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@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:…
Si, Claudia Giulia, hai capito bene, Stroppa ha detto che può accedere a qualsiasi dato personale degli utenti di twitter/x in modo arbitrario, inclusi quelli non pubblicamente visibili. Può vedere la reale identità degli utenti pseudonimi, che lui maccheronicamente chiama anonimi, può

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Say no to lock down devices, that are limiting our freedom to install apps, switch OSes, or use services outside the big tech walled gardens.

Say yes to Device Neutrality, that ensures we control our own hardware! 🛠️💻

📣 We are asking for the right to install any software on our devices 🏗️
Your device, your choice! 💪

#DeviceNeutrality #FreeSoftware

in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

I'm interested in finding a good, easy to use alternative to Android.

I've searched, and there are so many problems with device consistency/compatibility that it's difficult to find a reasonable alternative.

I welcome suggestions from anyone with experience de-Googling a phone!

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Politica e UE: Router Freedom nell'UE. Il podcast di FSFE - (Qui la trascrizione del poscast)

Hai mai usato il tuo router personale per connetterti a Internet? @Free Software Foundation Europe ha recentemente ottenuto una grande vittoria in Germania per Router Freedom. In questo 32 ° episodio del Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie Mehring, Alexander Sander e Lucas Lasota parlano di Router Freedom e del nostro lavoro per proteggere la libertà di scelta dei dispositivi Internet.

@Privacy Pride…

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💥 New episode of our "Policy and EU" series on the Software Freedom Podcast

Have you ever connected to the internet using your personal router? We recently secured a major victory for Router Freedom in Germany! 🎉

In Episode 32, @annabonnie, @lexelas and @llas dive into the significance of #RouterFreedom
# and our ongoing efforts to defend your right to choose your internet devices.

🎧 Listen now:…

#SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware

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ÖVP-Trupismus: Wir untersagen den Familiennachzug (seit 6-7 Jahren absehbar) wegen Container-Klassen (haben wir bei jedem Umbau) und warten bis die EU nach 3 Jahren vorm EuGH gewonnen hat.

Einfach gezielter Rechtsbruch - wenn das ein Flüchtling machen würde..

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in reply to Max Schrems

Super clever, wir erhöhen den Stress für Geflüchtete, steigern die Frustration, agieren jeden jeglichen Forschungsstand - und wenn dann selbstverständlich die Kriminalitätsrate steigt individualisiert und rassifiziert man sie als Beleg, dass die Mauer noch nicht hoch genug und der Rassismus noch nicht hinreichend ausgeprägt. FPÖ +3%.

Glückwunsch, ihr habt eine Prophezeiung selbst erfüllt. Mal wieder.

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Why should public institutions use Free Software?

🔓 Freedom to use & share
👀 Transparency & adaptability
🛠 No vendor lock-in
💰 Public funds = public benefit

Public Money? Public Code! #publiccode #freesoftware

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I texani useranno la carta d'identità per comprare un dildo online

Il Texas ci riprova: la nuova proposta di legge SB 3003 prevede l'obbligo di documento d'identità con foto, con ripercussioni penali se i rivenditori non verificano rigorosamente l'età degli acquirenti.

Di fatto, la norma costringerebbe i venditori a tornare a spacciare i sex toy come "dispositivi medici" per aggirare le restrizioni.
La legge sarebbe invasiva, ostacolando l'acquisto per tutti, non solo per i minorenni, ed esponendo informazioni personali in giro, il tutto con multe fino a 5.000 dollari per chi sgarra.
Insomma, la legge non appare solo inefficace, ma potenzialmente dannosa: un tassella nella grande guerra legislativa contro i sex toy che in Texas portano avanti da anni.…

@Privacy Pride

Texans Might Soon Have to Show Photo ID to Buy a Dildo Online

A newly introduced bill in Texas would require online sellers to show a photo ID before buying a dildo.

