Tech worker co-operatives - a growing alternative to traditional employment?
Tech worker co-operatives - a growing alternative to traditional employment?
While the number of tech worker co-operatives is on the up, the approach does have its pros and cons.Cath Everett (diginomica)
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Tech worker co-operatives - a growing alternative to traditional employment?
Tech worker co-operatives - a growing alternative to traditional employment?
While the number of tech worker co-operatives is on the up, the approach does have its pros and cons.Cath Everett (diginomica)
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17-year-old kid genius built a mind-controlled prosthetic arm in his spare time
17-year-old kid genius built a mind-controlled prosthetic arm in his spare time
And he did it all for just $300.Jacalyn Wetzel (Upworthy)
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No-code tools for activists
I wrote this wiki page on no-code tools for activists with a particular focus on self-hostable options.
If you have experience either with no-code or tool stacks for activists, I would like some feedback on which areas to expand first.
No-code tools for activists | Activist Handbook
Customize your software without writing
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AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism
AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism
It's embarrassing, destructive, and looks like shit: AI-generated art is the perfect aesthetic form for the far right.New Socialist
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AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism
AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism
It's embarrassing, destructive, and looks like shit: AI-generated art is the perfect aesthetic form for the far right.New Socialist
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La leggenda di Johnny PeeBack
La leggenda di Johnny PeeBack
La leggenda di Johnny PeeBack - Vi presentiamo il primo capitolo del nostro libro "La leggenda di Johnny PeeBack", intitolato "Ti crescerà addosso, come una verruca". Un titolo intrigante, vero? -krk dominguez (In Your Eyes ezine)
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Intervista Katana Koala Kiwi
Intervista Katana Koala Kiwi
Intervista Katana Koala Kiwi - Katana Koala Kiwi: scopri il loro EP di debutto "Per farmi coraggio mi sono buttato dal piano terra", una fusione di suoni freschi e dirompenti! - Katana Koala KiwiMassimo Argo (In Your Eyes ezine)
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Anche io sono parecchio scocciato dal fatto che Proton abbia deciso di abbandonare in toto il Fediverso per rimanere solo su X e compagnia malvagia e mi sto già preparando un piano B per abbandonarlo nel caso facesse altre scelte particolarmente infelici ma non penso sia del tutto corretto dire che Andy Yen appoggia Trump, dai.
L'unico Tweet in favore è stato sostanzialmente questo:… e pochissimo altro (nulla comunque particolarmente in favore di Trump) (allego il Tweet per chi giustamente non vuole andare su X).
Da qui al delirio post-verità che ne è uscito poi sui social che lo hanno addirittura definito nazista ce ne passa... il rischio secondo me, al di là dell'informazione non del tutto corretta, è quello di far accumunare Proton alla stregua di Meta, Amazon e Google quando sappiamo tutti che non è così (per ora almeno 😂)!
Detto questo, viva Vaulwarden! 💙
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@dajelinux ma 88 sarà il suo anno di nascita, no? Mi sembra la cosa più probabile.
Articolo del 2021 dove viene detto che ha 31 anni (1988, quindi):…
Shrek 5 Cast Announcement…
Annunciato con un breve teaser l'arrivo di Shrek 5 e il suo cast di doppiaggio: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz e Zendaya.
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
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Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not. | TechPolicy.Press
Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not.
Probabilistic generalizations based on internet content are not steps toward algorithmic moral personhood, write David McNeill and Emily Tucker.David McNeill (Tech Policy Press)
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Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not. | TechPolicy.Press
Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not.
Probabilistic generalizations based on internet content are not steps toward algorithmic moral personhood, write David McNeill and Emily Tucker.David McNeill (Tech Policy Press)
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Meta fires 20 employees for leaking
Meta is firing about 20 employees for leaking
The company says “we expect there will be more” firings after a string of recent leaks.Alex Heath (The Verge)
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Meta fires 20 employees for leaking
Meta is firing about 20 employees for leaking
The company says “we expect there will be more” firings after a string of recent leaks.Alex Heath (The Verge)
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Meta fires 20 employees for leaking
Meta is firing about 20 employees for leaking
The company says “we expect there will be more” firings after a string of recent leaks.Alex Heath (The Verge)
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Sober - roblox flatpak which embeds the apk
Is it archon? Or else?
