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Well that’s not the kind of debugging I was planning on doing this afternoon but then something tripped the fusebox. Apparently it was the residual current device (RCD; which, unless it just saved you from being electrocuted to death, likely means something is wet that shouldn’t be, or so the Interwebs tell me).

Anyway, so we try turning it back on and it trips again. Bugger! And this time, one of the fuses for the switches trips too. So we go around and unplug everything. Flip the RCD. Trips. OK, let’s turn off all the fuses, try each one in turn to make sure we’ve isolated where… ah, it’s one of the switches in the kitchen. And no, we hadn’t unplugged everything… dishwasher and washing machine are still plugged in.

Long story short, it turns out to be the dishwasher.

A few online searches later, I find that other folks with the same model have had the same issue and one guy narrowed it down to the lower door seal being damaged and thus steam getting into the door and up to the electronics in the control panel embedded there. Sounds plausible… so I check the lower door seal and voila, isn’t that just the loveliest hole right there in the middle of it?

So I’ve got a new door seal ordered and on the way and I’ll test the wet cotrol panel theory tomorrow once it’s had a chance to dry.

All riveting stuff, really.

We now return to the more traditional kind of debugging…

#domesticLife #justCallMeMrFixIt #haventFixedItYet

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in reply to Aral Balkan

This is what the internet should be about.

Sharing stories people can relate to.

Sharing knowledge, for people who look for it.

Just sharing.

Thanks, Aral

🎙️ This Week in Tech 1016: @leo Laporte, @edbott, @samabuelsamid, & @owenthomas break down Microsoft 365 Copilot's launch fail, Tesla's $15B brand drop, & DeepSeek's AI rivaling OpenAI. 🚗🤖 #TechNews #AI 🎧 Download & subscribe:

Un Ensayo Burdo sobre el Canal yquot;Linux en Casayquot; en estos 6 años…

where #Himmler established a biodynamic plantation, w/Weleda products for testing on (i. e., torturing of) its imprisoned inmates:

"Weleda supplied naturopathic materials for ‘medical experiments’ (i.e. torture) on prisoners at Dachau. Weleda’s longtime head gardener, Franz Lippert, asked to be transferred to #Dachau in 1941 to oversee the biodynamic plantation that #Himmler had established at the concentration camp."*…
Anthroposophy and Ecofascism (cont'd)

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in reply to Gina Intheburg 🇺🇦 🌻 🥥🌴

I think this article offers a good lesson that movements (eg:biodynamics) and intents of their proponents are distinct . They must be treated as such. The individuals promoting a movement and the virtues or defects of a policy need to be given each their own consideration.

"... Social Darwinism and ecology, they embodied a historically unique and politically disastrous convergence of otherworldly ideology with worldly authority"

fantastic article about the #DeepSeek brouhaha with gems like this that shows why true innovators make do with what they have:…

❝ So was this a violation of the chip ban?
Nope. H100s were prohibited by the chip ban, but not H800s. Everyone assumed that training leading edge models required more interchip memory bandwidth, but that is exactly what DeepSeek optimized both their model structure and infrastructure around.❞

seams the 1990s #AI team went retro in coding… 🧵

in reply to your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

YOU CANNOT OPTIMIZE ANY SOFTWARE FOR YOUR DATA UNLESS YOU CONTROL IT. that’s why you need to have that software running on your own computers/servers.

there is no omniscience.

there is no such thing as a brain, person, computer, robot, god that knows it all. not even the judeo-christian-islamic god knows it all. just read damn GENESIS which is canonic for the 3 religions.

so an all-knowing #AI is bullshit techbro smoke and mirrors. it’s a 100 billion dollars article of faith… 🧵

in reply to your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

a $100 billion article of faith being propped up by the OPEC mafia because they see the incredibly wasteful and inefficient data centers needed for running techbro AI as an opportunity to continue pumping petroleum.

and since these data centers consume water, theyre gambling on turning this an investment into convoluted schemes of diverting water from water-rich countries like the USA, to their deserts.

