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Simone Weil: Voluntary Worker

The weeks Weil spent working in French factories helped to develop her ideas about the meaning and value of labor.

By: Emily Zarevich…

#books #philosophy #labor

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#Article en ligne : Cornette, Joël. "1643, la prise du pouvoir par Anne d'Autriche". L'Histoire, n°527, janvier 2025.…

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L'université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 organise à Lyon, les 6 et 7 février 2025, un #colloque sur le thème "Poésie et philosophie : langage et discours, XVIe-XVIIe siècles".
Le programme est en ligne :…

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From January till September 1905.

L. Frank Baum's Animal Fairy Tales appear in The Delineator magazine.

For several decades in the twentieth century, the collection was a "lost" book by Baum; it resurfaced when the International Wizard of Oz Club published the stories in one volume in 1969.…

The Animal Fairy Tales at Delineator:…

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"Prose is a museum, where all the old weapons of poetry are kept."

In January 1909.

T. E. Hulme's poems "Autumn" and "A City Sunset" are included in the Poets' Club anthology For Christmas MDCCCCVIII, as the first examples of Imagism.…

Canzoni & Ripostes at PG:

#books #literature #poetry

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In January 1915.

The Geração de Orpheu launch the short-lived magazine Orpheu, introducing literary modernism to Portugal.

Poets Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Sá-Carneiro & Almada Negreiros, and the painters Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso & Guilherme de Santa-Rita formed a journal of art & literature, with the principal aim of agitating, subverting& scandalizing the Portuguese bourgeoisie & social conventions.…

Orpheu at PG:


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#OTD in 1789.

William Hill Brown's anonymous sentimental epistolary novel The Power of Sympathy: or, The Triumph of Nature, usually considered the first American novel, is published in Boston.

The novel was first published anonymously, but was popularly attributed to poet Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton because of the resemblance between the plot and a scandal in her family; Brown was not correctly identified as the author until 1894.…


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Restauration de la chapelle de la Sorbonne :…

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Paul Chopelin‬ a soutenu, le mardi 21 janvier, à l'université Clermont-Auvergne, un dossier d'habilitation à diriger les recherches sur le thème "Religion et politique aux temps de la Révolution française" comprenant un mémoire inédit intitulé "La République contre le fanatisme. Craindre et combattre la folie religieuse au XVIIIe siècle."

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#Éphéméride : il y a 374 ans (1651) s'éteignait Catherine de Saint-Jean Arnauld

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L'assassinio nel vicolo della Luna.
Romanzo "giallo" ambientato nella Firenze del Granduca, scritto con lo pseudonimo di Jarro da Giulio Piccini, letterato. La storia continua nel romanzo "il processo Bartelloni", anche esso disponibile gratis online. Questo intanto si trova, in pdf, qui:…

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #cosediscuola #public_domain

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in reply to Gabriella Dodero

Ecco una descrizione alternativa del dipinto:

L'immagine mostra una veduta panoramica di Firenze, Italia, da un punto di osservazione elevato. In primo piano, si vedono alberi verdi, un muro di pietra e alcune persone sedute. Al centro, il fiume Arno scorre attraverso la città, attraversato da un ponte. Sullo sfondo, si ergono numerosi edifici, tra cui il Duomo di Firenze con la sua cupola, e il Palazzo Vecchio con la sua torre. Le montagne si estendono all'orizzonte. La luce del dipinto suggerisce una scena di fine giornata.

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

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British mathematician and astronomer John Couch Adams died #OTD in 1892.

His most famous achievement was predicting the existence and position of Neptune, using only mathematics. The calculations were made to explain discrepancies with Uranus's orbit and the laws of Kepler and Newton.…

Explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of disturbance by a more distant planet (Nov. 1846):

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What is it with the John Adams-es? One Invents Neptune, there are various poets, a Catholic martyr, a Protestant martyr, a wild man from the Rocky Mountains, two American presidents, a prime minister of Barbados, various painters, at least a couple of composers, scads of politicians ...
Pro tip: if you're stumped in a trivia quiz about which wyt man did a historical thing, John Adams is statistically the best guess you can make.…

Here's Become Ocean by one of the John Adams-es, it's one of my favourite pieces of #music:…

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#OTD in 1835.

Abolitionist Susan Paul officiates at a meeting of the New England Anti-Slavery Society (NEASS) in Boston. Later in the year, her Memoir of James Jackson becomes the earliest-known published narrative by an African-American woman and the first account documenting the life of a free black child in the United States.…

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#OTD in 1899.

The French actress Sarah Bernhardt, having taken over management of the Paris theatre she renames the Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt, opens it in the title rôle of Victorien Sardou's La Tosca. On May 20 she premières an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, with herself in the title rôle.

Victorien Sardou: La Tosca at PG:

#books #literature #theatre

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"It is to be remarked that a good many people are born curiously unfitted for the fate awaiting them on this earth."

