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Acrilico su tela
Acrylic on canvas
40x40 cm
#elfo #elf #acrilicosutela #acryliconcanvas #painting #art #psychedelicart #paintingintuscia
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"Backdoor" non documentata trovata nel chip Bluetooth utilizzato da un miliardo di dispositivi
@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)
L'onnipresente microchip #ESP32, prodotto dal produttore cinese Espressif e utilizzato in oltre 1 miliardo di unità a partire dal 2023, contiene una backdoor non documentata che potrebbe essere sfruttata per attacchi.
I comandi non documentati consentono lo spoofing di dispositivi attendibili, l'accesso non autorizzato ai dati, il passaggio ad altri dispositivi sulla rete e, potenzialmente, l'istituzione di una persistenza a lungo termine.
Lo hanno scoperto i ricercatori spagnoli Miguel Tarascó Acuña e Antonio Vázquez Blanco di Tarlogic Security, che hanno presentato ieri i loro risultati al RootedCON di Madrid.
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Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁), informapirata ⁂, MeNocH, Alessio Cappe, mrasd2k2, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
> **"Backdoor" non documentata trovata nel chip Bluetooth utilizzato da un miliardo di dispositivi**
> @informatica
> L'onnipresente microchip #ESP32,
L'intervento dovrebbe essere questo:…
Mi interesserebbe saperne di piu' (cage guarda di sbieco la schedina che ha al lato della scrivania…). Spero che pubblichino video o diapositive.
RootedCON Registration and control panel
Top technology and information security event in Spain@rootedcon
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Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) e informapirata ⁂ reshared this.
> cage guarda di sbieco la schedina che ha al lato della scrivania…
Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) reshared this.
> @cage @cybersecurity @informatica
> > cage guarda di sbieco la schedina che ha al lato della scrivania…
> 👂👂👂👂👂
E' proprio una di quelle che contiene il chip di cui parla nell'articolo. Non l'ho mai usata, ma a questo punto vorrei sapere se sia ancora il caso di usarla! 😅
Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) reshared this.
@cage puoi usarla, ma non in contesti in cui la riservatezza è importante
Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) reshared this.
> @cage puoi usarla, ma non in contesti in cui la riservatezza è importante
Prima vorrei capire (se ci riesco) cosa facciano questi comandi non documentati, il sommario in spagnolo e' molto piu' cauto, tanto che non mi sembra parlare proprio di backdoor; pero' si indica il chip come possibile veicolo di attacchi. Ma senza conoscere i dettagli non posso dire nulla di solido. Speriamo che pubblichino qualcosa di circostanziato e che sia disponibile e che sia in grado di capirlo! 😅
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Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) e informapirata ⁂ reshared this.
The ESP32 Bluetooth Backdoor That Wasn’t
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Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁) e Cybersecurity & cyberwarfare reshared this.
> @cage @cybersecurity @informatica
> The ESP32 Bluetooth Backdoor That Wasn’t
I took a look at the slides and, to be honest, there is no mention of "backdoor" both there and in the abstract; maybe i am wrong, but seems to me that, to send undocumented command to the BL controller, you need to communicate via UART with it. I guess someone on the marketing branch of the company went too far this time…
That's a relief, by the way! 😀
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Elif in Quartet è un quartetto #jazz con base nella provincia di #Viterbo, fondato da Elisabetta Fratoni.
La line-up del 2025 è così composta:
- Elisabetta Fratoni (@elif): 🎤 voce e 🎸 basso
- Sandro Santilli (@strk): 🎺 tromba
- Luciano Tellico: 🎹 pianoforte
- Augusto Zucchi: 🥁 batteria
Il nostro sito web:
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Ora non resta che trovare locali che offrono musica dal vivo e i cui gestori frequentino il fediverso. Facile no ? 😅
Il marketing quello fatto bene !
#MusicaDalVivo #Musica #Jazz #RomaJazz #ViterboJazz
Che dici @Valentinasail li riusciamo a trovare qui ?
Shall you feel the need for a Costumer Relationship Management to simplify the task of finding gigs for musical bands, what would you do ?
#OpenSourceCRM #CRM #MusicBusinessDevelopment
- install a web based tool (57%, 11 votes)
- install a multi-platform desktop tool (10%, 2 votes)
- stop wasting time, go practice! (31%, 6 votes)
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Ach so... 🇺🇦, Sabrina Web 📎, lorenzo, nicolas, Joe Vinegar, Oblomov, Booteille, Khrys, Francesco Marinucci 🌈🥋🐧, 【Ϙ】, Campbell Jones, elia, Fedo[T] ¶, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Melancholic Mediocrity, Piratenpartij Delft, bytebro, webhat, Aleca, Kitkat, snow enthusiast, Asta McCarthy, stux⚡, Chu 朱, Roni Laukkarinen, Loki Gwynbleidd 🏴🎨😷, Aral Balkan, queenbee4ever, svigneau, Nantucket E-Books, Dún Piteog, Alex 🐘, 𝓘𝓰𝓸𝓻 🏴☠️ 🏳️🌈 🇮🇹 e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Merci de tenir, même si c'est sans doute une évidence pour toi.
Y a encore trop de monde pour qui ça ne l'est pas.
@GinevraCat to ease that: here’s the wonderful episode 36:…
Episode 36: The Surprise Attack - Pepper&Carrot
Official homepage of Pepper&Carrot, a free(libre) and open-source webcomic about Pepper, a young witch and her cat, Carrot. They live in a fantasy universe of potions, magic, and creatures.Pepper&Carrot
@ArneBab @GinevraCat I’ve never heard of the series, but the art style is incredibly beautiful!
So while I am deeply saddened by how hurtful and obnoxious conservatives can be, I hope that this post can introduce many others like me to your work.
Wow, but really, wow.
You keeping to your creative choices makes me want to share/buy your products even more!
Oblomov reshared this.
"😇 Could you please please please be a little bit more bigoted for me, yes? With extra sugar on top please? That would be grrrrrreat."
WTF?! 😡
I applaud you for your stance. Maybe you could give In and come up with some EXTRA content for that person 😉
heu 🤔
Ben justement, c'est bien parce "to make masterpiece accessible across different culture" toussa toussa y compris gay culture family que voilà "they kiss episode 36" et puis c'est tout.
