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Rilasciata la rel. 2023.05-rc (release candidate).
Se vuoi aiutare a trovare qualche bug e, si spera, risolverlo prima del prossimo rilascio, dai un'occhiata al nuovo ramo e segnala i problemi che incontri.

Il motivo principale di questo primo RC è la correzione di un bug nell'area di notifica. Inoltre i punti salienti della prossima versione sono:

- correggere un bug che impediva la ricerca di @-handles, e
- un'implementazione OWA migliorata.

Friendica 2023.05 Release Candidate available

We have just branched off the 2023.05-rc branches from the current development branch of Friendica. If you want to help finding rough edges and hopefully fix them before the upcoming release, please checkout the new branch and report problems that you encounter.

The main reason for this early RC is fixing a bug in the notification area that Tek informed us about. In addition the highlights of the next release are

  • fixing a bug that prevented the search for @-handles, and
  • an improved OWA implementation.

What is Friendica

Friendica is a decentralised communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Twitter.

How to use the 2023.05 RC Version of Friendica

If you want to help in the release process, you can checkout the 2023.05-rc branch from the git repositories (core and addons).
git fetch
git checkout 2023.05-rc
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
Note that you only need to pull the composer dependencies in the core repository.

Should the upgrade process of the database get stuck

If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
./bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned above.

What to do with Quirks

The 2023.05-rc phase is meant to identify and preferable resolve quirks and bugs that should not be in the 2023.05 release, but have slipped through so far. So if you switch your node to the 20232.05-rc version of Friendica, please let us know about rough edges you find, either at the issue tracker (github account required), in the support forum or in the development forum.

Thanks a lot for helping with the release :…