Screenshot. Cose dai nostri schermi - Ci stanno ipnotizzando?
Nella settimana dell'inaugurazione del Trump II e del saluto romano (presunto?) di Elon Musk, un libro si domanda se i social non abbiano creato una trance collettiva in cui la realtà non esiste più. È l'ipnocrazia, dove i fatti non esistono (o hanno comunque poco peso).
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Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Tears For Fears) SKA COVER…
Nuova cover di Ska Tune Network! 🧡
Ska Tune Network
Welcome to Skatune Network, a YouTube channel run by the artist JER!!!!! This platform is dedicated to making content centered around (but not limited to) SKA and PUNK! My content is predominantly covers, but also includes a wide range of stuff fr…YouTube
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Why all that rage against windmills?
Because of his playground sightseeing:…
Scottish government wins Donald Trump wind power legal costs
Donald Trump had claimed the 11-turbine wind farm off Aberdeen would spoil the view from his golf course.BBC News
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No video links, articles only.
Trump is also not World news unless there's some other country involved.
Google reportedly worked directly with Israel’s military on AI tools
Google reportedly worked with Israel Defense Forces on AI contracts
The company raced to beat Amazon to sell AI tools to the IDF, while publicly denying its involvement with Israel’s military.Gaby Del Valle (The Verge)
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Google reportedly worked directly with Israel’s military on AI tools
Google reportedly worked with Israel Defense Forces on AI contracts
The company raced to beat Amazon to sell AI tools to the IDF, while publicly denying its involvement with Israel’s military.Gaby Del Valle (The Verge)
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Google reportedly worked directly with Israel’s military on AI tools
Google reportedly worked with Israel Defense Forces on AI contracts
The company raced to beat Amazon to sell AI tools to the IDF, while publicly denying its involvement with Israel’s military.Gaby Del Valle (The Verge)
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Frontiere Sonore Radio Show #12
Scopri lo Show imperdibile di Simone e Deca! Dalla musica di Glandula a Hot Chip, lasciati trasportare dalle vibrazioni uniche. Con Glandula,Noir de Synthèse,Fotokiller,Ladaniva,Saint Etienne,Ponte del Diavolo,The Blaxound & John
Vermont,Speed Streep,Krokofant ,Hot chip,Sleaford MODS. #radio…
Frontiere Sonore Radio Show #12
Frontiere Sonore Radio Show #12 - Scopri la playlist imperdibile di Simone e Deca! Dalla musica di Glandula a Hot Chip, lasciati trasportare dalle vibrazioni uniche. - GlandulaSimone Benerecetti (In Your Eyes ezine)
Feddit Un'istanza italiana Lemmy reshared this.
Brave Search permette ora di personalizzare le ricerche
Una bella novità per Brave Search che permette ora di regolare la presenza di determinati siti all'interno della propria query di ricerca.
In pratica dopo aver fatto una ricerca potete premere su un tastino dedicato per dare priorità a risultati da un determinato dominio e anche per bloccarne di altri.
Mi sembra una soluzione molto utile e simile a quanto è già presente all'interno di Kagi Search. Sarebbe interessante maggiore possibilità di controllo e magari poter avere una sorta di account, ovviamente senza perdite di sicurezza e privacy, per mantenere e ricordare determinate impostazioni. Forse solo con Brave Search Premium per ora?
Introducing Rerank: a fast, easy way for users to customize Brave Search rankings
Today we're excited to announce Rerank, a simple yet powerful feature to customize search rankings by boosting or removing domains from search results.Brave Software
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Delivery apps urged to lift lid on ‘black-box algorithms’ affecting UK couriers
Delivery apps urged to lift lid on ‘black-box algorithms’ affecting UK couriers
Campaigners call for transparency from Deliveroo, JustEat and UberEats about how decisions on pay and jobs are madeRobert Booth (The Guardian)
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How the Removal of a Private Doctor Sparked a Union at the Developer of Candy Crush
How the Removal of a Private Doctor Sparked a Union at the Developer of Candy Crush
Over 100 developers of Candy Crush at King's Stockholm office formed a union club last October.Rebekah Valentine (IGN Nordic)
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If enough employees join the same union at a company, they can vote to install a union board to negotiate a CBA on their behalf.
