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Euclide megarense acutissimo philosopho.
Nel 1543 il matematico Nicolò Tartaglia diffuse con questa opera il pensiero matematico di Euclide, a partire da traduzioni latine, non dell'opera originale ma di traduzioni arabe. Il risultato non è conforme al testo euclideo ufficialmente accreditato oggi. Ma può comunque essere apprezzato, scaricando il volume in pdf da:

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#Parution : Deschamp, Marion, Léonard, Julien et Simiz, Stefano (dir.). La Fabrique du clerc : formation, vocation, profession dans les christianismes (XIIIe - XVIIIe s.). Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (Histoire et civilisations), 2024. ISBN : 9782757441367.

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American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau died #OTD in 1862.

In addition to "Walden," Thoreau is well-known for his essay "Civil Disobedience," which was inspired by his 1846 arrest for refusing to pay poll taxes as a protest against slavery and the Mexican-American War. His political writings later influenced many political leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

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I read "Civil Disobedience" in Swedish: "Civil olydnad". Good book!

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#OTD in 1757.

English poet Christopher Smart is admitted into St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics in London, beginning his six-year confinement to mental asylums.

A "Commission of Lunacy" was taken out against Smart, and he was admitted to St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics as a "Curable Patient". It is possible that Smart was confined by John Newbery over old debts and a poor relationship between the two.

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#OTD in 1940.

John Steinbeck is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrath.

The book was first published in April 14, 1939. The book won the National Book Award & Pulitzer Prize for fiction, & it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. When preparing to write the novel, Steinbeck wrote: "I want to put a tag of shame on the greedy bastards who are responsible for this [the Great Depression and its effects]."

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In the late 20th century, an English prof I had told an anecdote of sharing her admiration for the book with some California friends. The atmosphere turned instantly chilly, she said. There are still folks out there whose feeling is those types best keeping on moving and not migrate (to borrow from the old song).

Times have not much changed.

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I think of this book every time I pull into a service station.

Libri salvati 2024. Letture ‘scomode’ per non dimenticare

Avviso contenuto: La Biblioteca partecipa alla sesta edizione di "Libri salvati" promossa dalla Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB) nella settimana dal 6 al 12 maggio 2024 per ricordare il Bücherverbrennungen. L’iniziativa rientra nel "Maggio dei libri" del Centro per

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Austrian Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was born #OTD in 1856.

He is considered the father of psychoanalysis. Freud's main contributions lie in his theories of the unconscious mind, the mechanisms of repression, and the role of sexuality in human psychology, which he discussed in major works like The Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality.

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"In the development of mankind as a whole, just as in individuals, love alone acts as the civilizing factor in the sense that it brings a change from egoism to altruism."

Major Works (ed. 1952)

~Sigmund Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939)

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American author L. Frank Baum died #OTD in 1919.

His breakthrough came with the publication of Mother Goose in Prose (1897), which was followed by Father Goose, His Book (1899), a collection that became a bestseller. In 1900, Baum published The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, illustrated by W.W. Denslow. Baum's Oz series eventually spanned fourteen books with Baum introducing new characters and lands in each subsequent volume.

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"The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, therefore to foster civilization. A prominent educator tells me that fairy tales are of untold value in developing imagination in the young. I believe it."

The Lost Princess of Oz (1917)

~Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 – May 6, 1919)

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German polymath, geographer, naturalist, explorer Alexander von Humboldt died #OTD in 1859.

His most significant and famous expedition was to Latin America (1799 to 1804). Accompanied by Aimé Bonpland, he explored vast regions, including the Orinoco River, the Andes, the Amazon River, and even observed the political & social conditions of the Spanish colonies. His journey also included a visit to the United States.

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"Our imagination is struck only by what is great; but the lover of natural philosophy should reflect equally on little things."

