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"Challah Horse" was a Polish meme warning about Facebook AI spam 'targeted at susceptible people' that was stolen by a spam page targeted at susceptible people.

"Challah Horse" was a Polish meme warning about Facebook AI spam x27;targeted at susceptible peoplex27; that was stolen by a spam page targeted at susceptible people.#AISpam #Facebook #MarkZuckerberg #AISlop #FacebookSpam

What Day Is It Again? Check the Clock

A light-up clock displays the day of the week.

If you’re lucky enough to work from home, you’ll soon find that it presents its own set of challenges, mostly related to work/life balance. It can get so bad that you don’t know what day of the week it is. Really. Ask us how we know.

Rather than miss a meeting (or a day off), prolific hacker [Arnov Sharma] created this day of the week clock. It uses a customized LED driver board with seven sets of three LEDs, each driven by a MOSFET. Each MOSFET is controlled by a DFRobot Mini Beetle ESP32-C3. It runs on a 2200 mAh, 3.7 V lithium-ion battery.

While this is mostly PCBs, there are three printed parts that turn it into a displayable object. We really like the look of this clock — it has just the right amount of pizazz to it and reminds us of a and old movie marquee. Be sure to check out the great build instructions.

We love a good clock around here. In case you missed it, here is the latest from [Moritz v. Sivers] that uses a caustic lens to display the time.…

Cloud USA presto illegale? Trump fa il primo buco nell'accordo sui dati UE-USA.
Trump cerca di "paralizzare" il "Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board" (PCLOB). Un elemento chiave dell'accordo sul trasferimento dei dati tra UE e USA ("TADPF") che consente i flussi di dati tra UE e USA.
ms22 January 2025
EU US connected…

GOLEM - Assemblea dei soci 2025…
Segnalato da Linux Italia e pubblicato sulla comunità Lemmy @GNU/Linux Italia
Il giorno martedì 21 gennaio 2024 sì è tenuta l’assemblea ordinaria dei soci per il 2025, con ordine del giorno: Approvazione del bilancio e relazione attività 2024 Programmazione delle