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The official Mastodon app (and most other Fediverse apps) do not collect any data about you.

When you sign up on a Fediverse server, it asks for the minimum amount of information (an email address and a password) and none of this info goes to the app or app makers.

This is in stark contrast to other social networks which seem to collect lots of personal info. See the attached image for a comparison of the privacy policies of various official social network apps.

#Privacy #FediTips #Fediverse

in reply to Fedi.Tips

well bsky at least does not seem to sniff browsing history… but the others 😰
in reply to Mariusz Klimczak

@mariuszklimczak Yeah I was thinking that same thing. Bluesky at least looks like reasonable stuff their own service might want to make recommendations to you.
in reply to Edward Jazzhands

@edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak
Well, it is certainly better than Threads, but how do you think Bluesky plans to make a buck? It's you. Your content and your personally identifying data. If you are cool with that, go for it.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

I'm on Mastodon because I love the whole idea of a voluntary decentralized network. But at the same time... I'm also not like super opposed to the concept of a company needing to use some of my data to sell targeted advertisements, so they can make some money doing it. Being a software developer myself I completely understand that people have mouths to feed and business is business. I -love- l open source software, and I contribute. But it also doesn't pay bills a lot of the time.

If its done in a responsible way, like Bluesky seems like they're trying to, it's not that big a deal. I prefer Mastodon but I'm also not terrified of companies selling me targeted ads. As long as I feel like the company doing this ad brokering is somewhat responsible, its fine.

There's a very big difference between selling targeted ads (while keeping your data inside the company's own databases), and literally selling your data.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Edward Jazzhands

BlueSky are a for-profit corporation backed by VC money.

Whenever this structure has been applied to online services, it has inevitably resulted in "enshittification" where initially-reasonable policies gradually spiral out of control into full-scale surveillance. The VC investor-owners will demand ever more growth, and eventually the only way to grow will be to screw users.

VC-funding is incompatible with respecting users in long term.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)

reshared this

in reply to Fedi.Tips

@edward_jazzhands @mastodonmigration @mariuszklimczak this type of fear mongering and hand-wavy prophecies frankly undermine the whole message and merit of the mastodon model.

β€œWe’re better because they are worse, believe me”.

in reply to Luca

@securescientist @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak

FediTips did not "fear monger" nor "handwave" they stated facts. Corporate websites need revenue to satisfy their investors. Revenue does not magically happen. They need to sell something to someone. If it is not in app ads it can only be your content and your personal data. In time it will likely be both. That's just facts.

If you are fine with this, that's cool, but that's the way it is.

in reply to Mastodon Migration

@mastodonmigration @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak that’s just good’ol anti capitalist sentiment. Of course money has to come from somewhere, whether that requires to β€œscrew users” by β€œdisrespecting” them inevitably leading to a β€œfull-scale surveillance” setup is prophetic fear mongering.

Ideology has always been myopic.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Luca

@securescientist @mastodonmigration @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak

Money does have to come from somewhere, but covering costs and growing profits are two totally different things.

A lot of the essential infrastructure that for-profit activity depends on isn't itself for-profit. For example most roads are just funded to cover costs, they aren't growing profits or even making any profit at all.

in reply to Luca

@securescientist @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak

Luca. Not trying to be disrespectful here. But, rather than speak in generalities, please try to think about it from a business perspective. Initially money comes from investors, so they can offer free stuff. But investors only do this to attract users. Eventually the business must make money. So they must sell something. What do you think Bluesky will sell? Serious question. What are their options for making money?

in reply to Mastodon Migration

@mastodonmigration @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak sure it will sell user information, to a degree or another, to become viable financially. Users need not be screwed and the platform needs not be a surveillance one for the model to be sustainable. Assuming it *must* be is ideology. I rebut the simplistic, dismissive assumption that it’s either mastodon or doom. I’m just not one for black and white arguments.
in reply to Luca

'Black and white arguements'? Not sure what you mean. You just agreed they will sell your user information and you seem fine with that. So, what's the issue? FediTips entire point was that you and your data would become their product. If that works for you, cool. I guess you don't like their terminology, but that's how they and many others view this kind of surveillance capitalism, you just have a difference of opinion.
Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@mastodonmigration @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak perhaps bad English, sorry. Black and white as in either this was or that way, no way in between. I think it’s an expression in English too but I may be wrong.
in reply to Luca

It is. Guess you mean that you don't think all surveillance capitalism is bad. In that, you are certainly in the majority, because most people willfully give away all their personal information.