This isn't correct, this sounds like they are thinking of the US's National Labor Relations Act. In Sweden, the coercive option that a union has to implement a collective agreement ("kollektivavtal"), is only to organize a strike against the employer until a collective agreement is signed.
This is why Tesla employees in Sweden have been in a strike for over a year, and why many unions in Europe are engaging in solidarity blockades against Tesla. As Tesla has refused to sign a collective agreement with its employees, something that would be illegal under the US's NLRA. Obviously, strikes are very costly for a company, as they must both preserve the positions of those striking, but also buy in labor from non-unionized employees to replace the shortfall. But it's obviously a worthwhile cost for some people's political goals, as the Tesla strike nears its second year.
There is also a large loophole in Swedish labor law, where a company can simply sign a collective agreement with another union than the union that the employees are members of. All employees are then banned from going on strike, as they technically have a collective agreement. This is a loophole that Klarna exploited in order to prevent their tech workers from unionizing. I believe that the courts have not yet ruled on whether this is legal or not.
All on the Unionen board gone from Klarna – ”cleared”
This is a translated version of this article in swedish. 27th of October 2023. Klarna HQ on Sveavägen, Stockholm. The...Axel Green (Arbetsvärlden)
Paint it Black (The Rolling Stones) SKA COVER…
Nuova cover di Ska Tune Network, questa volta è il turno di Paint It Black dei Rolling Stones!
Ska Tune Network
Welcome to Skatune Network, a YouTube channel run by the artist JER!!!!! This platform is dedicated to making content centered around (but not limited to) SKA and PUNK! My content is predominantly covers, but also includes a wide range of stuff fr…YouTube
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Recensione : Recensione di “Jumping the Gun” di Hope Tala
Con il singolo “Jumping the Gun”, Hope Tala si conferma una delle voci più intriganti e promettenti della scena indie-pop contemporanea. La giovane cantante inglese, originaria di Londra ma attualmente di base a Los Angeles, ci trasporta in un mondo musicale che fonde delicatamente Indie-Pop, R&B contemporaneo e sfumature alternative. @Musica Agorà…
Recensione di “Jumping the Gun” di Hope Tala
Recensione di “Jumping the Gun” di Hope Tala - Hope Tala si conferma una delle voci più intriganti e promettenti della scena indie-pop contemporanea. - Hope TalaMargherita Zanin (In Your Eyes ezine)
Feddit Un'istanza italiana Lemmy reshared this.
David Lynch
David Lynch per la mia generazione è stato indispensabile, per noi giovani un po' provinciali negli anni novanta, che ci avvicinavamo alla musica al cinema all'arte e che probabilmente avevamo un po' più di curiosità rispetto a quello che avevamo intorno.
Il mio David Lynch inizia con Dune metà degli anni 80: ricordo che diedero il film alla TV.
Mio padre aveva letto il libro e questo film fu strano per me che a dodici anni avevo un approccio alla fantascienza un po' giustamente ingenuo. #Cinema
David Lynch
David Lynch - David Lynch per la mia generazione è stato indispensabile, per noi giovani un po' provinciali negli anni novanta, che ci avvicinavamo alla musica al cinema all'arte e che probabilmente avevamo un po' più di curiosità rispetto a quello c…Gianluca Perata (In Your Eyes ezine)
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Nintendo Switch 2 – Trailer di anteprima…
Dopo mesi di chiacchiericcio è uscito un video ufficiale per la Nintendo Switch 2!
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
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Oltre il Mainstream: un viaggio tra le note nascoste della musica italiana
Esplorare la musica autentica, sfidare le logiche del mercato e riscoprire il vero potenziale del panorama italiano
La musica è una delle forme d'arte più immediate e potenti che esistano. #musica…
Oltre il Mainstream: un viaggio tra le note nascoste della musica italiana
Oltre il Mainstream: un viaggio tra le note nascoste della musica italiana - Oltre il Mainstream: un viaggio tra le note nascoste della musica italiana, esplorare la musica autentica, sfidare le logiche del mercato e riscoprire il vero potenziale del…Margherita Zanin (In Your Eyes ezine)
Feddit Un'istanza italiana Lemmy reshared this.
Joplin si aggiorna alla 3.2 e introduce l'import da Microsoft OneNote
Joplin 3.2 introduce diversi aggiornamenti significativi tra cui, forse la più importante, la possibilità di importare archivi di OneNote.
