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#OTD in 1898.

Émile Zola is imprisoned in France after writing J'Accuse…!, a letter accusing the French government of antisemitism and wrongfully imprisoning Captain Alfred Dreyfus.

He was sentenced to jail and was removed from the Legion of Honour. To avoid jail time, Zola fled to England. He stayed there until the cabinet fell; he continued to defend Dreyfus.…...!

J'Accuse at PG:

#books #literature

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

For German speakers: the great podcast #GeschichtenausderGeschichte has the Dreyfus affair as the topic of its latest episode:…

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#OTD in 1455.

Traditionally the date of publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed with movable type.

The Gutenberg Bible is an edition of the Latin Vulgate printed in the 1450s by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz (Holy Roman Empire), in present-day Germany.…

#gutenberg #movable_printing

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da oggi, a roma, in camera verde: “l’attesa”, di giovanni andrea semerano

Roma, La Camera verde
(via G. Miani 20)
da oggi, domenica 23 Febbraio 2025
e, a seguire, dal 25 febbraio al 2 marzo compresi

proiezioni del film


di Giovanni Andrea Semerano

Con Antonio Vento, Marcello Sambati, Giovanni Cozzani, Chiara Fiorelli,
Gianluca Mei, Antonio Provenzani
Musica di Matias Guerra

Il professore deve partire per la Calabria per una conferenza sull’opera di Franco Basaglia. Inizia così un viaggio ai limiti della storia stessa: chi è il professore? e dove porta la sua memoria? Le sue visioni restano in bilico, sul bordo, restano a fare margine… Il professore attraversa luoghi, incontra persone, il viaggio cresce piano piano, da Venezia a Siderno, da Roma a Pizzo…


info sugli orari delle (e prenotazioni per le) proiezioni sul sito della
Camera verde e al numero 3405263877

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an autobiographical text by jim leftwich (shared online by john m. bennett)

Here’s an excerpt from Jim Leftwich’s autbiographical afterword to his latest book, PIT SWAN & ORBATE WRITING

Remember What You Can

Jim Leftwich

In the fourth grade I was given an aptitude test which determined (among many other things, I would assume) that I had absolutely no aptitude for music. That’s the only thing I remember being told about the test. That would have been 1966 or 67. It was beginning in those days to sound — and look — like music might be a significant alternative to the war in Vietnam. The counterculture was saying no to the draft, and rock n roll music was spreading that message to all corners of the country. Music was beginning to tell young males like myself that another world was possible. It wasn’t the job of a fourth grade teacher in Amherst County, Virginia to encourage that way of thinking.
I went away to college, dropped out after four years, and went off rambling around the country. Every now and then I would drop in on my parents. My mother would be at the dining room table, listening to the radio. We would drink a few beers, tell each other some stories. She said, you are volatile, do you know that? I said no, not really. Yeah, sure. I guess I know. Maybe it was only a matter of the multitudes of selves. Some of which were surprises. She said, Please Come to Boston, do you know that song? It reminds me of you. I said, I don’t know. Maybe. It was the seventies. In matters both personal and political, I had no idea of what was coming. She said, Against the Wind, too, reminds me of you. I said, well. Ok. If you think so.
The eighties was a poisonous decade, acid rain falling on a nuclear time bomb, death squads funded by designer drugs. Killing us again and again. Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends.
It’s New Year’s Eve now, 2024. Sue and I are camped beside the Colorado River, on the Arizona / California border. I’m not sure I would have made it through the eighties if Sue and I hadn’t met.
There isn’t much wind here, just enough for us to notice it, barely moving through the mesquite trees. There is always everything to be new, and nothing to ever be anywhere other than the present.
I’m a little worried about the coming year. I’ve been worried about the coming year for as long as I can remember.

#autobiographicalNote #JimLeftwich #JohnMBennett #note

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asemics: jim, again

the birth (in the English language) and the broad diffusion and success of the term “asemic” and the practice of asemic writing owe a lot to the relentless activity of the artist and poet and verbo-visual writer Jim Leftwich.
he passed away but will NEVER be forgotten.

la (ri)nascita (in lingua inglese) e l’ampia diffusione e successo del termine “asemic” e della pratica della scrittura asemica devono molto all’instancabile attività dell’artista, poeta e autore verbovisivo Jim Leftwich.
è scomparso ma non verrà MAI dimenticato.……………


#asemic #asemicWriting #asemics #JimLeftwich #scomparsa #scritturaAsemica #teoria

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[r] _ asemic writing and the tragedy of the absurd / jim leftwich. 2022

Jim Leftwich

Asemic Writing and The Tragedy of the Absurd
Summer 2022 / Utah

When I say absurd, I don’t mean quirky.
I don’t think absurdity is a variety of comedy.
Finding comedic relief in inconsequential weirdness does not qualify as an experience of the absurd.