Equinoctial Regions of America (1814-1829)

~Alexander von Humboldt (14 September 1769 – 6 May 1859)

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#Éphéméride : il y a 386 ans (1638) s'éteignait Jansénius

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#Éphéméride : il y a 408 ans (1616) naissait Antoine Arnauld d'Andilly, dit l'abbé Arnauld

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#Éphéméride : il y a 450 ans (1574) naissait Giovanni Battista Pamphili, futur pape Innocent X

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Un séminaire sur le thème "Directrices de conscience, théologiennes et prédicatrices en France au XVIIe s." est organisé à Udine (Italie), le 7 Mai 2024.
Le programme est en ligne :

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Un'opera divulgativa pensata per un pubblico vasto di "amanti di Dante" senza pretese di far critica letteraria, ma solo di soddisfare curiosità verso quei riferimenti importanti per capire la "Commedia". Opera di Rosa Errera, si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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in reply to Gabriella Dodero

🌻grazie 🙏 Gabriella,
...mò me lo segno (come disse Troisi😅)
Scherzi a parte, è un info degna del
Fediverso, è importante conoscere / apprezzare Dante, che visto andamento degli ultimi tempi, in questo degrado intellettivo, è quantomeno Gradito e opportuno. Buon ☕️pomeriggio 🍒🍓🫐
in reply to Claus

@claus61 Grazie dell'apprezzamento. Si può apprezzare Dante anche senza leggere Croce o De Sanctis (anche quelli comunque disponibili gratis, se la passione dantesca cresce o l'insegnante di lettere rompe...)😉

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American author of fantasy fiction and belles-lettres James Branch Cabell died #OTD in 1958.

His career took a significant turn with the publication of "Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice" (1919), which is part of a larger series called "The Biography of the Life of Manuel". Although largely overlooked today, James Branch Cabell was highly regarded in his time, with admirers such as H.L. Mencken and Sinclair Lewis.

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"And who is Kalki, madame?"
"Nobody as yet: but he will come as a stallion. Meanwhile his Law precedes him, so that I am spending my vacation peacefully in Hell, with none of my ordinary annoyances to bother me."
"And what, madame, can they be?"
"Why, you must understand that it is little rest a vampire gets on earth, with so many fine young fellows like yourself going about everywhere eager to be destroyed."

Ch. 37 : Invention of the Lovely Vampire. Jurgen

~James Branch Cabell


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American mathematician Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler was born #OTD in 1883.

She received her Ph.D. in 1909 with a dissertation on "Biorthogonal Systems of Functions with Applications to the Theory of Integral Equations," a topic in functional analysis that was innovative at the time. Wheeler was instrumental in bringing German mathematician Emmy Noether to Bryn Mawr in 1933, after the latter's expulsion from the University of Göttingen by the Nazi government.

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English archaeologist Dorothy Garrod was born #OTD in 1892.

One of her most significant excavations was at the Mount Carmel caves in Palestine (now Israel) during the 1920s and 1930s. She was one of the early adopters of a more systematic and scientific method in archaeology, emphasizing the importance of stratigraphic excavation to understand the sequence and timing of human occupation sites.

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#OTD in 1927. Virginia Woolf's stream of consciousness novel To the Lighthouse is published by Hogarth Press in London. It is seen as a landmark of high modernism.

Virginia and her husband Leonard published it together at their Hogarth Press in London in 1927. The first impression of 3000 copies of 320 pages measuring 191 by 127 mm was bound in blue cloth.The book outsold all Woolf's previous novels, and the royalties enabled the Woolfs to buy a car.

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Una biografia del poeta tedesco, scritta da Vincenzo Errante. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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"Here and there among men, there are those who pause in the hurried rush to listen to the call of a life that is more real…"

American writer Harold Bell Wright was born #OTD in 1872.

Wright's writing career began in earnest with the publication of "That Printer of Udell's" in 1902. His subsequent novel, "The Shepherd of the Hills" (1907), is perhaps his most famous work.

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Italian maker of musical instruments Bartolomeo Cristofori was born #OTD in 1655.

Cristofori's most significant invention, the piano, came about as he sought to develop a new keyboard instrument that could offer a greater dynamic range than the harpsichord. His groundbreaking idea was to create a mechanism where the strings were struck by hammers, allowing the volume of sound to vary with the force applied to the keys, the so called "gravicembalo col piano e forte".

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English novelist and poet Charlotte Smith was born #OTD in 1749.

Smith's first significant literary success came with the publication of "Elegiac Sonnets" in 1784. In addition to her poetry, Smith wrote several novels: her first novel, "Emmeline, or The Orphan of the Castle" (1788), was followed by others such as "Ethelinde" (1789), "The Old Manor House" (1793), and "Desmond" (1792).