Et si ça expose tes "children" tu leurs explique et tu nous break pas les nuts!
Oh mais c'est bon à la fin 😡
(edit: ça s'adresse bien sur à Avid Reader hein, pas à David Revoy. J'chuis colère, un peu)

"Please modify your work to accomodate my insecurities and fears of what my own culture has ingrained in me to be abnormal, but what openminded people across cultures will simply identify as 'love' "
just 3 letters for the mail: WTF?
Love your reaction with "another panel to worry about" 😍
I disagree only because if it is silently ignored they will assume it might be because you didn’t see it.
Saying no publicly lets them know you read their complaint and are explicitly disagreeing with their bigoted agenda.
@unixorn I just noticed i was very unclear. I meant delete/archive after replying, but not doing it in a public way. I was sure i wrote that but obviously i did not.
I meant only the part about making it public
@pteryx @unixorn His Email did not portray him as a fascism
He can not censor anything…
What does a public roasting cause? Virtual clap on the shoulder from people who support you anyway (nothing changes) + more hate and anger from people who do not support you (negative).
imho he asked question politely enough, that i don't think this Twitter-like-style of public slaughter is necessary. Again, my personal opinion, nothing more.
@vamp898 @pteryx @unixorn Hey 白川間瀬流, the politeness of the message is an illusion.
It's full of manipulation tactics such as flattery and seduction ('masterpiece/wonderful/beautiful/magical') , a call to social norm (eg. "many conservative parents worlwide", "different cultures"), playing the victim (eg. "more accessible", also a 'mirroring' tactic using a vocabulary used by people caring about other humans).
Showing it publicly might prepare and help more vulnerable authors receiving this.
@pteryx @unixorn I do not disagree with that. Either he is very clever or naive.
Either way, especially when he is actually clever, he archived what he wanted. spreading anger. I 100% understand your urge to call him out, but i fear that maybe is exactly what he wanted so he can say "I wrote a nice mail and got roasted, those people are bad, they prevent free speach".
How about using this Mail as inspiration for something good? Short Spin-off focusing on the relationship?^^
well, if bigots like this are "concerned" by your work, then you're definitely doing it right.
Also, so many positive comments, I'm gonna hand out some stars.
ridiculous on so many levels, hateful on others
Just intolerant.
But, remember how they censored Sailor Moon by making Uranus and Neptune "cousins"? Make them cousins instead of a couple. Your sales will take off in some states! /s
we propose adding "respect your creative choices" to spam filter.
can't think of any legitimate use of that phrase.
trying to mask hatred as inclusive is disgusting to me.
Hi. You dont like gay people? Great, you just chose to exclude yourself from my art. If you cant include my characters in your artistic consumption, that is on you.
Tolerance and inclusivity must logically be intolerant of intolerance and exclude those who loath inclusivity.
I always try to view things from both sides. So, as a parent, you may think that "cis heterosexual" is the path of least resistance and it may prevent difficulties for your child in the future. I have some understanding for this view.
However, apart from what they may think is right for the child, it won't change the reality that same-sex relationships exist and should be accepted as normal. Less common perhaps, but normal.
Instead, they attempt to warp reality for their children.
> Tracker protection prevented some images from loading. Load them if you trust the sender.
@davidrevoy ooh, the plot thickens! Is this something their email client just does automatically? Possibly, but not very likely!
these bigots don't even understand the comic is released under an opensource licence and they could jist modify that page.
Not that I am encouraging them obviously.
"interpret naturally."
They believe your creation to be sub or super natural?
You're in good company. Charles M. Schulz got similar mail when Franklin, the black kid, first appeared in Peanuts. 1968.
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Oblomov e Carlo Gubitosa reshared this.
People can express their opinion, but at times we do so without being thoughtful or considerate.
How long do they plan on their children living with them so as to "avoid exposing" them to reality?
Have they reflected on how they are "exposing" their children to their devaluation of some people over others and the long-term effect that will have in their interactions with others?
Also, them asking YOU to change to accommodate them, ugh - Rude, no matter the sweetness.
"many conservative parents worldwide prefer…"
− It's not about me and my opinions, hope you understand. But, you know… parents… sometimes… But not me of course. I swear.
What should be fixed is that persons mentallity.
The couple were kissing! The story didn’t get into the bedroom shenanigans (which I can understand might be a bit much for kids regardless of sexual orientation 🤣)! Besides, humans have to own up to the fact that they’re a type of animal and not some fallen angel.
I once got an email to "remove the gay" stuff from the @neomojimixer .
they also argued with Christian family values.
what's wrong with those people?
"allow readers to interpret their relationship naturally" as if lesbian relationships aren't natural?
Let the door hit them on the way out.
Right, because kids can only see a man and a woman kissing on the lips. As if same-sex, same-gender kisses are heretical and utterly forbidden, it'll turn your kids gay and trans!
As if children would even care about this distinction in the first place, without their parents intervening and feeding them religious or bigoted slop through indoctrination.
I for one, never had an issue with this, ever since I was young. I managed to stay away from deep religious beliefs despite having an Orthodox upbringing up until I was 12.
Don’t let your energy be consumed by such emails. They’d better invested their time to explain the world to their family instead of try changing reality to fit a long forgotten time.
For my followers, it is available in many languages (link to german):…
Episode 36: Der Überraschungsangriff - Pepper&Carrot
Offizielle Homepage von Pepper&Carrot, einem freien und quelloffenen Webcomic über Pepper, eine junge Hexe, und ihren Kater Carrot. Sie leben in einer Welt voller Zaubertränke, Magie und fantastischer Kreaturen.Pepper&Carrot
I like what do you do then I follow you, If your staff stop tò be intersting to me i Will stop following. Easy.
(God, while writing this in jest I suddenly realize that they might actually do that)
Even better! From what they describe they sound like a horrible family
those poor children!
Let's be frank, they're always US people. 🙄 There's hardly another culture this entitled.