SB 3003, introduced by Senator Angela Paxton (wife of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton), would criminally charge online retailers for selling “an obscene device” without verifying the buyers’ age. Sellers would have to require customers to submit their government-issued photographic identification, or use “third-party age verification services that use public records or other reliable sources to verify the purchaser's identity and age,” the bill says. Owning a credit card, which already requires the holder to be over 18 years of age, would not be enough.

Like the regressive and ineffective adult site age verification laws passing all across the country in the last few years, this law would drag Texans back to a not-so-distant time when sex toy sellers had to pretend vibrators were for “massage.”

Hallie Lieberman, journalist and author of Buzz: A Stimulating History of the Sex Toy, sold sex toys in Texas in the early 2000s under the state’s “six dildo” law, which criminalizes the possession of six or more “obscene devices,” defined as "a device including a dildo or artificial vagina, designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs." That law is still on the books but is now considered unenforceable and unconstitutional. Lieberman told me sellers got around the law by claiming the toys were for “medical purposes.” This bill could send retailers back to that time.

“I can see something like that happening again, with people saying on their sex toy store websites that vibrators are for back massage and butt plugs are for rectal strengthening,” Lieberman said. “It's similar to how sex toys were marketed in the early 20th century to get around obscenity laws and the Comstock Act (which unfortunately still exists and may be used to prevent access to contraceptives and sex toys nationwide.) Butt plugs were sold as cures for asthma and vibrators for sciatica. We are literally going back in time with this law.”

Age Verification Laws Drag Us Back to the Dark Ages of the Internet
Invasive and ineffective age verification laws that require users show government-issued ID, like a driver’s license or passport, are passing like wildfire across the U.S.
404 MediaEmanuel Maiberg

Lieberman told me she had to call the clitoris “the man in the boat” at the time to avoid breaking the law. “When we can't speak openly about our bodies and sexual pleasure, when we're forced to use euphemisms, we not only are under informed about our bodies, but we also feel shame in seeking out pleasure,” she said.

Like age verification laws for websites, the bill would make buying sex toys online harder for everyone, not just minors, and would send consumers to less-safe retailers with lower-quality, possibly dangerous toys. And also like those laws, people who do upload their government ID or undergo other age verification measures could risk having their purchases exposed to a hostile government.

“The government should not have a record of what sex toys we buy. This isn't just a frivolous concern,” Lieberman said. “In a nation where the president has declared that there are only two genders and that transgender people don't exist, where trans people are erased from government websites and kicked out of the military, it would be dangerous for the government to have a record that you purchased sex toys designed for trans people. Imagine you're a school teacher at a public school in Texas and there's a record you purchased a sex toy designed for queer people in a state where a parental bill of rights bill was just passed prohibiting discussion of sexual orientation in schools.”

"We are literally going back in time with this law."

Texas legislators have been trying to limit access to sex toys for their constituents for years. In late 2024, Hillary Hickland, a freshman member of Texas’ Republican House, introduced a bill that would ban retailers in the state from selling sex toys unless they file paperwork to become sexually oriented businesses—effectively forcing stores like Walmart, CVS and Target, which sell vibrators and other sex toys, to take those products off their shelves and forcing brick-and-mortar boutiques to verify the ages of all customers. The bill was referred to Texas’ Trade, Workforce & Economic Development committee earlier this month.

Paxton’s bill would charge online retailers with a Class A Misdemeanor if they don’t verify ages, and would open them up to fines up to $5,000 for each violation.

Paxton did not respond to a request for comment.

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New breed of Android malware leverages .NET MAUI to slip past defenses

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Fachtag: "Public Money? Public Code! in der Praxis" - in 🇩🇪

Anmeldung verlängert: Wenn Sie in der öffentlichen Verwaltung oder am Thema #Verwaltungsdigitalisierung arbeiten, sichern Sie sich jetzt einen Platz beim FSFE-Fachtag!