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"Ah! hills beloved!—your turf, your flowers, remain;
But can they peace to this sad breast restore,
For one poor moment soothe the sense of pain,
And teach a broken heart to throb no more?"

To the South Downs (Sonnet V). Elegiac Sonnets, 1784.

~Charlotte Smith (4 May 1749 – 28 October 1806)

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"“Age is my alarm clock,” the old man said. “Why do old men wake so early? Is it to have one longer day?”

#OTD in 1953.

Ernest Hemingway wins the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea.

The story was initially published in its entirety in the September 1st, 1952 issue of Life magazine. It was later issued as a book by Charles Scribner's Sons.

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American geneticist Nettie Stevens died #OTD in 1912.

In 1905, Stevens published a pivotal paper detailing her observations on the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor. She identified that male mealworms had a pair of unequal-sized chromosomes, while females had two X chromosomes. This discovery supported the theory that sex is determined by specific chromosomes, a significant advancement in the field of genetics.

Books by Nettie Stevens at PG:

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English writer and poet Edith Nesbit died #OTD in 1924.

She published over 60 books for children, including novels, collections of stories, and picture books. Among her most famous works are "The Railway Children," "Five Children and It," and "The Phoenix and the Carpet." Her work is seen as a precursor to the modern children's fantasy literature genre, influencing later writers such as C.S. Lewis and J.K. Rowling.

Books by Edith Nesbit at PG:

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

Ah! Finally I found the original language version of a book, I liked as a child: The Magic City

I didn't remember the title or author, so it was hard to search for it. More so, as I only read the German translation.

I knew, I read books by Edith Nesbit, so I looked at your listing. And the first try showed me the correct one. I recognized it by the drawings. Thanks a lot for providing this.

Only downside: No PDF version. When I've got time™, I'll probably will build one. 😄

in reply to Piiieps & Brummm


It´s available as an audio book via @internetarchive and produced by @librivox

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I loved her books House of Arden & Harding‘s Luck as a child and still do. I kept only few paper books but those belong to them.

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American astrophysicist and physicist Jonathan Homer Lane died #OTD in 1880.

Lane’s most significant contribution to science was his development of what is now known as the Lane-Emden equation. He proposed that a star's temperature could support itself against gravitational collapse via thermal pressure. His analysis showed that the temperature of a star of constant density scales with the square of its mass divided by its radius.

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American illustrator Jessie Willcox Smith died #OTD in 1935.

Smith’s career took off when she began working for the Ladies' Home Journal, for which she created many covers and interior illustrations. She illustrated over 60 books throughout her career, including classics such as Charles Kingsley's The Water-Babies, Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses, and Clement Moore’s The Night Before Christmas.

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Smith was one of the most notable of the Philadelphia-based illustrators of that era. There were many female artists working for Curtis Publishing Company's magazines back then, but few female editors.

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English poet, author and humorist Thomas Hood died #OTD in 1845.

His humorous works often included puns and wordplay, which became immensely popular. These works were frequently published in magazines, including Punch. Some of his well-known comic poems include "Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg" and "The Song of the Shirt", which highlights the dire conditions of the working class and is considered one of his best works.

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"Our very hopes belied our fears,
Our fears our hopes belied;
We thought her dying when she slept,
And sleeping when she died."

The Death-Bed; reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919).

~Thomas Hood (23 May 1799 – 3 May 1845)

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American archeologist Esther Boise Van Deman died #OTD in 1937.

She utilized detailed measurements and meticulous documentation of building materials and techniques, which enabled a more precise understanding of the chronological development of Roman construction practices. One of her most notable contributions was her work on the Roman concrete construction technique known as "opus caementicium."

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Italian mathematician and physicist Vito Volterra was born #OTD in 1860.

One of Volterra's most famous contributions came in the field of mathematical biology with his work on population dynamics. He formulated the The Lotka–Volterra equations which are frequently used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact, one as a predator and the other as prey.

Books by Vito Volterra at PG:

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Italian diplomat, author, philosopher and historian Niccolò Machiavelli was born #OTD in 1469.

