. This is just a game to you.

Bummer. I'll miss Coffee Crisp.

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Chris Trottier

do you expect people to be all doom and gloom 24/7? I know shit sucks right now. My people are being arrested and deported. That angers me to no end, but I'm not going to let that ruin my day. I'm going to crack jokes and continue to live my life. That doesn't make me any less serious about what's going on. I know you're not necessarily talking to me, I'm just using myself as an example.
in reply to Josué X.

@josuex If I’m not talking to you, move on.

I’m specifically addressing a so-called “progressive” who dismissed Trump’s threats to annex Canada with an “I’ll miss Coffee Crisp” joke.

I don’t find that funny.

in reply to Chris Trottier

the USA couldn't even control Iraq, what makes you think it could successfully invade Canada?
in reply to Josué X.

@josuex Canada is right next door, has 10% of the USA’s population, not much of a military, and most of our trade is with the USA.

Now some of these problems are our own doing. We should have diversified trade long ago.

But if Trump does anything that he says he’s going to do, we’re screwed.

in reply to Chris Trottier

I'm not being dismissive of your words, I understand your fears. The USA invaded my ancestral homeland and "annexed" a good chunk of it. We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us.

That was then and this is now. Trump talks a lot of shit, I don't believe the international community would allow the USA to go on a land grab spree.

in reply to Josué X.

@josuex I absolutely believe the international community would allow the USA to do a land grab. Maybe the EU might make a nominal fuss. But everyone else? Nope.

The thing is, if the USA invades Canada—and that possibility should be taken very seriously—then that means everyone would be foolish for allying themselves with the USA in any sense.

Because hey, Canada is the USA’s closest trading partner. And all that means is that we’re suckers.

Disinfo agents on social media successfully told progressives, “A vote for Democrats is a vote for Palestinian genocide—so stay home in protest.”

During his last week in office, Biden helped negotiate a ceasefire.

And now Trump is calling for literal ethnic cleaning of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

You never should have stayed home.

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in reply to Chris Trottier

Did Biden do unbelievably shitty things in office? Yeah.

But sometimes you can’t pick between the good and the bad.

Sometimes you have to pick between less bad and pure evil.

JonChevreau reshared this.

in reply to Chris Trottier

"If you are confronted with two evils, thus the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Those who denounce the moral fallacy of this argument are usually accused of a germ-proof moralism which is alien to political circumstances, of being unwilling to dirty their hands. … The weakness of the argument has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget very quickly that they chose evil."


in reply to BigGrizzly

@biggrizzly If you stayed home, you still chose evil.

Not voting doesn’t absolve you of responsibility.

in reply to Chris Trottier

Mr. Biden supported genocide for 207 weeks, and negotiated a ceasefire for 1 week. And suddenly, 80M people didn't vote for his designated replacement. And that's their fault? THOSE DARN IDEALISTIC LEFTIES.

The DNC is out of touch with the people they relied on for votes. They catered to their donors, and browbeat their voters. And their formula failed so badly in 2025 that they lost to a convicted felon.

You can complain about the election results now, but it won't change the situation.

Any DNC grand plan to unfuck the world that Trump and his shitheads are fucking up? Or can we safely ignore the DNC while we deal with the immediate problems?

in reply to Grumble

@grumble209 Okay. Trump plans to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, and if you think Kamala Harris planned on doing the same, you’re the problem.
in reply to Chris Trottier

I'm a lefty and I held my nose and voted for Harris - more fool me.

But that no longer matters, and Harris and Walz have fucked back off to where ever. There are real problem right now. Now what?

If the Dems want to be useful, they'd best show some fucking leadership. Now or never, if they want to not be the next Dixiecrats and Know-Nothings and Whigs and Bull Moose on the trash heap of failed US political parties.

in reply to Chris Trottier

No, I assume that there must be opposition *now*.

Weird that you don't assume that Democrats should lead it.

in reply to Grumble

@grumble209 I assume nothing. I’m a Canadian who must now contend with a mess you folks started. And so does the rest of the world.

So thanks for that.

in reply to Chris Trottier

Oh, well, yeah. Weird that I couldn't tell a non-citizen from a DNC apologist.

You and Canada aren't fucked yet, but I assume your fucking is in the mail and will arrive anon. The good news is I don't recall Austria being firebombed in WW2 - you might do OK. Please welcome my fellow Americans when they start fleeing there.

in reply to Grumble

@grumble209 I guess you don’t keep up with the news then.

Canada is fucked, and it’s because you elected Trump.

in reply to Grumble

@grumble209 See, it’s this joking tone that makes me realize you think Canada is a joke.
in reply to Chris Trottier

@grumble209 Because we're not prepared to humor you?
Isntreal BEGAN via ethnic cleansing and genocide.
They want a world where Palestinians never existed m
There's no space for Palestinians to have peace with people who believe that VOTING in a legitimate election is a justification for genocide if the results aren't what their overlords want
in reply to Chris Trottier

This argument isn't convincing absent data showing a significant portion of voters actually did this.

It feels like a pile on to an already suffering community. Palestinians don't owe us anything. Americans and Arab Americans don't owe us anything. "Progressives" is not a measurable demographic to my knowledge.

I consider myself progressive and pro Palestine, I live in an arab country, vote in a state that makes overseas voting hard, and I voted for Kamala.
Stop the blame game.

in reply to Bdzyd

@Bdzyd Palestinians don’t owe anyone anything but Americans sure as hell do.
in reply to Chris Trottier

After the 2024 election, I don't ever again want to hear, "The America people aren't stupid."
in reply to Dean F.

@soulexpress What if I told you the American people aren’t stupid, but they still made that choice?
in reply to Chris Trottier

racism and scapegoating aren't good campaign strategies.
If you democrats wanted to stop trump they would have stopped committing genocide.
in reply to Chris Trottier

dang bro, I think you forget to realize that globally everyone is leaning fascist and everyone is wrapped up in it. This isn’t solely at the feet of Americans. And it’s not like Justin Trudeau doesn’t continue to be a fascist and fuck over indigenous people and Canada has a huge Islamophobia issue or anything. The western societies are all complacent. It’s not just Americans. But keep blowing off that steam while you work towards dismantling yours and our mess.
in reply to pirin_tablets

@pirin_tablets Ah, the old, “Everyone’s leaning Fascist” chestnut.

If you can’t tell the difference between Trudeau and Trump, you’re part of the problem.

And by the way, I’ve never voted for Trudeau.

in reply to Chris Trottier

Hard disagree. People who stayed home because of Genocide were aware Trump would be worse, but were unwilling to co-sign the idea that Dems could have a little mass murder as a treat.

Now we’re in the same blame game that happened after 2016. Instead of talking about how vote suppression likely changed the result and the absolute necessity to turn out votes in the midterm - we’re instead going to spin our wheels.

What was that about disinformation?

in reply to Pliny

@pliny Stop right here:

People who stayed home because of Genocide were aware Trump would be worse

That’s the problem. By not voting, they chose the worst outcome. Biden might have had his hand in terrible things, but the alternative is even more terrible and harrowing.

It is always a moral imperative to be less harmful than more harmful.

If you chose more harm, you are the problem.