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in reply to Israel Hinojosa-Baliño

Ya está a la venta mi libro no-académico sobre ciencia ficción, fantasía y fantaciencia 😏

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

Long-term trends in settlement persistence in Southwest Asia: Implications for sustainable urbanism, past, present and future - Dan Lawrence, Michelle W de Gruchy, Israel Hinojosa-Baliño, Abdulameer Al-Hamdani, 2023

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Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: UK #ucuRising Industrial Disputes

in reply to Dr Julia Molinari

Avviso contenuto: UK #ucuRising Industrial Disputes

in reply to Dr Julia Molinari Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: UK #ucuRising Industrial Disputes

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

Sharpest ever view of the Andromeda Galaxy
Use the zoomable tool inasmuch as the image is humungous, and it shows over 100 million stars!!!

Follow the link for the full resolution image and the zoomable version ➡️
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Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

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Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

¡Estamos al aire! 📺🎧🇨🇱✨

En honor a su cumpleaños 20, estas son 3̵1̵ 10 palabras en español chileno que aprendimos con 31 minutos:

Gracias por tanto ❤️🎂


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Los bullies cobardes y débiles

Los bullies (matones o carrilleros, como quieran decirle en español) casi siempre son muy cobardes. Pero además hay matones débiles que son ágiles mentalmente agarrar de carrilla a quien se deje. Cuando esto pasan se rodean de matones fuertes. Como un mando militar, por ejemplo. Y así sale a vociferar contra medio mundo, parado altivo con un mando militar a un lado. Como diciendo: «Y si se portan mal, aquí tengo a mi perro de pelea»

Di como una federazione diventa un impero sotto i tiranni

... e gli stati diventano province. Non solo gli stati di una unione di stati come Messico, Stati Uniti o Brasil, ma forse anche la stessa nazione intera costituita da questi paesi/stati (presumibilmente autonomi) può diventare in una provincia imperiale. Cioè, in summa, sto parlando di due tipi di colonialismo che si può fanno in circostanze diverse e comunque non esclusivi: interno e sterno.

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

"Si un día de estos me matan..."

Una de las muchas razones por las que las mujeres saldrán hoy a marchar ✊💜💚🖤

#8DeMarzo #8M2023 #DíaInternacionalDeLaMujer

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Un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete

A tree like this needs water all the time . They are not capable of understanding that it was their nationalist mind and their flawed and biased views what ultimately are killing the tree; a tree that tend to live next to a constant water source, not in the middle of a very wide paved road. They are blaming everyone but themselves, and are substituting this tree for yet another identical ahuehuete, expecting that the new will adapt to the same circumstances. But they promise, at last, that university experts will care. Does that mean that no expert care before? Is the new tree going to be irrigated constantly as if it were in the middle of a river?
Only time will tell.

in reply to Israel Hinojosa-Baliño

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha taggato stato di Israel Hinojosa-Baliño con #nacionalismo

Un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete

A tree like this needs water all the time . They are not capable of understanding that it was their nationalist mind and their flawed and biased views what ultimately are killing the tree; a tree that tend to live next to a constant water source, not in the middle of a very wide paved road. They are blaming everyone but themselves, and are substituting this tree for yet another identical ahuehuete, expecting that the new will adapt to the same circumstances. But they promise, at last, that university experts will care. Does that mean that no expert care before? Is the new tree going to be irrigated constantly as if it were in the middle of a river?
Only time will tell.

in reply to Israel Hinojosa-Baliño

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha taggato stato di Israel Hinojosa-Baliño con #chilangos

Un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete es un ahuehuete

A tree like this needs water all the time . They are not capable of understanding that it was their nationalist mind and their flawed and biased views what ultimately are killing the tree; a tree that tend to live next to a constant water source, not in the middle of a very wide paved road. They are blaming everyone but themselves, and are substituting this tree for yet another identical ahuehuete, expecting that the new will adapt to the same circumstances. But they promise, at last, that university experts will care. Does that mean that no expert care before? Is the new tree going to be irrigated constantly as if it were in the middle of a river?
Only time will tell.

Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

Care, cari, avevo anticipato nei giorni scorsi un articolo scritto come presentazione-recensione dell'edizione italiana imminente del libro fondamentale di Sam


«#Messico, anche quest’anno il presidente “più femminista della storia” accoglierà le mobilitazioni dell’8 marzo asserragliato nel palazzo.» via @amerigospot in Twitter
«Luchamos por verdad y justicia.» via @antimonumenta in Twitter

Día Internacional de la Mujer, Giornata internazionale della donna,

Osbelia Quiroz DEP

Falleció ayer por la noche doña Osbelia Quiroz, nahua defensora del territorio tepozteco, en Morelos.
“No tengo miedo a la represión”, decía, segura de sí mismas

Aquí su historía:


Israel Hinojosa-Baliño ha ricondiviso questo.

A very large study ( showed that the risk of heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, asthma, even death, doubled by 1 year in long Covid patients vs those w/o Covid. Wrote about some of the previous reports, here…
#LongCovid #stroke #medicine #heartattack #COVID19
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Salve, ragazzi. Sono ishiba. Questo è il primo messaggio in questo server. Sono contentissimo de essere parte del fediverso. Eccome cui. Buon inizio de settimana.