L'aggiornamento include anche il supporto per più finestre, consentendo di aprire e gestire più note in finestre separate per una facile comparazione e organizzazione. Inoltre, l'app mobile ora presenta una barra degli strumenti personalizzabile che può essere adattata alle proprie preferenze.
What's new in Joplin 3.2 | Joplin
Import OneNote Archives Joplin now supports importing OneNote archives, a significant step for users transitioning from OneNote. Microsoft has long made it challenging to leave OneNote, offering
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Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the …Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the …Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards
On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the …Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Il fumetto di “Topolino” scritto in 4 dialetti italiani…
L'ultimo numero di Topolino, il numero 3608, presenta una storia a fumetti unica scritta in quattro diversi dialetti italiani: napoletano, catanese, milanese e fiorentino.
Questa iniziativa coincide con la Giornata Nazionale del Dialetto e delle Lingue Locali, celebrata il 17 gennaio, volta a sensibilizzare sulla protezione e promozione di questi patrimoni culturali. Pubblicato da Panini Comics, il fumetto è disponibile in cinque edizioni: quattro versioni in dialetto regionale e una in italiano standard per il resto d'Italia.
Il fumetto di "Topolino" scritto in 4 dialetti italiani - Fumettologica
Su Topolino 3608 è presente una storia a fumetti molto particolare, perché scritta per la prima volta in quattro dialetti italiani diversi.Andrea Fiamma (Fumettolab)
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Tuta introduce le etichette
Novità per Tuta che introduce le etichette per le email. La funzionalità etichette consente di creare nomi e colori personalizzati per una migliore categorizzazione delle email, migliorando l'usabilità e la personalizzazione.
Personalmente sono una cosa che uso poco nulla, le ho su Proton Mail e all'inizio le utilizzavo poi ho scoperto che non me ne facevo nulla e ora sono lì abbandonate. Ma so che molte persone invece le utilizzano e le trovano quasi fondamentali quindi è senz'altro un aggiornamento di interesse per qualcuno!
Introducing Labels: A new era of email organization at Tuta Mail | Tuta
In 2024, we introduced quantum-resistant encryption, in 2025, we focus on usability.Tuta
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PSA: Ciclofficine Popolari, per (imparare a) riparare la tua bici, e trovare l'attrezzatura giusta, gratuitamente (Milano e hinterland)
Fare manutenzione alla bici è nella maggior parte dei casi facile e poco costoso. Un modo per imparare a farlo è andare in una ciclofficina popolare, dove potete trovare gente esperta (volontari!), attrezzatura dedicata in abbondanza e parti di ricambio (recuperate).
L'idea è che ognuno si ripara la propria bici, anche con l'aiuto di un volontario, e poi si può lasciare una donazione libera, per aiutare la ciclofficina a restare aperta.
Nell'articolo trovate una mappa delle ciclofficine popolari di Milano e hinterland.
Sapevate della loro esistenza? Le usate già?
Ciclofficine Popolari di Milano e Hinterland | FIAB Milano Ciclobby
Ciclofficine Popolari di Milano e Hinterland Bici in cittàStefano Lodi (Fiab Milano Ciclobby)
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Dog Man, l'adattamento cinematografico del fenomeno letterario di Dav Pilkey…
Non so quante persone conoscono il fumetto Dog Man, io l'ho comprato per puro caso a mio figlio e ci ha fatto parecchio ridere. Devo dire che siamo stati fortunati ad aver trovato un numero particolarmente eccezionale e divertente perché poi ne ho comprati altri due che invece erano molto più fiacchi. Sarei curioso di leggerli tutti ma in biblioteca non ce li hanno (ancora?) e per ora volevo evitare di riempire la nostra libreria con Dog Man.
Detto questo, ho appena scoperto che a fine mese, il 30 gennaio, esce l'adattamento cinematografico di questo fumetto!
Ecco il trailer:…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
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Pixelix, un client per Pixelfed, è ora disponibile anche su GitHub
L'applicazione Pixelix, un client per Pixelfed, è da qualche giorno disponibile gratuitamente per tutti tramite APK su GitHub, su IzzyOnDroid e tra poco sarà disponibile anche su F-Droid. La licenza dell'applicazione è GNU v3.0.
