Supporting EU Innovation: My Shift Away from US Tech Giants
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I've decided to make some significant changes in my digital life. I've taken the plunge and am rooting out most US-based services from my usage list. This includes canceling all my streaming subscriptions, putting my Reddit account in cold storage, and deleting my Twitter accounts. Additionally, I'm in the process of removing my presence from Meta platforms. This shift is part of my effort to simplify and re-evaluate my online habits and dependencies.One of the primary reasons for this change is the importance of bolstering the EU economy. By supporting European companies and services, I believe we can foster innovation and growth within our own region. This not only strengthens our economic independence but also encourages the development of solutions tailored to our specific needs and values.
In my exploration of EU-based alternatives, I've found that while they may be slightly more expensive, they often offer superior technology and usability. The focus on quality, privacy, and user experience in many European products aligns with my personal values and expectations. By investing in these solutions, I'm not only supporting local businesses but also benefiting from advanced and reliable services.
This transition is about more than just personal preference; it's about contributing to a stronger, more self-sufficient European digital landscape. I'm excited to continue discovering and integrating more EU-based services into my daily life.
Despite the costs and effort needed to make this change, I would like to encourage and motivate everyone else considering doing the same. It will undoubtedly be tough for a while, but if we push forward together, it will be better for all of us in the end. Let's support each other in this journey towards a more independent and innovative digital future.
Supporting EU Innovation: My Shift Away from US Tech Giants
I've decided to make some significant changes in my digital life. I've taken the plunge and am rooting out most US-based services from my usage list. This includes canceling all my streaming subscriptions, putting my Reddit account in cold storage, and deleting my Twitter accounts. Additionally, I'm in the process of removing my presence from Meta platforms. This shift is part of my effort to simplify and re-evaluate my online habits and dependencies.One of the primary reasons for this change is the importance of bolstering the EU economy. By supporting European companies and services, I believe we can foster innovation and growth within our own region. This not only strengthens our economic independence but also encourages the development of solutions tailored to our specific needs and values.
In my exploration of EU-based alternatives, I've found that while they may be slightly more expensive, they often offer superior technology and usability. The focus on quality, privacy, and user experience in many European products aligns with my personal values and expectations. By investing in these solutions, I'm not only supporting local businesses but also benefiting from advanced and reliable services.
This transition is about more than just personal preference; it's about contributing to a stronger, more self-sufficient European digital landscape. I'm excited to continue discovering and integrating more EU-based services into my daily life.
Despite the costs and effort needed to make this change, I would like to encourage and motivate everyone else considering doing the same. It will undoubtedly be tough for a while, but if we push forward together, it will be better for all of us in the end. Let's support each other in this journey towards a more independent and innovative digital future.
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thisisbutaname, Get_Off_My_WLAN, jherazob, dandi8, sag, Occhioverde e Gabriele Orlando like this.
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Gabriele Orlando reshared this.
@evildeig @TobiWanKenobi @wackJackle @joaocosta @EUCommission… - it's 2025, not 1933. All countries don't have enough canon fodder. (that's good news)
"Europe is ready to assume its responsibilities.
ReArm Europe could mobilise close to €800 billion for a safe and resilient Europe.
This is a moment for Europe. And we are ready to step up."
— President von der Leyen on the defence package
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Politics Feed, Erik Jonker, Quoll, nicolaottomano, Damiano Cerasuolo, Trendy Toots, Henrik Hemrin, Fabio, Tarnport, Mastodon Migration e Gabriele Orlando reshared this.
Please will someone either parcelfax® some novichok® to the Kremlin or parcelfax® Putin to the dock in the Hague!
Job done!
Russia has always proven to become our enemy, no matter how good we treat it.
Now that USA is looking elsewhere, even at times aligning with it, we can’t count on US to support our interests any longer.
We must put the big boy pants on, or be tricked by Russia again, and again.
Let’s go! United we are more stronger.
EUCommission you're going to start getting capacity built up now?
Or you've seen what has been happening in USA for many years and have already taken the reasonable steps needed to step up and immediately supply UKR with the necessary arms when US military aid stops?
These are very different things.
One reeks of weakness, incompetence and inadequacy.
The other shows responsibility, stability, reliability and intelligence.
Si no lo hacéis, seremos insignificantes, rodeados de euroescépticos con todo el derecho a serlo.
It is time for Europe, through the leadership of the Commission (and not Macron or Starmer), to take decisions that will strengthen the EU. If not now, when will you lead?
If you don't do it now, we will be insignificant, surrounded by Eurosceptics who have every right to be so.
This is what fascism looks like.
As someone arrested at a campus protest last spring, I have major qualms with how the Biden administration handled campus dissent. But it was nothing compared to what we are in for now.