China just killed that with a scripty kid and a couple of computers, sort to speak… 🧵

I've been using @Flipboard's new @surf app—it provides a fresh look for discovering content across the #Fediverse. Here are my thoughts on why it's useful for those looking to break free from Big Tech + how it better connects decentralized communities.…

#Flipboard #Surf #ContentDiscovery

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Grèves féministes : arrêtons tout !…

Depuis les années 2010, des grèves fémi­nistes massives ont eu lieu en Amérique latine, en Pologne, en Espagne ou encore en Suisse. Reliant la question des violences sexistes et sexuelles à d’autres types de violence, éco­no­mique notamment, et mettant en évidence l’importance du travail domes­tique et de soin pour faire tenir la société, la grève féministe est une stratégie révo­lu­tion­naire.

in reply to Khrys

Oui oui les féministes seront l'un des principaux piliers de la révolution à venir!

Tatort Saarbrücken: Clans, welche Clans?… Saarbrücken ist schön. Besonders dann, wenn alle schlafen, lässt es sich hier offenbar prächtig Spazierengehen. Kommissarin Pia Heinrich (Ines Marie Westernströer) kann mal eben zur Nachtapotheke schlendern, um dort ihre verschreibungspflichtigen Tabletten (250 Euro für die Packung) abzuholen. Den Hinweis der Apothekerin (Sophie Roßfeld) „aufpassen mit dem Zeug“ und

Derzeit wird die bewegende Gedenkfeier im ARD übertragen.

Lasst uns alles dafür tun, dass die Straßen nicht anders werde.

Holocaust-Überlebende Friedländer: "Die Straßen waren anders als sonst" |

John M. reshared this.

in reply to Rant_ifa 🎗️ Rant_ifa

Gerne, hier ist eine Alt-Text-Beschreibung des Bildes:

Das Bild zeigt eine große Halle, die mit vielen Menschen gefüllt ist, die in Reihen sitzen und auf eine Bühne blicken. Im Vordergrund stehen mehrere brennende Kerzen in Glasbehältern. Im Mittelgrund stehen einige Personen, die scheinbar an einer Zeremonie teilnehmen. Im Hintergrund ist ein großes Publikum zu sehen. Die Atmosphäre wirkt würdevoll und andächtig. Das Bild könnte eine Gedenkveranstaltung oder eine ähnliche Zeremonie zeigen.

Hier ist eine Beschreibung des Bildes für Menschen, die es nicht sehen können:

Das Bild zeigt eine Gedenkveranstaltung, die in einer großen Halle stattfindet, vor dem Hintergrund eines Nachbaus des Eingangs des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz. Die Halle ist mit zahlreichen Menschen gefüllt, die in Reihen sitzen und stehen. Im Vordergrund ist ein Sarg zu sehen, um den herum mehrere Personen stehen. Die Atmosphäre wirkt würdevoll und still. Die Architektur des Nachbaus des Konzentrationslagers ist deutlich erkennbar und bildet einen düsteren Hintergrund für die Veranstaltung. Große Bildschirme sind an den Seiten der Halle angebracht. Das gesamte Bild vermittelt einen Eindruck von Trauer und Erinnerung.

Bereitgestellt von @altbot, generiert mit Gemini

New #blog post: Playing around with Deepseek (NSFW)

Content-warning: there's strong and sexual language, as well as reference to some (IMO unpleasant) celebrities in this post.

After seeing a post by @alecmuffett recently, I decided to play around a bit and see just how censory #deepseek is.

Most of the answer is unsurprising, but it also turned out the #LLM's ruleset is surprisingly liberal in other areas…

If Elon Musk wants to cut $2t from the US federal budget, there's a pretty straightforward way to get there - just eliminate all the beltway bandits who overcharge Uncle Sucker for everything from pharmaceuticals to roadworks to (of course) rockets, and then make the rich pay their taxes.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…


Se ve lo foste perso, questo è il primo capitolo del mio romanzo.
Se vi va andate a leggerlo e fatemi sapere nei commenti cosa ne pensate.
Presto pubblicherò il secondo capitolo.
Ho notato che ci sono già persone in trepida attesa.
Un po’ di pazienza che lo sto scrivendo e presto sarà vostro.…
in reply to 𝙶𝚒𝚞𝚕𝚜 🔮🌙

Bellissimo, Giuls!! Complimenti!! Ci vuole molto coraggio per pubblicare una storia che parla così tanto di sé. Davvero brava! Mi piace tantissimo la calma che emana Luna in tutto quello che fa, sia esso prendersi una focaccia alle olive, o stilare una lista delle cose da fare il giorno dopo, o ascoltare un bel brano durante la doccia.
in reply to Mikkaels

