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in reply to ⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

@⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 I can agree with all three points.

The first one is particularly important when using my preferred Fediverse software, Hubzilla and (streams), as well as Friendica. Unlike Mastodon, all three aren't monoliths; they're rather modular with lots of add-ons that are delivered with the server installation, but that can be activated or deactivated by the admin. Not all instances have all features activated.

So if you don't have a feature at hand that someone promised you to have in Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) in general, it wasn't necessarily a lie or lack of knowledge on that someone's side. It may rather be a case of the admin having deactivated that feature or not activated it in the first place.

The third point applies to (streams), too. Those of us who really know it saw it as the future of the Fediverse, at least ideally. But on August 31st, Mike Macgirvin threw in the towel and largely retired from Fediverse development altogether, leaving the streams repository to the community and unclear what'd happen to his few-weeks-old fork Forte.

It wasn't the first time that Mike has handed something over to the community. He did that with Friendica in 2012 when he concentrated on Red and the Zot protocol. He did it with Hubzilla in 2018 when he concentrated on Osada, Zap and Zot6. He did it again with Osada and Zap in 2020 when he concentrated on three new forks and the further advancement of Zot.

However, only Friendica and Hubzilla had big enough communities to really take over. Zap never really took off because it had no apparent advantages over Hubzilla in practice. Osada was soon discontinued because it was basically Zap with a different branding and different default settings. But at least Zap had someone to take care of it. And besides, on New Year's Eve of 2022, everything between Hubzilla and the streams repository was discontinued anyway because it was superseded by (streams) itself.

With (streams), it's different again. The existence of (streams) is fairly well-known on Hubzilla, except maybe among people who have only just joined Hubzilla. But hardly anyone knows what (streams) really is like, and that's only those who use it.

None of them has ever written and published a "test drive" that'd compare (streams) with Hubzilla. I've always wanted to, but I don't know if it makes sense anymore. It might even be counter-productive because it might lure people into (streams) at a point at which it's very buggy.

But as next to nobody on Hubzilla knows what advantages (streams) may have that might outweigh the cutting of lots of features, and as lots of features were cut on the way from Hubzilla to (streams) in the first place, there's zero incentive for Hubzilla users to try (streams).

And so there are only a few dozen (streams) users at best. There have never been more than seven public, open-registration instances, and they're dwindling now that nobody knows what'll become of the streams repository.

Worse yet, it looks like none of these few dozen users has both a) the time and b) the skills to pick up where Mike left. Several bugs are being hunted down, but it is unclear if anyone will fix them.

Fortunately, Mike has not entirely retired. Every few days or so, he is caught contributing to either the streams repository or Forte. But it looks like ironing out the bugs relies on community contributions.

Unfortunately, once-stable (streams) was left not only as a fairly unstable construction site, but it never reached the point that it was planned to reach: Fediverse-wide nomadic identity using ActivityPub. (streams) is nomadic, so it's possible to survive the shutdown of an instance if you've cloned your channel. But with there being fewer and fewer public instances, it becomes increasingly harder to find places where to clone your channel unless you set up your own instance.

Thanks to nomadic identity, it's possible to export the entirety of your channel into one or several JSON files. But these JSON files are so (streams)-specific that even the attempt at uploading them to a Hubzilla channel might destroy the whole hub. So nomadic identity couldn't save your channel if the last public (streams) instance vanished.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland thank you for the thorough explanation and two quick follow-up questions:

1) what are streams / what do they do?

2) are you saying the future of Hubzilla is uncertain / in peril?

in reply to ⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

@⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

1) what are streams / what do they do?

(streams) is a fork of a fork of three forks of a fork (of a fork?) of Hubzilla. Everything in this line of forks is/was made by Mike.

It's basically Hubzilla based on a more advanced protocol (Nomad, which would actually be Zot12, instead of Zot6), minus articles, minus webpages, minus wikis, minus multiple profiles per channel, minus all connections except Nomad, Zot6, ActivityPub and its own Atom feeds, minus a frontend for the CalDAV server, minus a few other features, but with ActivityPub included into the core and not disturbing nomadic identity as much, with first steps taken towards nomadic identity via ActivityPub (which, unfortunately, seems to have caused some bugs), with a somewhat improved UI, with a new UI theme, and with the permissions system reworked.

2) are you saying the future of Hubzilla is uncertain / in peril?

(streams)' future is uncertain.