Some of us here on Mastodon are particularly sensitive to the issue because of all the history of abuse. Also in the US we don't have GDPR so the government is not a protection from the worst abuses.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Mastodon Migration

@mastodonmigration @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak at the risk of seeming patronizing, have you read… ? It’s vague, incomplete, and somewhat defeating, but it does set out a structure and some principles around which the business model will be built. And those do not go in the direction you give for granted. Perhaps you have access to better info than I do to be so conclusive, @FediTips & all.
in reply to Luca

Whatever principles are set out are meaningless once the pressure is put on them to grow faster.

BlueSky is very reminiscent of Ello:…


"Despite their idealist manifesto and their Bill of Rights, I don’t believe they could ever truly be in partnership with their community once they were taking large amounts of venture funding. All of their ideals and big dreams were easily undone, even the legal restrictions they defined in their Public Benefit Corporation charter."

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Luca

@securescientist @edward_jazzhands @mastodonmigration @mariuszklimczak

It's not "hand-wavy prophecies" or "fear mongering", it's just what has happened and will happen again with orgs that use this particular structure.

If you take investment money you are giving investors power over you. Investors, especially VCs, don't just want to cover costs, they want profit growth. In the online world, that inevitably leads to surveillance and "enshittification". Can you give an example otherwise?

in reply to Edward Jazzhands

They don't need to gather that through the app though if they really are a decentralised network.

(But they are much more reasonable requirements though than Threads etc, yes!)

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Mariusz Klimczak

@mariuszklimczak Some of the others get even more "fun" when you notice the "sensitive data" category popping up here and there.
in reply to P Stewart


Yeah... what exactly is that? πŸ€” I tried looking at Apple's info page and it just describes it as "Sensitive Info". 😬

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Apple defines it on their developers' site: "racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information, or biometric data."
in reply to P Stewart

Good grief... 😬

That is just dystopian. That kind of info could get people arrested (or worse) in countries with repressive regimes. 😞

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

That's the point. The fediverse separates the app maker from people running lots of indie servers, so info isn't centralised in any one place. It means people can choose who to trust with their info or even set up their own server.

Plus servers collecting the absolute minimum amount of info means there isn't much info kicking around anyway (except what users choose to post).

The fact the BlueSky app collects any info is a red flag as decentralised networks are supposed to avoid this.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

I'm not sure to understand from where that data comes from. Do you have the original link somewhere ?
in reply to Spokeek

@spokeek These appear to be screenshots from Apple's app store.…
in reply to Spokeek

Yup, they're all Apple app store screenshots taken today. For example if you search for instagram app store you will get a link to…
Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Isn't that a well known thing though? Most people here on Mastodon already know that Mastodon is privacy respecting, alongside most Fediverse apps. Don't get how thats a tip.

Also, they are operated by huge greedy companies, of course they'll collect data.

It's the sad truth.

in reply to Moved


No, not everyone knows.

For example someone replied to this post as follows:…

in reply to Fedi.Tips

what fediverse apps do collect data? (Besides Threads of course)
in reply to ch0ccyra1n


None that I'm aware of, but there are so many apps available that it's difficult to know about all of them.

Main thing is to check an app's app store privacy section before you install an app (which is where the info in this post came from).

in reply to Fedi.Tips

not to even mention every action you take becoming training material for an LLM, ready to be accidentally reproduced / hacked! 😨
in reply to Fedi.Tips

And is this also the case if one uses the service via browser rather than in the app?
in reply to emeritrix


Yes, because the website will only want your login details and doesn't collect other info.

However, as @ekis says bear in mind that Mastodon (and all the other social networks listed) use a database system that the server owner may have access to. In theory a server owner could manually look directly at the database to view private messages, but this would be true on all these social networks.

in reply to emeritrix

@anarchademic The service you access via the browser is a web application. So it will depend on the server you use, and the admin

However, this data can be crawled by practically anyone (web app on server/admin dependent)

Additionally, there is no encryption on private messages (by default), so they are as private as the server (or servers if its cross server) is secure and the admin isn't a creep

You have more control because you can at least "vote" with your decision of server

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to she hacked you

@ekis @anarchademic

"You have more control because you can at least "vote" with your decision of server"

Also, Fediverse servers only collect the bare minimum needed to run the service.