Sober - Roblox better than ever on Linux
We're testing Sober, a new way to run Roblox on Linux. No virtual machines or emulators. Up to twice the performance of native
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I tried uegine runner and spark waydroid runner but those are not very clear packages
Corde Oblique - Cries and whispers
'Cries and Whispers' è il nuovo album dei Corde Oblique, in uscita il 14 febbraio 2025 per The Stones of Naples Records.
Il gruppo partenopeo torna dopo cinque anni di silenzio discografico e lo fa con un gran disco. La creatura musicale di Riccardo Prencipe è un unicum a livello nazionale ed internazionale, con la sua musica sempre originale che nasce da una creatività senza fine, capace di agire su più livelli differenti. Questo ultimo lavoro è diviso in due parti : la prima si intitola “Cries” e tratta di qualcosa che Riccardo aveva in mente da molto tempo, ovvero tornare alle sue radici musicali in un contesto totalmente differente rispetto a quello della gioventù. Il chitarrista e compositore napoletano quando aveva diciotto anni, oltre a militare nei Lupercalia suonava in un gruppo di metal estremo che faceva black e death metal, e certi elementi di quei generi gli sono rimasti dentro, e li ha fatti uscire con la prima parte di questo disco, e il risultato è assai notevole.…
Corde Oblique - Cries and whispers
Corde Oblique - Cries and whispers - Corde Oblique torna con "Cries and Whispers", un album innovativo in uscita il 14 febbraio 2025. Scopri il viaggio musicale di Riccardo Prencipe! - Corde ObliqueMassimo Argo (In Your Eyes ezine)
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London after midnight - NPE Editore
London after midnight - NPE Editore
London after midnight - NPE Editore - Mentre veniva portato via il cadavere, la storia di "London After Midnight" rinasce in un graphic novel che unisce cinema e fumetto. Scopri di più! - London after midnightClaudio Frandina (In Your Eyes ezine)
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AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
“LONG LIVE THE REAL KING," said the video showing an AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump.Samantha Cole (404 Media)
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“LONG LIVE THE REAL KING," said the video showing an AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump
What reckless journalism. It would be much more accurate to say "an allegedly AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump".
I've seen no concrete proof that the video is not authentic. It's with in the realm of possibility that Elon has two left feet.
AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
“LONG LIVE THE REAL KING," said the video showing an AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump.Samantha Cole (404 Media)
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AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs
“LONG LIVE THE REAL KING," said the video showing an AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump.Samantha Cole (404 Media)
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Why this forgotten bicycle may be key to China's future
The world’s best-selling vehicle model is a Chinese bike
@shifter created a nice video where it tells how the story of that bike model crosses the history of the country, while looking for an exemplar to try personally.
Even China, after moving away from the bike, is getting closer, even if the vehicle has changed a lot, and between bikes and mopeds, there is a whole spectrum of undefined vehicles.
crosspostated from da:…
Why this forgotten bicycle may be key to China's future
I have been trying for years to finally get a chance to ride a bicycle that was once the most popular in the world, but has proven exceedingly rare where I live. And why do I want to ride the iconi...Canadian Civil
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Il modello di veicolo più venduto al mondo è una bici cinese
crosspostato da:…
Il modello di veicolo più venduto al mondo è una bici cinese@shifter confeziona un bel video dove racconta come la storia di quel modello di bici si incroci con la storia del paese, mentre cerca un esemplare da provare personalmente.
Anche la Cina, dopo essersi allontanata dalla bici, si sta riavvicinando, anche se il mezzo è molto cambiato, e tra #bici e ciclomotore, c'è tutto uno spettro di mezzi indefiniti.