Certain styles of comedy monetize a surrealist juxtaposition of clangorous items and/or ideas to elicit Spasms of Guffaw from a naptive audience. As such, they serve a purpose: to disguise the osmotic suffering of those immersed in the petroleus ooze of The Capitalist Ongoing.

The absurd does not organize itself in order to acclimate our minds around any of the currently available varieties of unbearable realities.

The absurd is: a variety of that which is incomprehensible within the human universe.

A mystery is: that which is uplifting because it is experienced as being incomprehensible within the human universe. We celebrate an encounter with mystery.

The absurd is experientially devastating, annihilating, a psychological sparagmos. We may, after a fashion, celebrate the fact that we experienced it and lived to tell the tale.

Asemic writing is capable of embodying, and conveying, the tragedy of the absurd. But only for the those who want that, who want that kind of thing. For those who do not want that kind of thing, asemic writing is also fully capable of being abstract art school dorm room wallpaper and glamping picnic tablecloth design. I know, I am not being very nice, I’m sorry. Did you by chance see Sun Ra and The Arkestra 40 or 50 years ago? They had The Look. Sparkling robes down to the floor, Egyptian Spaceman Hats 3-feet high. Marching around the stage, chanting, gesturing with their instruments towards the ceiling. I saw them with a few hundred other people in 1982 and not a soul was laughing. We’re they absurd? Absolutely. Sublime? Yes.

The Tragedy of the Absurd is experienced as a Magickal Absurdity. Asemic writing is capable of existing along that spectrum of experiences. I learned that in the late 1990’s as part of my introduction to the idea and the execution of asemic writing. I have never been able to want anything else from it.

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[r] _ post neo-absurdism solidarity show

thanks to Jim Leftwich:…

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jim leftwich passed away

the bad news make me absolutely astonished, sad. my/our friend Jim Leftwich passed away. he had an heart attack. I’m still speechless and in shock.

as soon as I read the news, my first reaction was disbelief. but it was soon confirmed.

for more than twenty years Jim has been a great interlocutor for me, an inexhaustible source of critical dialogue, on experimental writing and verbo-visual art, but also on all the political questions that experimentation entails.

Jim was also a slowforward editor, a tireless promoter of other people’s work, writings, and connections. not to mention his primary role in the spreading of the practice of asemic writing.

I miss him so much.

this passing, with the passing of Peter Ganick, is a truly major loss for the literary community as a whole, and for me as a friend. I never met him in person, despite the thousand messages we exchanged, and I’ll never meet him anymore.

#art #death #experimentalWriting #JimLeftwich #loss #majorLoss #passingAway

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dip 042, jim leftwich

un attacco di cuore: Jim Leftwich è scomparso. assolutamente, ma proprio del tutto, inconcepibile. è stato così fitto il dialogo che non mi riesce ancora di credere a questa cosa

#dip #dip042 #dip042 #JimLeftwich

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trent’anni fuori orario / cb / notte senza fine…

#CarmeloBene #cb #EnricoGhezzi #FuoriOrario #fuoriorario #notteSenzaFine

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In memoria del Manifesto dei comunisti.
Il filosofo Antonio Labriola scrisse questo saggio nel 1895, si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:…

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #public_domain #cosediscuola

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/>whisper of an empty object at any point. the coordinate system is attached to a rotating rigid body / mron tee. 2025

cliccare per ingrandire

#art #arte #asemic #asemicWriting #grid #MironTee

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American physician Sara Josephine Baker died #OTD in 1945.

In 1917, she noted that babies born in the United States faced a higher mortality rate than soldiers fighting in World War I, drawing a great deal of attention to her cause. She also is known for (twice) tracking down Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary.…

#publichealth #preventive_medicine #womeninStem

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“dal caso in poi” – ugo carrega

"dal caso in poi", cartolina invito di Ugo Carrega per Arrigo Lora Totino

dal caso in poi

Ugo Carrega, cartolina-invito per Arrigo Lora Totino (2009)

Collezione Giuseppe Garrera

#ArrigoLoraTotino #cartolina #cartolinaInvito #CollezioneGiuseppeGarrera #dedica #GiuseppeGarrera #invito #mostra #UgoCarrega

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"I know that Beauty must ail and die,
And will be born again, — but ah, to see
Beauty stiffened, staring up at the sky!
Oh, Autumn! Autumn! — What is the Spring to me?"