Sul Play Store l'applicazione è a pagamento (1.99€) mentre da tutte le altre parti è disponibile gratuitamente.
Il consiglio come sempre è quello di fare una donazione allo sviluppatore nel caso decideste di utilizzarla per il vostro account Pixelfed!
Nel caso voleste provare un server Pixelfed, che è un'alternativa decentralizzata e federata a Instagram, potete provare quello di @pixelfed all'indirizzo
Release Pixelix v3.1.0 · daniebeler/pixelix
New Features: Detailed Fediverse instance and software informations Bookmarking button Design refinements Bug fixesGitHub
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Negotiations over AI are still holding up video game development
Negotiations over AI are still holding up video game development - Mass Effect's Jennifer Hale explains why
On 26th July 2024, performers from the US actors union SAG-AFTRA began a strike after failing to reach a deal with majo…Ed Nightingale (
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Negotiations over AI are still holding up video game development
Negotiations over AI are still holding up video game development - Mass Effect's Jennifer Hale explains why
On 26th July 2024, performers from the US actors union SAG-AFTRA began a strike after failing to reach a deal with majo…Ed Nightingale (
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Green Hill Zone (Sonic The Hedgehog) SKA COVER…
Il bellissimo tema di Sonic in una bellissima versione ska! Sempre dal mitico Ska Tune Network.
Ska Tune Network
Welcome to Skatune Network, a YouTube channel run by the artist JER!!!!! This platform is dedicated to making content centered around (but not limited to) SKA and PUNK! My content is predominantly covers, but also includes a wide range of stuff fr…YouTube
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VLC, al CES 2025, anticipa con un video sottotitoli e traduzioni offline e in tempo reale grazie a dei modelli locali
L'alternativa open source VLC ha mostrato un video al CES 2025 dove viene anticipata una grossa novità: sottotitoli per oltre 100 lingue tradotti in tempo reale grazie a dei modelli AI locali e offline. Non è stata però annunciata una data di rilascio per questa funzionalità.
VLC player demos real-time AI subtitling for videos
A new CES demo shows off the creation and translation of subtitles in more than 100 languages, all offline.Dominic Preston (The Verge)
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eOS porta Android 14 su 100 dispositivi
È stato da poco annunciato da /e/OS che circa 100 dispositivi verranno aggiornati ad AOSP 14 con la build /e/OS 2.6.3, trovate l'elenco degli smartphone supportati qui.
Chi utilizza un cellulare supportato dalla comunità dovrà fare l'aggiornamento in autonomia (non ci saranno avvisi né installazioni automatico di alcun tipo) mentre chi ne ha uno ufficiale dovrebbe ricevere l'aggiornamento automatico a breve.
v2.6.3-u · e / os / 🚀 Releases · GitLab
Please welcome /e/OS 2.6.3! 🚀 We are proud to deliver the /e/OS 2.6.3. Enjoy all the new features and improvements it embeds!GitLab
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Through the looking glass: A review of cranial window technology for optical access to the brain - ScienceDirect
Title: Echoes of Light
Chapter 1: The Dawn of Optogenesis
In the year 2025, the world had changed in ways unimaginable just a few decades prior. The city of Neo-Paris, a gleaming metropolis of glass and steel, was the epicenter of technological advancement. Among the many innovations that had reshaped society, none was more controversial or more revolutionary than Optogenesis.
Optogenesis, a blend of optogenetics and cognitive neuroscience, allowed scientists to manipulate memories with unprecedented precision. By exposing specific regions of the brain to carefully calibrated light, researchers could activate or inhibit neural pathways, effectively rewriting a person's past.
Dr. Elara Voss, a brilliant neuroscientist at the cutting edge of Optogenesis, had dedicated her life to understanding the intricacies of memory. Her work at the prestigious Institut de la Mémoire had garnered both acclaim and criticism. While some hailed her as a visionary, others saw her as a dangerous meddler in the natural order of things.
Chapter 2: The Patient
One crisp autumn morning, Dr. Voss received a visitor who would change the course of her research forever. The man, who introduced himself only as Luc, was a former soldier haunted by the ghosts of his past. His eyes held a depth of sorrow that spoke volumes about the horrors he had witnessed.
