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来回 “lái huí (back and forth)”: recording the field along the new silk road / film project by antoine prum……
来回 Lái Huí (Back and Forth)Recording the Field along the New Silk RoadA film project by Antoine PrumIn July 2022, when travel restrictions due to the pandemic were finally lifted, a small group of volunteers boarded a train from Berlin to Istanbul for a full-scale test of the ambitious film project Lái Huí (Back and Forth), which is scheduled to be shot in Spring 2024.As part of this project, a group of Chinese artists led by poet and musician Yan Jun will embark on a train journey from the city of Chengdu to the small town of Bettembourg, Luxembourg’s main freight railway hub. They will follow the route of the New Silk Road with the intention of carrying out an “artistic audit” of China’s controversial geo-political ambitions. Along the way, they will adopt the situationist practice of the dérive to engage in a series of largely improvised encounters on and off the train. The film will take the form of a poetic inventory of a world in transition, caught up in the whirlwind of a gigantic infrastructure project that aims to be “harmonious and inclusive”.


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guy debord @ ubuweb…

Guy Debord (1931-1994)

Immagine/foto Critique de la séparation (1961)
Immagine/foto Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952)
Immagine/foto In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni (1978)
Immagine/foto Refutation of All the Judgements, Pro or Con, Thus Far Rendered on the Film “The Society of the Spectacle” (1975)
Immagine/foto Society of the Spectacle, Part 1 (1973)
Immagine/foto Society of the Spectacle, Part 2 (1973)
Immagine/foto Guy Debord, son art et son temps (1995)
Immagine/foto Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord with a new and unauthorized translation, voiceover by Paul Chan (2013)

Guy Debord was born in Paris on December 28, 1931. In 1950 Debord began his association with the Lettrist International, which was being led by Isidore Isou at the time. The Lettrists were attempting to fuse poetry and music, and were interested in transforming the urban landscape. In 1953 they mapped out what they called the “psychogeography” of Paris by walking through the city in a free-associative manner, or “drifts”. Texts on this activity were first published in Naked Lips in 1955 and 1956, in essays titled “Detournement: How to Use” and “Theory of the Derive.”

In 1957… →…

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