Second April (1921)

~Edna St. Vincent Millay (February 22, 1892 – October 19, 1950)

Books by Edna St. Vincent Millay at PG:

#books #literature #poetry

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"There are very few who can think, but every man wants to have an opinion; and what remains but to take it ready-made from others, instead of forming opinions for himself?"

The Art of Controversy, and Other Posthumous Papers (ed. 1896)

~Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 – 21 September 1860)

Books by Arthur Schopenhauer at PG:…

#books #literature #philosophy

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#OTD in 1886.

The first performance of William Gillette's American Civil War drama Held by the Enemy is held at the Criterion Theater, Brooklyn, New York.

The play was a major step toward modern theater, in that it abandoned many of the crude devices of 19th-century melodrama and introduced realism into the sets, costumes, props, and sound effects.…

William Gillette at PG:…

#books #literature #theatre

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

was trying to remember how I knew his name

He was, of course, an early Sherlock Holmes…

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"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
Mr. Dumby, Act III

#OTD in 1892.

Oscar Wilde's comedy Lady Windermere's Fan is premièred at St James's Theatre in London, starring Winifred Emery and Marion Terry.

The play was enormously popular, touring the country for months, but largely trashed by conservative critics.…

Lady Windermere's Fan at PG:

#books #literature #theatre

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#OTD in 1907.

Leonid Andreyev 's symbolist drama The Life of Man is premièred at the Komissarzhevskaya Theatre in Saint Petersburg, directed by Vsevolod Meyerkhold. On December 12 it is performed for the first time at the Moscow Art Theatre, directed by Konstantin Stanislavski and Leopold Sulerzhitsky.…

Leonid Andreyev at PG:…

#books #literature #theatre

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8 marzo: immagini e linguaggi della psiche attraverso l’opera di luca patella

immagini e linguaggio della psiche attraverso l'opera di Luca Patella…

#art #arte #LucaPatella

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in uscita il n. 1 della rivista ‘niederngasse’

'Niederngasse' n. 1
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Sta per uscire il primo numero della rivista cartacea Niederngasse, pubblicato dalla omonima neonata microcasa editrice, di Paola Silvia Dolci.

In questo numero :

🔹 Vincenzo Ostuni, con Istruzioni semplici per uomini futuri
🔹 Nino De Vita, con ‘U STRALLÀSCITU
🔹 Syxty Antonio, con Famiglia horror
🔹 Alfonso Lentini, con L’invenzione del rosso
🔹 Luciano Neri, con Pagine per la stampa
🔹 Pier Franco Brandimarte, con Poesie minatorie
🔹 Alessandro Seri, con Il prete e l’assassino
🔹 Gloria Postuma, con Selezione
🔹 Riccardo Innocenti, con Longtermism e condizioni materiali
🔹 Michaela D’Astuto, con Disegno un palombaro
🔹 Giuseppe Rizza, con I ricordi sono sempre bagnati di lacrime
🔹 Antonio Francesco Perozzi, con Alla soglia del distacco
🔹 Francesca Marica, con Collages
🔹 Giuseppe Calandriello, con La scrittura asemica come idioma universale
🔹 Valentina Murrocu, con Un oscuro sentire
🔹 Francesco Scapecchi, con Tutto per tuttə
🔹 Vittorio Alfieri, con Giustizia sociale
🔹 Elisa Audino, con Susan Kiguli
🔹 Alberto D’Amico, con La tecnica del taglio

progetto grafico di Francesco Calcagnini

#AlbertoDAmico #AlessandroSeri #AlfonsoLentini #AntonioFrancescoPerozzi #art #arte #ElisaAudino #FrancescaMarica #FrancescoCalcagnini #FrancescoScapecchi #GiuseppeCalandriello #GiuseppeRizza #GloriaPostuma #letteratura #LucianoNeri #MichaelaDAstuto #NiedernGasse #NiederngasseEditrice #NinoDeVita #PaolaSilviaDolci #PierFrancoBrandimarte #prosa #RiccardoInnocenti #SusanKiguli #SyxtyAntonio #ValentinaMurrocu #VincenzoOstuni #VittorioAlfieri

