La coscienza morta
Si applica anche a noi, adesso.
"From the accumulated evidence one can only conclude that conscience as such had apparently got lost in Germany, and this to a point where people hardly remembered it and had ceased to realize that the surprising "new set of German values" was not shared by the outside world. This, to be sure, is not the entire truth. For there were individuals in Germany who from the very beginning of the regime and without ever wavering were opposed to Hitler; no one knows how many there were of them — perhaps a hundred thousand, perhaps many more, perhaps many fewer — or their voices were never heard. They could be found everywhere, in all strata of society, among the simple people as well as among the educated, in all parties, perhaps even in the ranks of the N.S.D.A.P."
"E tutto sta a dimostrare che la coscienza in quanto tale era morta, in Germania, al punto che la gente non si ricordava più di averla e non si rendeva conto che il “nuovo sistema di valori” tedesco non era condiviso dal mondo esterno. Naturalmente, questo non vale per tutti
i tedeschi: ché ci furono anche individui che fin dall'inizio si opposero senza esitazione a Hitler e al suo regime. Nessuno sa quanti fossero (forse centomila, forse molti di piu, forse molti di meno) poiché non riuscirono mai a far sentire la loro voce. Potevano trovarsi dappertutto, in tutti gli strati della popolazione, tra la gente semplice come tra la gente colta, in tutti i partiti e forse anche nelle file del partito nazista."
Roberto Resoli
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