Our reaction to this statement will help decide if Trump's regeime is able to consolidate power to form the strong-man dictatorship he envisions. Our reaction should be to protest in force across every campus while wearing MASKS.
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clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Gabriele Orlando e Lapo Luchini like this.
RFK is now calling woke a moral failing, labeling dissent in colleges, just any dissent, as a moral failing.
By the way, he also calls mental illness, depression, black kids and trans morally deficient and they’re all supposed to go to labor camps to fix that..
Arbeit Macht Frei
That's just ugly. The more I learn about that guy the less I like him, which seems like it should be getting hard to do at this point, and yet...
The man is uniquely unqualified at every level to be the head of the agency is now in charge of.
Not only are his ideas crazy lies, he has profited from misinformation from the conspiracies directly.
Everything about him is over the boundary legitimizing concentration camps. The United States has already a carceral nation, with more people in prison as a percentage than China.
Worse, law enforcement has been militarized.
That can't be true. I've been told my whole life the US is a country of FREEDOM!!!
You must be one of them outside agitators trying to stir the pot in this country... -.-
GhostOnTheHalfShell reshared this.
It's time for lots of mass protests nationwide. Flood the zone with demonstrations to the point where even the dumbest major media organizations can't ignore them any longer.
Administrators should issue explicit permits for the protests and. (If the school authorized it it isn't illegal, right?) Keep it peaceful, folks, but fill the streets and quads.
Off-campus protests should be held as well, especially where administrators won't permit on-campus gatherings.
Maybe we need a quantity purchase of Guy Fawkes masks...
I support a universal Guy Fawkes mask policy (and everything else you said, but especially that part)!
True. But they are only legal until defined otherwise. That's the challenge of relying on legality, especially as governments move toward authoritarianism.
Its starting to look like slowing one's death has become illegal.
This is to say: Our rights are now confined to how quickly we die.
Thanks, America.
Oh nice! And the support is much appreciated.
I can't make it, but some faculty I know are headed your way in a few weeks. Feel free to pass this info on if it hasn't already corculated through your spheres of inflence!
Masks everywhere. It will be a lot easier to argue that masks aren't just for "committing crimes" (exercising the right to protest) if people are also wearing them to grocery stores, the pharmacy, doctors offices, work or school, town halls, etc.
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nimi reshared this.
I've already personally confronted an agitator trying to stoke violence at a priest this year. Not only does Trump want violence, his supporters are actively working to make it violent.
It is our job to deescalate. Be pressure to tone down the retoric even, or especially, when you are in the right. Be prepared to take a shove without pushing back.
@EvelineSulman @Mastokarl @echopapa
The US may not be Russia, but it's starting up look an awful lot like it. Putin has invested well to help make that happen.
I could imagine that in France, masses would be out in the streets, all masked. In Germany, grandmas would crochet or knit masks for every Republican governor and the whole government.
Imagine Trump flooded with pink Pussy Masks!
#resist #creativity #activism #fightTrump #antifascism #protest
I honestly think Biden bowed to Israel on that one to give this generation's kids some experience at protesting and organizing.
And getting arrested.
Not all white boomers who marched with MLK turned around and voted for Reagan fifteen years later. Some had memories. Some still do.
I can think of one notable exception there 😀
You might like this guy:…
What I was Arrested For - Keith Lowell Jensen
Not for Rehire | Keith Lowell Jensen is a writer, performer and comedian. On stage and on the page, he’s shared the hilarious stories..Keith Lowell Jensen
So just as an FYI, due to world events and w/e I have set my follows to approval required. So like... if you try to follow and I do not approve it is prob bc I can't verify you're a real live person interested in social.
Not saying you are NOT, just that I cannot tell.
But he can ignore it on a whim.
I was arrested at a peaceful protest under Biden. What's written as law has very little bearing on what actually happens.
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Tarnport reshared this.
If people only wear masks at protests, they inadvertently bolster the right's argument for mask bans.
People should wear masks everywhere, so those of us who are high risk and have been forced out of society can navigate essential doctor appointments and shopping more safely. This normalizes masks and helps push back against attempts to ban them (and basically reinstate ugly laws against disabled people).
So.... the felon wants to cut funding for schools allowing illegal protests, and he's issuing edicts about how protesters are to be treated.
But, uh, ... there is constitutional protection for
«…the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.»
So if anyone's funding is cut, that's a violation of the Constitution that he has sworn an oath to protect and defend.
Seems grounds for impeachment to me.
Let's use upcoming special elections to change the balance of power in the House.
