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“No alle prime posizioni, non ai posti più comodi, quelli sono vicoli ciechi, che se abbiamo la sfortuna di imbucarli dobbiamo tornare indietro con il lavoro e la vergogna”.

Mercedes-Benz Head Unit security research report


This report covers the research of the Mercedes-Benz Head Unit, which was made by our team. Mercedes-Benz’s latest Head Unit (infotainment system) is called Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX). We performed analysis of the first generation MBUX.

MBUX was previously analysed by KeenLab. Their report is a good starting point for diving deep into the MBUX internals and understanding the architecture of the system.

In our research we performed detailed analysis of the first generation MBUX subsystems, which are overlooked in the KeenLab research: diagnostics (CAN, UDS, etc.), connections via USB and custom IPC.

This article would not have been possible without the amazing work of Radu Motspan, Kirill Nesterov, Mikhail Evdokimov, Polina Smirnova and Georgy Kiguradze, who conducted the research, discovered the vulnerabilities, and laid the groundwork for this report.

Special thanks to Mercedes-Benz Group AG for their professionalism and prompt handling of all the identified vulnerabilities.

Diagnostic software

To get a first look at the vehicle architecture, it is helpful to use diagnostic software (which is available to certified users only) to scan the Electronic Control Unit (ECU), identify its version, and test the software’s diagnostic functionality. There are several diagnostic tools which make it possible to connect to the vehicle, using various types of communication. In our research, we used a combination of diagnostic tools: a certain hardware interface and a corresponding software application to communicate with the vehicle through the hardware device. This setup allowed us to establish communication over DoIP (Diagnostic Over Internet Protocol):

Communication between diagnostic software and hardware

The TCP communication between the diagnostic tool and the diagnostic hardware device is performed over Ethernet using custom protocols (Protocol Data Unit, PDU). At the first stage, the diagnostic hardware device uses a custom ASCII-based protocol (CSD). It performs user authentication, version check, configuration setup, and provides the initial environment to process the upper layer protocol (PDU).

The upper layer protocol has a binary format. It is used to send Universal Diagnostic Services (UDS) messages, trigger DoIP communication, and so on. To analyze this protocol, we used a script written in LUA:
[pduparser.lua]. Using this script, UDS commands can be easily distinguished from the regular network traffic of communication between the diagnostic software and hardware:

We examined the diagnostic tool interface and decoded the traffic, which allowed us to find various UDS commands, such as for resetting the ECU, turning off the engine, and locking the doors.


The architecture of MBUX is as follows:

The main parts of MBUX are:

  • MMB (Multi Media Board) — the main part of the head unit (HU) which contains all the subsystems;
  • BB (Base Board) — the part with chips for various network communications;
  • CSB (Country Specific Board) — the extended part which communicates with the MMB through internal Ethernet;
  • RH850 — the module designed to provide communication between low level buses.

Full information on the MBUX architecture can be found in the KeenLab research.

Test setups

For our research we used two test setups:

  • a real car — Mercedes B180;
  • a testbed — our own platform for hardware and software testing, which we designed for the purpose of this study.


While modeling the testbed, we needed to bypass the original anti-theft feature, because after the actual vehicle is started up, the head unit waits for authentication over the CAN bus. As mentioned in the KeenLab research, specific commands should be sent over CAN to wake up the system. We couldn’t imitate this in our setup, so the head unit was entering anti-theft mode and the user couldn’t communicate with it. Taking an empirical approach, we discovered that some CAN messages force the head unit to reset the anti-theft status. In fact, these messages trigger the anti-theft check. For example, when the head unit tries to turn off the display, the CAN message initiates the anti-theft check, leaving the head unit still accessible for a few seconds. For seamless and stable investigation, we created a script that continuously sent this message in a loop.

As a result, the head unit becomes accessible for a long time, switching between an authenticated state and anti-theft mode.


The MMB runs on Linux, and its filesystems are located on the eMMC. We needed to extract the eMMC from the printed circuit board by unsoldering it. Inside, there are several partitions:

MMB files can also be downloaded from a diagnostic tool website that provides updates for specific hardware part numbers.

Unpack update

Nowadays multimedia systems in cars are generally updated over-the-air. Car dealerships are one exception, however, as they can perform offline software updates with the diagnostic tool.

Several outdated update files can still be found online. Update file types can be divided into the following groups by their names:

  • files with \*ALL\*, containing *.CFF, *.SMR-F and *.bin files;
  • files with \*CFF\*, containing only *.CFF files;
  • files with \*SMR-F\*, containing only *.SMR-F files.

In general, *.bin files are containers with a custom file structure. They can be encoded with zlib or other methods.

*.SMR-F files are compressed and they also have a custom file structure. Besides metadata in plaintext, they also contain encrypted data, which the diagnostic tool uses its shared libraries to decrypt. After decryption, the resulting file contains the metadata and a container, just like the *.bin files.

*.CFF files contain the same payload content as the *.SMR-F files, but uncompressed. This format was used for earlier head unit generations.

Custom IPC

Inside the head unit, firmware services use custom IPC protocols for communication between their own threads, other services and other ECUs. There are three main widely used protocols:

  • thriftme;
  • MoCCA;
  • GCF.

These protocols can be used at the same time; moreover, each service can use all of them simultaneously. Knowing the internals and API of these protocols, it’s easier to understand the workflow of the services.


This RPC protocol is based on the open-source protocol Apache Thrift. Its main distinctive feature is that thriftme allows subscribers to be notified about particular events. The UNIX socket, TCP, UDP, SSL, and so on can be used as a transport for this protocol. The core functionality of this protocol is implemented in the library

The base class in the thriftme RPC is “thrift::TServiceBroker”, which isolates the communication with transports and call interfaces of services and clients. In thriftme, the service broker version is the instance of “thrift::lisa::CTLisaServiceBroker”, which inherits from “thrift::TServiceBroker”.

Services in thriftme are inherited from “thrift::lisa::TLisaServerBase” (which, in turn, inherits from “thrift::TServiceProcessor”). Services are registered in the service broker through “thrift::TServiceProcessor::registerService”. Transport used by clients is registered through “thrift::lisa::CTLisaServiceBroker::addServers” (which wraps “thrift::TServiceBroker::addServer”). Service interface functions are registered through “thrift::TServiceProcessor::tmRegisterCallback”. The handler is passed to this export function in arguments, and it is called while processing the client request. So the instance of the service in memory looks as follows:

The “interface1” field contains functions which process the API of the service and their wrappers previously registered through “thrift::TServiceProcessor::tmRegisterCallback”. The “interface2” field contains functions which are called to notify subscribers of this service.

