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Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

in reply to European Commission

You don't seem to have posted the problem before, so what is it that requires a solution?
in reply to Cr0ydon

They can't seem to find anyone willing to maintain a server.
Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to nexus II

@vasto @croydon they can't seem to find anyone willing to pay for maintaining a single server. Priorities.
in reply to Flo

@desperadoduck @vasto How many Mastodon servers can we finance if we stop the EU Parliament from moving between Strasbourg and Brussels?

Sorry, could absolutely not resist πŸ˜‚

in reply to European Commission

It seems as if you are migrating from #Mastodon towards another platform.

Which #Fediverse option are you consideringβ€½ #WordPress with the #ActivityPub plugin enabledβ€½

Depending on the host, that would be a less expensive option.

in reply to MichaΕ‚ "rysiek" WoΕΊniak Β· πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Oooh, interesting option! They could move their existing accounts to a third party server... not as great as their own server obviously, but much better than just deleting the accounts.

And it means if they bring the server back at some point they can move the accounts back there. The social graph would be preserved.

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

I live in the United States, and this is cool to see.

I hope our government figures out they don’t have to rely on private social media companies if they don’t want to.

in reply to European Commission

WΓ€re schon, wenn diese Bekenntnis zu dezentralen Diensten und Open-Source auch in anderen Bereichen Eingang finden wΓΌrde, der BΓΌro-IT ΓΆffentlicher Institutionen insbesondere!
It would be great if this commitment to decentralized services and open source would also find its way into other areas, especially the office IT of public institutions!
#ITSouverΓ€nitΓ€t #foss #opensource #ITSovereignty

Giuseppe Aceto reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

So you've really got a team working full-time just on mastodon/fediverse post writing.

Then stop hiring since some of them are overload!

Your posts are interesting though.

in reply to European Commission

How does your announcement connect with these articles about EU institutions run by the European Date Protection Supervisor to be shut down in May?…

in reply to Corinna Balkow

@coba it's a direct response to an EDPS public announcement from earlier today, which indicated that the project with official EU Fediverse servers would end:…

It seems to indicate that the commission will take over. Which makes sense - the project ends with a huge success, so the EU institutions should naturally want to continue the good development.

in reply to European Commission

Thank goodness! And yes, please stay here in the democratic part of social nets!
in reply to European Commission

Please create channels for all languages of the European Union. Pick up people directly instead of just posting in English.
in reply to European Commission

No money to pay a cloud instance?
Don't you already have an IT service for your daily work?
in reply to European Commission…
in reply to European Commission

You are awesome β™‘ i am very thankful for all the provided information!
in reply to European Commission

Hope that whatever platform software you choose, you have your own instance, setting the lead for other governments’ social presence.
in reply to European Commission

Please clarify that by "Fediverse" your team means the Fediverse itself and that you do *not* mean Meta/FB's "Threads".

It is unacceptable for the EU Commission to provide support for Meta/FB's role in hate speech [1] [2], its role in the #RohingyaGenocide [3][4] and its role in the #TigrayGenocide [5][6].







in reply to European Commission

Please don't tell me this is a prelude for a total move to threads...
in reply to European Commission

this is a good source of EU news for me, thank you for working on keeping it going 🫰
in reply to European Commission

Good to hear, saw some other confusing and disappointing messages today!…

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to xs4me2

@xs4me2 it is good that they will move their account to some other server, but a government body should ideally be run at a government run server, not some third party. What funds are needed to make continue to work? All this talk about independence becomes and then this…
in reply to European Commission

I'm glad to hear that!

I must say, though, that I'm having a hard time trying to make this announcement consistent with the one from @EDPS : they mentioned an issue keeping the server and service at the "high standards that EUIs and our users deserve" but you talk about moving somewhere else so I'm kind of wondering how a 3rd party could meet these standards...

in reply to European Commission

That's nothing else than a clear downgrade.
Going from most important:
1. Closed-registration server in domain was a better guarantee of profile authenticity than looking for the green bars in profiles on some random public instances. We're talking about one of the biggest orgs in the world.
2. Theses profiles will be dependent on third-party admins for moderation, accessibility etc.
3. I don't believe every profile will move. I suspect we'll loose some in the process.
in reply to European Commission

The fact that you'd have to close your dedicated instance is pretty sad though.
in reply to European Commission

instead of staging a technology example, which is known to work in general but have some flaws, wouldn't it be most straightforward to just continue operation of the existing and established servers?
Unknown parent

@andresmh EU instances are being shut down on the 18th of May apparently:…

Two years ago, #EDPS embarked on a pioneering journey launching a pilot project of two decentralised social media platforms: #EUVoice & #EUVideo.