🤔 The felon fuhrer appears to be scared of protests and masks. 💡
" title="
Edit: organizers cancelled the event in fear of low turnout on short notice. Pivoting to other action.
UC Denver, along with our sister schools on the shared Auaria campus, are having a MASKerade on Monday to protest Trump's attack on our constitutional rights.
This is the time to stand up, all across the nation. We can still prevent the worst of what #Project2025 has promised us.
I hope other schools voice their concerns alongside us, and that folks in the Denver area join us Monday 3/10.
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Pierrette reshared this.
Hey, @SnowshadowII!
Pinging you in this action my school is putting together as we fight fascism together.
boosted...hopefully that will help get the message out.
CC @markwyner would you ⬆️ mind helping boost this, please?
I agree. I'm very bummed about it, but still appreciate they tried to make it happen. The thought was there, the organization was not :/
Let me see if I understand this. Were you personally arrested directly by "the Biden administration", or under colour of federal law? That seems unlikely.
The administration is free to express their opinion and suggest doctrine, but rarely has legal power to directly enforce either. It's typically individual schools, under state and local law.
In the same way, the White House can bloviate all they want, but claiming authority does not grant it.
2/ I'm not saying that no such thing could happen. Indeed, there's not really anything I'd put past this administration TRYING. I just hope people understand that with rare exception, this is not a federal power, even if it might be abused.
Also, most people hopefully know that this administration is very commonly full of shit.
3/ All that said, I might suggest an old Wobbly tactic, of deliberately inciting mass arrest, because that's a burden on law enforcement, who will quickly tire of it.
This administration talks big, but they're mostly just gas. This is mostly just posturing on their part.
I really like that idea you just have everybody clamor towards local police station, saying arrest us arrest us. Please arrest us. We demand to be arrested disobey disobeying.
Warning, travelers! A certain rogue nation, openly contemptuous of international law, has begun randomly snatching up visitors with legitimate passports and visas and confining them incommunicado in detention camps. No legal process applies.…
German tourist held indefinitely in San Diego area immigrant detention facility
The young woman had planned to spend a month with a friend in Los Angeles and then fly home to Berlin. But she’s been in federal custody since late January.Gustavo Solis (KPBS)
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nimi, FediThing 🏳️🌈, Scot Close, Jens, Oblomov, Dr Pen, Trendy Toots, Robert J. Berger, Andy Piper, Lucio Marinelli, G. Gibson, FKA ZOG e Gabriele Orlando reshared this.
I’m gonna keep hollering that this isn’t a little bit new for US immigration until I’m confident that people won’t believe the problem is fixed should a dem administration get back in office
“After nine days, she says she started freaking out and punching the walls,” Lofving said. “There was blood everywhere.”
This is vacation in America now.
It'd be a great time to kill Disney and ehatever else we got by staying the fuck away and safe in any other nation that isn't one big roach trap.
Sensitive content
CoreCivic and Geo Corp are private prison conglomerates who donated heavily to the GOP.…
Essentially, they bought lucrative no-bid government contracts, using corrupt campaign finance.……
Trump's GOP wants to bring back 1930's convict leasing.
Prisons already produce $11 billion worth of goods & services off prison slave labor per year.………
AP PHOTOS: A lens on prison labor
When Bruce Jackson was allowed into Texas prisons in the 1960s with a camera, he documented how little had changed from the past with men working in the heat on former slave plantations.Margie Mason (The Independent)
James Gleick 🇺🇦 reshared this.
Pardon me Sir, but what are you doing in the USA with a South African -and- a Canadian passport?
#ElonMusk #passport #arrests #deportation #criminalization #transphobia #racism #fascists
“CBP agents at the border accused Brösche of planning to violate the terms of the visa waiver program by intending to work as a tattoo artist during her trip to LA, Lofving said.”
This is absurd. They are also holding her past the time of her return flight (mid-February).
It's notable that a Trumper would rather live in the EU than in Florida.
So, if some halfwit worries that maybe you are thinking of violating some rule of civil law, possibly, in the future, somehow, then it's okay to throw you in prison without an attorney and with no chance to contact your family or friends? And to start billing American taxpayers at an exorbitant rate for your confinement ?
Is this different in any significant way from Russia and Iran grabbing innocent foreign visitors to use them as currency for "diplomatic exchanges"?
I hope she and her family sue the crap out of the United States and Core Civic.
No #dueprocess
Is in the same article. Its a private corp running a for profit prison.
It's almost like Trump has been berating his immigration minions about having too few arrests/deportations (despite already hunting children, hard-working community members, and refugees). What do you do when you've got to raise the numbers? You find a way to raise the numbers.
Expect to hear more stories of tourists and American citizens get dragged into private detention centers. Groups like CoreCivic are only too happy to accommodate.