Hubzilla was handed over to the community in 2018. Ever since then, it has been maintained by @Mario Vavti with some help mostly from @Harald Eilertsen. It also has a lot more users than (streams).

(streams)' current problem is that it has no-one like Mario amongst its few dozen users. One of them has the ambition and may have the time, but he's so little of a developer that he has only just recently taught himself git to a) fork the streams repository and b) make his own branch based on a commit before the first preparations for nomadic identity via ActivityPub went into release. One or two more are apparently more skilled, but they don't have enough time.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

A che serve il GDPR? Facebook ammette di aver raschiato le foto e i post pubblici di ogni utente adulto in Australia per addestrare la IA

L'azienda non offre agli australiani un'opzione di opt-out come avviene nell'UE, perché non è tenuta a farlo ai…

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A che serve il #GDPR? Facebook ammette di aver raschiato le foto e i post pubblici di ogni utente adulto in Australia per addestrare la IA

L'azienda non offre agli australiani un'opzione di opt-out come avviene nell'UE, perché non è tenuta a farlo ai sensi della legge sulla #privacy.

I rappresentanti di Facebook non hanno saputo dire se in futuro verrà offerta agli australiani la possibilità di rinunciare al servizio.


Il premier slovacco Fico respinge le accuse sull’acquisto di Pegasus, ma solleva dei dubbi

L'articolo proviene da #Euractiv Italia ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Intelligenza Artificiale
Il Primo Ministro slovacco Robert Fico ha negato le accuse che il suo governo abbia acquistato il famigerato spyware Pegasus, ma un esperto

New EU push for chat control: Will messenger services be blocked in Europe?

On Monday a new version of the globally unprecedented EU bill aimed at searching all private messages and chats for suspicious content (so-called chat control or child sexual abuse regulation) was circulated and leaked by POLITICO soon after. According to the latest proposal providers would be free whether or not to use ‘artificial intelligence’ to classify unknown images and text chats as ‘suspicious’. However they would be obliged to search all chats for known illegal content and report them, even at the cost of breaking secure end-to-end messenger encryption. The EU governments are to position themselves on the proposal by 23 September, and the EU interior ministers are to endorse it on 10 October. Messenger providers Signal and Threema have already announced that they will never agree to incorporate such surveillance routines into their apps and would rather shut down operations in the EU.

‘Instead of empowering teens to protect themselves from sextorsion and exploitation by making chat services safer, victims of abuse are betrayed by an unrealistic bill that is doomed in court, according to the EU Council’s own legal assessment,’ criticises Patrick Breyer, former Pirate Party Member of the European Parliament and co-negotiator of the European Parliament’s critical position on the proposal. ‘Flooding our police with largely irrelevant tips on old, long known material will fail to save victims from ongoing abuse, and will actually reduce law enforcement capacities for going after predators. Europeans need to understand that they will be cut off from using commonplace secure messengers if this bill is implemented – that means losing touch with your friends and colleagues around the world. Do you really want Europe to become the world leader in bugging our smartphones and mandating untargeted blanket surveillance of the chats of millions of law-abiding Europeans?’

Breyer describes the ‘concession’ to restrict chat monitoring to supposedly ‘known’ illegal content as window-dressing: ‘Regardless of the objective – imagine the postal service simply opened and snooped through every letter without suspicion. It’s inconceivable. Besides, it is precisely the current bulk screening for supposedly known content by Big Tech that exposes thousands of entirely legal private chats, overburdens law enforcement and mass criminalises minors.’

Breyer is calling on EU citizens to contact their governments and representatives now: ‘In June, under massive public pressure, there was a fragile blocking minority to save our digital privacy of correspondence and secure encryption. But now, with no spotlight on government dealings, minimal concessions could tip the scales. We have two weeks to make our governments reject chat control and call for a new, truly effective and rights-respecting approach to keeping our children safer online.’

Further information:…

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in reply to Bronson Friendica 🦋

@Bronson Friendica 🦋 @❄️ freezr ❄️ 🤣🤣🤣
Comunque tengo conto della critica e nel caso sospendo questo tipo di pubblicazioni dal canale finché non trova una soluzione migliore
in reply to Informa Pirata

@Informa Pirata In effetti, a essere completamente sincero, se proprio non mi attizza attizza il titolo evito di aprire quel tipo di link. 😁 @❄️ freezr ❄️

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Informa Pirata reshared this.