#OTD in 1912.

Joseph Conrad achieves his first popular success as the New York Herald begins serializing his novel Chance. He broke off with it in 1906, but sold the rights to the unfinished work in June 1911.…

Chance at PG:

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#Éphéméride : il y a 319 ans (1706) s'éteignait Adrien Baillet, janséniste et biographe de Descartes

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Fondazione Babele reloaded – ossessioni e contaminazioni by francesco mazzetta…

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Le memorie di un antiquario.
Autobiografia di Augusto Jandolo, antiquario romano vissuto fra 800 e 900, ci restituisce un interessante affresco di Roma in quel periodo. Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:…

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #cosediscuola #public_domain

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in reply to Gabriella Dodero

Ecco una descrizione del testo alternativo per l'immagine:

L'immagine ritrae una scena in una galleria d'arte o negozio di quadri. Due uomini in cilindro esaminano attentamente una mappa o un grande disegno stesa su un tavolo. Una giovane donna, vestita con un lungo cappotto scuro e un velo, sta in piedi vicino a un ragazzo che porta un portafoglio o una cartella. Un uomo anziano, seduto, osserva un quadro in cornice. La scena è dettagliata e ricca di atmosfera, con una finestra che mostra una vista di una strada cittadina.

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

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The truth about fiction

What distinguishes fiction from nonfiction? The answer to this perennial question relies on how we understand reality itself

by Hannah H Kim…

#books #literature #metaphysics

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Irish astronomer Agnes Mary Clerke died #OTD in 1907.

During her career she wrote reviews of many books, including some written in French, German, Greek, or Italian. In 1885, she published her best known work, A Popular History of Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century. This book became commonly used for its discussion of the spectroscope.…

Books about or by Agnes Mary Clerke at PG:…

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What Role Did Women Play in the Scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution was characterized by a major shift in the way of thinking. Historically, women’s contributions, however, were largely overlooked.

By Mike Cohen…

#books #history #literature #womeninStem

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Please correct the Alt-Text.
Mme is holding a compass, a tool for drawing, measuring, and copying accurate circles, not a quill pen.


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Women's contributions were not overlooked. Only the women were overlooked. The contributions helped immensely but were claimed by men.

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#Parution : Soulas, Nicolas. Familles et individus à l'épreuve : les Payan, de la révocation de l'édit de Nantes à l'âge des révolutions. Préface d'Hervé Leuwers. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes (Histoire), 2025. ISBN : 9782753599215.…

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In January 1827.

Amhlaoibh Ó Súilleabháin (also known as Humphrey O'Sullivan) begins his Irish-language diary, later published as Cín Lae Amhlaoibh.

It is invaluable for the insight it gives into life in rural Ireland in the early 19th century, and is a rare example of an early modern diary written in the Irish language. Ó Súilleabháin was also an avid bird watcher and a collector of manuscripts in the Irish language.…

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"While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man",
And its hero the Conqueror Worm."

In January 1843.

Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" appears in The Pioneer in Boston and his poem "The Conqueror Worm" in Graham's Magazine in Philadelphia.……

The Tell-Tale Heart and The Conqueror Worm at PG:

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"Let us be moral. Let us contemplate existence."

In January 1843.

Serial publication begins of Charles Dickens' picaresque novel The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit by Chapman & Hall in London. In the July chapters, he lands his hero in the United States.

Dickens's satire of American modes and manners in the novel won him no friends on the other side of the Atlantic.…

Martin Chuzzlewit at PG:

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#Éphéméride : il y a 316 ans (1709) disparaissait le père de La Chaise, confesseur du roi (qui donna son nom au fameux cimetière parisien)

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#Éphéméride : il y a 359 ans (1666) s'éteignait la reine Anne d'Autriche

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I documenti Aspern.
Romanzo di Henry James ambientato a Venezia, ricco di personaggi ambigui e con una situazione quasi "gialla". Si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:…

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in reply to Gabriella Dodero

Ecco una descrizione alternativa del dipinto:

Il dipinto raffigura una scena veneziana al tramonto. In primo piano, un lungo marciapiede di pietra costeggia un canale, con diverse persone che passeggiano, tra cui donne con bambini e venditori ambulanti. Un gondoliere è seduto sulla sua imbarcazione ormeggiata vicino al marciapiede. Sullo sfondo, si vedono edifici veneziani tipici, con palazzi e ponti, e in lontananza, la laguna e una parte della città. Il cielo è sereno con tonalità pastello, che contribuiscono all'atmosfera serena del dipinto.

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

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Austrian-born American actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr died #OTD in 2000.

Lamarr wanted to aid the Allied forces during World War II. She shared her concept for using “frequency hopping” with the U.S. Navy and codeveloped a patent with Antheil 1941. Today, her innovation helped make possible a wide range of wireless communications technologies, including Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth.

