Germany's far-right AfD welcomes Musk backing
Elon Musk expressed support for Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party on X, stating “Only the AfD can save Germany.”
Party leader Alice Weidel welcomed his endorsement, urging followers to review her criticisms of German politics.
The AfD, polling at 19% ahead of February’s federal election, is officially under scrutiny as an extremist group by German authorities.
Musk has previously questioned the party’s “far-right” label. Controversy surrounds the AfD, including links to a meeting discussing deportation of migrants.
Germany's far-right AfD welcomes Musk backing
After Elon Musk posted his support for Germany's far-right AfD, the party's leader Alice Weidel expressed her gratitude.Deutsche Welle
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Thoralf Will
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in reply to Eheran • • •"The Holocaust was nothing but a minor blemish on the glorious millenia of German history."
Not far right at all.
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in reply to Eheran • • •Eheran
in reply to LittleBorat3 • • •kurap1ka
in reply to Eheran • • •Flying Squid
in reply to kurap1ka • • •Eheran
in reply to Flying Squid • • •7eter
in reply to Eheran • • •„Wir schieben sie alle ab“: Aggressive Gesänge bei AfD-Wahlparty in Brandenburg
RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschlandsnekerpimp
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in reply to HikingVet • • •That shows how good they were at rehabilitating their image. How did those "philanthropists" get the money to build the libraries?……
1892 labor strike
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)PlasticLove
in reply to 9point6 • • •benni
in reply to snekerpimp • • •Saleh
in reply to benni • • •They have been getting traction consistently and German politics moved significantly to the right over the past years. Now supposedly progressive parties like the social democrats and greens spout stuff that five years ago was exclusive to the AfD and maybe the fringes of the Bavarian CSU.
Even if they don't govern they get their way more and more, which helps normalising their positions more and more, which gives them more and more votes.
in reply to benni • • •They had 93 seats in the German parliament as of 2017 and are now the second most popular party as of a 2023 poll.
I just got those numbers from a DDG search two minutes ago. Where did you get your information?
in reply to RedditRefugee69 • • •RedditRefugee69
in reply to benni • • •benni
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in reply to benni • • •benni
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in reply to benni • • •frunch
in reply to snekerpimp • • •rayyy
in reply to frunch • • •frunch
in reply to rayyy • • •Curiousfur
in reply to frunch • • •Saleh
in reply to Curiousfur • • •frunch
in reply to Curiousfur • • •MutilationWave
in reply to frunch • • •MonkeMischief
in reply to frunch • • •Optional
in reply to snekerpimp • • •snekerpimp
in reply to Optional • • •jagged_circle
in reply to snekerpimp • • •Maggoty
in reply to snekerpimp • • •People have a real problem grasping the wealth of 500 Billion dollars. At the Median US household income it would take 12 years to make a million dollars; 1,200 years to make a hundred million dollars; 12,000 years to make a billion dollars; and 1.2 million years to make a 100 billion dollars.
His wealth is essentially limitless. It is that of a moderate sized country like Norway or Israel. When he can have an effect with 100 million dollars he could influence 5,000 elections with 500 billion dollars. And that's not even talking about his investments in social media, PR cult of personality, and straight up vote buying in broad daylight.
I sincerely hope he and X end up banned from Europe, with a warrant out for his arrest in relation for doing this. Because America has proven unable to stop him. Another country might though if they come down hard on anyone accepting his money and as hard as they can on him without using their military.
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
in reply to MicroWave • • •Bruh.
Is Germany gonna do the "Defensive" part of Defensive Democracy?
(Please ban AfD already)
in reply to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed • • •like this
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in reply to leisesprecher • • •I feel like I remember hearing when AfD was getting less than the 5% (or whatever it is) minimum to be granted proportional seats. I knew they had grown in popularity, but they're at 19% now. 19???!
They should have already banned them.
Meine Oma war 11 am Kriegsende, und hat mir natürlich viel von dir Geschichte persönlich erzählt.
For fucking shame. Honestly.
Makes me quite sad 🙁 as an German Australian. And and as any human who's been to school in the last 40 years.