Miriam Bonastre Tur recently had to age her main characters three years up because US people couldn't tolerate 18 and 19 year old characters drinking at a party.…
TBH, I always thought it's already a compromise that they're 18 and not 16. It would fit the world building much more for them to be younger. But apparently, people can't accept fiction as fiction anymore. 🙄
Marionetta - (S2) Episode 62
A mysterious circus. A missing friend. A dangerous deal. Julia Lazarrett is happy with her honest, predictable life. But when her best friend Kamille convinces her to visit a travelling circus, they both get more than for which they
Oh my goodness. A narcissistic case of 'Would you be so kind as to tailor your creativity to pander to my narrow world view based on mythology and denialism'.
It deserved a definite no.
What is it with these people and their need to deny and warp reality rather than realise that the world isn't only how they specifically were brought up, or their choice of book, and that is okay. What a pointlessly scared way to live, divide and hate.
If a same sex kiss is THAT concerning to a person, then maybe don't read the comic?
Great job on standing your ground! Don't listen to those pinheads!
I see three choices
1 No changes
2 Change it and make it even more gay.
3 Add a TST tenet. "One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone."
>tracking gif image >probably not malicious
A tracking image is only ever added out of malice, as the intention is to spy on you.
There is many other acceptable ways to get confirmation of receipt.
May I suggest your lawyer identify the mailing address of this individual and perhaps respond as the lawyer of the Cleveland Browns did to differently stupid correspondence.…
Letter Exchange Between Law Firm and Cleveland Browns
A lawyer received a caustic response after complaining to the Cleveland Browns about fans' throwing paper airplanes during the team's home NFL games.David Mikkelson (
The solution for when someone is offended by rainbows is to add more rainbows.
What is being portrayed is not "please change this because the children are afraid of seeing this".
It is "please change this because we don't want the children to see this and know it is normal".
Add more rainbows. You are the author, not them.
I think it is more valuable when people hesitate because it means they are starting to question themselves.
BTW I don't know your art, gonna look for it
Write back:
Your children are most likely more grown up than you, because they have no stereotypes and prejudices. You might want to take yourself an example on them, unless you want to project your smallminded perspectives on them and narrow their view on the world for the rest of their lives. Let them find their own place without bias.
And David:
don't you dare change a thing on the story! Nobody cares if she does not like it, a thousand others do, very much.
Funny. If they wanted to share it with their children, you'd think they'd have done so already by Episode 36.
One one might almost suspect they _aren't_ such an avid reader as they proclaim.
(It also reads like a form letter.)
i have never seen any of your work before but now i wanna check it out because its angering the bigots so it must be based as hell
also im a lesbian i love lesbians yes yes yes
Oh dear God why haven't these people died off yet!?
...You should respond by adding tongue or something.
"Hi, I hate Queer people and want to turn my child against them too, could you do as you are told please?"
The entitlement of the Bigot, expecting the world to move for them because "they asked nicely"
They should learn that not everything is meant for everyone.
this whole "To make your masterpiece (hello emotional manipulation) more accessible to families across diffrent cultures"
actually means "Hey can you just do what i want you to?"
Good for you for standing your ground...
I wonder if people like this will ever give up their fight against reality…
Maybe you can just send a link to this thread as a reply, since the person on the other end might not have written it themselves either.
The audacity is truly baffling!
This demand makes more sense if you take it under the context of the maintainer of a FLOSS type project.
Unreasonable demands to change your work because of them.
Kudos for not faltering!
Of course, P&C is CC By. It's not like they couldn't make a revised version, if they want it that badly. 🤔
@MurmeltHier At an immediate level, they're bigots who think everyone around them is also a bigot.
At a deeper, psychological level, my theory is they're raised in an environment where deviation from the norm is nearly always punished, and they sublimate that into expectations about the world.
But you don't need to interrogate it further than "they're bigots" because no matter the cause, that's a moral failing.
This just makes me 🤬
"Thanks for your comment reminding me I need to give my readers more of this wonderful couple's story."
How about sending the characters to a conversion camp where they get tortured until they renounce their true feelings and spend the rest of their life in psychological agony caused by denying their true feelings?
Would you be willing to do that to satisfy this concerned parent?
It would serve as a warning to their children as to what parents like this are willing to do to them.
It may be that this is what it makes itself out to be, one misguided reactionary parent. But it's also possible this is part of a coordinated campaign targeting artists, pressuring them to self-censor. The AI-artificiality of the language, the tracking pixel, and the dodgy origination of the email server all support this speculation.
Suggestion for graphic artists to be on the lookout for this kind of thing coming at them, and for you, David, to account for the possibility of future emails of this nature, perhaps even with a less friendly tone. Solidarity!
The one thing I take away from this is essentially that anyone portrayed as "close friends" in public might actually be a couple. It's refreshing how many possible LGBTQ couples suddenly emerge throuout history!
Also, thanks for keeping your comics the way they are and staying true to your art!
Somehow toots like this make me find the support page…
Stay strong and keep up the good work! 🌈💪
#homophobia #censorship #gay #Christian
Support - Pepper&Carrot
Official homepage of Pepper&Carrot, a free(libre) and open-source webcomic about Pepper, a young witch and her cat, Carrot. They live in a fantasy universe of potions, magic, and creatures.Pepper&Carrot
(for the french people/pour les français.e.s)
🙃 😁
L'email en question a été envoyé par :
- Éric chiottard (0 votes)
- Christine nous les broute, hein (0 votes)
- Le pas joli-Jolis de Saintignon (0 votes)
- La réponse @Daph (faut toujours une réponse Daph☝) (0 votes)
And this is PRECISELY why you shouldn't.
Bigoted (aka "conservative") parents need to learn that gay couples existing is a perfectly normal thing and shouldn't be condemned.
Thanks for making that comic and keep up the good work.
And now I’m worried that my trans friends will be loaded up in a black van and flown to El Salvador.
Good for you.
Indirectly, I suppose I should thank the bigots. Now I've found a new web comic to read. Just a few episodes in, and it is charming.
I find the "I'm just trying to help you get seen by more people" tone strongly indicative of AI slop messaging.
Such folks have trouble even feigning concern for someone else. The writing is soulless, presumably like the prompter.
Keep in exactly as much gay as you think your story warrants.
I love seeing folks be creative.