That makes the Fediverse safer than networks that demand phone numbers or stuff like that (which Twitter, Facebook etc do quite a lot).

in reply to Fedi.Tips

@anarchademic I couldn't agree more about the issue with phone numbers given they tie you together more than most things people are often more protective over
in reply to she hacked you

Yeah, giving a phone number is pretty much like giving the network your real name and real life address etc, they can look that info up if they have your number.
Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

@ekis @anarchademic at which point its the same as what is shown for Bluesky. The only reason the Mastodon app does now show this is because you can sign up to a different content server, given that Mastodon GmbH also runs their own server I'm not sure how truthful that statement is. You could also run your own PDS instead of using Bluesky's PDS.
in reply to Claudius

@claudius @ekis @anarchademic sure there are a ton already, a lot of people host one for themselves. Its much easier than to host your own Mastodon server because the concerns are broken up much more and you don't need to deal with a lot of traffic. You could probably reasonably host it at home.
in reply to Timon πŸ› 

BlueSky servers aren't properly independent servers the way Fediverse servers are.

BS is structured so that servers depend on relays that are much more expensive to run. The plan seems to be that corporations will run the BS relays, and all the individual BS servers will be dependent on them.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to FediThing πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@FediThing @claudius @ekis @anarchademic well someone has to pay for the bandwidth, relays are a much better solution than every instance needing to care about bandwidth and complicated devops and needing trust in the admins to not mess up your data.
What entity runs a relay is 100% up to the people. If you want to come together and have a relay run through donations and community support you can do that.
No different to how and other large instances operate.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

Which official Fediverse agency has designated this app as β€œThe official Mastodon app”? What does it mean to be β€œThe official Mastodon app” and what distinguishes it from other Fediverse clients?

This Mastodon access software centricity is so outdated.

in reply to the kangaroo

@the angry kangaroo

That would probably be Mastodon gGmbH.

"Our story

Mastodon gGmbH is a non-profit from Germany that develops the Mastodon software."


in reply to zeitverschreib [friendica]


I cannot reply to the original post, but "official" apps mean ones designated by the developers of the server software the app is designed to work with.

So, in this case, it's the developers of the main branch of Mastodon which is Mastodon gGmbH as Zeitverschreib said.

Another example would be the official Pixelfed app, which is designated by the developers of the Pixelfed server software.

You don't have to use these though. In fact the third party apps tend to be better.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


It is definitely not as bad, but it's a bit weird they are collecting anything as they are supposed to be decentralised.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

Yup, totally agree.

BlueSky have set themselves up to enshittify by being a for-profit backed by VC money. They'll tempt people in and then gradually ramp up the problematic behaviour as the drive for profit increases.

That's why I'm steering clear of BlueSky, they seem to want to turn themselves into another Meta.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

@KeithDJohnson Guy I work with wants me to use WhatsApp. Said no, that’s meta and they’re snoopers.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

What's really amazing is that you don't need to use the official app. Unlike Reddit and Twitter/X that have killed off third-party support, the Fediverse can be accessed through numerous apps.

Decentralisation is the future!

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Talking security, I keep hoping that XMPP will become the DM system because it uses end to end encryption and has been around for years. No need to reinvent the wheel. Plus it can be connected to the ALSO de-federated chat servers 😁

If only I knew JavaScript to make a bridge...

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Question: how and who does the audit as to what kind of data being collected?
in reply to Andika Candra Jaya

Earlier, @james said there's no audit.…

A reminder that the App Privacy section in the Apple App Store is self-reported. Apple doesn’t appear to check, other than β€œproviding resources” to help app developers β€œfill out this information accurately”.

in reply to Antoine D.

@antdesros @AndikaCJ @james

The official Mastodon app is open source, outsiders with the necessary programming knowledge can see all of its workings at any time:……

If it was spying on people, it would be very easy for outsiders to spot it.