The ugly thing is they’re claiming she was coming in to the U.S. to do work, which would be a violation of her visit under the Visa Waiver Program. The assumption by the CBP official is that she was going to (not had, not did, but will and intends to) violate the terms of the VWP is wild to me. That’s way beyond reasonable assumption, by anyone. And she’s from a friendly country, and can’t even speak with the consulate?
The story gets more horrible the more you think about it.
@jb it’s strongly tied to how she responded to the border agent “interview” questions.
And they do actively try to trick people to answer that they will work in the US - which is not allowed - as opposed to e.g. attending business meetings, which are fine under most visitor visas. Even if attending those meetings is effectively part of one’s job elsewhere, you should never call it “work”, the magic word of trouble.
I can imagine very similar tactic against artists.
@vriesk My understanding is she had a tattoo gun, and inks, with her at the border crossing. The government’s argument is those are proof she was intending to violate her visa, as she works as a tattoo artist.
Which, frankly, is a bullshit argument by CBP/ICE. That’s claiming mens rea, while not allowing someone their own defense, or for that matter allowing them to commit the visa violation.
This a momentous and dangerous time for Europe.
And we are ready to step up.
Today, we announce the ReArm Europe Plan, a bold initiative to mobilise up to €800 billion for European security.
It will help EU countries quickly and significantly boost expenditures in defence capabilities.
We are in an era of rearmament. And Europe is ready to massively boost its defence spending.
Press release:!MFPVMC
Press statement by President von der Leyen on the defence package
We are living in the most momentous and dangerous of times. I do not need to describe the grave nature of the threats that we face. Or the devastating consequences that we will have to endure if thoseEuropean Commission - European Commission
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bossito 🇪🇺, nicolaottomano, Emanuele, DACBARBOS Brand, DACBARBOS Brand, DACBARBOS Brand, Francesca, Oblomov, Trendy Toots, GhostOnTheHalfShell, Erik Jonker, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, My name is nobody e Gabriele Orlando reshared this.
@wackJackle You were faster, because that were the exact first words that came to my mind!
Dear comission, go fuck yourself!
Sorry guys, you lost me there. Why is unlocking funds and loans to urgently investing in defence a bad thing when the US has turned soviet and the russians are at our gate armed to their teeth?
@joaocosta @jnfrd @wackJackle it's weird right? Why all this animosity in this matter?
It's like some people are not happy to see Europe standing up for itself against bad actors. How weird indeed...
@meliante @joaocosta @jnfrd @wackJackle I guess some people want Eastern Europe back under Russia's influence.
We could try asking Russia nicely to stop, but I don't think they'll listen.
Even if we say "peace" a lot.....
@Lazarou @meliante @joaocosta @wackJackle it may have occurred to you that Putin did not manage to invade Ukraine, a single country that is not part of the Nato.
But he managed to sabotage nearly every western county, eg by sponsoring the AFD. I’m not afraid of his army of tanks. More of his army of trolls and the inertial of the eu to fight that.
I see. Perhaps we have different ways of pushing the agenda we want to see. The EU has failed on climate action, social investment, divesting from russian fuels, Troika corruption, etc but did one right thing today, and that makes me want to support them in that one right decision. Otherwise it sounds like you don't support investing in defence, when you actually do but also want investment in all those other things. Up to you, of course. 🏳️
"Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day".
EU institutions are the broken one. EU will cut welfare expenditures and stop climate programs to subsidize war industry and automotive industries who partially convert to military. This is simply unaccettable and anti-democratic.
The Italian media aligned with NATO and the EU have been misinforming in recent days by presenting a report with data from the IISS ‘The International Institute for Strategic Studies’ in which it was said that the EU spends far less on military defence than Russia and therefore much more needs to be spent. But one of Italy's leading universities conducted an analysis reporting the true and certified data, refuting... 1/2
those of IISS, which shows instead that EU already spends 58% more than Russia on defence. The authors of the study asked the media to publish the correction, but no newspaper did so.
Here the link:…
Facciamo chiarezza: nel 2024 la spesa militare europea eccedeva quella russa del 58% | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
La spesa europea per la difesa eccede quella russa del 58% nel 2024 (56% considerando solo UE e altri membri NATO in Europa e 19% considerando la sola UE).Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
not a surprise.
In RSF's World Press Freedom Index 2024, Italy is 49th
@joaocosta @jnfrd Because it contradicts everything they did over the last 15+ years. For some reason they seem to think the climate catastrophe or poverty don't need this. Furthermore it's the EU Commission which cannot do this. Please elaborate where this unlocking of funds and loans should happen?