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La Sicilia sotto Vittorio Amedeo di Savoia.
All'inizio del XVIII secolo la Sicilia fu per breve tempo governata da casa Savoia. Questo periodo poco conosciuto, è l'oggetto del saggio di Isidoro La Lumia, che potete scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:…

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #public_domain #cosediscuola

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La Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’esclavage vient de lancer un appel à candidature pour son prix de thèse 2025 :

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#Théâtre : Bérénice, de Jean Racine, mise en scène par Guy Cassiers, sera donnée en représentation à la Comédie Française (Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier) du 26 mars au 11 mai 2025.…

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#Parution : La Part de l'Œil n° 39. Lire, décrire, interpréter. Louis Marin entre texte et image. Bruxelles, 2025. ISBN : 9782930174617.…

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alcune immagini dalla mostra di testi e opere @ biffi arte (piacenza): “da>verso 2010-2022” – le edizioni d’arte dell’accademia di brera

da>verso 2010-2022
Edizioni d’arte all’Accademia di Brera
@ Galleria Biffi Arte, Piacenza
18 gennaio / 15 febbraio 2025
a cura di Susanna Gualazzini

Mostra dedicata alle edizioni da>verso, realizzate nell’ambito di progetti dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.
















da>verso 2010-2022, Edizioni d'arte all'Accademia di Brera @ Galleria Biffi Arte, Piacenza - dal 18 gennaioL’esposizione, a cura di Margherita Labbe, ha presentato la copiosa produzione artistica-editoriale di multipli che accostano grafica e poesia, realizzati nell’ambito del laboratorio didattico dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera da>verso. Transizioni arte_poesia (e sue titolazioni successive), a cura dei docenti Paolo Di Vita, Chiara Giorgetti, Margherita Labbe e Anna Mariani, e del poeta Italo Testa per la parte letteraria. Obiettivo e oggetto del laboratorio, oltre al grado zero della conoscenza, ovvero a un approccio diretto e antiretorico alla poesia contemporanea, è la sperimentazione di prospettive di interazione e contaminazione, anzi di vera e propria transizione mediale, tra linguaggi e forme del testo letterario e pratica visiva in senso ampio, includendo codici e procedimenti tradizionali e di nuova tendenza.

Le edizioni coincidenze, 2×2 e non_identità, sono state presentate a Milano presso la Fondazione Mudima, la Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, l’Archivio Ricerca Visiva – Ar.Ri.Vi. di Anna Valeria Borsari.

In mostra da Biffi Arte anche alcuni esempi della linea grafica della comunicazione legata al progetto, locandine e comunicati progettati da Paolo Di Vita, autore del concept grafico di tutte le edizioni: la copertina dei multipli coincidenze, formato, piega e grafica di 2×2 e non_identità.

Il quaderno edito da Scritture che accompagna l’esposizione è stato presentato il 12 febbraio. Racconta sinteticamente dieci anni di attività, e ospita brevi saggi che approfondiscono alcuni aspetti strutturali dell’intero progetto, in primis l’identità della grafica contemporanea e il concetto di “traduzione” tra lingue e linguaggi e con media differenti, oltre a focus su personaggi che sono stati protagonisti, il poeta Angelo Lumelli, scomparso nel 2024, e Adriano Spatola, figura fondamentale della Poesia visiva e concreta.

Il progetto da>verso e le edizioni sono documentate dal sito da>, creato e aggiornato da Chiara Giorgetti, dove si può leggere in pdf la prima pubblicazione del 2011, vedere immagini di mostre e opere, visionare le videoregistrazioni di Roberto Dassoni di alcuni reading e incontri.

Sarebbe un’ardua impresa elencare tutti gli artisti e poeti coinvolti nel progetto, e inquietante sarebbe prendere atto e dare notizia di quanti siano venuti meno nell’arco di poco più di dieci anni – suonerebbe più come un elenco di epitaffi alla Spoon River. Auspichiamo che i più giovani colgano e sviluppino l’eredità vivente dei contenuti di questo progetto, la profondità storica, il pensiero e la sperimentazione artistica, campo di indagine aperta in molteplici direzioni.