Clients in thriftme are inherited from “thrift::lisa::TLisaClientBase” (which, in turn, inherits from “thrift::TClient”). In fact, client instances are created by the service broker when the transport is successfully created. In our case, the service broker used the factory of a client, which is registered in the service broker through “thrift::TServiceBroker::tmRegCli”. The factory helps clients register handlers for notification about events through “thrift::TClient::tmRegisterCallback”. The sample instance layout of a thriftme client is the following:

The “interface1” field contains the handler is called after transport connection. Usually this handler is used to trigger a subscribe operation to receive event notifications. The “interface2” field contains functions which send requests to the service API. The “interface3” field contains functions which are called before initiating the “notify subscribers” operation of this service. Their wrappers were previously registered through “thrift::TClient::tmRegisterCallback”.


This RPC framework was developed by Harman and is based on the open-source DSI framework. The core functionality is implemented in the “/opt/sys/lib/” library. This framework is widely used for interthread communication.

During start-up, the service creates component instances through factory functions, for example “CHBApplicationBuilder::theCDiagnosisComponentCreator”. This instance inherits from the class “CHBComponent”. The global variable “CHBComponentInfo::spMap” contains the mapping between additional information about components and their names. The framework allows components to have their own aliases to access another components through “CHBComponentInfo::addComponentMapping”: “CHBComponentInfo::addComponentMapping(&unk_581498, “FsActionHandler”, “FilesystemMainActionHandler”)”. Components can contain multiple services and clients and can communicate with their own services or other component services. The following is the architecture of components:

For communication the following events are used:

An example of a client object is “CTraceServiceClientBase”, which inherits from “CHBClientBase” and uses the proxy object “CTraceServiceProxy” for transport. The proxy object inherits from “CHBProxyBase” and is created through the factory method “CTraceServiceProxy::findOrCreateInstance”. It tries to reuse already created proxy objects inside this component. The general layout of a client object is as follows:

The “IHBEventConsumer” interface is used to process response events in “CTraceServiceClientBase”. The entry point for processing is the “processEvent” method. It uses two values to find a handler, which are called as follows:

  • use the “status” field to identify the response: standard response of a service, failed or invalid response;
  • use the “internalID” field to identify the API function.

On the service side in our example we used the “CTraceServiceStub” class. Below is its layout:

The request event is processed in the “processEvent” method. It identifies the API function handler using the “internalID” field and calls the identified handler.


GCF is a custom protocol, which is used for RPC. It allows the services to be registered in the router. The router handles the following messages from services and clients:

  • Control message (“CTRL”):
  • “REGS” – used to register service;
  • “REGF” – used to register RPC function of service;
  • “EVNT” – used by service to notify clients about event;
  • “CALL” – used by clients to call functionality of service;
  • etc.

So during initialization, the services are registered in the router. The internal router table handles the flow of message processing. Finally, clients can send call requests to the router, which trigger predefined functions of registered services. The format of a call request is as follows:
CALL <ServiceName>:<Number> <ServiceCallName> <Params>

Internal network

As mentioned in the KeenLab research, there are some test points on the head unit, which are used by the CSB for connection to the MMB. We removed the default connection and connected the RJ45 cable to access the internal network of the head unit. This connection, labelled as
eth0, has some restrictions, as stated in the corresponding firewall rules in “firewall_prd.policy”:-A INPUT -s [IP]/32 -d [IP]/32 -i eth0 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -s [IP]/32 -d [IP]/32 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -s [IP]/32 -d [IP]/32 -o eth0 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT
Access to services on the MMB is established via an IP address, which is a default address for connecting the CSB to the MMB. The scan results of TCP ports on the MMB are as follows:

After connecting to the test point, we received a huge attack surface and access to the Diagnostic Log and Trace (DLT) subsystem, which is very helpful when testing and debugging:

DLT supports callback injection, which makes it possible to call specific handlers inside services. In the head unit this feature is widely used for product testing.

Identified vulnerabilities

The following findings were used to compromise the testbed. It is necessary for debugging the environment and searching for vulnerabilities in the subsystem that can be exploited in the real car.

CVE-2024-37600 (MoCCA)

The “servicebroker” service is a part of a DSI framework, which is used in MoCCA. This service is used to monitor services and clients.

It sets up HTTP servers using TCP ports. There are several POST commands, which can be processed. One of them is
disconnect, which takes a string as an argument.
The code in the
setup() function tries to parse this command with functions that provide unnecessarily excessive access to memory. According to the disassembled code, it performs read operations using sscanf on a stack buffer. As a result, there can be a stack buffer overflow:

In DLT logs we can identify crashes:

CVE-2023-34404 (GCF)

“MonitorService” is a service which can be accessed over GCF protocol. This service is initialized and started in the “scp” service. The latter, in turn, is a systemd service, which starts with the following configuration:

[Service]ExecStart=/opt/comm/swmp/wicome/bin/scp -f /var/opt/swmp/pss_config.cfg -s
wicome_config -r /opt/comm/swmp/wicome/bin -k VerboseLevel=5
ExecStop=/bin/kill $MAINPID
“MonitorService” uses the following configuration file “/var/opt/swmp/pss_config.cfg” to fine-tune its operation:
MonitorService.TimestampEnable = 1
MonitorService.ReceiveEnable = 1
MonitorService.MonitoringEnable = 1
MonitorService.MessageBufferSize = 1000
MonitorService.MessageBufferMemory = 512000
#1-file, 2-dlt, 3-both
MonitorService.LogMode = 2
#MonitorService.LogMode = 0
MonitorService.LogFileSize = -1
MonitorService.LogFileName = /tmp/wicom.log
MonitorService.LinefeedEnable = 1
MonitorService.HeaderEnable = 1
MonitorService.FileHeaderEnable = 1
MonitorService.Port = 2021
The “MonitorService.Port” variable handles the number of the TCP port that will be used by the server. The “MonitorService.ReceiveEnable” variable defines whether the server is able to handle requests from clients. Accordingly, “MonitorService”, containing the head unit configuration, can receive GCF messages from the client and transfer them through the GCF router.

The list of registered services in the GCF router includes “NetworkingService”. It has the following registered handlers:

The “NWS_PF_setMacAddrExceptionIP” handler adds rules to the firewall policy. It uses the following arguments:

  • macAddress – MAC address for the rule;
  • direction – defines the direction of rule: inbound or outbound;
  • fate – defines the type of rule: allow or deny;
  • command – the action to be performed: add the rule or remove it from the policy.

