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Supporting EU Innovation: My Shift Away from US Tech Giants

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I've decided to make some significant changes in my digital life. I've taken the plunge and am rooting out most US-based services from my usage list. This includes canceling all my streaming subscriptions, putting my Reddit account in cold storage, and deleting my Twitter accounts. Additionally, I'm in the process of removing my presence from Meta platforms. This shift is part of my effort to simplify and re-evaluate my online habits and dependencies.

One of the primary reasons for this change is the importance of bolstering the EU economy. By supporting European companies and services, I believe we can foster innovation and growth within our own region. This not only strengthens our economic independence but also encourages the development of solutions tailored to our specific needs and values.

In my exploration of EU-based alternatives, I've found that while they may be slightly more expensive, they often offer superior technology and usability. The focus on quality, privacy, and user experience in many European products aligns with my personal values and expectations. By investing in these solutions, I'm not only supporting local businesses but also benefiting from advanced and reliable services.

This transition is about more than just personal preference; it's about contributing to a stronger, more self-sufficient European digital landscape. I'm excited to continue discovering and integrating more EU-based services into my daily life.

Despite the costs and effort needed to make this change, I would like to encourage and motivate everyone else considering doing the same. It will undoubtedly be tough for a while, but if we push forward together, it will be better for all of us in the end. Let's support each other in this journey towards a more independent and innovative digital future.

Supporting EU Innovation: My Shift Away from US Tech Giants

I've decided to make some significant changes in my digital life. I've taken the plunge and am rooting out most US-based services from my usage list. This includes canceling all my streaming subscriptions, putting my Reddit account in cold storage, and deleting my Twitter accounts. Additionally, I'm in the process of removing my presence from Meta platforms. This shift is part of my effort to simplify and re-evaluate my online habits and dependencies.

One of the primary reasons for this change is the importance of bolstering the EU economy. By supporting European companies and services, I believe we can foster innovation and growth within our own region. This not only strengthens our economic independence but also encourages the development of solutions tailored to our specific needs and values.

In my exploration of EU-based alternatives, I've found that while they may be slightly more expensive, they often offer superior technology and usability. The focus on quality, privacy, and user experience in many European products aligns with my personal values and expectations. By investing in these solutions, I'm not only supporting local businesses but also benefiting from advanced and reliable services.

This transition is about more than just personal preference; it's about contributing to a stronger, more self-sufficient European digital landscape. I'm excited to continue discovering and integrating more EU-based services into my daily life.

Despite the costs and effort needed to make this change, I would like to encourage and motivate everyone else considering doing the same. It will undoubtedly be tough for a while, but if we push forward together, it will be better for all of us in the end. Let's support each other in this journey towards a more independent and innovative digital future.

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in reply to Blaze (he/him)

That's how I ended up here today on lemmy, hello guys!
in reply to Blaze (he/him)

If there is no Firefox based browsers alternative, I rather use vanilla Chrome with telemetry enabled than using brave
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in reply to jnfrd

@jnfrd @evildeig @TobiWanKenobi @wackJackle @joaocosta I've heart this argument a few years ago and i still agree: luckily no big national state (or federation of states) is actually materially capable of waging world war. The problem this time around, though, is that leaders might not go to some bunker to kill themselves when things are lost and the time comes (this is how authoritarianism often ends) but have the ability to push some nuclear buttons.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

"Europe is ready to assume its responsibilities.

ReArm Europe could mobilise close to €800 billion for a safe and resilient Europe.

This is a moment for Europe. And we are ready to step up."

— President von der Leyen on the defence package

in reply to European Commission

EUCommission you're going to start getting capacity built up now?

Or you've seen what has been happening in USA for many years and have already taken the reasonable steps needed to step up and immediately supply UKR with the necessary arms when US military aid stops?

These are very different things.
One reeks of weakness, incompetence and inadequacy.

The other shows responsibility, stability, reliability and intelligence.

in reply to European Commission

es momento de que Europa, a través del liderazgo de la Comisión (y no de Macron o Starmer), tome decisiones que fortalezcan la UE. Si nos es ahora ¿cuándo liderareis?
Si no lo hacéis, seremos insignificantes, rodeados de euroescépticos con todo el derecho a serlo.
It is time for Europe, through the leadership of the Commission (and not Macron or Starmer), to take decisions that will strengthen the EU. If not now, when will you lead?
If you don't do it now, we will be insignificant, surrounded by Eurosceptics who have every right to be so.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

This is what fascism looks like.

As someone arrested at a campus protest last spring, I have major qualms with how the Biden administration handled campus dissent. But it was nothing compared to what we are in for now.

Our reaction to this statement will help decide if Trump's regeime is able to consolidate power to form the strong-man dictatorship he envisions. Our reaction should be to protest in force across every campus while wearing MASKS.