😳 Smallmindedness knows no boundaries.
On a positive note: they did help me discover Pepper & Carrot! (but please don't change the scene 😉)
An appropriate reply could be "Request for Adjustment to Views Regarding LGBTQ+ Presence".
Their argument, that their suggestion would be accommodating of different cultures, is quite erasive of the presence of LGBTQ+ people everywhere.
It's an example of misappropriating the language of inclusion towards oppression; i.e. it's another form of "tolerating the intolerant", where they want their intolerance of historically marginalized communities to be the dominant and only visible view.
@nboynorge ☺️
You can scroll episode 36 here:… to find the panel in the context of the episode.
The comic page in English with the panel in high resolution is here:…
Episode 36: The Surprise Attack - Pepper&Carrot
Official homepage of Pepper&Carrot, a free(libre) and open-source webcomic about Pepper, a young witch and her cat, Carrot. They live in a fantasy universe of potions, magic, and creatures.Pepper&Carrot
Thanks! Reading this episode out of context, I didn't immediately realise which pair was supposedly being too gay, because the kissing couple's assumed genders aren't obvious to me.
What *is* very obvious is the "make love not war" message. If one misses that, they're clearly not trying to propagate the message of the comic.
I wonder if your books are about to be banned in some libraries across the pond.
LCCN Permalink - No Connections Available
The LC Catalog is a database of records describing the Library's vast collections of books, serials, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic
that person literally says: "it's ok to be gay, as long as you never show it, never speak about it and deny it at all circumstances"
How to be an asshole 101
Dearest Warm Regards,
Perhaps you are unaware, but people exist that are not like you that also deserve representation. Kindly go fucketh thyself.
Good luck in hell,
your friend
I'm sorry David but ... isn't it libre ? I mean, they can fork's it if they want, isn't it ?
I don't want to give them bad idea, they clearly want to "invisibilise" gay people (or worst !). But still, they could have do it and respect others.
No, they want to impose their religion.
@ache Thank you.
Yes, it's libre as in under Creative Commons Attribution. I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name. Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.
That's not much , but legally I have some possibilities if something really bad happens.
> I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name.
So such a project would need an accompanying license notice separate from the work itself but bundled?
> Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.
Sounds reasonable.
I tried to make a documentation about the best practice for attribution once,…
120_License_best_practices - Documentation - Pepper&Carrot
Official homepage of Pepper&Carrot, a free(libre) and open-source webcomic about Pepper, a young witch and her cat, Carrot. They live in a fantasy universe of potions, magic, and creatures.Pepper&Carrot
just to let you know that my kids (5 and 7 years old at the time we first read the book) did not even notice anything special with these lovers.
And that Pepper and Carrot series is one of the most frequent I read before bed time (they chose)
Love is love and should not be hidden to kids
I showed your smiley to my kids and they are being jealous I had a smiley from you
But they asked for autographs on their copies of the books, do you plan on being in Lyon soon ?
@arthru ☺️
Alors pour Lyon, rien de prévu mais la semaine dernière une médiathèque à fait un appel à auteurs et un copain m'a fait postulé après m'avoir demandé si ça m’intéressait. Donc, affaire à suivre, si ça ce fait, ça sera sur le blog.
Sinon, en date prochainement: j'ai Paris début Mars, Limoge fin Mars, et Saint-Brieuc en début Juillet. Idem, je posterai deux semaines avant les événements des billets sur mon blog.
“Dear Mr. Bigot-Pleaser,
My art as it currently stands is plenty accessible to anyone who isn’t a virulent homophobe. Conservative parents’ discomfort is their problem, not mine, and hopefully their discomfort can get them to stop being homophobes.
what I love most about this is that they didn't even consider that as 'conservative parents' they might not be the target audience.
Not for one second do they imagine there might be things out there that are not made specifically for *them*.
you just know 'brown people' are also a problem to them, and next on the chopping block.
this is like that Black Mirror episode where a mother gets a chip planted in their kids brain so they are literally blinded to the real world.
If there is any silver lining to this, then I suppose it's that at least they tried to ask rather than send hate and rage.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that they don't seem to respect your choices. But in this polarized world, I'll admit that it was... somehow a relief to see someone with a world view I fundamentally disagree with try make a polite request rather than a hateful demand.
I can not ask someone else to be respectful of my values if I am unwilling to respect theirs. Respect does not mean agreeing with an opinion, but it means to hear it out.
I have made an artistic decision which we have different views over. I have decided to leave it as is but thanks for your feedback.
@That_username @f4grx Hey, That_username, no the respectfulness of the message is an illusion.
It's full of manipulation tactics such as flattery, charm and seduction ('masterpiece/wonderful/beautiful/magical') , a call to social norm (eg. "many conservative parents worlwide", "different cultures"), playing the victim (eg. "more accessible", also a 'mirroring' tactic using a vocabulary used by people caring about other humans).
Respectfulness in surface but not at core is not respectfulness.
wait no no point changing the scene, but you could make them roommates! or cousins! the possibilities are endless! (very very /s)
btw is that the comic on the preview for okular pdf viewer? /srs
@piku Thank you, yes has a thumbnail with this episode on it:…
💜 Okular
Okular - The Universal Document Viewer
Multi-platform, fast and packed with features, Okular allows you to read PDF documents, comics and EPub books, browse images, visualize Markdown documents, and much more.Okular - The Universal Document Viewer
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"indecency" is not showing a loving kiss.
"Indecency" is taking tome to write an email asking an artistes not to show love.
Thanks for showing us the true face of indecency 💖
this is an incredible email to write ! How can people feel so much fear/hate toward a representation that :
- Is literally a display of love
- Is not about them or impact them in any way
- Is a work of *fiction*
(- and of course respect consent)
Wanting to impose your life choices on others, about absolutly harmless choices, is something I just don't understand. I feel so sad for the children raised by parents with this kind of consideration in mind 😞
@RadicalEdward I will never understand the parents who think that they’re doing a good thing by “not exposing kids to” things they’d prefer didn’t exist.
I’d be doing such a huge disservice towards my kids if I tried to keep them from hearing about things like fundamentalism, for example. Instead of keeping it from them, why would you not want to simply discuss your values when such things come up?