When will humanity learn that capitalism is the problem, not the foreigners...?
in reply to MisterFrog • • •Nooo nnnnnoooo you seee it's the people who (look different/speak different language/family came to the country later than your ancestors did) who are causing all your problems. Don't look at Mr. Musk who has enough money to buy countries, or Mr. Kühne whose family company gladly helped do the logistics for the holocaust, while he doesn't even pay taxes in Germany because he doesn't believe in taxation.
in reply to MisterFrog • • •The problem is, that the AfD slowly drifted from very conservative to far right, and for a pretty long time, they managed to seem sufficiently "bürgerlich" not to be legally extremist. It was perfectly clear that they were nazis, even years ago, but not provable.
Add to that the two unsuccessful attempts to ban the even more right and NPD. They were afraid to fail again.
Regarding the current 19%, Germany's political, economic, and media system somehow paint itself into a corner. The politicians are largely out of ideas, they're all fighting about petty conflicts, there's hardly anything being done. Not that bad laws are enacted, nothing happens. The country runs on autopilot into a very obvious wall, and the politicians fight who can sit in the pilot's seat. It's a simulacrum.
The economic system is eroding away. The old German model doesn't work anymore, and the old conglomerates just switched to subsidies and rent seeking, no investment, no changes. Volkswagen wants to scale back EVs in favor of ICEs.
The media are dominated by public access outlets, who are largely afraid to be critical, because someone could call them biased, and private media spreading hate for clicks.
So, Germany is currently in a pretty bad situation and many many people see that, but don't see anyone actually doing anything about it. But because they are bombarded with hate, they choose AfD. Absolutely stupid decision, but these people just lost every bit of trust in the system. And honestly, I blame the system.
in reply to leisesprecher • • •Thanks for the lengthy reply. Pity about the public broadcasters, it's the same here in Australia. The ABC's funding has been cut so much that they're rarely properly critical of the government.
I, maybe naively, hold on to hope that we'll be able to pull out of this global slide to the right without the horrors of last century.
Frohe Weihnachten 😀
in reply to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed • • •I hear there are 3 or for 4 candidates for chancellor now one is a lesbian Nazi bitch living in Switzerland so no, no wehrhafte Demokratie.
All candidates are not well liked in terms of approval ratings so hooray 2025.
in reply to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed • • •AfD is cheering while the SPD's thugs attack and arrest Jews calling for an end to Israeli terrorism.
Not lookin' good
in reply to MicroWave • • •52fighters
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in reply to 52fighters • • •helmet91
in reply to MicroWave • • •riodoro1
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in reply to riodoro1 • • •I've come to like the phrase "can he meet with Luigi already?"
Of all the people in the entire world, muskrat is in the top 5 that need a visit from Luigi.
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in reply to Asafum • • •Asafum
in reply to casmael • • •mPony
in reply to Asafum • • •The thing to remember is that regular people don't get to go near those windows.
in reply to Asafum • • •spechter
in reply to prole • • •Grandwolf319
in reply to riodoro1 • • •I don’t understand this, while it’s obviously bad to have this situation, isn’t this the logical conclusion of the American political system?
Lobbying has been a thing for decades, isn’t the logical conclusion that we get tyrants infiltrating the government?
Clearly America has been working towards this for a long time.
in reply to riodoro1 • • •I concur - someone should shoo him away (or at least downregulate him).
Until that happens, companies that he owns can be boycotted in the faint hope that he understands something, but that kind of people, nah... they typically won't.
Once this episode is over - in whatever way - I even think we might see reforms in the US electoral system. To prevent an oligarch from buying everyone a crooked president.
As for Germans, they will probably not appreciate his advise.
in reply to riodoro1 • • •Curiousfur
in reply to riodoro1 • • •FelixCress
in reply to MicroWave • • •KomfortablesKissen
in reply to MicroWave • • •LittleBorat3
in reply to KomfortablesKissen • • •KomfortablesKissen
in reply to LittleBorat3 • • •acargitz
in reply to MicroWave • • •like this
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in reply to acargitz • • •I would prefer a Russian.
