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Roma, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and Matteo Zenatti reshared this.
Caricare i video del proprio progetto musicale su un canale #Peertube credo sia importante.
Ma averli anche disponibili su altre piattaforme sarebbe utile. Consigli su strumenti di mirroring ?…
HelloBurt concert | July 19th, 2024 | Lago di Vico, Ronciglione (VT) - Italy
Burt Bacharach tribute by Hello Burt in front of the Vico Lake, Ronciglione (VT) - Italy on July 19th, 2024 Thanks Riva Fiorita restaurant for hosting usMakerTube
Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Jazz in biblioteca
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and elif reshared this.
Jazz in biblioteca #SanMartinoAlCimino #Viterbo #Jazz #Tuscia
Con @elif…
Jazz in biblioteca
Jazz in bibliotecaInizia: Sabato Ottobre 26, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Sabato Ottobre 26, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Elif in trio e ospiti (archi e tromba) nella Biblioteca abbaziale di San Martino al Cimino
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and elif reshared this.
Funziona! La bottiglia era piena ieri sera. Il basilico l'ha succhiata attraverso un laccio di scarpe. Per 4-5 giorni è autonomo.
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Abbiamo finalmente messo a punto il crypto-cappello, con il quale ci trasformiamo nei Cyberflavio to The Moon 🤖 🌙
Provate anche voi ad ascoltare il suono che fa la crypto-moneta lanciata nel crypto-cappello !
#CyberBusking #CryptoBuskers #Busking #Bitcoin
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, elif and Hello, Burt! reshared this.
Signor Amministratore ⁂ likes this.
Pubblicato il video del nostro concerto di venerdì al Lago di Vico. Grazie a tutti per la partecipazione !
#Tuscia #Musica #Viterbo #Ronciglione #LagoDiVico #BurtBacharach #Tromba #Basso #Tastiere
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Flavio To The Moon and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Comping @elif with bass and trumpet (no, not at the same time, she plays bass while I play trumpet)
#Jazz #LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Ronciglione #VicoLake #Trumpet #Bass #JazzVocal #VocalJazz #Voice…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
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Sandro Santilli, Hello, Burt!, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
@Signor Amministratore ha idea del perchè Friendica provi ad indovinare la lingua di questo post, tra l'altro sbagliando ? L'interfaccia web (da dal menù lingue mi dice:
Lingue rilevate in questo messaggio:
français, langue française (French - fr): 0.29807
español (Spanish - es): 0.29743
català (Catalan - ca): 0.29144
English (en): 0.00000
Ma il post originale indica correttamente la lingua del post come inglese:…
Forse un altro di quei problemi da segnalare col gusto della frustrazione in bocca ?
Comping @elif with bass and trumpet (no, not at the same time, she plays bass while I play trumpet)#Jazz #LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Ronciglione #VicoLake #Trumpet #Bass #JazzVocal #VocalJazz #Voice…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
Qui senza pubblicità:
@elif posso consigliarti un account su un server #PeerTube su cui caricare il video, per non lasciarlo SOLO su YouTube (da cui è impossibile scaricarlo e difficile evitare le pubblicità ?). Puoi scegliere un server da - un server gestito in maniera amatoriale da italiani è (vedi - io li sto pubblicando su (vedi ma dove li metti li metti sono visibili da ovunque
Cena con vista lago e ascolto musica 🎺…
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Tributo a Burt BacharachInizia: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".</p><p>I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Sandro Santilli and Flavio To The Moon reshared this.
Another chance for those who could not attend the concert at #FOSS4G2022 - great location this time too (Natural Reserve of Vico Lake).
#LiveMusic #Italy #Lazio #Viterbo #Tuscia #Jazz #BurtBacharach #trumpet
Venerdì prossimo io ed @elif torniamo a suonare 🎺 e cantare 🎤 i brani di Burt Bacharach nella #Tuscia viterbese.