I have given this email more consideration than it is due already. Now, fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Fuck off until you come up to a gate with a sign saying ‘You Can’t Fuck Off Past Here.’ Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.
What a bloody cheek! As we say here in the UK. I get the feeling that this might be part of a bigger campaign by not just this person but others too. I hope they get LOADS of pushback.
Not that you have to but I would be so tempted to write back along the lines of, yes, isn't it wonderful that there are many couples, same-sex, opposite-sex, etc, who love each other and it is such a joy to write about them all! With your encouragement I'll write even more about same-sex couples!!
In which...
"Some parents" means "me."
"Exposing children" means "if they even noticed, which most probably didn't."
"Pepper's magical world" means "there are some things even magic can't fix."
honestly, having been told that queer people exist and that queer love is valid and good at a younger age would have been life-changing for teenage me
Queer kids deserve representation and role models.
That is so unbelievable.
My kids and me found it really nice, that you have included gay characters.
It has made my day 👍
US movies are often subtly edited in just the way this letter suggests, so they can be sold in markets like China where the existence of same-sex relationships is denied.
Shoo, shoo, back in the closet you go.
Gross! Interpret their relationship naturally? Ugh XP. This is so skin crawlingly self righteous and supremacist. So gross!
And that they & "many conservative parents worldwide" should maybe just lock up their kids & never let them out to see the rest of the wide, wide world.
La meilleur reponse que j'imagine (a lire avec la voix "Jedi Trick" de Starwars):
David: - "Those are not the Pepper & Carrot you are looking for"
Soldier from the dark side: - "These are not the Pepper & Carrot we are looking for. Let's move on."
I guess kindly asking them to make small adjustments to their faith would make some sense.
It would allow more people to live in peace, and not expose a whole population to repressive behaviours.
Good luck with this crowd; you’re doing great!
What I find most offensive about this "request" is the idea that somehow it's a good thing for you to compromise your creative vision so that it's palatable for an audience you have no interest in catering to in the first place.
I'd be inclined to say something like "Thank you for your email, but I fear you are mistaken about the nature of your relationship to Pepper & Carrot. It is not intended for people who aren't comfortable sharing same-sex relationships with their children."
J’ai pas lu les 300+ réponses, mais si je pouvais proposer trois réponses possibles :
1. “Bonjour. Non. Ciao et 🖕”
2. Lui envoyer une image du couple en question en train de se rouler une pelle bien baveuse.
3. Lui envoyer une ou plusieurs de ces images (chopées chez @sebsauvage) :
The key is patience not aggression.
I'm no homophobe, at least I think I'm not. I have gay friends, hell a very good gay friend was the best man at my wedding. With older folks, genZ and below Media did not portray homosexuality often.
It's like making a vegetarian consume meat or vica versa.
Not everybody can deal with a quick change like that.
Be patient a little more informative. Aggression won't f
"Christian Values" have little to do with it. It is a cultural response.
I am a christian. - just know that Jesus himself chilled not with the "those who upheld the Law" but with those outside of the normal "the law" who are not only the sinners but also tax collectors etc.
The issue is media exposure from a cultural perspective. Homo/bi/etc sexuality was never a common thing in media over the ages.
Media is consumed. Ask a veggie to suddenly eat meat and vica versa..WWJD?
Wildlife photographer Dick van Duijn spent two hours snapping over 200 shots to capture the precise moment a squirrel stopped to smell a yellow daisy ...
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barfly, nicholas_saunders, Leo e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Ieri abbiamo lavorato alla foto di gruppo in modo che fossero chiari gli strumenti coinvolti.
Ho aggiornato il sito con una prima idea di foto possibile e con l'occasione ho attivato in #Faircamp il supporto #OpenGraph
che in teoria dovrebbe essere utilizzato dai prodotti Meta per le preview.
Vediamo se funziona anche in #Mastodon ?
Fatemi sapere con una risposta se il vostro client Mastodon vi mostra una preview del sito, grazie !
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Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Da #Friendica web niente preview ( via )
Ne deduco che Friendica non supporti #OpenGraph ( @Signor Amministratore ⁂ ne sa qualcosa ? )
Da (web client) la preview si vede ma pare dipendere dal server che si utilizza. Vedo la preview quando uso l'account su (mastodon) ma non lo vedo quando uso l'account (friendica)
Ne deduco che i meta-tag #OpenGraph non vengano trasportati tramite #ActivityPub (ma non ho approfondito la ricerca)
@Sandro Santilli in effetti c'è qualcosa che non va. Finora non aveva mai avuto problemi nel vedere le anteprime di altri siti. Semmai il problema in passato era che i post Friendica, linkati su un altro media, quale potrebbe essere un post telegram o un Tweet, un post Facebook etc, non presentavano una codifica Open Graph adeguata. Ma il problema delle anteprime dei blog nei post Friendica è la prima volta che mi capita.
Hai provato a mandare una richiesta di assistenza
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Music Feed e Misc Cyborg reshared this.
unfortunately that's VERY specific.
I do hope you find something, however, I wouldn't hope too much.😬
Certain niche things are hard to find here or are just non existent.
sure, but that doesn't mean it'll get any response.
For example, I can post about Professional Wrestling all day and barely get anything here. Yet WWE is VERY hot right now.🤷♂️
Club de Jazz en Barcelona | Jamboree Jazz
Blues i jazz en viu, hip-hop i música de ball en una sala amb el sostre de volta de maó fundada el 1960 a Barcelona. Jamboree Jazz BarcelonaJamboree Jazz
Pixelfed, Loops, PubKit, Groups, Sup, FediDB, Stories, FediBlade, Cloud, FediCDN,
2025 is our year, spread the word ✨
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Pixelfed - Decentralized social media
Learn more about Pixelfed, the free and open-source decentralized photo sharing social media platformPixelfed
@ajsadauskas I don't have kids, and I love coding!
The challenges in building and managing everything myself is something I take great pride in, I've been working almost daily on this since April 2018 and finally it's starting to get noticed.
People think I spend all my time coding, but I don't, just a few hours a day!
Samantha Xavia likes this.
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Roma, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e Matteo Zenatti reshared this.
