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Il saccheggiatore di relitti.
L'ultimo romanzo scritto da Robert Louis Stevenson, poi completato da Lloyd Osbourne, ci riporta dall'America all'Inghilterra fino nei mari del Sud con una avventura avvincente. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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Une #exposition Champaigne, programmée pour octobre 2024, est en préparation au musée de Grenoble :

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British lexicographer and philologist James Murray died #OTD in 1915.

His profound knowledge of languages and philology eventually led him to London, where he became involved with the Philological Society. In 1879, James Murray was appointed the chief editor of the "New English Dictionary on Historical Principles," which would later be known as the Oxford English Dictionary.

Books by James Murray at PG:

#books #dictionaries

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

A friend of mine asked one of those LLM bullshit generators about this
word wizard's magic wooden stick and got this reply:

> Yes, James Murray did have a wooden stick, but not just any wooden stick! Murray was a lexicographer and the first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). He had a unique way of keeping track of his work - he had a special wooden stick, known as a "quire stick," that he used to organize the millions of paper slips that contained the quotations and definitions that formed the basis of the dictionary.
> The quire stick was made of holly wood and had small notches along its length, each of which corresponded to a different letter of the alphabet. Murray used the stick to organize the slips of paper into alphabetical order, which made it easier for him and his team of assistants to compile and edit the entries for the dictionary.

I find it funny.

#bullshit #bullshitgenerator #llm #llms #wizard #wizardposting

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"Science has "explained" nothing; the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness."

Along the Road, Part II. Views of Holland (p. 108)

~Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963)

Books by Aldous Huxley at PG:

#books #literature

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

I was just recalling his posthumous children's book today (most likely only saw the light of day because of his reputation). I did not know that he died the same day as JFK.
in reply to Project Gutenberg

Huxley was a great author, but he's also somebody who seems to be more scientific than he actually is.

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#OTD in 1918.

Emmy Noether's paper, which became known as Noether's theorem was presented at Göttingen, Germany, from which conservation laws are deduced for symmetries of angular momentum, linear momentum, and energy.

This is the first of two theorems (see Noether's second theorem) proven by mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and published in 1918.

Noether's second theorem:

#science #mathematics

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There is an interesting podcast episode from @herstorypod about her life.

It is a German podcast:

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#OTD in 1887.

L. L. Zamenhof published Unua Libro, the first publication to describe Esperanto, a constructed international language.

First published in Russian on July 26 [O.S. July 14] 1887, the publication of Unua Libro marks the formal beginning of the Esperanto movement.

Books in Esperanto at PG:

#books #literature

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

see also Gene Keyes edition of "Dr. Esperanto's International Language" pamphlet, which is not actually available on Gutenberg. The rest of the collection is excellent!

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Steve Earle torna a suonare da solo – ossessioni e contaminazioni by francesco mazzetta

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La guida di Informapirata a Friendica, dedicata a tutti coloro che dal Fediverso vogliono ottenere tutto il possibile.

Un Mastodon con gli steroidi e attualmente l’unica alternativa a Facebook di tutto il Fediverso. Con mille pregi e, soprattutto, mille difetti. E mai nessuno che ci spieghi come utilizzarlo.
Almeno finora…

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Italian journalist and novelist Matilde Serao died #OTD in 1927.

She was the first woman called to edit an Italian newspaper, Il Corriere di Roma and later Il Giorno. Serao was also the co-founder and editor of the newspaper Il Mattino, and the author of several novels. She never won the Nobel Prize in Literature despite being nominated on six occasions.

Books by Matilde Serao at PG:

#books #literature

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"Dal primo giorno che ho scritto, io non ho mai voluto e saputo essere altro che una fedele e umile cronista della mia memoria. Mi sono affidata all'istinto e non credo che mi abbia ingannato."

"From the first day I wrote, I never wanted and knew how to be anything but a faithful and humble chronicler of my memory. I relied on instinct, and I don't think it fooled me."

~Matilde Serao (14 March 1856 – 25 July 1927)

#books #literature

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Voi quale avete letto?

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Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis.
Il celebre romanzo di Ugo Foscolo si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #cosediscuola #public_domain

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"In my view, all that is necessary for faith is the belief that by doing our best we shall succeed in our aims: the improvement of mankind."

Happy birthday Rosalind Franklin!

Her work was central to the understanding of the molecular structure of DNA. Though she was recognized for her other work in her time, her work on DNA was not appreciated until after her death.

The Rosalind Franklin question.

#science #crystallography #womeninscience

Questa voce è stata modificata (1 giorno fa)
in reply to Project Gutenberg

Rosalind Franklin’s Methods of Discovery.

Franklin’s strategy for analyzing images of DNA molecules forces us to reconsider our definition of “scientific discovery,” argues Michelle G. Gibbons. via @JSTOR_Daily

#dna #womenhistory

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That is how the largest part of science has worked for a long time. Methodically putting one piece after the other into the puzzle until someone steps back a bit and gets a glimpse of the whole image.
Sometimes this is told as a heroic story. But In most cases it is a humble summary of the current state with a lot of citations.
The brilliant insight is rare.

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#OTD in 1897.

The writer Jack London sails to join the Klondike Gold Rush, where he will write his first successful stories.

His most famous works include The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories "To Build a Fire", "An Odyssey of the North", and "Love of Life".