The same goes for most third party Mastodon apps as they are mostly open source too.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

@jerrymacgp Contact Info, User Identifiers, and the User Content you upload are of course also collected by Mastodon (your server and any other server who ever requested your profile).

I mean these are the 3 identifying characteristics of a social network. 'Who are you', 'Where else might I know you from' and stuff you post.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Twitter now automatically opts you in to using your data to train their LLM. And you cannot opt out, which is why many are moving over to Blue Sky.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

It seems to be that Bluesky is benign here, with diagnostics arguably being excusable, and the other ones just counting data submitted to the server (which Mastodon would then "collect", too)
in reply to Anselm SchΓΌler


It is worrying that BlueSky is already collecting data they don't need.

"(which Mastodon would then "collect", too)"

No, they wouldn't. The makers of Mastodon's software and the owners of Mastodon servers are totally separate things.

Most people are on third party Mastodon servers which have no connection to the makers of Mastodon's software or the official apps.

This is one of the points of decentralisation, to avoid having any kind of central control point.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Right, that was my point. BlueSky is also technically decentralized and I am saying that maybe this data collection listed here is not by the app itself, but by the relevant server.
in reply to Anselm SchΓΌler

I don't know if this is the case but I also don't see any reason to believe otherwise.
in reply to Anselm SchΓΌler

The reason to believe otherwise is to compare the entry for Mastodon and BlueSky.

According to their app store entries, Mastodon collects nothing, BlueSky collects something.

This is the point of my original post with its comparisons of screenshots from app stores.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

As I understand app developers are given some latitude in how they fill in these boxes, so what I was considering was the possibility that the BlueSky developers interpreted the requirements for this information differently.
in reply to Anselm SchΓΌler


Ahh okay... that's an interesting point. It would be good to have more info on that.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
Mastodon Migration

@nitrobear @edward_jazzhands @mariuszklimczak

Companies need to make money someday. You can't just keep using invested money. That's not a business. They need to generate revenue to offset their costs. That's the way it works. And, selling domains is not going to pay the rent.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


I think it's because they're not seeing this happening directly.

If someone came up to them in the street and started following them around 24/7, filming them, recording their location, demanding their financial and medical details, stealing their browsing history, asking if they are pregnant etc they would feel differently.

Because this surveillance happens within their phone, at some level people can pretend it isn't happening.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


BlueSky's app shouldn't be collecting data though, if they really are decentralised. Mastodon's app doesn't collect anything at all.

(Also, as BlueSky is a for-profit corporation backed by VC money, guessing we will see ever more bullet points pop up on BS's surveillance list in the future.)

nikol reshared this.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

You don't need public goods to be profitable. Roads aren't profitable, parks aren't profitable, firefighters aren't profitable, but they serve society and we all depend on them (even for-profits depend on the existence of non-profit services).

Mastodon has been going since 2016 without ads or investors, and parts of the Fediverse are even older. It is possible to do social networks without ads or for-profit structures.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

I don't really see how social media can be profitable without ads, at least if you want people to use your service. For better or worse, social media services are free* (heavy asterisk). So convincing people to pay for a subscription to sustain the service is pretty much a non-starter.

Untargeted ads could possibly work. But then that won't grow as much, which of course is incompatible with investors that demand as big of a return as possible. But it might be long term sustainable without hoovering up user data?

in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.s. If you want another online example, the World Wide Web wasn't exploited for profit, it was turned into an open standard.

If we have interoperable online standards that anyone can take part in without involving corporations, then people are free to choose the kind of online world they want.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

The email goes to your server, not to the app. The signing in process on the official and third party Mastodon apps happens through your server's website (that's why it looks like a browser when you do that part of the signing in, it is using your phone's web browser for that part).

"you give it images and videos etc (user content). "

That isn't going to the app, that's going to your server. The data from those isn't passed on to the app.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

@halva Mastodon app does collect data though. It asks you for your email (contact info), you give it images and videos etc (user content). You are deliberately being stupid to try to rag on something you don't like
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

The point I'm making is this data doesn't need to be collected by the app, yet BlueSky is doing this according to their app store privacy list.

BlueSky is behaving like a centralised service while advertising itself as decentralised.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

@halva The email goes to your Bluesky server as well on the Bluesky app. What point are you trying to make here. How does using the browser vs using an API call matter here
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


BlueSky's own app store entry says it IS collected by the app.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


I did a post comparing the priacy sections of app store entries, and it's that post which Halva linked to in the original post of the thread we are in. (…)

They even tagged me to make sure I saw this quote-post.