L'immagine mostra un'antica pittura egizia. Un dio dalla testa di sciacallo è rappresentato mentre aiuta una mummia avvolta in bende. Sopra e sotto l'immagine ci sono scritte in italiano: "QUANDO VUOI DORMIRE" e "MA IL CANE VUOLE USCIRE".
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
Caricare i video del proprio progetto musicale su un canale #Peertube credo sia importante.
Ma averli anche disponibili su altre piattaforme sarebbe utile. Consigli su strumenti di mirroring ?…
HelloBurt concert | July 19th, 2024 | Lago di Vico, Ronciglione (VT) - Italy
Burt Bacharach tribute by Hello Burt in front of the Vico Lake, Ronciglione (VT) - Italy on July 19th, 2024 Thanks Riva Fiorita restaurant for hosting usMakerTube
Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Jazz in biblioteca
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e elif reshared this.
Jazz in biblioteca #SanMartinoAlCimino #Viterbo #Jazz #Tuscia
Con @elif…
Jazz in biblioteca
Jazz in bibliotecaInizia: Sabato Ottobre 26, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Sabato Ottobre 26, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Elif in trio e ospiti (archi e tromba) nella Biblioteca abbaziale di San Martino al Cimino
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e elif reshared this.
Funziona! La bottiglia era piena ieri sera. Il basilico l'ha succhiata attraverso un laccio di scarpe. Per 4-5 giorni è autonomo.
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Abbiamo finalmente messo a punto il crypto-cappello, con il quale ci trasformiamo nei Cyberflavio to The Moon 🤖 🌙
Provate anche voi ad ascoltare il suono che fa la crypto-moneta lanciata nel crypto-cappello !
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, elif e Hello, Burt! reshared this.
Signor Amministratore ⁂ likes this.
Pubblicato il video del nostro concerto di venerdì al Lago di Vico. Grazie a tutti per la partecipazione !
#Tuscia #Musica #Viterbo #Ronciglione #LagoDiVico #BurtBacharach #Tromba #Basso #Tastiere
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Flavio To The Moon e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Comping @elif with bass and trumpet (no, not at the same time, she plays bass while I play trumpet)
#Jazz #LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Ronciglione #VicoLake #Trumpet #Bass #JazzVocal #VocalJazz #Voice…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
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Sandro Santilli, Hello, Burt!, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
@Signor Amministratore ha idea del perchè Friendica provi ad indovinare la lingua di questo post, tra l'altro sbagliando ? L'interfaccia web (da dal menù lingue mi dice:
Lingue rilevate in questo messaggio:
français, langue française (French - fr): 0.29807
español (Spanish - es): 0.29743
català (Catalan - ca): 0.29144
English (en): 0.00000
Ma il post originale indica correttamente la lingua del post come inglese:…
Forse un altro di quei problemi da segnalare col gusto della frustrazione in bocca ?
Comping @elif with bass and trumpet (no, not at the same time, she plays bass while I play trumpet)#Jazz #LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Ronciglione #VicoLake #Trumpet #Bass #JazzVocal #VocalJazz #Voice…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
Qui senza pubblicità:
@elif posso consigliarti un account su un server #PeerTube su cui caricare il video, per non lasciarlo SOLO su YouTube (da cui è impossibile scaricarlo e difficile evitare le pubblicità ?). Puoi scegliere un server da - un server gestito in maniera amatoriale da italiani è (vedi - io li sto pubblicando su (vedi ma dove li metti li metti sono visibili da ovunque
Cena con vista lago e ascolto musica 🎺…
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Tributo a Burt BacharachInizia: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".</p><p>I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Sandro Santilli e Flavio To The Moon reshared this.
Another chance for those who could not attend the concert at #FOSS4G2022 - great location this time too (Natural Reserve of Vico Lake).
#LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Jazz #BurtBacharach #trumpet
Venerdì prossimo io ed @elif torniamo a suonare 🎺 e cantare 🎤 i brani di Burt Bacharach nella #Tuscia viterbese.
Questa volta sul Lago di Vico ⛱️, coi cinghiali 🐗 a fare i cori. E questa volta con il piano 🎹 al posto della chitarra.…
#BurtBacharach #Viterbo #Ronciglione #LagoDiVico #HelloBurt #Tromba #Basso
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Tributo a Burt BacharachInizia: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".</p><p>I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Matteo Zenatti likes this.
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Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.
Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.
We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.
Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.
This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!
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aRubes, elia, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Luca Sironi e Tassoman like this.
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william.maggos, BerlinFokus, Silvio Peroni, quinta, Paolo Melchiorre, Ach so... 🇺🇦, mORA, Hex, Nelfaneor, Catharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath, Rouge, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Jure Repinc, Piratenpartij Delft, retiolus, marcelcosta, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE, Oblomov, Andrea Bettini, Lorenzo Musso, canard164, Dr Pen, Frederic Jacobs, e_es, elia, stux⚡, grob 🇺🇦, Stefan, Jan Vlug, Kinmen Rising Project-金門最後才子🇺🇦, Andrea Bontempi, Amolith, Lunga vita e prosperità., snowyfox, Eugen Rochko, Gwenn, jahruhn, Asta McCarthy, Real Social Networks, StroomAfwaarts 🌱, Vaquita, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Ückück , Luca Sironi, Fabrizio,, Alina, anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖, Sandro Santilli e reshared this.
A journey only becomes one when it begins somewhere.
That's why we are grateful to @EDPS for having created and skillfully managed the EUVoice pilot instance.
Your vision has opened new horizons for us and European institutions.
Our new instance will only foster our engagement with this truly amazing community and be a reference for any institution interested in embracing the fediverse and open alternatives.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
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Nelfaneor, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Oblomov, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE e stux⚡ reshared this.
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Lunga vita e prosperità., Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Oblomov e clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.
It would be great if individual EU leaders would also start posting here, so you don't have to copy-paste screenshots from the deadbird site into Mastodon anymore.
While the first is nice, the second is unfortunately not true:
The EU is giving millions and millions to hypercapitalist monopolies in the form of Horizon and other lobby-funds.
There is no „real“ Open Source nor Open Protocol funding.