"I need your help, Dr. Voss," Luc said, his voice steady despite the tremor in his hands. "I can't live with these memories anymore. They're destroying me."
Elara listened intently as Luc recounted his experiences—the battles, the losses, the guilt. She saw in him a chance to prove the potential of Optogenesis, not just as a tool for scientific inquiry, but as a means of healing.
"I can help you," she said finally, her voice filled with conviction. "But you must understand, this is uncharted territory. There are risks."
Luc nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I'm willing to take that chance."
Chapter 3: The Procedure
The procedure was meticulously planned. Luc was prepped in a sterile lab, his head encased in a device that would deliver precise beams of light to targeted areas of his brain. Elara and her team worked with the focus of surgeons, their every movement calculated and precise.
As the light pulsed through Luc's neural pathways, Elara watched the monitors with bated breath. The memories of war, of loss, began to fade, replaced by fabricated recollections of peace and tranquility. It was a delicate dance, a ballet of light and shadow within the mind.
Hours later, Luc awoke, his eyes clear and untroubled. He looked around the room, a faint smile on his lips. "I feel... different," he said, his voice tinged with wonder.
Elara nodded, a sense of triumph surging through her. "Your past is no longer a burden, Luc. You have a chance to start anew."
Chapter 4: The Consequences
News of Luc's successful treatment spread like wildfire. People from all walks of life flocked to the Institut de la Mémoire, seeking to erase their own painful memories. Elara and her team worked tirelessly, their days filled with the hopes and fears of their patients.
But as Optogenesis gained popularity, so too did the ethical debates surrounding it. Critics argued that memory manipulation was a slippery slope, one that could lead to the erasure of identity and the fabrication of false realities. Elara found herself at the center of a storm, her work both celebrated and condemned.
One evening, as she sat in her office, poring over research papers, a sudden knock at the door startled her. Standing in the doorway was a woman she had never seen before, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and desperation.
"Dr. Voss," the woman said, her voice trembling. "I need to talk to you about my husband. He was one of your patients."
Elara's heart sank as she realized the implications of her work were far more complex than she had ever imagined.
Chapter 5: The Reckoning
The woman, Marie, explained that her husband, Pierre, had undergone Optogenesis to erase the memory of a traumatic accident. But in doing so, he had also forgotten their love, their shared history, and the very essence of their relationship.
"He's a stranger to me now," Marie said, her voice breaking. "You took away more than just his pain. You took away our life together."
Elara listened, her mind racing. She had always believed that Optogenesis could bring healing, but she had never considered the ripple effects, the unintended consequences of memory manipulation.
"I'm sorry, Marie," Elara said, her voice heavy with regret. "I never meant for this to happen."
Marie looked at her, tears streaming down her face. "It's too late for apologies, Dr. Voss. You need to fix this."
Chapter 6: The Choice
Elara found herself at a crossroads. She could continue her work, pushing the boundaries of Optogenesis and risking the ethical quagmire that came with it. Or she could step back, reassess, and find a way to mitigate the damage she had already done.
She thought of Luc, of Pierre, of all the lives she had touched. She thought of the power she held in her hands, the ability to rewrite the past and shape the future. And she made her choice.
Elara Voss, the visionary neuroscientist, stepped away from Optogenesis. She turned her focus to understanding the ethical implications of memory manipulation, to finding ways to heal without erasing the essence of who we are.
In the end, she realized that the true power of memory lay not in its manipulation, but in its acceptance—in embracing the past, both the joy and the pain, and using it to shape a better future.
Epilogue: The Legacy
Years later, Elara sat in her office, surrounded by stacks of research papers and the hum of quiet contemplation. She had become a different kind of pioneer, one who sought to bridge the gap between science and ethics, between progress and humanity.
Outside, the city of Neo-Paris glittered under the starlit sky, a testament to the endless possibilities of the human mind. And within that city, people lived their lives, their memories intact, their identities whole.
Elara Voss had changed the world, not with light and shadow, but with wisdom and compassion. And in doing so, she had left a legacy that would endure for generations to come.
The End
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Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork
Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork | TechCrunch
Matt Mullenweg has deactivated the accounts of several WordPress community members, including two with plans to fork WordPress.Paul Sawers (TechCrunch)
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Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork
Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork | TechCrunch
Matt Mullenweg has deactivated the accounts of several WordPress community members, including two with plans to fork WordPress.Paul Sawers (TechCrunch)
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This is a guy who should have just went to vegas and bought a expensive escort for his mid life crisis.