Books by Jack London at PG:

#books #literature

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Viaggio in Dalmazia.
Scritto nel 1774 dallo scienziato Alberto Fortis, questo epistolario di viaggio fu il primo dedicato a una regione europea allora quasi sconosciuta. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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"Memories should be sharp when one has nothing else to live for."
Save Me the Waltz

Zelda Fitzgerald, American novelist, painter, and socialite was born #OTD in 1900.

Zelda inspired many of Scott's characters and writings. She herself was an author, painter, and dancer.
She published "Save Me the Waltz" (1932), a semi-autobiographical account of her early life in the American South during the Jim Crow era and her marriage to F. Scott Fitzgerald.

#books #literature

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Agnes Meyer Driscoll, known as "Miss Aggie" or "Madame X'", was born #OTD in 1889.

She was an American cryptanalyst during both World War I and World War II and was known as "the first lady of naval cryptology." Driscoll played a key role in breaking the Red Book code, a Japanese naval code, in the 1920s. She worked on machine ciphers & contributed to the development of new cryptographic techniques and devices.

#science #cryptology #intelligenceanalysis #womeninscience

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Female physics pioneer, 98, honoured 75 years after discovery.

A pioneering physicist (Rosemary Fowler) who gave up her PhD 75 years ago to have a family has been made a honorary Doctor of Science by her old university. via @BristolUni

More information about Rosemary Fowler:

#science #physics #womeninscience

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

An upliftening story, thanks for sharing!

My only quibble is with Univ of Bristol for only conferring an 'honourary' degree on her.

It wouldn't have broken them to give her the full degree – after all, universities have done so for men, based simply on a notable piece of work in the past. Honorary degrees often thrown around for simple fame and popularity.

And not like she's going to go throwing it around to get some undeserved job at 98… tho' she is prob qualified to do so!

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L'université de Berne (Suisse) organise, du 26 au 28 septembre 2024, un #colloque sur le thème "Copistes et secrétaires : production et circulation des manuscrits au XVIIIe siècle".
Le programme est en ligne :

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E scopro pure che siamo coetanei (che grande annata quella del '64), anche se a dir la verità a condizioni fisiche mi sento più affine a Biden... 🙄

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in reply to Lera

@LeRA_13 occhio che se si può votare da qui poi va a finire che si becca più voti Trump, visti i fenomeni che ci ritroviamo in casa...
in reply to Francesco "st2wok"

oddio...come non detto🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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#Théâtre : la compagnie du théâtre du Nord-Ouest donnera trois représentations du Port-Royal de Montherlant du 5 au 7 août, dans des châteaux de l'Allier :

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"We were the Leopards, the Lions; those who'll take our place will be little jackals, hyenas; and the whole lot of us, Leopards, jackals, and sheep, we'll all go on thinking ourselves the salt of the earth."
Il Gattopardo

Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa died #OTD in 1957.

A literary man of complex personality and author of the well-known novel The Leopard, he was a taciturn and solitary character and spent much of his time in reading.

#books #literature

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#OTD in 1829.

In the United States, William Austin Burt patents the typographer, a precursor to the typewriter. The working model that Burt constructed for his 1829 patent was destroyed in the 1836 Patent Office fire.

This patent discloses the actual construction of a type writing machine for the first time in any country. The type are arranged on the under side of a segment carried by a lever pivoted to swing vertically and horizontally.

#typographer #typewriter

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#OTD in 1995.

Hale–Bopp, one of the most widely observed comets of the 20th century, was independently discovered by astronomers Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, before it became visible to the naked eye.

It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months, due to its massive nucleus size. This is twice as long as the Great Comet of 1811, the previous record holder. Accordingly, Hale–Bopp was dubbed the great comet of 1997.

#astronomy #comet

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Suoni Tribali su Dirty dei Sonic Youth

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#Parution : Iannuzzi, Giulia, Márquez, Claudia Lora, Moret Petrini, Sylvie et Robertson-Kirkland, Brianna E. (dir.). Credulity in the Age of Reason: Rhetoric, Epistemologies, Education = La Crédulité à l’âge de la raison : rhétorique, épistémologies, éducation. Paris : Honoré Champion (Études internationales sur le dix-huitième siècle, 20), 2024. ISBN : 9782745361738.

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Il ricciardetto.
Opera burlesca in versi, riprende i poemi cavallereschi in chiave satirica. Scritta da Niccolò Forteguerri, il I volume (di 2) si può scaricare gratis da:

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #cosediscuola #public_domain

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#Éphéméride : il y a 342 ans (1682), la Déclaration des Quatre articles devenait loi d’État

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#Éphéméride : il y a 375 ans (1649) naissait Gianfrancesco Albani, pape sous le nom de Clément XI de 1700 à 1721

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#Parution : Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de. Œuvres complètes, vol. III. Œuvres diverses. Édition critique de Jean Garapon et Nathalie Grande. Paris : Honoré Champion (Sources classiques, 147), 2024. ISBN : 9782745360243.

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Poesia e musica: Chandra Candiani e Giorgio Li Calzi – ossessioni e contaminazioni by francesco mazzetta

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Il pensiero religioso nell’India prima del Buddha.
Il grande orientalista Carlo Formichi scrisse questo saggio nel 1925. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician Hypatia is the first female mathematician whose life is reasonably well recorded.

Hypatia worked on commentaries of Diophantus's "Arithmetica," Apollonius's "Conics," and edited the work of her father, Theon, on Ptolemy's "Almagest." She contributed to the understanding of algebraic equations and conic sections. She is believed to have invented the astrolabe and the hydrometer.

#mathematics #womeninscience

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