Below, U.S. patent 2,292,387 granted on August 11, 1942, under her legal name Hedy Kiesler Markey.


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hedi is one of my favorite stories of modern history. It's just really cool that someone who is an actress also had a significant invention in modern tech.

Normally actors just play people who make Cool inventions.

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Frankenstein inspired by suicide of Mary Shelley’s half-sister, book reveals

New collection of author’s diary entries provides tragic insight

By Vanessa Thorpe…

Frankenstein at PG:…

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Swedish painter and photographer Oscar Gustave Rejlander died #OTD in 1875.

His most famous work, "The Two Ways of Life" (1857), was a large-scale composite image made from over 30 negatives, depicting a moral allegory between vice and virtue. He worked closely with other pioneers like Henry Peach Robinson and was admired by Charles Darwin, who commissioned him to create photographs for The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872).…

#art #photography

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Mogens ed altre novelle.
Opera del romanziere danese di fine 800, Jens Peter Jacobsen, più noto per libri quali "Marie Grubbe", si può scaricare gratis, in pdf, da:…

#UnoLibri #libri #letteratura #cosediscuola #public_domain

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in reply to Gabriella Dodero

Certo, ecco una descrizione alternativa del testo dell'immagine:

L'immagine mostra una giovane donna vestita di bianco seduta su delle rocce vicino ad un lago o mare calmo. Il suo vestito è lungo e ampio, e tiene un cappello di paglia in grembo. Il colore dominante è il blu, che rappresenta il cielo e l'acqua sullo sfondo. Le rocce su cui è seduta sono di diverse dimensioni e tonalità di grigio e verde. L'atmosfera è serena e tranquilla.

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

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Virginia Woolf poems, written for niece and nephew, have been discovered

By Andrew Limbong…

Books by Virginia Woolf at PG:

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I'm reading Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf right now. It's great. I'm at the very beginning, but I'm already amazed at the realism of conveying the characters' thoughts.

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Argentine-Italian surrealist painter Leonor Fini died #OTD in 1996.

Some of her most famous paintings include "La Gardienne des Sources" and "Sphinx Series", where she depicted mythical and androgynous figures. Fini was also a costume and set designer, creating extravagant designs for theater, opera, and even Jean Cocteau’s films. She illustrated books, including editions of works by Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Baudelaire.…

#art #literature #surrealism

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English writer A. A. Milne was born #OTD in 1882.

He is best best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh, as well as for children's poetry. Milne was primarily a playwright before the huge success of Winnie-the-Pooh overshadowed all his previous work.

Watch our podcast on Winnie the Pooh:…

A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh as an accessible eBook:…

Books by A.A. Milne at PG:…

#books #literature

Here's something I've been working on for over 2 years, and I wanted to have something to show before Public Domain Day tomorrow: a fully accessible ebook, completely in the Public Domain. A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh.

The conversion of all 75,000 texts in Project Gutenberg to Accessible EPUB3 is an ongoing collective effort, but the last missing piece for Pooh was to supply image descriptions in alt text worthy of this iconic work. I hope we've mostly succeeded!

With work being done to implement the Marrakesh Treaty, national "authorized entities" are now able to share accessible versions of in-copyright works with each other internationally, but we don't have to wait for that in the case of works in the Public Domain.…

Project Gutenberg's accessible version of Winnie-the-Pooh can be shared freely throughout the world. If you don't like the added alt text, you are free to change it! (but maybe you'd prefer to work on one of the thousands of books that don't yet have image descriptions for the visually impaired!)

Creating alt text for a work of fiction is both hard work and a lot of fun. The descriptions have to fit in to the narrative of the text, without adding subjective interpretation of the illustrations. Not easy at all!

For example, the alt text for the illustration showing Pooh peering up at the bees can't call them bees, because in the next sentence, Pooh thinks: "That buzzing-noise means something. You don't get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning something."…

For Pooh, some technical corrections were necessary as well. The horizontal rules around the illustrations needed to be silenced with the HTML5 aria-hidden attribute. Six illustrations needed to be moved up or down a sentence to fit into the narrative.

In Chapter 7, the sentence: "If this is flying I shall never really take to it." had been rendered across 3 lines with margins and spaces, jumbling the word order. A change to vertical-align rendering makes it more accessible to everybody - I could copy and paste it!…

We've played with AI for image description, and the results are quite good for complex figures and the like, but it will be quite a while before AI image descriptions can be set loose without human editors, especially for works like Pooh. AI's can completely whiff on the simplest images!

We're working to create UIs for alt text editing and creation to enable more people to help out in accessibility mitigation. Maybe one of these people will be you! There are thousand of books that need help.

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E immagino non saranno in molti ad avere visto la Industrial Symphony n. 1 di Lynch e Badalamenti (ma io l'avevo in VHS)…

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