For those who haven't been following this epic meltdown…
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters. Timely news source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source
The Video Game Industry Is Unionizing
The Video Game Industry Is Unionizing
This summer, World of Warcraft and Bethesda Game Studios workers joined the growing number of video game developers organizing with Communications Workers of
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The Video Game Industry Is Unionizing
The Video Game Industry Is Unionizing
This summer, World of Warcraft and Bethesda Game Studios workers joined the growing number of video game developers organizing with Communications Workers of
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Organizer Training
Our organizing model is heavily worker led, which requires education, discipline, and practice.[group:title]
Venti videogiochi che usciranno nel 2025
O che almeno ci proveranno, come “GTA VI”, “Death Stranding: On the Beach” e il nuovo dei Pokémon
Da Il Post
- Donkey Kong Country Returns HD – 16 gennaio (Nintendo Switch)
- Civilization 7 – 11 febbraio (PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 e 5, Xbox One e Series X/S, Nintendo Switch)
- Assassin’s Creed Shadows – 20 marzo (PC, Mac, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Avowed – 18 febbraio (PC e Xbox Series X/S, catalogo del Game Pass di Xbox)
- Monster Hunter Wilds – 28 febbraio (PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Split Fiction – 6 marzo (PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Tales of the Shire – 25 marzo (PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S).
- Atomfall – 27 marzo (PC, PlayStation 4 e 5, Xbox One e Series X/S)
- Death Stranding 2: On the Beach – da definire (PlayStation 5)
- Elden Ring Nightreign – da definire (PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Grand Theft Auto VI – da definire (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S)
- Doom: The Dark Ages – da definire (PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, catalogo del Game Pass di Xbox)
- Ghost of Yōtei – da definire (PlayStation 5)
- The Alters – da definire (PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra – da definire (PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S)
- Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – da definire (PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X/S)
- Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – da definire (Nintendo Switch)
- Pokemon Legends: Z-A – da definire (Nintendo Switch)
- South of Midnight – da definire (PC, Xbox Series X/S, catalogo del Game Pass di Xbox).…
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Come funzionano i siti che "testano il vostro adblock"?
Visto che è un argomento ricorrente segnalo questo interessante articolo apparso sul blog di Brave sull'inefficacia di molti test che si trovano online.
Su Le Alternative ho scritto alcuni articoli dove vengono suggeriti dei test da provare ma ho sempre cercato di insistere sul fatto che sono solo test automatici, che vanno presi per quel che sono e che possono dare un'idea dei blocchi ma non vanno usati come metro di giudizio.
Per esempio: sapevate che all'interno di uBlock Origin c'è un codice per barare sul test online d3ward? È stato inserito perché nonostante venissero bloccate le richieste continuava a non dare il 100% e dato che è un test molto conosciuto arrivavano centinaia di richieste su questa cosa.
Qui potete vedere la porzione predefinita che blocca tutti i domini di terze parti presenti su quel sito.
Qui invece trovate il buon articolo di Brave su questo tema:…
How “test your adblocker” websites can harm users and the adblocker ecosystem
Adblocker testing sites can be misleading—or even harmful—for a number of reasons. We've outlined the four major issues.Brave Software
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‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
Meta's decision to specifically allow users to call LGBTQ+ people "mentally ill" has sparked widespread backlash at the company.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
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‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
Meta's decision to specifically allow users to call LGBTQ+ people "mentally ill" has sparked widespread backlash at the company.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
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‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
Meta's decision to specifically allow users to call LGBTQ+ people "mentally ill" has sparked widespread backlash at the company.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
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Zuck just realized that his main FB user base is older conservative people that he can either lose even more to X and Gab, or he can let FB turn into the wild west the users want.
His IG user base is stable, young, and left-leaning. So he still has those users in another segment of the business until some mass exodus to pixelfed that won't every really happen.
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Yeah, same with my dad. Best thing that ever happened to him was a Nigerian scammer tried to hijack his account and FB suspended the account for 6 months.
But then a week later he had some new account with no friends just for the reels. ಥ_ಥ
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