The opposite is the case:
Fedidevs loose their non-profit status.
Please read my interviews, e.g. [DE]… or come to Conferences of the good lobby
In der Social Media Falle | 300003389
Es ist paradox: Noch nie war es dank unzähliger Plattformen und Kanäle so einfach, seine Meinung zu äußern. Noch nie aber entschieden auch so wenige Menschen über die Regeln dieser Plattformen.S. Hirzel Verlag
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I ❤️ FEDIVERSE reshared this.
Can you give us a more precise planning about the deployment of the different parts of the European administration on the #Fediverse ? Can you ensure us before the elections there shall be a real political commitment from the whole European administration to remain on the #Fediverse and to promote its effective use everywhere in the European institutions and beyond ?
Yes, also found out today that the EC launched a new Mastodon server. The one which they are shutting down was a pilot by the European Data Protection Supervisor, now they launched an official commission Mastodon service:… which I really can recommend to follow.
Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.
We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.
Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.
This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
I wonder, is the then only for the commission and its departments and what happens to the other institutions, that were previously on
Will there be etc.? And what about other institutions such as @Curia? Will the commission host these as well on or support them in hosting their own instances?
CC @netzpolitik_feed @markusreuter @zarasophos
European Commission on Mastodon
Mastodon instance managed by the European Commission.Mastodon hosted on
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
There are some great projects and ideas that are being overseen by EU in general and EUC in particular..
Hope other parts of the world learn from you and implement it as well.
The #EuropeanCommission is now officially in the #Fediverse, and with their own server !
@EUCommission welcome and thank you for the effort of setting up and maintaining an official server !
I kinda wish the EU would create a separate social media site and really throw a lot of resources at it.
I think to safeguard freedom of speech we should have private, public and decentralized social media. Something like Mastadon can never threaten Facebook or Twitter cause the moment it starts to do so those more centralized platforms will tear it apart.
In today's age of megacorps we need rival institutions from government agencies that can stand up to them.
The #fediverse could be the last, best hope of turning the internet back into a commons, instead of the platform-owned #monopoly rent paradise it currently is.
It is also the last best hope for #Europe’s own digital safety & security in a world where China & US prepare to fight tooth & nail over data supremacy.
We europeans should be prepared that at a moment’s notice, the US digital platforms we depend on can turn against us.
This is exactly the kind of thing I am (still!) advocating the Canadian Parliament to do. @Paulatics
Ho creato un account su Threads per vedere l'effetto che fa.
Se cerco "" da utente #Threads mi trova SOLO cose che non c'entrano nulla (sponsorizzate?).
Se cerco "" con finestra anonima su Google o su #DuckDuckGo ed il PRIMO risultato è quello giusto:…
#Meta 0 #MotoriDiRicerca 1
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Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".
I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli e Hello, Burt! reshared this.
Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Sandro Santilli e Flavio To The Moon reshared this.
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Flavio To The Moon e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
A critique of the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post:…
Todd Sundsted likes this.
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Oblomov, JenJen, G. Casqueiro, Dr Pen, jfml - Jonas Laugs, Shadowfigure, dana hilliot, nicolas, Sandro Santilli e Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. I won't be going for cara as I'm very hesitant to just join a site willy nilly these days. It'll be interesting to see where this place will be in a year, assuming they make it this far.
It's also nice to see someone provide their thoughts on it. Many people are jumping in from what I can see and while I wish them all the best, I haven't seen them talk about it.
I'm just gonna stick to the few places I'm at for the time being
Désoler l'image ma fait penser a la corne de Kaamelott , mais ceci est tout aussi bien.…
EPIC HORN GUY (Original) //Kaamelott Edition//
This is exactly my thoughts on it, better said than me 🤯
(By the way, you have a typo in the first "key selling point". you spelled "AI" as "IA" 😁)
Interesting read! This is actually my first time hearing of Cara.
I have a question about your point on Cara being a "Human made image stock": while this is definitely a good criticism of platforms like Cara, would it not also be easy for an AI company to create a Mastodon instance and scrape art via federation with other instances? Like if Facebook and Threads were to do this, for instance?
Yes, I think making a bot and scraping the Fediverse (only by following art hashtags and collecting downloaded post) would be easy. But the user/bot would have to scrap only a relatively little batch; something that looks like a human reading a TL, or searching a topic. Because in case of an higher volume, the IP of the bot and its impact on the bandwith of small server would be noticed and probably blocklisted after a long period.
Huh, I never actually considered that. I guess when you put it that way, yeah it would be hard to just pull everything from a fediverse server.
My next thought would be that a company could still open a normal mastodon instance and simply keep archives of whatever is federated over by its users. But while imperfect, this is still probably a less dire situation than a single company hosting everything and being within power to sell it off to whatever AI company.
The main challenge of an instance like that would be to just look like a regular instance and have similar activities. Anything a bit different quickly become visible on the log of many servers.
nice write up 👍
How exactly do they aim to be 'Ai free'? Is it possible to automatically detect ai generated images?
@moonshinebrigade You can check what they write on their About page, the "our stance on AI"
So, it's not a firm anti-AI gen art, but more like a 'we wait the law, and we ask to label them if the law is ok".
They probably use a built-in AI tool to detect AI art like the one you can play on (AI detection tab, the second icon from the top).
Hive | Enterprise AI Solutions
Hive is the leading provider of cloud-based AI models and data labeling, trusted by the world’s largest and most innovative
I must admit that, like you, I created an account on Cara for the famous FOMO. However, after thinking about it more, I decided that it's probably wiser to use what already exists and works well, like Pixelfed.
Ce billet de @davidrevoy sur devrait t’intéresser suite à ton message sur bluesky…
-Boulet- (
Mood. (Ça a l'air chouette, Cara, mais honnêtement je sais pas si j'ai le courage.)Bluesky Social
These are some useful tools that Digital Artist had better to learn:
Or people could check out @pixelfed
It’s a federated version of instagram built like mastodon. It even has a dedicated portfolio mode.
Much better than jumping on another corporate platform.