Non crucciarti dell'hater, è sicuramente uno che ti segue sui social (si è creato l'account il 23/01 apposta per commentare, merita un premio per la dedizione!)
Vai serena per la tua strada, se ti va bloccalo ma in ogni caso ignoralo (non rispondere alle sue provocazioni, è esattamente quello che vuole). E in bocca al lupo per il seguito, sono proprio curioso di conoscere cosa succederà nelle prossime pagine!
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Howto: Import TCM PEH Capstone Machine 'Blue' into Proxmox…

#howto #proxmox #tcm #peh

New Marmite SSG Theme: Minimal

A clean and minimalist theme with Light and Dark modes.…

Contribution from Marcos Oliveira…

#rust #rustlang #ssg #css #html #opensource

in reply to Bruno Rocha ★ rochacbruno

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem:

A imagem mostra uma página web da documentação do gerador de sites estáticos "Marmite". Há uma barra de pesquisa com "github" digitado. Abaixo, há seções com informações sobre opções de formatação Markdown, paginação, contribuidores e um texto indicando uma página sem conteúdo principal. Há também uma seção "Getting Started" com informações sobre a instalação e o uso do Marmite, mencionando que é escrito em Rust. Finalmente, há uma seção descrevendo a interface de linha de comando do Marmite. A data é visível: quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2024.

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem fornecida:

A imagem mostra a página inicial de um gerador de sites estático chamado Marmite. A página tem um design limpo e escuro, com texto branco. Ela apresenta seções sobre como começar, a interface de linha de comando do Marmite, e as razões para usar o Marmite. Cada seção inclui uma breve descrição e um link "ler mais". A página também inclui informações sobre os colaboradores, tags, arquivos, autores e repositório GitHub do projeto. O tema geral é a simplicidade e facilidade de uso do gerador de sites.

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem fornecida:

A imagem mostra a página inicial do site do Marmite, um gerador de sites estáticos. O topo da página apresenta o nome "Marmite", sua descrição como um gerador de sites estáticos, e links para contribuidores, tags, arquivos, autores e o GitHub. Há um depoimento de um usuário sobre a facilidade de uso do Marmite. Abaixo, há seções com títulos como "Começando", "Interface de linha de comando do Marmite" e "Por que usar Marmite?", cada uma contendo uma breve descrição e um link "Leia mais". As seções incluem datas de publicação e a hashtag "#docs". A página tem um tema limpo e minimalista.

Aqui está uma descrição de texto alternativo para a imagem:

A imagem mostra uma interface de usuário escura, possivelmente de um site ou aplicativo, com o nome "Marmite" e a descrição "Static Site Generator" no topo. Há uma barra de busca com "github" já digitado e um menu suspenso mostrando opções como "Markdown Formatting Options", "Pagination", "Contributors", "about" e "Hello Streams". Abaixo, há um pequeno trecho de texto com instruções e links. A data "Quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2024" também é visível. A cor predominante é um verde-escuro.

Fornecido por @altbot, gerado usando Gemini

Facebook and Twitter censor Linux-related content

According to the DistroWatch newsletter they have received multiple reports of Facebook users having their accounts suspended for talking about Linux.

I predict that this is just the beginning of a US government crack-down on people who want to break away from the corporate-controlled propaganda, and the surveillance technology built-in to Apple, Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), Facebook (Meta), and Amazon products, or who want to run their own federated web services. It is only a matter of time before ActivityPub is classified as “terrorism.” TikTok was only the beginning.

Starting on 2025-01-19 Sun Facebook’s internal policy makers decided that Linux is malware and labelled groups associated with Linux as being “cybersecurity threats”. Any posts mentioning DistroWatch and multiple groups associated with Linux and Linux discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts removed.

We’ve been hearing all week from readers who say they can no longer post about Linux on Facebook or share links to DistroWatch. Some people have reported their accounts have been locked or limited for posting about Linux.

The sad irony here is that Facebook runs much of its infrastructure on Linux and often posts job ads looking for Linux developers.

Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do about this, apart from advising people to get their Linux-related information from sources other than Facebook. I’ve tried to appeal the ban and was told the next day that Linux-related material is staying on the cybersecurity filter. My Facebook account was also locked for my efforts.

We went through a similar experience when Twitter changed its name to X - suddenly accounts which had been re-posting news from our RSS feeds were no longer able to share links. This sort of censorship is an unpleasant side-effect of centralized communication platforms such as X, Facebook, Google+, and so on.

In an effort to continue to make it possible for people to talk about Linux (and DistroWatch), as well as share their views and links, we are providing two options. We have RSS news feeds which get updates whenever we post new announcements, stories, and our weekly newsletters. We also now have a Mastodon account where I will start to post updates - at least for new distributions and notice of our weekly newsletter. Over time we may also add news stories and updates about releases. Links for the feeds and the Mastodon account can be found on our contact page.

#Tech #Politics #Censorship #FreeSpeech #Linux #Fediverse #TikTok #FLOSS #FOSS #FreeSoftware #Twitter #Apple #Microsoft #Google #AlphabetCorp #Facebook #MetaCorp #AmazonCorp

in reply to Ramin Honary

Ah thought i found something in one sense this is rather funny does Facebook not run on Linux servers.
in reply to Paul Sutton

They do but what the first class citizens do isn't a reliable measure of what the second class cl citizens are allowed to do.
in reply to Paul Sutton

Twitter need to focus on removing content such violent content such as the video the idiot in southport watched before killing 3 children, and attempting to murder a further 8 more children and two adults.

Facebook needs to also focus on similar content.

in reply to Ramin Honary

With this, I feel safe assuming that Microsoft's Recall is a direct line to the Gestapo surveillance apparatus.

Incus vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta, koska siinä on sekä virtuaalikoneet että kontit samassa yhteydessä.


DeepSeek is Limiting Access Amid Large-Scale Cyberattack #AI #GenAI #DeepSeek #DeepSeekR1 #AIModels #China #OpenSource #OpenSourceAI…

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[thread] Genocide industrial complex




Trump2/DOGE Ties to Military-Industrial Complex…

­C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f. G­a­z­a G­e­n­o­c­i­d­e…

#GenocideIndustrialComplex #Palestine #Gaza #IndustrialComplex #StructuralViolence
#Trump2 #fascism
#billionaires #Musk #libertarianism #capitalism #Corporations
#genocide #transgenocide

Poverty Industrial Complex

Am. Legis. Ex. Council (ALEC) gen. templated libertarian/anti-LGBT model legislation for distrib. to GOP lawmakers in US legislatures.

l/w, Cicero Institute generates anti-homeless model acts, e.g. "Reducing Street Homelessness Act."

Cicero: f. by billionaire Joe Lonsdale: cofounder, Palantir.

The model legis. is ostensibly egalitarian but in fact (seen here, Vancouver) demonizes addicts/homeless, suggesting e.g. outsourced involuntary carceration/treatment.

in reply to Victoria Stuart 🇨🇦 🏳️‍⚧️


Sensitive content

in reply to Victoria Stuart 🇨🇦 🏳️‍⚧️

Foreign policy of American kleptocracy…

* Trump favors ethnic cleansing of Palestinians f. Gaza
* Trump2 already taking steps to try to remove more Palestinians
* motivations? Follow the money
* Trump 2025-Jan-20: Gaza ideal site for real estate development

#Israel #genocide #EthnicCleansing #DefundIsrael #Gaza #Palestine
#WarCrimes #Netanyahu #WarCrimes
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #GenocideIndustrialComplex #transgenocide
#capitalism #billionaires
#Trump2 #fascism #Trump

I see the news is all wholly positive today. No need to look just trust me. Apparently sausages are now good for you.
in reply to Ben

it was great to discover that everyone, overnight, suddenly realised that everyone else is a human being deserving of exactly the same respect, love, dignity and meeting of basic needs as themselves.

That if we worked together we could save this near-broken planet and make it a place where no-one is born into war, hate, poverty and suffering. That we could have rich, engaging lives full of love and creativity. That people can put whatever they want on pizza.


La difficile naissance du musée des féminismes en France…

Malgré les promesses d’hommes et de femmes poli­tiques de gauche comme de droite depuis vingt-cinq ans, aucun musée de l’histoire des femmes n’a encore vu le jour en France. Une version recentrée sur les fémi­nismes pourrait ouvrir à Angers, mais pas avant 2030. Pourquoi un tel retard ? Enquête sur presque trois décennies d’enlisement.

It's Chinese New Year on Wednesday. I'm going to say this is the real start to 2025 and never speak again of everything that just happened.

Who's in ?

One in five Americans over age 50 have no retirement savings according to AARP, and 61% are worried they won’t have enough socked away to live on in their senior years. For 1 in every 3 Americans, credit card debt outpaces their emergency savings, and more than 1 in 4 people have no emergency savings at all. #Baby_boomers #SocialSafetyNet…

GhostOnTheHalfShell reshared this.

Oh no... Depression is kicking in.
I have games to make!!

'With thousands of photos of blue tongues, this photographer says: top riders torment their horses'
#horsesport is #animalsuffering!
Behind paywall ►……

Meet young redperson Isaac Kearney.
Forget us adult supporters, I can't imagine a stronger motivation for the men's team than doing their very best to make Isaac happy.


behind the wall:…


in reply to vruz

The image is split into two parts. On the left, a photo shows a man in a Liverpool soccer jersey holding a young boy, also in Liverpool gear, in his arms. On the right, a different photo shows the same young boy sitting on a patterned floor, smiling, and playing a dark-blue ukulele. The boy is wearing a white Liverpool soccer shirt. Behind him is a fireplace and a mantelpiece with family photos and decorative items.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Sensitive content

Remember, the Holocaust didn’t start with gas chambers in Auschwitz.

It started with politicians dividing the people with “us vs. them”.

It started with intolerance and hate speech.

It started when people stopped caring, became desensitized, and turned a blind eye.


in reply to Andrea Junker

In 1947, the war department of a victorious United States was motivated to produce this 22-minute film, urging the public not to be suckered into hate.

Think about it. Right after the war.

Usually, I prefer to link to Internet Archive because they are marvelous service, but apparently access to them can be limited.

It has been thoughtfully added to peertube.…

archive's version:…

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Schämt Euch! Was seid Ihr für doch für ein erbärmlicher Haufen. Der AfD-Verbotsantrag könnte ja schiefgehen? Was bitte würde das am Ist-Zustand ändern? Erst war die Partei zu klein, nun ist sie zu groß?
Verfassungsrechtler glauben, der Antrag hätte gute Chancen! Aber Ihr wisst es besser?Ignoriert Petitionen und Wählerwillen?
Aber Ihr drückt Euch immer noch?
Mausetot ist die SPD damit für mich!
in reply to Martha 💍🇪🇺🌻

Sogar im unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass der Verbotsantrag der AfD nicht zum Verbot führen würde, hätte das Verfahren entscheidende Vorteile.

Die Partei müsste sich öffentlich zu ihren Zielen bekennen und könnte im Anschluss an den Verfahrensprotokollen gemessen werden.

Abgesehen davon ginge es endlich mal um die Partei und ihre Menschen verachtenden Ziele, anstatt andauernd mit FakeNews über die angeblichen Fehler der anderen Parteien.

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in reply to EighthLayer

Here is a description of the video:

The video opens with a close-up of a red Ferrari racing jumpsuit. The logos of several sponsors are visible, including HP, IBM, Shell, and the Ferrari logo.

The camera then pans to two silhouetted figures standing back-to-back against a red background.

Next, the video shows various shots of Charles LeClerc and Lewis Hamilton, both wearing Ferrari racing suits. The video intersperses close-ups of their faces with shots of their suits, and other shots of them in what appears to be a photoshoot.

The names “LECLERC” and “HAMILTON” are visible on the backs of their respective suits.

The video includes several quick cuts and transitions, with some shots having a slightly distorted or glitchy effect.

The video ends with both LeClerc and Hamilton standing side-by-side, arms crossed, in their Ferrari racing suits. No audio is present in the video.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Sensitive content

Top Tip for the U.S. and Mexico.

The French and English share a body of water and it's called The Channel by one side and La Manche by the other and literally nobody even bothers.

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Mamma Arch 😁…

Il giorno della Memoria

Oggi è il giorno della Memoria, ricordiamo affinché un domani non possa succedere che ci scordiamo di ricordare le cose della giornata della Memoria.…