The control flow for processing this request is located in the following binaries: “MonitorService”, “” and “”. The call stack is the following:
sub_EE6E8 (NWS_PF_setMacAddrExceptionIP)
sub_E9D0C (sNWS_PF_setMacAddrExceptionIP)
sub_F275C (CGCFStub_PF::setMacAddrExceptionIP)
sub_F7AF4 (CGCFStub_PF::_int_setMacAddrExceptionIP)
sub_F7EB4 (systemExec)
sub_F7AF4 function executes the system() call with arguments to the iptables binary:/* ... */
if ( v10 )
v11 = (const char *)PAL::CString::raw(direction);
v12 = (const char *)PAL::CString::raw(mac);
if ( snprintf(v22, 0xFFuLL, "iptables -%s %s -m mac --mac-source %s -j
%s ", (const char *)&v21, v11, v12, v20) < 0 )
/* ... */
v18 = 0;
if ( v18 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)systemExec(a1, v22) != 1 )
/* ... */
return 0;
/* ... */
When processing the request, the MAC address is neither checked nor restricted. That means an attacker can perform command injection during the
iptables command execution.

Privilege escalation

The head unit uses the outdated system Polkit, which is vulnerable to CVE-2021-4034. This is a local privilege escalation vulnerability that can result in unprivileged users gaining administrative rights on the target machine. There are a lot of publicly available exploits targeting it, enabling the execution of arbitrary commands as the user “phone” of group “comm”.

After successfully exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can run commands to modify network interfaces, mount filesystems, and perform other privileged activities. Although some restrictions are imposed, a potential attacker can access the systemd command to further escalate their privileges.

The partition with root filesystem was mounted as a read-only filesystem. As mentioned in the KeenLab research, the head unit doesn’t have any enabled disk integrity protection features. That means the filesystem can be remounted with read and write rights, and the bash scripts that are run during start-up can be modified.


USB is the most popular attack vector in terms of physical access. The head unit is built on a microservice architecture, where each service is rather isolated and communicates through an API. Each microservice of the head unit provides some internal functionality and one or more thriftme services, through which other microservices can communicate with it. This fact enables the emulation of a USB subsystem using QEMU user-mode version.


The “DeviceManager” service is responsible for handling USB events: adding, removing, mounting or updating. Other services can subscribe to “DeviceManager” and use notify callbacks to perform actions when USB events occur. For example, such a service can start searching for specific files when the USB filesystem is mounted.

The “GDVariantCodingService” service is a frontend of variant coding. Other services use it to identify the parameters of the head unit and car.

Both of these services should be emulated to run a self-hosted USB subsystem. This task can be performed by emulating corresponding thriftme services. So, for successful emulation, we should perform the following actions:

  1. Prepare the network for IP addresses used by services.
  2. The services “DeviceManager” and “GDVariantCodingService” use UNIX sockets for transport. To emulate them, it’s easier to use TCP sockets so that we aren’t dependent on the filesystem. Perform forwarding using socat.
  3. Run the emulated thriftme services. In our case, we created, and In, the mounting of the USB filesystem is emulated to the path “/opt/sys/bin/aaaaa”.
  4. Use QEMU user emulation in a “transparent” fashion.
  5. In the chroot environment prepare folders and devices.

The USB subsystem is emulated.

Emulation of data export, import and tracing

The head unit has the functionality to import or export user profile files (seat position, favorite radio stations, etc.) to or from a USB storage. This task is handled by the “UserData” service — to be more precisely, by the thriftme service “CSystemProfileServiceImpl”.

The user profiles backup looks like a folder with the following directory structure:
└── MyMercedesBackup
├── shared
├── system
│ ├── rse.ud2
│ └── system.ud2
└── udxprofiles
├── profile0
│ ├── commuterroute.ud2
│ ├── emotions.ud2
│ ├── navidata.ud2
│ ├── pud.ud2
│ ├── uapreds.ud2
│ ├── vt_ab.ud2
│ └── vt_tuner.ud2
└── profileindex.xml
Some of the files are generated by “UserData” itself, but most of them are generated and processed by other services, like “CAPServer”. The most important component of data import and export processes is the thriftme service “UserDataExchangeService” in “UserData”. Services subscribe for notifications about data import and export in UserDataExchangeService.

“CSystemProfileServiceImpl” performs the following workflow when exporting the profiles backup:

  1. Run timer for 100 seconds.
  2. Notify client services through “UserDataExchangeService” using events that request data export. Such events contain the information about the exported data.
  3. Services call API functions that verify the success of the data export. Their arguments are a data key and a path to the file.
  4. “UserData” collects all received files, encodes them and stores them in the mounted USB filesystem.

The scheme is similar for the profile backup import:

  1. “UserData” copies files from the USB to the local system and decodes them.
  2. It notifies client services through events that request data import.
  3. If the client service is handling the data key, it imports the data.
  4. Services call API functions that verify the success of the data import.

The backup contains XML files and binary files. Binary files are considered more useful for vulnerability hunting:

Data keyFilename in backupContent
PUD_COMMUTERcommuterroute.ud2ISO-8859 text, with no line terminators
PUD_UAPREDICTIONSDATAuapreds.ud2SQLite 3.x database
PUD_VT_TUNERvt_ab.ud2Proprietary binary data
PUD_VT_ADDRESSBOOKvt_tuner.ud2Proprietary binary data

When triggering backup import (restore) and export (backup), the following scripts were created: and
Almost all the services of the head unit support the trace system
HBTracePersistence, which allows tracing to be turned on and off for a specific module or function.
The “hbtc” file contains the tracing system configuration and determines the function tracing method. An example of the “hbtc” file is provided below:
HBTracePersistence 1.0.0
imp 00 08
imp_userdata_private_CSystemProfileManager ff 08
imp_userdata_private_CUserDataVehicleInformationAdapter ff 08
imp_userdata_private_CUserDataIF2Impl ff 08
imp_common_streamhelper_StreamHelper ff 08
imp_userdata_private_CUDXStructure ff 08
As mentioned previously, files in the backup are encoded — the algorithm is proprietary. The “CPUserDataEncodingHandler” class handles it. The script was prepared to be able to encode and decode files.

Identified vulnerabilities

The following vulnerabilities were tested on a real car.