#politics @academicchatter #HigherEd

in reply to WesDym

3/ All that said, I might suggest an old Wobbly tactic, of deliberately inciting mass arrest, because that's a burden on law enforcement, who will quickly tire of it.

This administration talks big, but they're mostly just gas. This is mostly just posturing on their part.

in reply to WesDym

I really like that idea you just have everybody clamor towards local police station, saying arrest us arrest us. Please arrest us. We demand to be arrested disobey disobeying.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

Warning, travelers! A certain rogue nation, openly contemptuous of international law, has begun randomly snatching up visitors with legitimate passports and visas and confining them incommunicado in detention camps. No legal process applies.…

in reply to vriesk (Jan Srz)

@vriesk My understanding is she had a tattoo gun, and inks, with her at the border crossing. The government’s argument is those are proof she was intending to violate her visa, as she works as a tattoo artist.

Which, frankly, is a bullshit argument by CBP/ICE. That’s claiming mens rea, while not allowing someone their own defense, or for that matter allowing them to commit the visa violation.

in reply to jb

@jb @vriesk I think the point is that she was thrown into solitary confinement with no process of any kind. Even if she had been caught red-handed violating her visa, that's not acceptable. (Reminder that Elon Musk violated his, for a considerable time.) Does Germany imprison Americans who violate their visa rules?

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

This a momentous and dangerous time for Europe.

And we are ready to step up.

Today, we announce the ReArm Europe Plan, a bold initiative to mobilise up to €800 billion for European security.

It will help EU countries quickly and significantly boost expenditures in defence capabilities.

We are in an era of rearmament. And Europe is ready to massively boost its defence spending.

Press release:!MFPVMC

in reply to European Commission

as far as the spending is to develop our own stack of war tech (AI, cyber, drones swarms,...) and not buy US F35 and tech weapons/defense from thiel's friends (anduril, palantir, epirus, spacex,...) which eu soldiers cannot be sure it will work as expected on the battlefield against EU enemies and not betray them (position, decryption of sensitive coms,..). And making sure that western Europe has sufficient defenses in case war reaches its countries (not giving everything to external parties even friendly today like ukraine, keeping sufficient weapons and our production lines for ourselves) with an eye to protect western Europe and eastern Europe. Also focusing on low cost drones/robots with gamified interfaces similar to war videogames the young ones know already how to use and training AIs on these interfaces.
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in reply to European Commission

I know this will be a brutally unpopular opinion, but i feel we as people have to see tax increases in the eye...…

Borrowing has been high and causes all kinds of troubles and risk, I fear stagflation the most. We should work our way out of this now, not later. We, the people, have to understand this. Politicians will follow.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

I Saturnali

Nati da riti agricoli arcaici, queste festività romane finirono per includere una serie di scambi di doni, occasioni conviviali, e inversioni di ruoli, tali da diventare una delle celebrazioni più popolari del calendario, e sicuramente la più lieta.

Un articolo di Mark Cartwright, tradotto da Stefano Freyr Castiglione, apparso su


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in reply to storiaweb

Ecco una descrizione dell'immagine: Il logo mostra un quadrato rosso scuro contenente un simbolo stilizzato bianco, seguito dalle parole "WORLD HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA" in corsivo, e in piccolo sotto, "in italiano".

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

Accendendo la tv spunta Carlo Conti che presenta dei bambini che cantano... non è che stanno esagerando con #Sanremo Giovani?

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

Picocrypt, cripta facilmente file su desktop e browser…

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Gabriele Orlando reshared this.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

La strategia di Israele tra violazioni del diritto internazionale e guerra totale in Medio Oriente | World Politics Blog

"Israele è colpevole di gravi violazioni del diritto internazionale nella sua espansione delle ostilità in Medio Oriente, coinvolgendo le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite e mettendo ulteriormente a repentaglio la stabilità regionale, con il coinvolgimento di altre potenze come l’Iran."…

Gabriele Orlando reshared this.

Gabriele Orlando ha ricondiviso questo.

Una legge del ventennio, un giro di vite. Perché nei romanzi non possiamo più citare altre opere. Un contributo di Loredana Lipperini

"uniamoci, scrittrici e scrittori, editrici e editori, e chiediamo pubblicamente la revisione di quell’articolo. Due paroline in più, che dicano che la narrativa aiuta la musica, o il cinema, o la letteratura stessa, e non li affossa.
E basta con le parafrasi, che sono orribili, e inutili"…

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2024 e ancora esiste il diritto d'autore. A vita o quasi.

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Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (1971)

What's Going On è l'undicesimo album in studio del cantante soul americano Marvin Gaye. È stato pubblicato il 21 maggio 1971 dall'etichetta sussidiaria della Motown Records Tamla... Leggi e ascolta...