What did the EU Commission as part of the famous Troika do in Greece? Don't you all remember? They can go fuck themself all day long!
Such a waste, instead we should concentrate on climate action.
Also don't overlook infrastructure either. Especially here in Germany our bridges and roads are breaking down. And railway isn't looking good either. That's the ideal conditions for becoming a bottleneck for moving military equipment through Europe.
Also there should be significant punishments for any politician that is pocketing money, especially in these times. I don't know how such actions could be seen anything but as sabotage or treason.
I wish this would have happend 2019, as president Macron said during the 1st Trump term "the NATO is braindead"!
Europe has a lot military capability gaps, our whole economy works on US clouds, our financial system is dependend from SWIFT etc.
Why politicians never think on the long run?
Emanuele reshared this.
That is what the orange-man-king demanded six years ago. More European investment in armaments for NATO. He has already achieved it.……
Trump pide inversión en armamento a sus aliados
El presidente de Estados Unidos ha pronunciado este viernes en la ciudad suiza de Davos uno de sus discursos más anticipados hasta la fecha. El mandatario que...Europa Press Vídeos
€800 billion is nice to start with...
But what about immediate delivery of ammo to Ukraine?
From what I read/see/hear every day, this is what the brave Ukrainian soldiers miss the most...…
🇺🇦 ✌️ 🇪🇺
Dimitri D (
Attached: 1 image Ukraine 🇺🇦 ✌️ urgently needs ammunition to expel and destroy the Russian invaders. EUROPE MUST RESPOND TO THIS NOW, AS OF TODAY! (before tonight's heinous speech by America's #1 crook, aka Agent Orange) #StandWithUkraine #Fight…Mastodon
ok #ursulavonderleyen what about this: get every #EU country their own #nuke and neither #Russia nor #China will not touch them
if you do not do that, you just said "i am corrupt and actually don't care about anyone but myself" aka "i will print a lot of #money to finance my friend's #war #business but #security is not my goal" = more useless senseless #death + #destruction
thanks all idiots involved... especially everyone who sabotaged the #peace talks in #ukraine #istanbul #borisjohnson was that you?
🙏 For example, let’s start by developing a European 🇪🇺 and not an Israeli 🇮🇱 ground-to-air defence...
What made us rely on a massive dependency on the USA? Still don't get it!
meanwhile America abandons all but one of it's allies and the one ally it doesn't abandon is currently engaged in Genocide.
Perhaps Europe should stop funding that 'ally' too, considering they voted with Russia against us in the UN
More must be done, and post-haste.
Don't forget to think about digital sovereignty. If the US stops being an ally of the EU, then no European governments should be dependent on US operating systems, clouds or data leaks.
It is high time for better protection of European infrastructure, data and rights.
And please don't forget Apple, Thiel, MS365 and the various kill switches in tractors, airplanes and other devices.
If the USA goes down this path, it will be just as untrustworthy as China, for example.
"Estamos viviendo un momento trascendental y peligroso para Europa.
Y estamos dispuestos a dar un paso adelante.
Hoy anunciamos el Plan ReArm Europe, una iniciativa audaz para movilizar hasta 800 000 millones de euros para la seguridad europea.
Ayudará a los países de la UE a aumentar rápida y significativamente el gasto en capacidades de defensa.
Nos encontramos en una era de rearme y Europa está dispuesta a aumentar enormemente su gasto en defensa.
Nota de prensa:!MFPVMC"
Press statement by President von der Leyen on the defence package
We are living in the most momentous and dangerous of times. I do not need to describe the grave nature of the threats that we face. Or the devastating consequences that we will have to endure if thoseEuropean Commission - European Commission
EU people want welfare and peace.
No welfare cuts for weapons!
There won't be any welfare left after Russia and the new Kingdom of America devided Europe among themselves.
China can offer EU whatever they needs and much more than USA.
Russia is a puppet of China: without commerce with China, Russia runs to default.
China has raw and critical materials, energy, technological advantage in AI, renewables, and many other sectors, and a huge market. A strong EU-China commercial partnership could support european industry and push EU technology and AI, in defence sector also.
EU public opinion is tired of USA bully and two-faced hegemony.
It's time to take critical decisions: abandon USA e turn towards China, India.
Russia won't be a menace.
Russia ist the biggest danger for Europe. Look at Ukraine. China is doing nothing to stop Russia. I think China would feel quite comfortable with Russia ruling over Europe.
Are you sure that there is nothing in there which could disable it all by a push of a button?
I would consider US material the same way what you did with Huawai because of China.
maybe THIS has been the intention of Donald Trump.
If he'd just remembered EU to increase expenses or beged to re-arm europe no one had taken him seriously.
