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Fluid Simulation Pendant Teaches Lessons in Miniaturization


Some projects seem to take on a life of their own. You get an idea, design and prototype it, finally build the thing and — it’s good, but it’s not quite right. Back to the drawing board, version 2, still not perfect, lather, rinse, repeat. Pretty soon you look around to discover that you’ve built ten of them. Oops.

That seems to be the arc followed by [mitxela] with this very cool fluid simulation pendant. The idea is simple enough; create a piece of jewelry with a matrix of tiny LEDs that act like the pendant is full of liquid, sloshing about with the slightest movement. In practice, though, this project was filled with challenges. Surprisingly, [mitxela] doesn’t seem to number getting a fluid dynamics simulation running on a microcontroller among those problems, at least not to a great degree. Rather, the LED matrix seemed to cause the most problems, both in terms of laying it out on the 25-mm diameter PCB and how to address the LEDs with relatively limited GPIO on the STM32 microcontroller. The solution to both was diagonal charlieplexing, which reduces the number of vias needed for the 216-LED matrix and allows the 0402 to be densely packed, along with providing some tolerance for solder bridging.

And then there’s the metalworking heroics, which no [mitxela] project would be complete without. This seems to be where a lot of the revisions come from, as the gold-plated brass case kept not quite living up to expectations. The final version is a brass cup containing the LiR2450 rechargeable battery, a magnetic charging connector, and the main PCB, all sealed by a watch crystal. The fluid simulation is quite realistic and very responsive to the pendant’s position. The video below shows it in action along with a summary of the build.

If you want to catch up on [mitxela]’s back catalog of miniaturized builds, start with his amazing industrial ear adornments or these tiny matrix earrings. We’re also fond of his incredible shrinking MIDI builds.……