We dont want his innocent family to all be bombed out of existence. Just Musk falling out of a window would be great.
in reply to MicroWave • • •JigglySackles
in reply to babybus • • •palordrolap
in reply to MicroWave • • •Flying Squid
in reply to palordrolap • • •like this
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in reply to Flying Squid • • •Flying Squid
in reply to julianwgs • • •I'm not going to go to Twitter, but here's a news article.…
Elon Musk expresses support for antisemitic post on X, calling it "the actual truth"
Aimee Picchi (CBS News)jagged_circle
in reply to MicroWave • • •floreana
in reply to MicroWave • •He is just pissed because a Union just sued his Tesla Gigafactory in Grünheide, so he goes crying to the ones most likely to make the boo boo go away if given power.
World News reshared this.
in reply to MicroWave • • •Shut up Musk. Your countries political center (if it existed) would count as conservative in Germany.
Tiefling IRL
in reply to MonkderVierte • • •vaultdweller013
in reply to Tiefling IRL • • •Maggoty
in reply to vaultdweller013 • • •Please don't abuse Arizonans they already abuse themselves by attempting to live on the actual surface of the Sun.
in reply to Maggoty • • •Maggoty
in reply to vaultdweller013 • • •vaultdweller013
in reply to Maggoty • • •lemmydividebyzero
in reply to MicroWave • • •azimir
in reply to MicroWave • • •The rest of the world might need to bring the US to heel. We're exporting hate and racism as a means to build fascist states around the world. Our rich are so rich and protected by the US military that they are becoming untethered from all remaining constraints about law and sovereignty for other countries.
Here be dragons.
in reply to azimir • • •Flying Squid
in reply to MicroWave • • •Ithorian
in reply to Flying Squid • • •SoleInvictus
in reply to Ithorian • • •Cliff
in reply to SoleInvictus • • •SoleInvictus
in reply to Cliff • • •mPony
in reply to Flying Squid • • •Yeah but we can discuss it without saying it should happen, right? (not trying to be a dick about this, honestly)
Flying Squid
in reply to mPony • • •mPony
in reply to Flying Squid • • •Flying Squid
in reply to mPony • • •youstolemyname
in reply to Flying Squid • • •Treczoks
in reply to Flying Squid • • •Fashim
in reply to Flying Squid • • •rustydrd
in reply to MicroWave • • •Elon: "Why are they considered far-right? They don't look far-right to me!"
Also Elon:
in reply to rustydrd • • •It's pretty much comes down to
Do they support trans people and trans rights?
Yes: Woke mind virus.
That's why he's in right wing politics now, he's said as much. His trans daughter, who he dead names, was "stolen" from him.
in reply to NotMyOldRedditName • • •NotMyOldRedditName
in reply to Cliff • • •AreaSIX
in reply to Cliff • • •Queen HawlSera
in reply to rustydrd • • •As a believer in Horseshoe Theory (Just hang around a tankie long enough, you will too)
I'm really hoping these people somehow wrap around to being left.... I mean that won't happen because the Horseshoe only bends one way, but damn.
in reply to Queen HawlSera • • •ayyy
Unknown parent • • •eronth
Unknown parent • • •SulaymanF
in reply to MicroWave • • •NotMyOldRedditName
in reply to SulaymanF • • •SulaymanF
in reply to NotMyOldRedditName • • •NotMyOldRedditName
in reply to SulaymanF • • •SulaymanF
in reply to NotMyOldRedditName • • •NotMyOldRedditName
in reply to SulaymanF • • •barsoap
in reply to MicroWave • • •Germany moves to protect top court against far right
Ben Knight (Deutsche Welle)Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
in reply to MicroWave • • •Maggoty
in reply to Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼 • • •Kornblumenratte
in reply to Maggoty • • •Queen HawlSera
in reply to Maggoty • • •At this point it's not about the money, it's about ~~THE METS BABY!~~
It's about feeling like he's in charge. At this point he's so drunk on attention and power that he'd order a nuclear strike on his own daddy's Emerald Mines if he thought it'd make him look like a big man.
in reply to MicroWave • • •katy ✨
in reply to MicroWave • • •on the same day that an anti islam afd supporter committed a terrorist attack on a christmas market even
elon sure can pick them
in reply to katy ✨ • • •In case someone needs to read the story:…
An anti-islam, ex-muslim, pro-afd, rams a car into christmas market killing atleast 4 people so far.