The process of decoding files with the
*.ud2 extension contains the heap buffer overflow vulnerability.
“UserData” represents encoded data through the “CHBString” object, which processes data as a UTF string. Then the UD2-specific decoding characters should be deleted, and their indexes should remain constant. For this task we used the “CHBString::const_iterator::incrementSteps” function to get the pointer on the desired character and “CHBString::remove” to remove the character from the string. “CHBString::const_iterator::incrementSteps” incorrectly processes the character with code
0xe7: it will be decoded as 1 byte. But according to the table “UTF8LookUpTable”, which is used in “CHBString::remove” and “CHBString::CHBString”, the character with code 0xe7 is encoded with 3 bytes.
As a result, when performing the “CHBString::remove” function, the calculated pointer can be outside of the allocated buffer after UTF decoding with “UTF8LookUpTable”. The memmove function will be called with the third argument (size of buffer) equal to -1.
Without further exploitation by the attacker, this vulnerability triggers the crash of the “UserData” service during data import. This puts the system into a frozen state, which can be fixed only through an ECU hard reset.


As mentioned previously, the
vt_ab.ud2 file was decoded as vt_ab.xml during the profile backup export for vulnerability searching. This file’s contents resemble a binary and it is processed by the text-to-speech service.
vt_ab.xml file contains another file, describing which service will be dropped during processing. For this task it contains the name of the file to drop. This action is performed in the “UserDataExchangeServiceClient::unpackVoiceTagArchiveOptimized” function:

  • get the content of the file describing what to drop;
  • get the name of the file to drop and perform the dropping.

Because the checks are not being performed, an attacker can control the path which is used to write controllable content. As a result, the attacker can access arbitrary file writing with the same rights the service has.


After decoding, the
uapreds.ud2 file in the profile folder “MyMercedesBackup/udxprofiles/profile0” takes the form of uapreds.db. The system recognizes it as an SQLite database, which is parsed in the service that uses machine learning for creating efficient routes. The decoded file is processed in “capthrift::CapServer::requestImportBinaryData”, then it calls “capthrift::CapServer::setProfile” to load the database.
All values in the SQLite database tables are serialized as an archive to match the boost library. The format of this archive can be either XML or plain text. We used the plain text mode. Here is an example of an archive in the
learning_kernel row of the kvpair_table table:22 serialization::archive 11 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
0.00000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.00000000000000000e+00
The last publicly available version of the boost library, 1.81 (at the time of research), contains the integer overflow vulnerability. This vulnerability can be exploited when processing an entity pointer:

In (1), the value
cid was obtained from the attacker-controllable data. After that, in (2), this value is used as an array index to get the cobject_id object. (3.1) and (3.2) introduce restrictions for cid:

  • whether the value of cid equals -1;
  • whether the value of cid is greater than the size of the cobject_id_vector array.

These restrictions can be bypassed using the assigned value of
cid. This is possible because the definition of class_id_type is assigned an integer:

So if we assign the “–3” value to
cid, then the pointer co.bpis_ptr (2) will be corrupted.
Lastly, the triggered vulnerability in the debugger looks as follows:
Thread 63 hit Breakpoint 2, 0x0000004002f3cea4 in ?? ()
# cid value
(gdb) i r x2
x2 0xfffffffffffffffd -3
# cobject_id_vector size
(gdb) x/1hx $x20 + 0x58
0x405c01b278: 0x000e
# cobject_id_vector pointer
(gdb) x/1gx $x20 + 0x60
0x405c01b280: 0x000000405c017f00
# 1 element in the cobject_id_vector
(gdb) x/3gx *(void **)($x20 + 0x60) + 0 * 0x18
0x405c017f00: 0x000000400147f1c8 0x0000000000000000
0x405c017f10: 0x0000010000000002
# refferenced element
(gdb) x/3gx *(void **)($x20 + 0x60) + -3 * 0x18
0x405c017eb8: 0x5f72696170766b5f 0x00315f656c626174
0x405c017ec8: 0x0000000000000035
(gdb) c

Thread 63 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

Exploitation notes

At the first stage, it is assumed that the image base address is fixed and the vulnerability code is loaded to a specific address in the memory. We analyzed the vulnerability code and checked exactly how all the pointers are dereferenced and where the virtual call is performed. Here are the steps:

  • By controlling the id, we can move the pointer (by moving it to negative offsets relative to the beginning of the array in the heap);
  • By moving the pointer, we will get to an address where another address containing an object for bis_ptr is located;
  • The address for bis_ptr should contain the address of the virtual call table.

Controlling only the offset to the corresponding object, we need to get to the address in the heap which contains a pointer to the pointer with the associated virtual table.

We can implement such a scenario using a spray of DDL entries inside the SQLite database that we can control. For such a spray, we need to create a lot of tables with long names. As a result, structures of a proper format will appear in the heap and a negative index will allow us to get to these structures.

Below is an example of such a SQLite-based file (the entry in
sqlite_schema is a table creation request):

So we can create a lot of tables with long names, which gives us a heap spraying primitive.

Using the heap spraying technique, an attacker can fully control the execution:

To import the
uapreds.db database to the “CAPServer” service, we need to copy it to the service’s working directory. Then “CAPServer” tries to load the database from its own working directory. As a result, if an attacker managed to import the database which triggers the vulnerability in the head unit, then each start-up of “CAPServer” will try to load it and crash. The “CAPServer” service gets started by “systemd” and is configured as follows:
[Service]ExecStart=/opt/prediction/bin/CAPServer /var/opt/prediction/
ExecStop=/bin/kill $MAINPID
This means that after the crash, “systemd” will try to restart “CAPServer”. This triggers an infinite loop of service crashes, which can be helpful when trying to brute force the image base address.

Inside SQLite database, there is a pragma section which contains SQL commands to create tables. This feature can be used to create controllable data out of tables in the database based on the current time. The following script can be used to automate the process of creating an SQLite database, which might trigger this vulnerability according to the current time:
STOP_TIME=$(date --date='-2 hours +10 seconds' +"%H:%M:%S")

echo "Trigger until < $STOP_TIME, clean after >= $STOP_TIME";

poc_value="CRASH the system"
clean_value="system work"

check() {
sqlite3 $DBPATH << EOF
SELECT strftime ('Time of database: %H:%M:%S', 'now');
select * from target_table;


sqlite3 $DBPATH << EOF
CREATE VIEW target_table AS SELECT "key" AS varkey, "$poc_value" AS varval
WHERE TIME() < "$STOP_TIME" UNION SELECT "key" AS varkey, "$clean_value" AS
varval WHERE TIME() >= "$STOP_TIME";


sleep 10

As a result, an attacker can run image base address brute forcing for some time.