Behörden brauchen #FreeSoftware, um Abhängigkeiten zu vermeiden und Tech-Souveränität zu sichern. Wie können Verwaltungen, besonders Kommunen, #PublicCode voranbringen?
🗓️ 8. April
⏰ Ab 11:00 Uhr
📍 Essen

Info & Anmeldung:…

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in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

Hallo! Gäbe es die Möglichkeit die Vorträge in einem Stream zu sehen oder nachher sich die Aufnahmen anzuschauen? Das wäre richtig toll! 🙏🧡

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Ho provato a fare una breve iniziale analisi del poco che si può evincere dalla recente rivendicazione di leak Oracle Cloud.
Ne sono emersi alcuni dettagli che coinvolgono, se verificato, quasi 2000 aziende italiane di rilievo ⤵️


Quanti siete? Cosa portate? ... in galera!

@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:
Heei! Chi siete? Cosa portate? Si, ma quanti siete? Un fiorino! È sempre bello tornare con la memoria al surreale e mitico dialogo tra Benigni e Troisi alle prese con il gabelliere. Solo l'ironia e l'arte dei maestri può trasformare in sorriso ciò che, a…

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We were at #CLT 25 and it was great fun to see so many of you there 🤩.
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful #FreeSoftware #community and event @clt_news. For anyone who missed it, check out our talks from the weekend 📽️…
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🗓️ On 26 March, catch EDRi's @chlobemy at the 14th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference!

Chloé will speak in the panel "Balancing Privacy, Security and Public Safety: Law Enforcement Access to Personal Data in a Digital Era", from 11:10 to 12:15.

🔗 More info:

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DDL AI, soddisfazione per l’approvazione degli emendamenti sull’anonimizzazione…
Roma, 21 marzo 2025 – Soddisfazione dell’avvocato Luca Bolognini, presidente dell’Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati, per l’approvazione al Senato del DDL sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (Atto 1146) con gli emendamenti che istituiscono una

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FPF Privacy Papers for Policymakers: A Celebration of Impactful Privacy Research and Scholarship…
The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) hosted its 15th Privacy Papers for Policymakers (PPPM) event at its Washington, D.C., headquarters on March 12, 2025. This prestigious event recognized six outstanding research papers that offer valuable insights for

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Mamona ransomware group compromised: DragonForce exploits OPSEC failures

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Apr 9
"Un anno di Regolamento UE 2016/679. La privacy nel settore privato: spunti e riflessioni con esponenti del Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali"
Mer 10:00 - 18:00 Via Carlo Freguglia, 14, Milano
Privacy Pride

"Un anno di Regolamento UE 2016/679. La privacy nel settore privato: spunti e riflessioni con esponenti del Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali"

9 aprile, Milano

Partecipa Augusta Iannini

9 aprile 2019 - ore 10,00-18,00

Tribunale di Milano
Sala Valente
Via Carlo Freguglia, 14, Milano

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🇩🇪Bundesregierung behält sich in Brüssel Änderung der Position zur #Chatkontrolle unter schwarz-rot vor!

Bundesregierung fordert unverminderte Verdachtsmeldungen aus der fehleranfälligen #Chatkontrolle 1.0, obwohl Meta Verschlüsselung einführen und Scannen einstellen will. Wie soll das gehen?

Bundesregierung fragt, ob auch in verschlüsselter Kommunikation "freiwillig" gescannt werde? Das wäre das Ende sicherer Verschlüsselung!

Nächste Diskussion: 8. April.


in reply to Patrick Breyer

🇬🇧EU governments to make voluntary #ChatControl 1.0 permanent. Majority wants mandatory #ChatControl 2.0 in addition.

New German government (conservatives-socialists) reserves revision of country's previous position, asks about voluntary scanning of end-to-end encrypted communications and opposes decline in voluntary scanning (foreseeable result of Meta rolling out encryption).

Next meeting: 8 April.

Leaked meeting record (in German):…

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in reply to Patrick Breyer

🎶 We don't need no computation 🎶
🎶 We don't need no #ChatControl 🎶
🎶 Hey, EU, leave our chats alone! 🎶
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in reply to Patrick Breyer

Und das Ende vom Lied ?