Magdeburg Christmas market car-ramming death toll rises to 4
Deutsche Welleours
in reply to just_an_average_joe • • •killingspark
in reply to ours • • •just_an_average_joe
in reply to ours • • •Maybe to increase religious tensions? He was very anti-muslim, and hated germany for enabling "islamization of europe".
So probably in his mind, if he, being saudi, were to attack a christian related event just before the election, it would snowball into some anti-muslim winning election thus him getting what he wanted.
in reply to just_an_average_joe • • •The site doesnt load for me but afaik it was a 50 year old doctor from saudi arabia that committed the attack. Allegedly, he was unhappy with the treatment oft refugees.
Also, it would make little sense for someone whos pro-afd to attack a Christmas market
in reply to Realitaetsverlust • • •He had a website to help women escape Saudi arabia, due to state oppression. He had issues with German state not doing much to stop the spread of islam in germany. He claimed Germany is enabling "islamization of europe".
For context, in may 2024 there was a anti-islam rally, and a refugee tried to attack them and ended up attacking a police officer and killing him. This culminated in a historic rise of anti-islam and anti-immigrant AfD. And they won the state election in Thuringia in September.
Germany currently has federal elections in February, this attack was an attempt to incite anti-islam sentiment again just before the election.
He was pro-immigrant for ex-muslims, but anti-immigrant for muslim ones (which happen to be the majority).
in reply to just_an_average_joe • • •I am german, so I am well aware of the entire situation here.
However, I don't feel you can call someone pro-AfD simply because he was opposed to islam. Again, someone who was pro-AfD wouldn't have chosen to attack a christmas market, but instead a mosque or something.
If I look through my political beliefs, there are very likely a few things in the AfD manifesto that I agree with. That doesn't make me pro-AfD. Just as there will be a few things in the green party manifesto I agree with, which does not make me pro-green.
Calling him pro-AfD is a fairly disgusting attempt of framing imo.
in reply to Realitaetsverlust • • •Magdeburg: Mourners gather for Christmas market vigil
Deutsche WelleRizzRustbolt
in reply to MicroWave • • •iAvicenna
in reply to MicroWave • • •Jack
in reply to MicroWave • • •Did people also saw Hitler like that before he got in power?
"Oh look that bozo doing shit again" and then bam, the bozo is the head of state?
in reply to Jack • • •Jack
in reply to pyre • • •killingspark
in reply to Jack • • •Queen HawlSera
in reply to Jack • • •People didn't think of him in that light till WW2 started.
Before that he was actually beloved by most, so much so that when he annexed Poland, the rest of Europe and America basically went "Aww shucks"
in reply to Jack • • •Unfortunately I'm fairly sure that particular monster actually had some sense of charisma and strength-projection. I'm sure people still saw through it, but couldn't say much because he was considered a "world leader" with the rest of em.
This, of course, was before the grand spectacle that was reality television, so now our megalomaniacal monsters simply have to generate interesting headlines and do bozo nonsense to attempt world takeover.
I'm legit surprised MrBeast or a Kardashian hasn't attempted to buy rulership over a smaller country at this point. You know, just for the views.
in reply to MonkeMischief • • •xenomor
in reply to MicroWave • • •don
in reply to xenomor • • •Zess
in reply to xenomor • • •hubobes
in reply to MicroWave • • •boomzilla
in reply to hubobes • • •Snapz
in reply to MicroWave • • •ZILtoid1991
in reply to MicroWave • • •uis
in reply to ZILtoid1991 • • •CaptPretentious
in reply to MicroWave • • •TankovayaDiviziya
in reply to CaptPretentious • • •Treczoks
in reply to MicroWave • • •