The Prince is a 16th-century political treatise written in the form of a realistic instruction guide for new princes. "Discourses on Livy" is another important work by Machiavelli, which is a broader political analysis but centers on the concept of republican government, as opposed to the monarchical focus in "The Prince".

Books by Niccolò Machiavelli at PG

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Perché la vita è brieve | e molte son le pene | che vivendo e stentando ognun sostiene; || dietro alle nostre voglie, | andiam passando e consumando gli anni, | ché chi il piacer si toglie | per viver con angosce e con affanni, | non conosce gli inganni | del mondo; o da quai mali | e da che strani casi | oppressi quasi sian tutti i mortali.

Canzone da dirsi innanzi alla commedia, cantata da ninfe e pastori insieme

~Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527)

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Machiavelli must be one of the most quoted and least read or understood text in modern history (religious texts don’t count).

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Fenomeni rimarchevoli di medianità.
Descrizione di un "protocollo" messo a punto dal fisico G.B. Ermacora per indagare il comportamento dei medium. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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#OTD in 1715.

A total solar eclipse is visible across northern Europe and northern Asia, as predicted by Edmond Halley to within four minutes accuracy. He also drew a predictive map showing the path of totality across Great Britain. The original map was about 20 miles off the observed eclipse path, mainly due to his use of inaccurate lunar ephemeris. After the eclipse, he corrected the eclipse path, and added the path and description of the 1724 total solar eclipse.

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#OTD in 1915.

The rondeau "In Flanders Fields" by the Canadian poet John McCrae is written; it is first published on December 8 in the London magazine Punch. He was inspired to write it, after presiding over the funeral of friend and fellow soldier Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres. According to legend, fellow soldiers retrieved the poem after McCrae, initially dissatisfied with his work, discarded it.

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I like to read that when I hold the Foe to be the systems of government that resulted in that war and the many wars since, and now #ClimateChange.


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Euclid telescope: A scientist tells us of his quest to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

On July 1st 2023, Euclid, a unique European space telescope was launched from Cape Canaveral. Euclid is the next big step forward in our quest to try to understand the Universe.

By Henk Hoekstra. via @FR_Conversation

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American author E. E. Smith was born #OTD in 1890.

E. E. "Doc" Smith is considered a major figure in the history of science fiction literature, particularly for his development of the space opera genre. His first major work, "The Skylark of Space" (1928), is often considered one of the first space operas. Perhaps his most famous work, the Lensman series, began with "Triplanetary" in 1934.

Books by E. E. Smith at PG:

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Thanks tothis man, we have now Jedi knights.because without the Lensmen of the Galactic Patrol, we would not have the jedi.
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🧵Doc Smith SF Author

“Edward Elmer Smith (May 2, 1890 – August 31, 1965) was an American food engineer (specializing in doughnut and pastry mixes) and science-fiction author, best known for the Lensman and Skylark series. He is sometimes called the father of space opera.”

A ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wikipedia biography covers his fascinating life, Science Fiction works and influence.


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Proibito vivere.
Romanzo di Aldo Bizzarri dedicato ai campi di concentramento nazisti. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:

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Irish novelist Edith Somerville was born #OTD in 1858.

She habitually signed herself as "E. Œ. Somerville". She wrote in collaboration with her cousin "Martin Ross" (Violet Martin) under the pseudonym "Somerville and Ross". Together they published a series of fourteen stories and novels, the most popular of which were The Real Charlotte, published in 1894, and Some Experiences of an Irish R. M., published in 1899.

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"No individual word was decipherable, but, with a bold reader, groups could be made to conform to a scheme based on probabilities."

In Mr Knox's Country (1915)

~Edith Somerville (2 May 1858 – 8 October 1949)

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English writer & humourist Jerome K. Jerome was born #OTD in 1859.

He is best known for his comic masterpiece, Three Men in a Boat, which continues to be celebrated for its vivid depiction of pre-World War I Britain and its light-hearted & humorous examination of the British temperament. Other works include the essay collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, Three Men on the Bummel.

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"It is a most extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most virulent form."

Three Men in a Boat (1889)

~Jerome K. Jerome (2 May 1859 – 14 June 1927)

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