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When It Comes To DOS, Don’t Forget DR-DOS.


Despite the latest and greatest Intel-derived computers having multi-core 64-bit processors and unimaginably fast peripherals, at heart they all still retain a compatibility that goes back to the original 8086. This means that they can, in theory at least, still run MS-DOS. The venerable Microsoft 16-bit OS may now be long discontinued, but there is still enough need for DOS that the open-source FreeDOS remains in active development. The Register are here to remind us that there’s another open-source DOS on the block, and that it has a surprising history.

SvarDOS is an open source DOS distribution, and it’s interesting because it uses a derivative of the DR-DOS kernel, an OS which traces its roots back to Digital Research’s CP/M operating system of the 1970s. This found its way briefly into the open source domain courtesy of the notorious Caldera Inc back in the 1990s, and has continued to receive some development effort ever since. As the Reg notes, it has something FreeDOS lacks, the ability to run Windows 3.1 should you ever feel the need. They take it for a spin in the linked article, should you be curious.

It’s something which has surprised us over the years, that aside from the world of retrocomputing we still occasionally find FreeDOS being distributed, usually alongside some kind of hardware maintenance software. Even four decades or more later, it’s still of value to have the simplest of PC operating systems to hand.

It’s worth pointing out that there’s a third open-source DOS in the wild, as back in April Microsoft released MS-DOS version 4 source code. But as anyone who used it will tell you, that version was hardly the pick of the bunch.

Header: Ivan Radic, CC BY 2.0.…