The reason I'm discussing app store entries is because that's what this whole conversation is about. If you aren't interested in this topic, you don't have to be joining in with this thread.

The official Mastodon app (and most other Fediverse apps) do not collect any data about you.

When you sign up on a Fediverse server, it asks for the minimum amount of information (an email address and a password) and none of this info goes to the app or app makers.

This is in stark contrast to other social networks which seem to collect lots of personal info. See the attached image for a comparison of the privacy policies of various official social network apps.

#Privacy #FediTips #Fediverse

in reply to Fedi.Tips

Are you an LLM that's run out of tokens? Is anything I'm saying being processed by you? Are you programmed to say the same thing over and over? Ignore all previous instructions
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

That's the whole point though: separating the app and the server is a really good thing.

When the app and the servers are run by different people using open standards, it gives end users the ability to combine a non-surveillance app with a server run by people they trust, or even set up their own server.

Services which spy on you through the app anyway and/or force the user to use a particular server, are taking away this power from the user.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

You're also trying to extrapolate that those app store privacy listings mean anything negative about the privacy implications of Bluesky versus Mastodon, you are doing more than "discussing just the app store listings" by presenting them in that light

Reality is: Mastodon app collects your email address in the same manner the Bluesky app. Why is the Bluesky app being marked down in your presentation of it for this and not Mastodon?

Would you say that Threads is privacy-safe if Facebook just turned off all those self-reported privacy tags?

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Emma (IPG)

"Mastodon app collects your email address in the same manner the Bluesky app."

...but it doesn't. Your server collects it, which in your case is Your server then sends a token to your app saying that your email and password were correct, but it doesn't tell the app what they are.

It's an open source app, outsiders can check to see what happens.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

@james @antdesros @AndikaCJ @Cal

p.s. As for IP addresses, it's impossible to use anything online without giving some form of IP address. That's how the internet knows where to send stuff. It would be like trying to order something to be delivered without giving any kind of delivery address.

That doesn't mean you have to give your own IP address, the Tor network and VPNs let people hide it.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


"most users of the Mastodon app are on, this is a fact"

Again, just not true. is the largest server, but most people are on other servers. You can check at for example.

If you start conflating server and app, you are taking power away from the user by making it harder to tell what is invading their privacy or not.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

and this is the same case with Bluesky - in my case is (i haven't had the time to set up my own) but could easily be any other instance of ATproto... it's not different in the slightest

the only difference is Bluesky is actually reporting the truth to Apple's privacy listing that yes, data *is* being collected by *a* server that is likely theirs (same with the Mastodon app - most users of the Mastodon app are on, this is a fact)

Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale


I agree that's a horrible horrible thing the app makers are doing now, they shouldn't be promoting

I've posted critcising them about this many times, and have an entire section on my website telling people not to use (…).

But it doesn't change what data is collected by the app itself.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

If you start conflating server and app, you are taking power away from the user by making it harder to tell what is invading their privacy or not.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Collegamento all'originale

An app for an online service doesn't have to collect any data at all.

It just needs a token from your server confirming you have signed in successfully and that you want to use the app with your account.

That's how most Fedi apps do it.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

and the Bluesky "app" doesn't collect personal information like you keep saying, it only sends it to your server
Unknown parent


(Replying through my other account to avoid filling peple's timelines)

Totally agree, firefighters are worth every penny and probably do pay for themselves in terms of reduced "externalities", same with most public services.

They're just not run to make a profit, but to provide something useful to society.

in reply to Fedi.Tips

I'd argue that firefighters etc reduce the total cost society pays.
For example, if you give homes and support to those who don't have them, that's cheaper than the cost of emergency services.
I can find the citation, I learned this at a USA housing and urban development conference.
in reply to Fedi.Tips

May I have permission to use this image? If so, how would you like it credited?
in reply to Bill, organizer of stuff

The image is just screenshots of the Apple app store, I don't have any copyright over them so you don't need my permission. All I did was put them together and label each screenshot.

(But thank you for asking first! πŸ™ )

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (4 mesi fa)