When he says 'I don't care about Ukraine and Europe' things look quite different. 🤔
the only thing the EU has to do now is declare EU competition law mandatory for all defense-investments. Then soon, all military will finally work with Swedish AK-5s, Italian Berettas, French fighter-jets and Dutch missile defense systems and the EU will be saved.
But no, of course the local employment is much more important for politicians than giving the militairy the best the EU has to offer.
I know this will be a brutally unpopular opinion, but i feel we as people have to see tax increases in the eye...…
Borrowing has been high and causes all kinds of troubles and risk, I fear stagflation the most. We should work our way out of this now, not later. We, the people, have to understand this. Politicians will follow.
How can the EU unlock up to €800bn for its ‘rearmament plan’?
The EU Commission has unveiled plans to borrow €150 billion to fund a major rearmament push. This joint borrowing proposal comes in the form of loans rather than grants—an idea largely rejected by so-called 'frugal' countries such as Germany and the …Paula Soler (
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Oblomov, VEGA, G. Gibson, CDCastillo, stux⚡, 🔥 Peter 🌍✊, jwz, BerlinFokus, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, nicolaottomano, JeniParsons, ☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭, Erik L. Midtsveen 🏴🏳️🌈, anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖, bufalo1973, ZZ Bottom, Khrys, JonChevreau, Luigi Recupero, GhostOnTheHalfShell, Lady of Shalott, Democracy Matters e Gabriele Orlando reshared this.
Dear George,
that's a fine and funny note on the #Trump figure.
But what do the Americans do about the human #Trump?
Nearly everybody on this planet can see that he's aa traitor to the Nation who not only dismantles the democracy but also does everything alone for his own personal advantage.
Greetings from Germany 🖖
and please do excuse my bad grammar
AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism
It's embarrassing, destructive, and looks like shit: AI-generated art is the perfect aesthetic form for the far right.New Socialist…
- YouTube
Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde
They should have kept it with a sign below
Our contribution to democracy
Punch and feel more happy.
Let make a dent!
If you hit an orange face, what colors will the bruises be ?

You need weapons. This is make-work for the people losing everything. Nazis cannot be stopped with words, complaints, sneers, jokes, or any other utterance from our mouths. History teaches the only way to stop them is with force.
Where are the leaders? Cowering? Saying mean words? Adjusting their reading glasses while the Nazis steal Social Security?
We need a million gun march on Washington, and we need it now!
You have to admit, the Mangochurian Candidate has given President Putin his money’s worth.
Diaper DonOLD weaselled his way back into the White House and is presenting the USA to Russia on a silver platter.
We are ALL in very very serious trouble.
This is not "dealing" with fascists, you have no fucking clue what it means to deal with fascists.
This is performative liberal stupidity.
Marrakesh and storks.
#blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #analogphotography #film #filmphotography #analog #believeinfilm #travel #travelphotography #olympusom1 #ilford #streetphotography #walkingaround #morocco #marrakesh
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I Saturnali
Nati da riti agricoli arcaici, queste festività romane finirono per includere una serie di scambi di doni, occasioni conviviali, e inversioni di ruoli, tali da diventare una delle celebrazioni più popolari del calendario, e sicuramente la più lieta.
Un articolo di Mark Cartwright, tradotto da Stefano Freyr Castiglione, apparso su
I Saturnali erano una festa romana di lunga durata dedicata a Saturno, divinità agricola, che si tenevano ogni anno tra il 17 e il 23 dicembre, durante il solstizio d'inverno. Nati da riti agricoli...Mark Cartwright (
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Ecco una descrizione dell'immagine: Il logo mostra un quadrato rosso scuro contenente un simbolo stilizzato bianco, seguito dalle parole "WORLD HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA" in corsivo, e in piccolo sotto, "in italiano".
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
Picocrypt, cripta facilmente file su desktop e browser…
Picocrypt, cripta facilmente file su desktop e browser - Le Alternative -
Picocrypt vi permette di crittografare (ed eventualmente anche comprimere) con estrema semplicità qualsiasi tipo di file.skariko (Le Alternative)
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La strategia di Israele tra violazioni del diritto internazionale e guerra totale in Medio Oriente | World Politics Blog
"Israele è colpevole di gravi violazioni del diritto internazionale nella sua espansione delle ostilità in Medio Oriente, coinvolgendo le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite e mettendo ulteriormente a repentaglio la stabilità regionale, con il coinvolgimento di altre potenze come l’Iran."