18 May will mark the end of the project. Time to review the results of this successful story.

Read Press Release!yJqDgK

in reply to European Commission

c'es super cool in en val le coup Vivaldi et formidable et sais du sΓ©rieux sais rΓ©seaux sociaux aussi vraiment
in reply to European Commission

Good to read that you are committed! I just hope you don't let the current EU Mastodon instance disappear and switch to another generic one. That would be a huge setback for your reliability and recognisability. Besides, old posts don't move with you and all other EU organisations also need to find a new home in the #fediverse. So can you make sure the current EU instance keeps spinning? Seems like a no-brainer although you might have to take some bureaucratic hurdles…
in reply to cwtshycwtsh


Could you piss off to Xitter? Your attitude is what many people were trying to avoid here.

in reply to European Commission

Hopefully you will do so on one of your own domains. And invite the other EU institutions and agencies to do so too. Having your own domain (rather than using or means we all can be certain that you are who you say you are. Organisations should run their own instances, or use their websites to also share to ActivityPub. My organisation does, my website does. Let the EC lead by example!
in reply to European Commission

You do know the monthly costs of running a single Mastodon server are a fraction of the handwaving implied by this single post, do you?
in reply to European Commission

Better than identity portability would be finding a way to keep your current server operating for you and all the other official EU accounts using it.
in reply to European Commission

That's great to hear, that the @EU_Commission is here to stay in the #Fediverse. After the prolongued pilot by the @EDPS…

in reply to European Commission

You should do a press release immediately to not shutdown the servers, as posted by @EDPS in may and furthermore you should commit to a long time financing the servers, also after the elections. Otherwise all will think you post a commitment now and forget about it after the election.

Be sure there are lot of people out there watching you, handling decentralized open source projects and your response to… .

EU citizens are interested in your decision

in reply to European Commission

please contiue your usage of this server. I think it would also be really interesting if you could conside to post simultanously in different language. Thanks!
in reply to European Commission

Go Europe Go!

Commitment to open systems can only be shown. Talk is cheap. 🫑

in reply to European Commission

FTR - an account on is NOT a solution, IMHO. The better solution is to use a minimal part of the money you spend on blockchain projects to keep the instance you are on alive. ;)
in reply to European Commission

@EU_Commission this is absolutely bad. There's so much money wasted every day within the European Parliament. Maintaining a Mastodon server should be peanuts. Damnit!
in reply to European Commission

Die Botschaft hΓΆr ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube.

Eine Mastodon-Instanz mit accounts nach dem Schema
@​ aufzusetzen (oder halt die vorhandene zu ΓΌbernehmen ggf. zentralisierter umzubenennen und redirects zu bauen) ist vielleicht anspruchsvoll, aber sicher nicht komplett unmΓΆglich.
Ein Konzept fΓΌr die Moderation ist evtl. schwieriger und mit Minen versetzt.
Aber das Ganze vor dem 18. zu schaffen? Ich weiss nicht…

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Hello @EU_Commission Hello please move your feed to and thus keep going on Mastodon. We are a small group of volunteers, including one from the EDPS and me from the @EU_Commission, running this server. It costs you nothing and it is run to highest data protection and security standards.
in reply to Paul Nemitz

@Paul Nemitz Can you elaborate on the massive miscommunication of EDPS and Commission in this case? Are we seeing malicious intent? And if not, then how do they want to govern the EU if they are unable to maintain a simple Fediverse server or start planning early enough to solve the question of how to continue running it after time period x ends?


in reply to European Commission

is nice to see, that the eu comes moreon the fediverse. maybe is good
way for another eu parts
in reply to European Commission

I have to admit that, as you set an example, we have quite big expectations here !
in reply to European Commission


Please don't always think in projects with fixed time-span / scope. Topics like these need sustainable funding and people building knowledge maintaining and moderating these solutions. If you skip the usual firms selling IT solutions many levels deep it's mere peanuts in terms of the budget...

in reply to European Commission

I couldn't care less.

First you broke the internet and now you even fucked my iPhone. 🀬

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (8 mesi fa)
in reply to European Commission

Please, do so. Irβ€˜s important to show that user-focused and privacy-friendly platforms do work. As an institution you should walk the talk and give credibility to your assumed digital policies.
in reply to European Commission

- I helped to set up (Mastodon) and (PeerTube) showcasing European topics in 15 languages (translated at least on the portal page Do not hesitate to get back to @fairkom (or me) if you require professional support for #fediverse #hosting of just for migrating some accounts or video channels.
in reply to European Commission

Please keep the instance alive. We want digital independence of our European Union.
It is your duty to us citizens to solve the technical (or financial ) issues.
in reply to European Commission

@clacke EU ❀ CIA . Point.

Mastodon is a CIA diversion of change. If not, you wouldn't be promoting it.

And it brings almost nothing new, we're still cyber-dominated, censured, fucked.

in reply to European Commission

Hello, I've been trying to follow your account, but it seems there is a problem.
It shows up that I cannot follow you.
Is it a problem or something?
Is anyone else experiencing that?

edit: they migrated to @EUCommission

Questa voce Γ¨ stata modificata (8 mesi fa)