Hm, sounds pretty much like any closed-fence platform to me.…
This feels appropriate for the second thing I've ever posted to mastodon.
fab! I will reread it tomorrow morning with a fresh head
My main reason for not making an account on cara is their NSFW policy. To nobody's surprise, they don't allow it, and there's no detailed description of what is and isn't considered NSFW.
Oblomov reshared this.
> "What we have here is a structure built on exactly the same rules at its core that guarantee a future enshitification: proprietary, closed and centralized. "
... aurait sans doute suffit, mais tout le reste du billet réussit à être intéressant quand même. Bien joué !
The biggest red flag for me was the "current unethical form" qualification in their"no AI" policy, which makes me wonder if what makes the next version ethical is how much they're getting paid to say it is, kinda like AdBlock Plus's "acceptable ads" policy.
That, and the condescending centrist attitude, like "were not like all those dummies writing off all AI," which makes me think they don't really understand (or care about) the full range of criticisms of "AI art."
Good write up. I think the most important part isn’t actually about AI though. It’s about ownership (or actually copyright).
I find it uncomfortable when sites want to own the (c) of what everyone posts. I find it unethical. Because ultimately that is why these AIs can be trained on this data after all.
If the artists’ copyright was respected and no unethical EULAs existed, then the AI discussion would be very different.
Ultimately it’s probably difficult to say that people can’t run AI on their own art after all. Stuff like games already do (upscaling, interpolating frames, etc). I just think it should be up to each individual.
That or we need to tax AI and introduce UBI.
*finishes reading*
Wait, you can move posts between activityPub instances now?
In a hack-y way, or in a 1st-party way?
I wonder how different things would be if did not kill so many artists experience with fediverse.
A friendly art focused server running pixelfed that allowed image migration and albums would probably have put us in a completely different place right now.
There are just too many of these art sites that come and go. With a pixelfed setup, artists can host their own site, like they used to host galleries before, and just have people follow from anywhere on fediverse. Or just use it as a gallery.
But it is seen as "too techy". Like back when they made their own site in HTML, it wasnt?
good overview and analysis! I feel like Cara is not the place for me, I'm just going to be disappointed when I can't make any headway there because I don't draw in the standard digital concept artist style, and also because it's only other artists there
(I also have a feeling it's yet another one of those apps that only really "works" properly on iOS, and I am an Android user 😝)
@elainemwill Oh yes I totally understand about the style. It's very "Artstation standards" in a way (and sometime unfortunately to a point that many popular artworks looks in fact like AI gen Art, because AI gen art took all from this norm).
About the App; they don't have a iOs/Android app: they just have a tutorial on how to use the webbrowser on phone to create a shortcut icon to the website. This is nice, because you can use the browser of your choice (and then, anti tracking ext)
I did not resist the FOMO either, and I don't know how the project will remain sustainable and keep its promises in the future. So far I want it to succeed, and I want to be a part of it, if I can contribute in a way or another to avoid it to go the wrong way, I don't want to be pessimistic but I'll keep an eye as long as it has not achieved a first stable release, technically and regarding the conditions of use.
Thank you for your article!
I don't know English and I use a translator. In general, the translation of the page, and specifically user posts, is simply terrible, since the translator translates words and not entire sentences. Another disadvantage for users who do not know English.
@davidrevoyThey seem to have replied to some of your concerns.
We heard your concerns about the rumors, here are our answers:
- Does Cara make me sign away my copyright?
No. Our Terms of Service grants us permission to host your images, resize, crop, & display them on Cara. Cara doesn’t own nor sell your work.
- Does Cara train an AI, or give Hive AI user data for training?
The answers are: no and no.
Cara does not train any AI models on its user data. Our terms with Hive ensures they do not train on our users’ data either. We use Hive to detect AI images and keep them off Cara. That’s it.
- Was Cara founded by an AI supporter?
No, our founder @zemotion has always advocated for artists’ copyright, does not support unethical GenAI practices, and is a lead plaintiff in 2 class action lawsuits against AI companies such as Google, Stability AI, and Midjourney.
She has fought for artists’ rights in court to raise awareness that artists do not give up their copyright when sharing their work online, and she is committed to continue fighting for and advocating for artists rights to be respected both through her own work and with Cara.
To our community who took the time to stand up for us from these claims, thank you. 🙏
Finally not in a forest & remembered to read this! Very good article, dropped some similar critizism on the vid Bobby Chiu had on youtube to hype (now it probably looks that I copycatted you hahah xD)
I still joined it as I planned months ago already, for connecting with artists & being inspired, it's an artstation replacement to me, not gonna bet for it to last very long in nice condition tho.
Il meravoglioso mondo di #Friendica ....
@Signor Amministratore che dici, segnalo ? è un social network autogestito e open source dedicato alla musica.Mastodon ospitato su
Ho provato a cambiare la foto del profilo ma niente... Secondo me gli sviluppatori della UX di Friendica sono degli esperti steganografi (oppure dei sadici).
Grazie comunque eh, apprezzo il grande lavoro che c'è dietro e tutto il tempo donato alla comunità, però la frustrazione resta...
Qualche buon'anima sa dirmi da dove si cambia la foto del profilo ?
Se non sbaglio bisogna prima caricare la foto nuova, poi impostarla dal suo "edit" come foto profilo.
Potrei sbagliarmi eh, l'ultima volta che l'ho fatto era mesi fa. 😅
Signor Amministratore ⁂ likes this.
@floreana uh, grazie per il tentativo ma no, non trovo alcuna voce, nell' "edit" della foto che ho appena caricato, per impostarla come foto profilo 🙁
Altre idee ? @Signor Amministratore tu ne sai qualcosxa ? Stu usando sempre il tema di default... (secondo me dovrebbero buttare TUTTI i temi tranne uno e concentrare le poche forze su quello)
> stenografi ... sadici
O semplicemente non capiscono nulla di ergonomia dell'interfaccia... 😁
>Qualche buon'anima sa dirmi da dove si cambia la foto del profilo ?
Sandro Santilli likes this.
A few notes of three #jazz standards with my #trumpet on the stage of #Viterbo festival "Ombre"…
Do you recognize the middle song ?
#Music #Tuscia #Lazio #GuessTheSong
Freeloaders live in Viterbo | 2024-06-30
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Sandro Santilli
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