In ICQ gab es damals ein Plug-In um die Nachrichten RSA-Verschlüsselt zu übertragen. Public key / private key.

Wirds dann bestimmt auch ganz schnell für Watz / Tellergramm / Mehda / etc geben.

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🚨 Alert: The use of #Spyware and an attack on #Encryption have been tabled in the French Parliament. These measures pose a serious threat to everyone’s online privacy and security.

In an urgent letter to members of the French National Assembly, 22 digital rights organisations from all around Europe, including EDRi, call to reject the proposed articles.…

EDRi-member @LaQuadrature is mobilising against the „narcotrafic“ legislation:…

in reply to EDRi

and now tell me, how are we in the EU any better than USA China Russia etc?
They constantly try to undermine our privacy and spy on us.
in reply to EDRi

Good news: The provision attacking #encryption was rejected. ❤️

Bad news: The #spyware provision, allowing police the remote activation of devices' microphone and camera, passed. 💔

What's next? The French National Assembly is set to vote on the full text next week, Tuesday, 1 April. They will then begin negotiations with the French Senate before the final law can be passed.


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in reply to EDRi

@mmu_man C'est vraiment du foutage de gueule. C'est genre on leur ferme la porte à clé et ils passent par la cheminée.

Cette légalisation de spyware à quelle étendue ? Ils voudraient s'autoriser quoi dans les "milieux autorisés qui s'autorisent à penser pour le reste du peuple" ? Est-on à la veille d'une autorisation de déploiement de spyware à grande échelle, comme le font (sans autorisation) d'autres agences genre NSA/CIA/MOSSAD et leurs concurrents du bloc de l'est ?

in reply to EDRi

In retrospect, I really should be less surprised that I want a phone with a hardware kill-switch on the microphone and camera.

At least I can stick something over the camera.

in reply to EDRi

It sounds like what all these laws end up being (to no one's satisfaction) a compromise.

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The Chemnitzer Linux Days are almost here!🚀 Join us this weekend to talk about #FreeSoftware!

The :fsfe: will be there with several talks, Ada screening and reading, a community meeting and of course, our booth! There our volunteers and staffers will be answering your doubts, engaging in fruitful discussions with you! 💥

💻 Read here all the information about our participation at the #CLT2025:…


Allucinazioni dell'intelligenza artificiale: ChatGPT ha creato un falso assassino di bambini ChatGPT ha creato una storia falsa su un uomo norvegese, sostenendo che aveva ucciso i suoi due figli ed era finito in prigione. Questo non è mai accaduto mickey20 March 2025…

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:fsfe: Fachtag: "Public Money? Public Code! in der Praxis" - in 🇩🇪

Arbeiten Sie in der öffentlichen Verwaltung oder am Thema #Verwaltungsdigitalisierung? Melden Sie sich noch bis Sonntag zu unserem Fachtag an!
#FreeSoftware ist für Behörden unverzichtbar, um Abhängigkeiten zu vermeiden und technologische Souveränität zu sichern. Wie können deutsche Verwaltungen, insbesondere Kommunen, #PublicCode voranbringen?

🗓️ 8. April
⏰ Ab 11:00 Uhr
📍 Essen

Info & Anmeldung:…

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in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

Eines der Probleme ist meines Erachtens dass man FOSS nur bezahlen darf wenn man Entwicklungsleistungen beauftragt aber nicht einfach so. Die Mondpreise die sich kommerzielle Softwareunternehmen zum Teil im Abosystem bezahlen lassen sind hingegen problemlos bezahlbar. In der Ausschreibung steht dann halt dass $kommerziellesProdukt benötigt wird und den Zuschlag erhält dann, wer genau dieses am Günstigsten anbieten kann. Es gibt schlichtweg keinen Anreiz Geld für Softwarelizenzen zu sparen.
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Western Alliance Bank data breach: 21,899 customers impacted

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📣 DMA & Free Software: what Free Software organisations need to know

Join our online session if you are a #FreeSoftware organization!