Attack vectors

During our research, we managed to compromise the testbed of the head unit and found several vulnerabilities for a real car via physical access.

The testbed compromise has three potential use cases:

  • a criminal wanting to disable the anti-theft protection in a stolen head unit;
  • a car owner tuning and unlocking prepaid services on their vehicle;
  • a pentester conducting research to find new vulnerabilities.

In the case of a real car, the identified vulnerabilities can be triggered through an exposed USB service that is available to the general user.

Vulnerability list

During the process of vulnerability disclosure with the vendor, the following CVE IDs were assigned:


The CVE details will be published here:….…

In occasione del Giubileo del Mondo della Comunicazione, la mostra "Comunicare la Speranza. Un’altra informazione è possibile", organizzata dalla Società San Paolo e dalle Figlie di San Paolo, aprirà il 25 gennaio presso l'Aula Nervi in Vaticano.

Modding a Toddler’s Ride-On For More Grunt

Kids love their Power Wheels and other ride-on electric cars. Indeed, [Ashwin]’s son was digging his little ATV, but soon found that some care was needed on the pedal. It had no proper throttle control, instead turning the motor hard on or off and scaring the poor kid in the process. The solution? A bit of an upgrade from some off-the-shelf electronics.

Inspiration came from—where else—the /r/PowerWheelsMods subreddit. The main tweak was to install an off-the-shelf soft-start circuit to stop the motor banging hard on when the accelerator was pushed. Instead, when the accelerator is pushed, the module gradually ramps up its PWM output to the motor to smooth out the acceleration curve. This would make the ATV much easier to ride.

Implementing this off-the-shelf solution did take some doing, though. The first attempt ended with a short circuit and a blown fuse. However, [Ashwin] wasn’t deterred—a trip back online to do some research did the trick. With some careful wiring that took into account the crude forward and reverse circuit, [Ashwin] had a much smoother running ride-on for his son.

While most of the mods we see for these little ride-ons are all about power and speed, we do appreciate the occasional attempt to make the things a bit safer for younger drivers. If you’re brewing up your own fancy kidmobile at home—don’t hesitate to let us know!…

Basta Privilege Escalation! Microsoft Potenzia Windows 11 contro le LPE

Microsoft ha ampliato i test della protezione dell’amministratore in Windows 11 consentendo agli utenti di Windows Insider di abilitare la funzionalità tramite le Impostazioni di sicurezza di Windows.

Introdotta per la prima volta in ottobre per il canale Canary, la Protezione amministratore utilizza un meccanismo nascosto per l’elevazione temporanea dei diritti e le richieste di autenticazione tramite Windows Hello, consentendo l’accesso ai diritti amministrativi solo quando necessario. La protezione ha lo scopo di impedire l’accesso non autorizzato alle risorse critiche del sistema.

Quando questa funzionalità è abilitata, gli amministratori che hanno effettuato l’accesso dispongono dei diritti utente standard e devono autenticarsi utilizzando Windows Hello (PIN o dati biometrici) quando installano nuove app o apportano modifiche al registro. Le richieste di autenticazione sono più difficili da aggirare rispetto al meccanismo esistente di controllo dell’account utente (UAC), rendendo più difficile la penetrazione di malware e aggressori.
Esempio di finestra delle credenziali con una nuova area colorata (più grande) sopra la descrizione dell’applicazione ( Microsoft)
La funzionalità è disabilitata per impostazione predefinita e può essere abilitata dagli amministratori tramite criteri di gruppo o strumenti di gestione come Intune.

Inoltre, ora gli utenti possono abilitarlo autonomamente tramite le impostazioni di sicurezza di Windows nella sezione Aggiornamento e sicurezza – Sicurezza di Windows – Protezione dell’account. La modifica richiede il riavvio del sistema.

Questa funzionalità è disponibile per i Windows Insider nel canale Canarie che hanno installato Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 27774. Microsoft prevede inoltre di introdurre presto una nuova funzionalità denominata Ripristino rapido sistema, che consente agli amministratori di risolvere in remoto i problemi che rendono inutilizzabili i dispositivi dopo gli aggiornamenti di Windows.

La nuova funzionalità, come molte altre opzioni di sicurezza, funziona come parte della Secure Future Initiative.

L'articolo Basta Privilege Escalation! Microsoft Potenzia Windows 11 contro le LPE proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.

Pakistan, ex premier Khan condannato a 14 anni per frode

RAWALPINDI – “Khan è condannato”, ha dichiarato il giudice Nasir Javed Rana, annunciando la sentenza di condanna contro l’ex premier pachistano. Il tribunale anti-corruzione si è riunito nel carcere vicino…
L'articolo Pakistan, ex premier Khan condannato a 14 anni per frode su Lumsanews.

@Universitaly: università & universitari

In piazza contro il ddl sicurezza: l’allerta del Viminale e la preoccupazione dell’Onu

[quote]ROMA – “Centomila luci contro il buio del regime”. È lo slogan con cui venerdì 17 gennaio scenderanno nelle più importanti piazze d’Italia i manifestanti contro il ddl sicurezza. La mobilitazione…
L'articolo In piazza contro il ddl sicurezza: l’allerta del Viminale

Traversetolo, l’ex fidanzato di Chiara registra i nomi dei due neonati sepolti in giardino

[quote]PARMA – Angelo Federico e Domenico Matteo. Questi i nomi dati ai figli di Chiara Petrolini, indagata per duplice omicidio e occultamento di cadavere. Li ha scelti Samuel, l’ex fidanzato…
L'articolo Traversetolo, l’ex fidanzato di Chiara registra i nomi dei

Firmato l’accordo. Ma il Likud fa sapere che non significa la fine della guerra

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Il ministro della difesa Israel Katz ha dichiarato che in risposta alla liberazione israeliana dei prigionieri politici palestinesi, libererà i coloni in israeliani in detenzione amministrativa
L'articolo Firmato l’accordo. Ma il Likud fa sapere che

L’AI alla prova della guerra in Cina. Ecco l’ultimo progetto del Dipartimento della Difesa

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

L’Indo-Pacific Command (Indopacom) degli Stati Uniti, in collaborazione con il Pentagono e alcuni attori privati, ha lanciato un nuovo progetto per esplorare l’uso dell’intelligenza artificiale generativa nelle operazioni militari. Nei prossimi novanta giorni gli sforzi si concentreranno su questioni

a me ricorda tanto come quando i complottisti tirano fuori le famose "tracce" di qualcosa riferendola a oscure e vaghe minacce. la natura per definizione non sa cosa sia la purezza. se vai a guardare le "tracce" o contare gli "atomi" qualsiasi cosa è contenuta dentro qualsiasi altra. non esistono reali separazioni fisiche. è anche vero che per coerenza alcune di queste persone che vedono pericolo nelle "tracce" pensano anche che l'omeopatia funzioni, e in questo sonno appunto coerenti, visto che se nell'omeopatia c'è ancora qualcosa del principio attivo sono giusto tracce, ma chi dispone di un livello minimo di intelligenza sa, e a volte è pure una maledizione, che il livello di concentrazione utile è tutto per definire se una sostanza è utile o dannosa. non credo occorra aggiungere altro.