Questa volta sul Lago di Vico ⛱️, coi cinghiali 🐗 a fare i cori. E questa volta con il piano 🎹 al posto della chitarra.…
#BurtBacharach #Viterbo #Ronciglione #LagoDiVico #HelloBurt #Tromba #Basso
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Tributo a Burt BacharachInizia: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Finisce: Venerdì Luglio 19, 2024 @ 11:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".</p><p>I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Matteo Zenatti likes this.
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Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Sandro Santilli, Sandro Santilli and Hello, Burt! reshared this.
Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.
Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.
We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.
Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.
This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!
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aRubes, elia, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Luca Sironi and Tassoman like this.
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william.maggos, BerlinFokus, Silvio Peroni, quinta, Paolo Melchiorre, Ach so... 🇺🇦, mORA, Hex, Nelfaneor, Catharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath, Rouge, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Jure Repinc, Piratenpartij Delft, retiolus, marcelcosta, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE, Oblomov, Andrea Bettini, Lorenzo Musso, canard164, Dr Pen, Frederic Jacobs, e_es, elia, stux⚡, grob 🇺🇦, Stefan, Jan Vlug, Kinmen Rising Project-金門最後才子🇺🇦, Andrea Bontempi, Amolith, Lunga vita e prosperità., snowyfox, Eugen Rochko, Gwenn, jahruhn, Asta McCarthy, Real Social Networks, StroomAfwaarts 🍋, Vaquita, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Ückück , Luca Sironi, Fabrizio,, Alina, anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖, Sandro Santilli and reshared this.
A journey only becomes one when it begins somewhere.
That's why we are grateful to @EDPS for having created and skillfully managed the EUVoice pilot instance.
Your vision has opened new horizons for us and European institutions.
Our new instance will only foster our engagement with this truly amazing community and be a reference for any institution interested in embracing the fediverse and open alternatives.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
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Nelfaneor, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Oblomov, I ❤️ FEDIVERSE and stux⚡ reshared this.
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Lunga vita e prosperità., Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Oblomov and clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.
It would be great if individual EU leaders would also start posting here, so you don't have to copy-paste screenshots from the deadbird site into Mastodon anymore.
While the first is nice, the second is unfortunately not true:
The EU is giving millions and millions to hypercapitalist monopolies in the form of Horizon and other lobby-funds.
There is no „real“ Open Source nor Open Protocol funding.
The opposite is the case:
Fedidevs loose their non-profit status.
Please read my interviews, e.g. [DE]… or come to Conferences of the good lobby
In der Social Media Falle | 300003389
Es ist paradox: Noch nie war es dank unzähliger Plattformen und Kanäle so einfach, seine Meinung zu äußern. Noch nie aber entschieden auch so wenige Menschen über die Regeln dieser Plattformen.S. Hirzel Verlag
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I ❤️ FEDIVERSE reshared this.
Can you give us a more precise planning about the deployment of the different parts of the European administration on the #Fediverse ? Can you ensure us before the elections there shall be a real political commitment from the whole European administration to remain on the #Fediverse and to promote its effective use everywhere in the European institutions and beyond ?
Yes, also found out today that the EC launched a new Mastodon server. The one which they are shutting down was a pilot by the European Data Protection Supervisor, now they launched an official commission Mastodon service:… which I really can recommend to follow.
Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.
We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.
Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.
This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
I wonder, is the then only for the commission and its departments and what happens to the other institutions, that were previously on
Will there be etc.? And what about other institutions such as @Curia? Will the commission host these as well on or support them in hosting their own instances?
CC @netzpolitik_feed @markusreuter @zarasophos
European Commission on Mastodon
Mastodon instance managed by the European Commission.Mastodon hosted on
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
There are some great projects and ideas that are being overseen by EU in general and EUC in particular..
Hope other parts of the world learn from you and implement it as well.
The #EuropeanCommission is now officially in the #Fediverse, and with their own server !
@EUCommission welcome and thank you for the effort of setting up and maintaining an official server !
I kinda wish the EU would create a separate social media site and really throw a lot of resources at it.