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Una legge del ventennio, un giro di vite. Perché nei romanzi non possiamo più citare altre opere. Un contributo di Loredana Lipperini
"uniamoci, scrittrici e scrittori, editrici e editori, e chiediamo pubblicamente la revisione di quell’articolo. Due paroline in più, che dicano che la narrativa aiuta la musica, o il cinema, o la letteratura stessa, e non li affossa.
E basta con le parafrasi, che sono orribili, e inutili"…
Una legge del ventennio, un giro di vite. Sul diritto di citazione in Italia
La stretta legale sul diritto di citazione, i paradossi che sta generando, i danni che produce alla letteratura. di Loredana Lipperini.Wu Ming (Giap)
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Assange Is Free, But Are We? by Slavoj Žižek - Project Syndicate
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (1971)
What's Going On è l'undicesimo album in studio del cantante soul americano Marvin Gaye. È stato pubblicato il 21 maggio 1971 dall'etichetta sussidiaria della Motown Records Tamla... Leggi e ascolta...
Blaze (he/him)
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Gigameister
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •cRazi_man
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •I've made similar changes....but I've stopped recommending these to people. Almost everything here takes plenty of knowhow and setup effort. Good to have a reference like this....but this is not for normies.
Also, Lemmy tends to shoot on sight at the mention of Brave. Lemmy hivemind is close to doing the same with Firefox.
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Get_Off_My_WLAN likes this.
gon [he]
in reply to cRazi_man • • •I feel like there are quite a few normie-friendly alternatives out there... But generally speaking, I've gotta agree.
However, I do think we could take it upon ourselves to help! It might be hard to set up, but it's worth it. I say: keep recommending it, but make yourself more available to guide and aid people less knowledgeable than yourself.
If you're willing, of course.
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Get_Off_My_WLAN likes this.
in reply to gon [he] • • •gon [he]
in reply to cRazi_man • • •cRazi_man
in reply to gon [he] • • •They could learn......but they won't.
I've managed to get my wife to use Bitwarden through brute force, i.e. when I recover any account for her I refuse to let he input a new password without putting it in her Bitwarden first. Only to find out when she changed device that she doesn't remember her Bitwarden password and only ever used the fingerprint on her phone.
My parents are the other people I provide tech support for. They'd rather just say they'll ask me to recover their account again rather than use Bitwarden. If I try to force them to use it I have to teach them how to use it again every time (which icon was it? What was my password for this? How do I input the account details you've got now?).
My wife and parents don't remember the password for their main google account on their android and gmail. Any time a password prompt comes up for anything they ask me "so should I put in my Google password here?" 🤦♂️
People at work have realised I'm "techsavy" and ask me stuff. They won't use Bitwarden either. They've all got pieces of paper on their desks with their passwords for secure work systems.
gon [he]
in reply to cRazi_man • • •DrainedOctagon
in reply to gon [he] • • •gon [he]
in reply to DrainedOctagon • • •Will it? Now that is not true, I don't think. Using Google sign-in for everything is way easier, using the built-in Google password manager on Chrome and android is way easier. No?
in reply to gon [he] • • •Using your default password manager, you don't really have to think or do anything, just tap once on the screen and maybe authenticate your biometrics, that's all.
in reply to cRazi_man • • •And for good reason.
Stop using Brave Browser - by Corbin Davenport
Corbin Davenport (The Spacebar)LucidNightmare
in reply to cRazi_man • • •AnonomousWolf
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •I've switched away from google to
1.91 Euro/m for 1 Terabyte of storage, and it's hosted and operated from Switzerland
kSuite – The ethical and secure collaborative solution
www.infomaniak.comlike this
eutampieri likes this.
in reply to AnonomousWolf • • •Tattorack
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •UraniumForBreakfast
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •kauraaaa
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Kind of odd suggesting it as an alternative to legit services. Might get some less knowledgable people bonked with fines.
in reply to kauraaaa • • •MrSoup
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •like this
jherazob likes this.
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •I'm a huge advocate for switching to FOSS, but you're being disingenuous by portraying it as supporting the EU. You're boycotting US companies. I do the same for the benefit of privacy, frugality, and, honestly, fun. FOSS isn't for most people, though.
I have heard that Nextcloud is pretty buggy. Libre Office is a Microsoft Office replacement, which is mainly the function of Nextcloud.
Home Assistant has a pretty steep learning curve, but totally worth it in the end. The voice assistant software is still in its early stages, same with cellphone software.
I love that you're spreading awareness, but I wanted to warn others. There are many lists of FOSS alternatives out there!
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •ArcaneChat
in reply to adbenitez • • •fluckx
in reply to doodledup • • •adbenitez
in reply to doodledup • • •doodledup
in reply to adbenitez • • •I'd trade US servers for a more secure, anonymous and trusted messenger a hundret times over.