La nuova sfida spaziale è la Navigation warfare. Le soluzioni di Northrop Grumman Italia

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Nell’attuale scenario globale, il dominio spaziale si configura sempre più come un elemento cardine delle strategie di difesa e sicurezza. In particolare, lo sviluppo che ha interessato il settore dei satelliti in orbita bassa (Leo) ha rivoluzionato il modo di operare dallo e nello

Etiopia, milioni di sfollati in Tigray continuano a soffrire dopo 4 anni

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Ashebu Haguzum, padre di quattro figli, ha trascorso quattro anni nel campo sfollati di May Wenyi a #Mekelle dopo essere fuggito dalla guerra nel 2020. Riflettendo

Dal 21 gennaio partono le #IscrizioniOnline! Se avete dubbi nella scelta della scuola, sulla piattaforma #Unica è possibile consultare la pagina dedicata per confrontare gli Istituti e scegliere il percorso di studi più adatto.
in reply to Ministero Istruzione (unofficial)

@Ministero Istruzione (unofficial)
Buongiorno, tra i dati che fornite per le scuole superiori, dove sono disponibili cioè oltre 1300 in Italia, fornite anche le informazioni , sicuramente interessanti alle famiglie e agli scolari, dei risultati all' università e nel trovare lavoro per i diplomati dai singoli istituti? Intendo i dati che derivano dal progetto Eduscopio (e non solo)?

CIRAS: tracciamento degli incidenti informatici in Europa

@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)
L’Unione Europea ha uno strumento di analisi degli incidenti informatici denominato CIRAS. Diamo uno sguardo a questo strumento non sempre conosciuto. Che cosa è il CIRAS Il CIRAS (Cybersecurity Incident […]
L'articolo CIRAS: tracciamento degli incidenti informatici in Europa proviene da

Packing Even More Features Into a Classic Radio

Close up of a Sony FX-300 'Jackal' radio

When it comes to hacking niches, breathing new life into vintage devices is always an exciting challenge. [t0mg]’s recent project exemplifies this with his 1978 Sony FX-300 ‘Jackal’ radio. He’d already upgraded the radio in 2021 and turned it into a feature-packed marvel, but there’s always room for improvement.

[t0mg]’s initial 2021 build had its quirks: noisy sound, a subpar display, and a non-functional radio module. Determined to enhance these aspects, he sourced an IPS version of the original 3.2″ ILI9431 LCD, significantly improving viewing angles. To tackle the audio issues, he integrated an M5Stack Atom microcontroller, utilizing its Bluetooth A2DP capabilities to deliver cleaner digital sound via I2S to the Teensy audio board. The Teensy itself got a complete wire overhaul just for the sake of good craftmanship.

The new setup also enabled the display of song metadata. Additionally, [t0mg] incorporated a dedicated Arduino Nano clone to manage inputs, streamlining the overall design. The revamped ‘Jackal’ now boasts a bunch of impressive features such as displaying RDS data for FM stations, voice recording, and an NFC reader for personalized playlists.

If you’re into radio makeovers, look into this post for a real golden oldie, or start out with the basics. For [t0mg]’s earlier improved version of this Jackal, read our article on it here.……

TikTok should win its case — or we could all lose free speech online

With the TikTok argument headed for the Supreme Court on Jan. 10, it’s become increasingly common to read about the so-called “easy” path for affirming the TikTok ban: Treat it like a radio station, where foreign ownership has long been prohibited.

Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) Senior Advisor for Advocacy Caitlin Vogus explained in Tech Policy Press why that argument is wrong, as both a legal matter and a policy one.

As Vogus explains:

“The lower First Amendment protections for radio and broadcast television don’t just allow the government to prohibit foreign ownership. They also give the government significant control over the speech allowed on those mediums, control that isn’t currently allowed online or in the real world. That’s why the FCC can punish a radio station for playing George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words” but not HBO, or require “equal time” for political candidates on broadcast TV stations when it could never require the same in the pages of a newspaper.

“If we give the government a freer hand to regulate the internet the way they do radio and broadcast TV, it won’t be long before officials are trying to ban speech that embarrasses or criticizes them and stamp out content they disagree with.”

Read the Tech Policy Press article here.…

ci sono cose che devono essere dimostrate con i fatti. la potenza russa invece è un dato di fatto. sono russi. perché pretendere una dimostrazione. è il loro DNA. sono immortali e invincibili. vedi o sembra che non abbiano successo sul campo di battaglia? sicuramente deve essere informazione errata perché ovviamente non può essere. forse gli scappati di casa non sono neppure i russi ma noi che non sappiamo evidentemente neppure riconoscere l'ovvio. ai posteri l'ardua sentenza. è davvero una super potenza la russia? ovviamente si, anche perché dubitare non è lecito. va bene essere di parte ma qua si rasenta la follia… che la russia volesse prendere l'intera ucraina è ovviamente falso… sennò lo avrebbero fatto, no? e il vicino bielorusso ci dice qualcosa in questa vicenda? no… loro sono felicemente sposati con i russi. ovviamente. ma la gente non si stanca mai dei propri pensieri? non sente mai il bisogno di aprire la finestra e guardare davvero il mondo? di avere una conferma del fatto di stare dicendo minchiate. o quantomeno di avere informazioni obsolete. oltretutto i russi hanno una certa tradizione di bluff. lo sviluppo di tecnologie avveneristiche in occidente, derivavano dal fatto che ci si cagasse sotto perché si pensava che i russi avessero chissà quale tecnologia spaventosa. e invece erano tutti bluff… ancora oggi vediamo aerei super-tecnologici montati con bulloni e viti sparse come farei io se lo montassi a casa mia… (beh… se non altro così la traccia radar è davvero imprevedibile… vedi una traccia e potrebbe essere sia un frullatore da 10t che un gabbiano) quanto siete noiosi e obsoleti miei piccoli fan di putin. ma non vi stancate mai di vedere solo film di super-eroi? che poi i russi a dire la verità neppure sembrano i buoni.

