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Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

in reply to European Commission

A journey only becomes one when it begins somewhere.

That's why we are grateful to @EDPS for having created and skillfully managed the EUVoice pilot instance.

Your vision has opened new horizons for us and European institutions.

Our new instance will only foster our engagement with this truly amazing community and be a reference for any institution interested in embracing the fediverse and open alternatives.

in reply to European Commission


What is the difference between the old and the new instance?

And why do you decide to create a new one?

in reply to Nordnick :verified:

Hi @nick! Thank you for your questions! Our old instance was created, hosted and managed by @EDPS as part of a pilot project for a Mastodon server. As the pilot project was coming to an end, we decided to build on its success by setting a permanent instance, ensuring the continued and uninterrupted presence of our institution on Mastodon. The new instance is hosted and managed by the European Commission and has no expiry date.
Questa voce è stata modificata (8 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Thank you and congratulations!
It would be great if individual EU leaders would also start posting here, so you don't have to copy-paste screenshots from the deadbird site into Mastodon anymore.
in reply to European Commission

While the first is nice, the second is unfortunately not true:

The EU is giving millions and millions to hypercapitalist monopolies in the form of Horizon and other lobby-funds.

There is no „real“ Open Source nor Open Protocol funding.
The opposite is the case:
Fedidevs loose their non-profit status.

Please read my interviews, e.g. [DE]… or come to Conferences of the good lobby


reshared this

in reply to European Commission

Great to hear this and also I hope you would do a lot more to promote Mastodon and do more to encourage people to move from closed surveillance platforms run by pro[to]fascist sociopaths to open privacy and freedom respecting platforms like this one.
Questa voce è stata modificata (8 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Can you give us a more precise planning about the deployment of the different parts of the European administration on the #Fediverse ? Can you ensure us before the elections there shall be a real political commitment from the whole European administration to remain on the #Fediverse and to promote its effective use everywhere in the European institutions and beyond ?


in reply to European Commission

Now it is quite confusing. Which instance was the old one, which is the new one, and are you just migrating? Or are both going to be around? Which one is the primary one, if there is such a thing, or if they are equal, how do they differ? Could you, please, clarify?
in reply to Jan Žegklitz

Hi @zegkljan! Thank you for your comment! The old instance referred to is ‘’, a pilot project conducted by the EDPS. The new one is ‘’. As the EDPS phases out their pilot project, we are migrating our accounts to our own instance that we will continue to run for the Commission. (1/2)
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mastodon - Collegamento all'originale
Roland Alton


Yes, also found out today that the EC launched a new Mastodon server. The one which they are shutting down was a pilot by the European Data Protection Supervisor, now they launched an official commission Mastodon service:… which I really can recommend to follow.

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

in reply to European Commission

That is good to hear. 🎉
I wonder, is the then only for the commission and its departments and what happens to the other institutions, that were previously on
Will there be etc.? And what about other institutions such as @Curia? Will the commission host these as well on or support them in hosting their own instances?
CC @netzpolitik_feed @markusreuter @zarasophos
in reply to European Commission

Hi, great to have you here on your own instance in the #fediverse! One remark: not all active profiles seem to be visible in your profiles directory (…). For example, I do miss @EC_DIGIT, @EC_NGI and @EC_OSPO. Could you make sure that all active profiles will be shown in the profiles directory? Thanks!
in reply to European Commission


There are some great projects and ideas that are being overseen by EU in general and EUC in particular..

Hope other parts of the world learn from you and implement it as well.

in reply to European Commission

The #EuropeanCommission is now officially in the #Fediverse, and with their own server !

@EUCommission welcome and thank you for the effort of setting up and maintaining an official server !

in reply to European Commission

I kinda wish the EU would create a separate social media site and really throw a lot of resources at it.

I think to safeguard freedom of speech we should have private, public and decentralized social media. Something like Mastadon can never threaten Facebook or Twitter cause the moment it starts to do so those more centralized platforms will tear it apart.

In today's age of megacorps we need rival institutions from government agencies that can stand up to them.

in reply to European Commission

You cannot be committed to the #fediverse or #Mastodon while withdrawing funding for #FOSS.

How do you think this works?

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

thank you for turning users of the fediverse against each other. Everywhere politicians show up the divide begins 🙄
in reply to European Commission

The #fediverse could be the last, best hope of turning the internet back into a commons, instead of the platform-owned #monopoly rent paradise it currently is.

It is also the last best hope for #Europe’s own digital safety & security in a world where China & US prepare to fight tooth & nail over data supremacy.

We europeans should be prepared that at a moment’s notice, the US digital platforms we depend on can turn against us.

Questa voce è stata modificata (4 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Although the European Union has a lot of negative aspects, I am happy to see this kind of initiatives by the Union. Also, best region in the world to live in still.
in reply to European Commission

Any chance of making this instance EU-wide (remove the ec. from the domain) and adding Parliament, Council, etc?
in reply to European Commission

This is absolutely splendid. I'm hoping that more and more institutions and government bodies follow suit. I'm imagining some kind of playbook so that, say, the Spanish government, as an example, could set up an instance and all the health services, police departments and town halls could have their accounts and switch from commercial services like Twitter.
in reply to European Commission

Just found this today!
This is exactly the kind of thing I am (still!) advocating the Canadian Parliament to do. @Paulatics