🗓️ 24 March 2025
⏰ 17: 30 CET
💻 Registration required:……

#DMA #SoftwareFreedom

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Rispetta te stesso: butta via Alexa. Rispetta l'ambiente: smaltisci Alexa correttamente.

@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:…
28 marzo 2025: si scegliere chi vive e chi muore: se vive Alexa, muore la Privacy se vive la privacy, Alexa deve morire. Se conviviamo con Alexa, stiamo avvelenando la nostra vita privata e la nostra riservatezza:

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in reply to The Privacy Post

tutto nasce da uno screenshot di una parte di improbabile email pubblicata su reddit.
Poi, se Amazon vuole affossare il prodotto, nulla di meglio.

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📢 We are excited to share the Initial Analysis on the First Round of Risk Assessments under the EU #DigitalServicesAct, prepared in collaboration with the #DSA Civil Society Coordination Group!

Read about key trends, practices, gaps and recommendations for better future reports ➡️…

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🚀 Thanks to our supporters and volunteers, the inspiring story of Ada & Zangemann has been translated into several languages!

Share the movie with your friends and post it around!

The book is also a perfect gift for local libraries and schools.…

#righttorepair #freesoftware

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📢 #NINAsec is out!

La puntata di oggi vede un primo carosello di #cyber insights della settimana e l’analisi di tre nuovi tool con qualche codice di esempio per l’implementazione ⤵️

#mailcat #JSRouteScan…

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MassJacker malware targets cryptocurrency of piracy users

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New Android spyware “KoSpy” linked to North Korean APT37

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🚨 AI systems used at borders and by law enforcement are reinforcing inequalities and systemic racism.

Join EDRi’s Aljosa Ajanovic Andelic, alongside Dr. Akudo McGee (PhD), Petra Molnar, Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra & Marieke Koekkoek as they shed light on the dangers of techno-solutionist narratives and the false belief that technology is neutral or objective.

📅 March 17, 2025 | 19:30
📍 Excluded by Design: Tech Regulation’s Racial Bias
➡️ Register here…

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FPF Releases Report on the Adoption of Privacy Enhancing Technologies by State Education Agencies…
The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) released a landscape analysis of the adoption of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) by State Education Agencies (SEAs). As agencies face increasing pressure to leverage sensitive student and institutional data for analysis

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Never Ending Story... la proroga della proroga del NIS.

@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:…
Ho l'impressione di essere un cagnolino in una stanza che brucia, circondato dal fuoco e ho voglia di dire "This is fine", sorseggiando una tazza di the. Una persona normale, per sopravvivere in un paese normale, ha bisogno di una cosa sola:

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For the 4th time we are running our #YH4F #programming #competition and are very excited to see all the new projects coming together ❤️ To keep you and us busy over the next three months until the end of the current programming period, we spoke to Aya, a former participant, about her project. Take a look at our interview with her…

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in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

I love this competition and what projects it's produced in the past!

I have a question: what's the age range for YH4F participation? I see the PeerTube video says it's 14-18 but doesn't say whether it's the age in January at the start, in June at the end, or some other time.

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📣 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗳𝘁𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀!

💥DMA & Free Software: what Free Software organisations need to know 💥

🖥️ Online Q&A Session
🗓️ 24 March 2025
⏰ 17: 30 CET

#softwarefreedom #freesoftware

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The Ballista Botnet: a new IoT threat with italian roots

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday di Marzo 2025: analisi approfondita degli aggiornamenti di sicurezza

in reply to N_{Dario Fadda}

la pagina web associata al link mi da errore di caricamento
in reply to Salvatore

@savto Probabilmente nella giornata di oggi ci sono state delle interruzioni perché il ricercatore che l'ha creata so che ha dovuto fare delle revisioni alla sua indagine per degli errori che gli sono stati segnalati, però ora a me la apre correttamente

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