RFanciola reshared this.

David Lynch

David Lynch per la mia generazione è stato indispensabile, per noi giovani un po' provinciali negli anni novanta, che ci avvicinavamo alla musica al cinema all'arte e che probabilmente avevamo un po' più di curiosità rispetto a quello che avevamo intorno.

Il mio David Lynch inizia con Dune metà degli anni 80: ricordo che diedero il film alla TV.
Mio padre aveva letto il libro e questo film fu strano per me che a dodici anni avevo un approccio alla fantascienza un po' giustamente ingenuo. #Cinema

reshared this

in reply to floreana

@floreana ciao succedeva anche a me, ma probabilmente si è risolto con un aggiornamento. Hai la app aggiornata? Ad ogni modo provo a taggare nuovamente @RaccoonForFriendica
in reply to djpanini

@djpanini @raccoonforfriendicaapp
Ecco, non avevo visto che c'era un aggiornamento disponibile. Ora l'ho installato, vediamo come va!

«Mi sta sulle balle 'sta cosa che ultimamente si parla troppo di ideologie e poco di idee».



Oh, per inciso, chiunque pretenda di spiegare la storia, specialmente moderna, "senza sovrastrutture ideologiche" o mente o vuole farne un elenco di numeri e date senza nessi causali e contestualizzazione.
È necessario avere un'impostazione ideologica davanti a certi fatti del secolo scorso e di questo.

E poi mi sta un po' sulle balle sta cosa che ultimamente si parla troppo di ideologie e poco di idee.
Ideologia dà l'impressione che avere una posizione politica determinata sia un problema.

Rights orgs demand Biden pardon Assange


President Joe Biden was repeatedly warned that prosecuting WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange under the Espionage Act posed an existential threat to investigative reporting by criminalizing routine journalistic conduct that the First Amendment has long protected.

He ignored those warnings, perhaps believing his administration would remain in the White House and have some say over how prosecutors exercise their new powers. That was a serious mistake. Now, a coalition of press freedom and civil liberties organizations are urging him to use his pardon power to lessen the damage to press freedom caused by Assange’s 2024 conviction pursuant to a plea deal.

As Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) Director of Advocacy Seth Stern explained:

“Julian Assange’s case normalized the criminalization of work national security journalists do every day — talking to sources, obtaining documents from them, and publishing those documents. It gives future authoritarians at home and abroad the perfect ‘whataboutism’ to deflect from their own repressive actions, including imprisoning journalists on bogus espionage charges. A pardon won’t undo the harm the case has done to the free press or the chilling effect on journalists who now know their work can land them behind bars at the whim of the Department of Justice. But it will help reduce the damage. If Biden wants to be remembered as the friend of press freedom he claims to be, he needs to put the future of the First Amendment above his personal feelings about Assange and issue this pardon before he leaves office.”

Rebecca Vincent, director of Campaigns for Reporters Without Borders (RSF) added:

“We remain hugely relieved that Julian Assange is now free and in recovery following his 14-year plight, but the terms of the plea deal leave the door open to future threats to journalism. No one should ever again face such treatment for publishing information in the public interest. In these final days of his administration, we urge President Biden to set the record straight and ensure his legacy is one of protecting press freedom by pardoning Assange. The message must be made loud and clear that the U.S. government means what it says when it comes to press freedom, and that the Espionage Act will never again be misused to target a publisher, journalist, or journalistic source.”

Chip Gibbons, policy director at Defending Rights & Dissent, said:

“The U.S. government’s pursuit of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange remains one of the most abusive attacks on press freedom in recent memory. Everything from illegal covert actions to criminal prosecutions were deployed to prevent WikiLeaks from publishing, destroy its founder, and send a chilling message to silence independent media broadly. While we are grateful this shameful saga has ended, the plea deal obtained by the government states that a journalist receiving information from a source and publishing it constitutes a criminal conspiracy under the Espionage Act. There may be no legal precedent, but right now the Department of Justice has received the message it can get away prosecuting pure journalism under the Espionage Act. No journalist is safe. President Biden must stand for press freedom and grant Mr. Assange a full, unconditional pardon.”

You can read the coalition’s letter here or below.

Please contact us if you would like further comment.……

Benedikt reshared this.


Ciao David, insegna agli angeli a raccontare storie che nessuno capisce, pazzoide.

in reply to floreana

I segreti di Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Velluto Blu...e tanti altri grandi successi.

Free Our Feeds is a new initiative for ATProto governance, Mark Cuban is open to investing in a TikTok alternative on ATProto, and a large interest in Instagram alternatives on ATProto with newly announced Bluesky client Flashes.

FLUG - Assemblea annuale dei soci del GOLEM…
Segnalato da Linux Italia e pubblicato sulla comunità Lemmy @GNU/Linux Italia
Martedì 21 gennaio 2025 alle 21:30 si terrà l’assemblea annuale dei soci del GOLEM, presso la loro Officina Informatica. Ordine del giorno:

Gcap, da Londra la ricetta per non mancare l’appuntamento del 2035

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Con le maggiori potenze impegnate in una corsa al cardiopalma per sviluppare e schierare assetti di sesta generazione, il Gcap si conferma come uno dei programmi militari di maggiore rilevanza attualmente in sviluppo in Europa. A maggior ragione, con la sospensione temporanea dell’Ngad statunitense e i dubbi

La mia mezza fissa (abbastanza inspiegabile) del momento è la Formula 1.

Non smetto di meravigliarmi di che faccini imberbi, da pubescenti abbiano così tanti piloti! Ho beccato un anno di "cambio della guardia" o oggi i piloti arrivano alla F1 sempre più giovani?

Mi ricordo che quand'ero adolescente negli anni '90 i piloti erano uomini, almeno quelli più riconoscibili. Schumacher era uno sbarbino quando è arrivato alla F1, ma aveva comunque già... 23 anni! 23 anni al debutto in Benetton, ecco (credo?).

Ho letto che la stagione 2025 avrà due debuttanti di 18 e 19 anni. Come cavolo è possibile, assumendo che più o meno oggi come allora a correre sui kart si cominci sempre alla stessa età?