Palazzo Chigi, la premier allontana i colleghi dell'Ispettorato. Il comunicato del sindacato di polizia Silp Cgil

Nonostante la smentita del Presidente del Consiglio, il sindacato conferma quanto accaduto dopo la denuncia del quotidiano La Stampa definendo gli avvenimenti «Una situazione gravissima e mai accaduta nella storia della Repubblica»


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Il compromesso su Chatcontrol (scansione solo sul materiale noto) è una presa in giro rivenduta come soluzione rispettosa per la privacy

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4) /e/OS


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PS: Good luck for the new assignment, Mark!

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La tecnologia al centro del rapporto di Mario Draghi

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in reply to Informa Pirata

personalmente penso che abbiamo già perso il treno della tecnologia penso che l'Europa potrebbe e dovrebbe investire risorse nell'Open Source ed avere a disposizione una comunità senza eguali e con un grandissimo ritorno per tutti !

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@Lavoratori Tech

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Ricordate la vostra esperienza quando siete entrati su Mastodon?

Molti di coloro che creano un nuovo account nel Fediverso, infatti, si stufano subito perché nessuno se li fila...

Nel link alla fine, ho raccolto un po' di consigli per gli utenti Friendica (che in generale valgono anche per i nuovi Mastodontini), ma mi piacerebbe conoscere la vostra esperienza personale e SOPRATTUTTO i consigli che dareste VOI a un nuovo utente!


Quando crei un nuovo account, non è sufficiente scrivere un messaggio di saluto, ma...

Quando crei un nuovo account #Friendica (ma questo vale anche per un account come Mastodon) e scrivi un messaggio, è molto improbabile che qualcuno lo veda sulla tua istanza ed è ancora meno probabile che venga visto sulle altre istanze.

Infatti se nessuno ti segue, il tuo post comparirà solo nella timeline locale della tua istanza.

Il problema è che all'inizio non c'è mai nessuno che ti segue e, se anche qualcuno dovesse vedere un tuo post con scritto "Ciao a tutti! Che fate di bello?", probabilmente non ti seguirà.

Per aumentare la possibilità di essere seguiti, bisogna innanzitutto seguire alcune semplici regole:

1) Modificare il profilo scegliendo una miniatura interessante, inserendo una descrizione accattivante e aggiungendo l'indirizzo del tuo blog o di un qualche tuo account social (e magari potresti "verificare" il tuo account)
2) Scrivere un messaggio di presentazione con una breve descrizione di te stesso e con l'indicazione dei tuoi interessi e "fissare" questo messaggio sul tuo profilo ossia in cima alla serie di messaggi che vedrà chiunque capiti per caso sul tuo profilo. E ricorda di usare gli hashtag #presentazione e #introduction e no: evita di utilizzare i post con il titolo, perché gli utenti Mastodon non li leggeranno correttamente
3) cercare hashtag e parole chiave per individuare utenti da seguire tra quelli che ti interessano, quelli che hanno interessi a te affini e quelli che potrebbero essere interessati a te
4) seguire i gruppi Friendica (qualcosa di simile ai gruppi Facebook) o le comunità Lemmy (qualcosa di simile ai canali Reddit) di tuo interesse, per incontrare utenti che condividono i tuoi interessi
5) lavorare sulle impostazioni del tuo profilo per rendere pubblico e ricercabile il tuo profilo e aggiungere la bandiera del tuo Paese al tuo profilo
6) usare (non troppi!) hashtag nei post che vuoi che vengano trovati
7) soprattutto, non fermarti a una sola istanza: cerca di entrare in contatto con utenti che si trovano in tante istanze diverse

Quando finalmente qualcuno deciderà di seguirti, allora i tuoi post si vedranno oltre che nella timeline locale della tua istanza, anche nella timeline personale di chi ti segue e nella timeline federata di quelle istanze in cui c'è qualcuno che ti segue.

Infine, se qualcuno decide di ricondividere il tuo post, allora anche i follower di quell'utente vedranno il tuo post.

Ora forse è più chiaro perché, quando crei un nuovo account, non è sufficiente scrivere un messaggio di saluto, ma devi assicurarti che quel messaggio sia visibile. Il Fediverso infatti non è come i social commerciali che ti sottopongono contenuti e ti "organizzano appuntamenti virtuali" all'interno della piattaforma per portarti a incontrare NON quegli utenti che ti interessano, MA qugli utenti che possono attirare di più la tua attenzione per tenerti attaccato alla loro app e al loro social e mungere la maggiore quantità dei tuoi dati comportamentali.

@Che succede nel Fediverso?