I think to safeguard freedom of speech we should have private, public and decentralized social media. Something like Mastadon can never threaten Facebook or Twitter cause the moment it starts to do so those more centralized platforms will tear it apart.
In today's age of megacorps we need rival institutions from government agencies that can stand up to them.
The #fediverse could be the last, best hope of turning the internet back into a commons, instead of the platform-owned #monopoly rent paradise it currently is.
It is also the last best hope for #Europe’s own digital safety & security in a world where China & US prepare to fight tooth & nail over data supremacy.
We europeans should be prepared that at a moment’s notice, the US digital platforms we depend on can turn against us.
This is exactly the kind of thing I am (still!) advocating the Canadian Parliament to do. @Paulatics
Ho creato un account su Threads per vedere l'effetto che fa.
Se cerco "" da utente #Threads mi trova SOLO cose che non c'entrano nulla (sponsorizzate?).
Se cerco "" con finestra anonima su Google o su #DuckDuckGo ed il PRIMO risultato è quello giusto:…
#Meta 0 #MotoriDiRicerca 1
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Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Tributo a Burt Bacharach
Cena nella terrazza sul lago del ristorante Rivafiorita con accompagnamento musicale degli "Hello, Burt!".
I migliori brani di Burt Bacharach cantati e suonati con tromba, basso e tastiere.
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Flavio To The Moon, Sandro Santilli and Hello, Burt! reshared this.
Sandro Santilli reshared this.
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Sandro Santilli and Flavio To The Moon reshared this.
Ma che meraviglia poter usare i simboli #Unicode e vederli a colori nel browser web testuale ! Qui il sito rinnovato e visto con #Lynx in un terminale #Kitty
Voi come lo vedete ?
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Flavio To The Moon and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
A critique of the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post:…
Todd Sundsted likes this.
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Oblomov, JenJen, G. Casqueiro, Dr Pen, jfml - Jonas Laugs, Off On One, dana hilliot, nicolas, Sandro Santilli and Sandro Santilli reshared this.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. I won't be going for cara as I'm very hesitant to just join a site willy nilly these days. It'll be interesting to see where this place will be in a year, assuming they make it this far.
It's also nice to see someone provide their thoughts on it. Many people are jumping in from what I can see and while I wish them all the best, I haven't seen them talk about it.
I'm just gonna stick to the few places I'm at for the time being
Désoler l'image ma fait penser a la corne de Kaamelott , mais ceci est tout aussi bien.…
EPIC HORN GUY (Original) //Kaamelott Edition//
This is exactly my thoughts on it, better said than me 🤯
(By the way, you have a typo in the first "key selling point". you spelled "AI" as "IA" 😁)
Interesting read! This is actually my first time hearing of Cara.
I have a question about your point on Cara being a "Human made image stock": while this is definitely a good criticism of platforms like Cara, would it not also be easy for an AI company to create a Mastodon instance and scrape art via federation with other instances? Like if Facebook and Threads were to do this, for instance?
Yes, I think making a bot and scraping the Fediverse (only by following art hashtags and collecting downloaded post) would be easy. But the user/bot would have to scrap only a relatively little batch; something that looks like a human reading a TL, or searching a topic. Because in case of an higher volume, the IP of the bot and its impact on the bandwith of small server would be noticed and probably blocklisted after a long period.
Huh, I never actually considered that. I guess when you put it that way, yeah it would be hard to just pull everything from a fediverse server.
My next thought would be that a company could still open a normal mastodon instance and simply keep archives of whatever is federated over by its users. But while imperfect, this is still probably a less dire situation than a single company hosting everything and being within power to sell it off to whatever AI company.
The main challenge of an instance like that would be to just look like a regular instance and have similar activities. Anything a bit different quickly become visible on the log of many servers.
nice write up 👍
How exactly do they aim to be 'Ai free'? Is it possible to automatically detect ai generated images?
@moonshinebrigade You can check what they write on their About page, the "our stance on AI"
So, it's not a firm anti-AI gen art, but more like a 'we wait the law, and we ask to label them if the law is ok".