#f1 #formula1

Due vite, un unico destino. “Emilia Peréz”

@Giornalismo e disordine informativo…
di Jacques Audiard, Usa, Mex, Bel, Fra, 2024. Con Zoe Saldana, Karla Sofia Gascon, Selena Gomez, Adrian Paz A metà strada tra melodramma, musical e noir, con echi cronenberghiani (“A history of violence”) e vaghi riferimenti ad Almodovar e Peckinpah, il

Le giovani vite non valgono i profitti delle Big Tech - Ctrl + Alt + Reclaim è un nuovo movimento giovanile indipendente sostenuto da People vs Big Tech .

Un piccolo gruppo di CEO dietro gran parte della nostra esperienza online continua a mettere a rischio le nostre vite, dall'aumento dei tassi di suicidio tra gli adolescenti all'amplificazione della violenza, online e offline. Gli algoritmi tossici delle Big Tech stanno prosciugando la nostra autostima, il nostro tempo e la nostra energia, trasformando le nostre vite in dati da cui trarre profitto. Stanno guadagnando miliardi con razzismo , misoginia e politica di estrema destra sulle loro piattaforme.…

@Etica Digitale (Feddit)

in reply to The Pirate Post

@macfranc Realtà che non conoscevo, e su cui approfondirò per dare una mano e possibilmente portare un po' di cultura dell'accessibilità anche lì - se vogliamo far tornare l'essere umano al centro di Internet, è bene cercare di tirarsi su le maniche tutti.

Multiple experts drew comparisons between Meta's recent changes around immigration and what happened in Myanmar in 2017, where Facebook contributed to a genocide by allowing the spread of hate.

Multiple experts drew comparisons between Metax27;s recent changes around immigration and what happened in Myanmar in 2017, where Facebook contributed to a genocide by allowing the spread of hate.#News

#News #x27

In provincia di Vicenza un evento sui diritti alla fine della vita

La Cellula Coscioni Vicenza-Padova organizza un evento dal titolo: Vivere la malattia con dignità – Poter scegliere in piena libertà.

L’appuntamento è per martedì 4 febbraio alle ore 20.30, presso la Sala Civica di Corte delle Filande, a Montecchio Maggiore (VI). L’ingresso è libero e gratuito.

L'articolo In provincia di Vicenza un evento sui diritti alla fine della vita proviene da Associazione Luca Coscioni.

Luigi Recupero reshared this.

Il Ministro Giuseppe Valditara ha incontrato al #MIM il Presidente di Confindustria, Emanuele Orsini, per l'organizzazione della missione Piano Mattei-Istruzione che si terrà in Egitto il 12 e 13 febbraio.
in reply to Ministero Istruzione (unofficial)

@Ministero Istruzione (unofficial)
E quando la valutazione PISA tra i paesi Ocse del 2025 certificherà che le competenze tra i nostri quindicenni sono davvero scadenti, intendete andare in Egitto a porgere scusa.

E' tutto molto fragile. [Breve considerazione sulla tregua a Gaza.]…

E' tutto molto fragile.



[Poche considerazioni sulla tregua in Palestina.]

Il ministro di estrema destra #BezalelSmotrich afferma che approverà l'accordo sul cessate il fuoco a #Gaza e rimarrà al governo solo se #Netanyahu prometterà di “...riprendere i combattimenti per distruggere Hamas dopo la prima fase dell'intesa.” La tregua appena firmata vacilla sotto le voci di un di disallineamento su alcuni punti da parte di Hamas e, nel contempo, da dichiarazioni come questa. Netanyahu mantiene alta la tensione dimostrando, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, che tutto questo è una concessione benevola alla #Palestina: in questi quindici mesi ha dimostrato, con azioni feroci e senza pietà, qual è il potenziale dell'IDF. La linea tracciata per il 19 Gennaio viene ancora superata dai continui bombardamenti su ciò che resta di Gaza e su #Jenin, in un delirio di onnipotenza bellica che rare volte si è visto negli ultimi anni. Come sempre, la popolazione inerme, stremata, affamata, umiliata da centinaia di giorni di massacri ed illusioni non sembra meritare di essere salvata. Se la tregua reggerà, la speranza di tutte le persone che hanno ancora un briciolo di umanità è quella che i 600 camion giornalieri di aiuti divengano anche di più. Però sappiamo che i governi occidentali, con pochissime eccezioni, non guardano a Gaza come a un obiettivo umanitario prioritario. Il fatto stesso che il 28 Gennaio Israele potrebbe rendere “UNWRA” un nemico ufficiale dello Stato dovrebbe restituire il senso di abbandono verso questa terra che nessuno si è premurato di contrastare. Questa “guerra”, in cui c'è un solo esercito e che ha mietuto decine di migliaia di vittime innocenti (sì, lo sono: non possono essere tutti terroristi) è un altro specchio di legno per le coscienze dell'Occidente. Gli #USA hanno tergiversato, concedendo, come sempre, un appoggio molto militare a #Israele, sempre nel nome di una democrazia come la loro, di invasione e sopraffazione. Trump inizia il suo mandato vantandosi di questo “successo” nella sua solita maniera, ovvero quella di un uomo rozzo ed arrogante, che dice chiaramente che il domani a Gaza sarà sotto il controllo armato di Israele. Con loro anche il Libano e chissà cosa altro. L' Europa, fiera di se stessa solo sotto le bandiere delle riunioni a Bruxelles, continua con la sua ignavia, per dire poco. In realtà non ha mai preso posizione contro il massacro dei Palestinesi, rifiutando di crescere come unione, solo per non disturbare la narrazione zeppa di retorica e pietismo di uno Stato che ha sacrificato milioni di vite sotto la peggiore dittatura della storia. Lo stesso stato che, ora, di fronte ad un mondo volutamente distaccato sta perpetrando una altra ecatombe, come se non avesse imparato nulla.

Ad oggi qui siamo, perennemente indecisi moralmente, sicuramente colpevoli di non aver fatto abbastanza affinché non ci fosse il 7 Ottobre e il suo disastroso seguito. Un “Cessate il fuoco” non basta, a questa gente che ha visto distruggere, decenni fa, la sua indipendenza. E non basterà allo sato di Israele, che sta scivolando verso una spaccatura interna che nessun premier, tantomeno Netanyahu, potrà bloccare.

Ci affidiamo, al solito, alla speranza di un buon senso che è scomparso ormai da molto negli avvenimenti del Medioriente. E' tutto quello che abbiamo, adesso.

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GOLEM - Corso introduttivo a LibreOffice…
Segnalato da Linux Italia e pubblicato sulla comunità Lemmy @GNU/Linux Italia
FLUG – Firenze Linux User Group e GOLEM, con la collaborazione della biblioteca di Scandicci e dell’associazione LibreItalia organizzano un corso introduttivo su