Why this forgotten bicycle may be key to China's future
I have been trying for years to finally get a chance to ride a bicycle that was once the most popular in the world, but has proven exceedingly rare where I live. And why do I want to ride the iconi...Canadian Civil
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Roblox studio lite for linux
Install sober (android app for Linux) following below guide, then ignore vinegar or grapejiuce (both broken) and just run studio lite with sober.……
Studio Lite
Dai un'occhiata a Studio Lite. È una delle milioni di esperienze 3D uniche e generate dagli utenti con Roblox. Costruisci il tuo gioco. Proprio come Roblox Studio, ma più semplice e mobile friendly.Roblox
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What would a TV ad promoting alternatives to driving look like? By the war on cars
What would a TV ad promoting alternatives to driving look like? What if people who love cycling and progressive transportation reclaimed ideas like freedom, independence and even patriotism? We decided to give it a shot. Check out our new video, "America, It's Just Like Riding a Bike."
Found on war on cars mastodon:…
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Complotti! - Sommergere la stanza di merda
Le falsità e le provocazioni di Trump sono talmente tante che è impossibile stargli dietro – ed è proprio questo il punto.
Una newsletter delirante, non perché il buon Leonardo Bianchi sia impazzito ma per quello che racconta.
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Screenshot. Cose dai nostri schermi - La battaglia per Wikipedia
Come e perché l'enciclopedia online per eccellenza è finita nel mirino di Elon Musk e la destra trumpiana, che ha un piano per "identificare e colpire" i suoi editor, che sono anonimi (e volontari). Il giornalista Pietro Minto racconta gli attacchi politici a Wikipedia e la battaglia per la libertà di un pezzo di web che ormai "stona" con i progetti muskiani
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Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords
Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords
Don’t let the AI of it all fool you — tech workers can still bring Silicon Valley to a
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. I am just not considered part of the labour class by blue collar workers.
Unions can and still lead you to resources and help you unionize. You can't blame blue collar workers.
Labour is physical work but working your eyes and brain is also taxing. It's just a different set of muscles/organs. Sitting at the desk all day is also taxing. it's just not evident enough to people who see an AC and think that's comfortable. It's not healthy long term. Leads to all sorts of health issues.
Many of us tech workers joke that we will make our bag of money, retire, and go do farming. But you must understand why we joke like that.
For a lack of physical activity, desk workers suffer numerous health issues due to sitting all day/lack of movement. We are deprived of natural sunlight and wind in our badly lit offices staring at bright screens.
My point is that I said i felt isolated by blue collar workers not considering tech workers as the same class. You just went ahead and proved my point.
this is one of the reasons you don't see class solidarity from tech workers. The blue collar bunch think we are somehow same as the capitalist class.
I also think the definition of labourer is not as myopic as you make it out to be. If one sells their time/works for money then they are labourers. Only those who make their money/capital/resources work for them cannot be considered labourer. Even a manager is a labourer. I would exclude CEOs because they invest and are also board members in their buddies' companies. Their employ is just a facade to maintain control and keep the power "within the family" so to speak.
My point is that I said i felt isolated by blue collar workers not considering tech workers as the same class.
Labor isn't a class difference.
desk workers suffer numerous health issues due to sitting all day/lack of movement.
Blue collar workers get significantly decreased life spans compared to white collar, because we breath in fumes and strain our bodies. That's not the point you want to stand on for them being the same.
I don't have a problem with your job being easier. My issue is you white collar workers sitting in your air conditioned rooms and diminishing the difference in body damage and quality of life between white collar and blue collar.
You're not breaking your health. You can just exercise outside of work to stop most of the issues. We don't get that luxury, which is why it stings when you try to say the damage is equivalent.
1 of 3
la·bor ˈlā-bər
plural labors
- expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory was sentenced to six months at hard labor
- the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits
- human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy Industry needs labor for production.
Hahahahaha. You think that's what a strike is? A strike isn't just a slight battle against the company. It's an all out war. So to speak. It's insulting to those actually in unions who walk the picket lines to suggest refusing rto is a strike.
Please actually organize.
you should try to get off of your imaginary high horse or you might hurt yourself.