#12Febbraio #2x2 #AccademiaDiBelleArtiDiBrera #AccademiaDiBrera #AdrianoSpatola #AngeloLumelli #AnnaMariani #AnnaValeriaBorsari #ArRiVi_ #ArchivioRicercaVisiva #arte #BibliotecaNazionaleBraidense #ChiaraGiorgetti #Coincidenze #daVerso #FondazioneMudima #GalleriaBiffiArte #ItaloTesta #MargheritaLabbe #nonIdentità #PaoloDiVita #poesia #ricerca #RobertoDassoni #scritture #ScuolaDiGraficaDArte #sperimentazioni #SusannaGualazzini #transizioniArtePoesia

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Danish seismologist and geophysicist Inge Lehmann died #OTD in 1993.

She is best known for her discovery in 1936 of the solid inner core that exists within the molten outer core of the Earth. The seismic discontinuity in the speed of seismic waves at depths between 190 and 250 km is named the Lehmann discontinuity after her. Lehmann is considered to be a pioneer among women and scientists in seismology research.…

#seismology #geophysics #womeninStem

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

There's a good diagram of the Earth and her discovery at… along with this quote:

When Lehmann received the William Bowie medal in 1971, the highest honor of the American Geophysical Union, she was described as “the master of a black art for which no amount of computerizing is likely to be a complete substitute.”

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Where to start with: Jane Austen

From sparkling dialogue to surprise character traits, wit, humour and tragedy, this is the year to appreciate Austen

By John Mullan…

Jane Austen at PG:

#books #literature

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in reply to Project Gutenberg

An excellent survey of Austen's greatest hits, but missing my favourite pieces of her juvenilia.

Austen wrote Love and Freindship when she was 14, a sparkling display of teenage wit and irreverance, wickedly mocking the romance genre of her time. (The film of the same name is an adaptation of another story.) Followed a year later by The History of England, which does the same for the history textbooks she must have had to endure.


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#OTD in 1828.

The Cherokee Phœnix, the earliest newspaper published by Native Americans in the United States and in one of their indigenous languages, (Cherokee), is first issued in New Echota.

The paper continued until 1834. The Cherokee Phoenix was revived in the 20th century, and today it publishes both print and Internet versions.…

#native_american #newspaper

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#OTD in 1848.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto (Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) in London.

Published amid the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe, the manifesto remains one of the world's most influential political documents.…

At PG.

#books #literature

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“l’attesa”, di giovanni andrea semerano, in camera verde, dal 23 febbraio

Roma, La Camera verde
(via G. Miani 20)
domenica 23 Febbraio 2025
e, a seguire, dal 25 febbraio al 2 marzo compresi

proiezioni del film


di Giovanni Andrea Semerano

Con Antonio Vento, Marcello Sambati, Giovanni Cozzani, Chiara Fiorelli,
Gianluca Mei, Antonio Provenzani
Musica di Matias Guerra

Il professore deve partire per la Calabria per una conferenza sull’opera di Franco Basaglia. Inizia così un viaggio ai limiti della storia stessa: chi è il professore? e dove porta la sua memoria? Le sue visioni restano in bilico, sul bordo, restano a fare margine… Il professore attraversa luoghi, incontra persone, il viaggio cresce piano piano, da Venezia a Siderno, da Roma a Pizzo…


info sugli orari delle (e prenotazioni per le) proiezioni sul sito della
Camera verde e al numero 3405263877

#AndreaSemerano #AntonioProvenzani #AntonioVento #art #arte #ChiaraFiorelli #cinema #film #GianlucaMei #Gians #GiovanniAndreaSemerano #GiovanniCozzani #LAttesa #laCameraVerde #MarcelloSambati #MatiasGuerra

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Attention : nos horaires sont provisoirement modifiés. Nous restons ouverts les mardis, jeudis et vendredis mais fermons nos portes à 16h30. Avec toutes nos excuses.

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untitled (anarchico, asemico) / differx. 2024

(CC) 2024 differx


for sale / in vendita / à vendre

#anarchico #asemic #asemicWriting #asemico #asemics #differx #MG #scritturaAsemica #testiDiMgInRete #testiDiMgOnline #untitled

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François Hou donnera une #conférence à la bibliothèque de Port-Royal le mardi 11 mars, à 18h, pour présenter son ouvrage Chapitres et société en Révolution.
Si vous souhaitez y assister, merci de vous inscrire à l'adresse
Attention : l'accès est gratuit mais le nombre de place étant limité, la réservation préalable est impérative.

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#Éphéméride : il y a 3 ans (2022) s'éteignait le père Michel Van Meerbeeck
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