They probably use a built-in AI tool to detect AI art like the one you can play on (AI detection tab, the second icon from the top).
Hive | Enterprise AI Solutions
Hive is the leading provider of cloud-based AI models and data labeling, trusted by the world’s largest and most innovative
I must admit that, like you, I created an account on Cara for the famous FOMO. However, after thinking about it more, I decided that it's probably wiser to use what already exists and works well, like Pixelfed.
Ce billet de @davidrevoy sur devrait t’intéresser suite à ton message sur bluesky…
-Boulet- (
Mood. (Ça a l'air chouette, Cara, mais honnêtement je sais pas si j'ai le courage.)Bluesky Social
These are some useful tools that Digital Artist had better to learn:
Or people could check out @pixelfed
It’s a federated version of instagram built like mastodon. It even has a dedicated portfolio mode.
Much better than jumping on another corporate platform.
Hm, sounds pretty much like any closed-fence platform to me.…
This feels appropriate for the second thing I've ever posted to mastodon.
fab! I will reread it tomorrow morning with a fresh head
My main reason for not making an account on cara is their NSFW policy. To nobody's surprise, they don't allow it, and there's no detailed description of what is and isn't considered NSFW.
Oblomov reshared this.
> "What we have here is a structure built on exactly the same rules at its core that guarantee a future enshitification: proprietary, closed and centralized. "
... aurait sans doute suffit, mais tout le reste du billet réussit à être intéressant quand même. Bien joué !
The biggest red flag for me was the "current unethical form" qualification in their"no AI" policy, which makes me wonder if what makes the next version ethical is how much they're getting paid to say it is, kinda like AdBlock Plus's "acceptable ads" policy.
That, and the condescending centrist attitude, like "were not like all those dummies writing off all AI," which makes me think they don't really understand (or care about) the full range of criticisms of "AI art."
Good write up. I think the most important part isn’t actually about AI though. It’s about ownership (or actually copyright).
I find it uncomfortable when sites want to own the (c) of what everyone posts. I find it unethical. Because ultimately that is why these AIs can be trained on this data after all.
If the artists’ copyright was respected and no unethical EULAs existed, then the AI discussion would be very different.
Ultimately it’s probably difficult to say that people can’t run AI on their own art after all. Stuff like games already do (upscaling, interpolating frames, etc). I just think it should be up to each individual.
That or we need to tax AI and introduce UBI.
*finishes reading*
Wait, you can move posts between activityPub instances now?
In a hack-y way, or in a 1st-party way?
I wonder how different things would be if did not kill so many artists experience with fediverse.
A friendly art focused server running pixelfed that allowed image migration and albums would probably have put us in a completely different place right now.
There are just too many of these art sites that come and go. With a pixelfed setup, artists can host their own site, like they used to host galleries before, and just have people follow from anywhere on fediverse. Or just use it as a gallery.
But it is seen as "too techy". Like back when they made their own site in HTML, it wasnt?
good overview and analysis! I feel like Cara is not the place for me, I'm just going to be disappointed when I can't make any headway there because I don't draw in the standard digital concept artist style, and also because it's only other artists there
(I also have a feeling it's yet another one of those apps that only really "works" properly on iOS, and I am an Android user 😝)
@elainemwill Oh yes I totally understand about the style. It's very "Artstation standards" in a way (and sometime unfortunately to a point that many popular artworks looks in fact like AI gen Art, because AI gen art took all from this norm).
About the App; they don't have a iOs/Android app: they just have a tutorial on how to use the webbrowser on phone to create a shortcut icon to the website. This is nice, because you can use the browser of your choice (and then, anti tracking ext)
in reply to Gabardino 🍀 • • •L'immagine mostra un'antica pittura egizia. Un dio dalla testa di sciacallo è rappresentato mentre aiuta una mummia avvolta in bende. Sopra e sotto l'immagine ci sono scritte in italiano: "QUANDO VUOI DORMIRE" e "MA IL CANE VUOLE USCIRE".
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
in reply to Gabardino 🍀 • • •