A strike is a refusal to commit labour to the company. Same as not doing a good job. In japan the ticket checkers had a strike where they did their job as usual but did not collect the payment for issuing tickets. THAT was considered a strike.
why must quiet quitting not be considered too? We don't participate in whatever greedy venture by doing the bare minimum.
Because when they did that, it was actively less than the bare minimum. If you do the bare minimum, you're still doing your job. Hence, not a strike.
You also aren't organized, which is another good reason to not call it a strike. A strike isn't a few workers doing how they feel like.
In America, when you strike you put up a picket line. You tell the company, this is what we want, and will do nothing for you until you meet our demands. And you do it together.
As long as you are getting paid, you can hardly call it a strike
If you still get paid for a job not well done.. it's still hurts the company. Believe me, there has been an attack on tech workers by the industry. Firing people during record profits, using LLMs to upset the negotiating power of artists and software people alike, not giving inflation adjusted pay hikes, etc. You can even see the billionaire owned media grind their gears trying to come up with words to discredit workers doing their bare-minimum such as "quiet quitting".
It shouldn't be a conspiracy theory to claim that a few people control the reins of a lot of workers... in reality it's a community of few thousand billionaires cooperating to oppress workers.
Just because we don't physically picket in front of our offices, does not mean we are not protesting. It's just not visible in an outward manner.
And just because we all seem to be doing our own thing, doesn't mean we aren't organizing. We just consider organizing as just quietly aligning our wallets and behaviours without being overt about it. I am sure there are a lot of organization for software developers for people who do want to be loud about it too.
A strike is a specific thing. That you do as part of a unit.
does not mean we are not protesting.
But that doesn't make it a strike either.
Not everything that hurts the company is a strike.
A strike is a group based action in which you refuse to do your job while demanding to get some level concessions before you'll go back to work. Quiet quiting fails the organization aspect, and the demand aspect.
We just consider organizing as just quietly aligning our wallets and behaviours without being overt about it
That's not the same type of organizing that needs to take place for something to be considered a strike.
I am sure there are a lot of organization for software developers for people who do want to be loud about it too.
When they are, then it may be considered a strike.
A strike is a refusal to commit labour to the company.
...except you don't do it individually, you should do it collectivelly, else it won't make any lasting difference and will probably get you fired
Not even close to sufficient imo
We need a strike. Shut everything down.
It's just to understand if you do politics or you just talk about politics.
Criticizing without strategic and contextual awareness of what you're criticizing should stop being normalized. If you just have opinions on stuff instead of building or participating into organizations, I know for sure I can disregard your words.
The General Strike
The General strike -the people united shall never be stopped. If we strike together we can make true real change. Sign the strike card today.The General Strike
Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords
Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords
Don’t let the AI of it all fool you — tech workers can still bring Silicon Valley to a
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Meta approves bonuses of up to 200% of company executives' salaries as it trims stock awards for employees
Meta approves bonuses boost for executives, trims staff stock awards
Meta approved a plan to increase bonuses for company executives to up to 200% of their base pay amid layoffs targeting about 4,000 employees.Lloyd Lee (Business Insider)
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Meta approves bonuses of up to 200% of company executives' salaries as it trims stock awards for employees
Meta approves bonuses boost for executives, trims staff stock awards
Meta approved a plan to increase bonuses for company executives to up to 200% of their base pay amid layoffs targeting about 4,000 employees.Lloyd Lee (Business Insider)
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Meta approves bonuses of up to 200% of company executives' salaries as it trims stock awards for employees
Meta approves bonuses boost for executives, trims staff stock awards
Meta approved a plan to increase bonuses for company executives to up to 200% of their base pay amid layoffs targeting about 4,000 employees.Lloyd Lee (Business Insider)
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in reply to suoko • • •The article just says it functions via reading brainwaves and head movements.
... What?
Can... we expand on that?
What hardware is he using that can read brainwaves in any kind of useful way at all?
Is he using something like this?
Insight - 5 Channel Wireless EEG Headset
in reply to sp3ctr4l • • •………
EEG Headset Prices – An Overview of 15+ EEG Devices
Bryn Farnsworth (iMotions)