Arcane has 100 stars on Github, the server has 3. Their code is not documented at all. They have like ten contributers. Metadata is not encrypted. They don't mention anywhere what they use for encryping your chats. I don't trust this one bit.
in reply to doodledup • • •you don't need to trust, you can self-host your own server and read/modify the code, unlike in a centralized server where you don't even know what is actually running on the server, which is well know from the past to not match the actual released code for the case of Signal
all this is documented inside the app in the offline help/FAQ that comes with it, the app is targeted to end users that don't know or care about such topics so it is avoided to talk too much about encryption up-front
ArcaneChat is a fork of DeltaChat client, DeltaChat has been audited several times, you could also use the official Delta Chat client:
in reply to adbenitez • • •Tzeentch
in reply to fluckx • • •Delta Chat
App Storeadbenitez
in reply to fluckx • • •Hirom
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •BlueSky is US-based and not really decentralised.…
Prefer Mastodon and other fediverse services.
American social networking service
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)like this
jherazob e Luca like this.
in reply to Hirom • • •Bluesky = fedivapour?
"We're going to be federated one of these days, honest."
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •like this
jherazob likes this.
in reply to doodledup • • •Asfalttikyntaja
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Serious question.
I would love to ditch WhatsApp, but it seems like impossible task.
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Luca likes this.
in reply to Asfalttikyntaja • • •Asfalttikyntaja
in reply to Luca • • •like this
Luca likes this.
in reply to Luca • • •NotJohnSmith
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •I'm a slower burn, deciding to move one account at a time to limit the fatigue.
Today was reddit as I noticed it was still my default to open that before Lemmy
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •Bev's Dad
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •sloppychops
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •It's been such a process for me. And then the double and triple checking that I won't lock myself out of something that I've connected to through Google or Apple.
I went through my google authenticator a few times just to make sure all the 2FA had been switched over to Proton.
In the last few weeks, I've deleted Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Amazon, PayPal, Switch, Reddit, Prime, and iCloud.
Replaced my iPhone with Samsung and de-googled as much as possible. Using Aurora store and 3rd party apps for all the basics. Proton for email, password manager, VPN, etc. Qwant/Vivaldi browsers and search, Here We Go maps.
I replaced pretty much all streaming services with a Plex/Overseer server. Today is the day I delete my Apple account. Goodbye Tim Apple!
I still have my Google account for YouTube access. I'm not sure yet how I can replace it. I noticed that a lot of channels are available in video format on Spotify now, but maybe only like 30% of the stuff I watch.
in reply to sloppychops • • •Wow, you're smashing it.
My plan is to do the easy stuff to warm up and then try to attack the stuff I'm spending actual money on. The biggies for me will be android and anything my wife has shared interest in such as Sky (aka Comcast). I'm in a long contract with them so time to work on her.
I moved my pension by coincidence from a US money manager to a UK platform, and am totally out of US stocks where it was all in US tech half a year back.
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •I do still need to sell my iShares and move over to BMO.
I also deleted my account with Microsoft and Nvidia, so that's Gamepass and GeForce out the window. Boosteroid is an EU alternative cloud gaming platform, which I believe is available in Canada. The only issue I have is that the available games all seem to require Steam. If it's not available on PSN, Nintendo, GoG, or physically; I'm not buying it.
I feel like I might have made a mistake moving from iPhone to Samsung/Android. I went with the Samsung Flip 6, and I'm not sure if I can switch OS. I have turned off and replaced all Google services, but i believe they are still lurking in the background. I'm not sure what else I can do.
I would love to know if there's an alternative to Mastercard or Visa.
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •Slayan
in reply to NotJohnSmith • • •oakward
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •LinPing1976
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •oneandonly
in reply to LinPing1976 • • •goofball
in reply to oneandonly • • •TomAwsm
in reply to LinPing1976 • • •Joe Bidet
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Henry of Skalitz
in reply to Joe Bidet • • •Dizzy Devil Ducky
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Patch
in reply to Dizzy Devil Ducky • • •There are plenty of European Linux distros, and this sort of thing always inevitably boils down to which distro is the OP's personal favourite. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course, but it can blow the discussion somewhat off course!
Ubuntu itself is European/British, and SUSE/openSUSE is a notable major player of the Linux world. Then there's Manjaro, Zorin, Tuxedo, Solus, Feren, Mageia, and I'm sure dozens besides.
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •It's a chromium browser made by company whose whole business is to sell ad spaces and crypto scam.
It's like the worst of all the worlds, it's like quitting smoking because you started injecting heroin.
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •amazing_cat2357
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •Rusty
in reply to amazing_cat2357 • • •Sinolk
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •ColdWater
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •