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Covering the mass incarceration system, Part 1

Interviewing incarcerated people

The American incarceration system is a behemoth.

Around 1.9 million people in the United States are locked up in jails, prisons, immigration detention facilities, and other confinement centers. Federal, state, and local expenditures on corrections amount to more than $81 billion each year. Legal costs, criminal policing, and assorted other fees, like bail payments and prison phone call fees, end up costing taxpayers and families an additional $100 billion annually.

But despite its size and scope, the incarceration system is in many ways invisible. Its facilities operate outside the public eye and with less oversight than other governmental entities. And information about carceral institutions is closely guarded by corrections agencies that have a range of ways to restrict public access and block reporting efforts.

These barriers make covering stories about carceral facilities and incarcerated people different from many other types of journalism. As a reporter on this story, you will face logistical challenges that impede your ability to communicate with sources and verify information as you navigate a maze of bureaucracy.

While this guide is not intended to provide a comprehensive blueprint for all the obstacles you may face as you report on incarceration, it will offer broad insights into some common problems you will encounter and how to overcome them. And we hope it’s a reminder that facing these challenges is worth it in the name of transparency on this consequential story.

First, in Part 1, we’ll discuss the challenges of interviewing incarcerated people. Then, in Part 2, we will discuss how to handle barriers to obtaining documents and information.

Know the risks, share the risks

Many incarcerated people have no experience speaking with reporters. So when talking to someone behind bars, be sure to share as much detail as possible about your project, the scope of your reporting, and how their voice will be used in your story.

Be sure to define any journalistic terms you’re using, explaining what you mean, for instance, by “off the record” or “on background.” If anonymous sourcing is an option for your project, offer it at the beginning of an interview to encourage people to speak with you.

Even in cases where your source is comfortable being identified, be cautious about including names or details that might identify other incarcerated people and subject them to potential retaliation, whether by prison and jail officials or other incarcerated people.

Explain the conditions of your conversation to build trust so that the incarcerated person will not pull out of the project once you are closer to publication. Ensure they understand the risks they’re taking by talking to a journalist and are willingly taking those risks. Keep checking in throughout the reporting process to be certain this doesn’t change.

Be aware that jails or prisons may retaliate against those accused of causing problems — such as by unsanctioned communication with media. Retaliation can result in an incarcerated person spending time in solitary confinement, being moved to a facility further from family, or having their cell raided by corrections officers. Officials may also retaliate by confiscating devices or other means of communication. Incarceration facilities and departments could even trump up disciplinary charges to justify this conduct.

Be aware that jails or prisons may retaliate against those accused of causing problems — such as by unsanctioned communication with media.

You should also consider whether you are adequately protecting the identity of anonymous sources. Keri Blakinger, an investigative reporter who covers the criminal legal system, noted that small details you might consider innocuous, like the background of a photo taken with a contraband cellphone, could reveal the identity of someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

“When it comes to things like photos and videos, the biggest question I ask myself is, ‘Will this identify the source?’” Blakinger told In These Times. “This means asking yourself, ‘Is this photo of inedible-looking prison food with mold on it going to identify the unit that it came from, and if prison officials can identify the unit, is that sufficient for them to identify the person who took the image? Will they identify howthe image got to me and any intermediaries involved? Will the source face consequences? Are they OK with that?’”

If you are communicating with incarcerated people using contraband cellphones, you should ask before publishing the method of communication. Indicating that your contact has a prohibited device can lead to repercussions. If the source sends you a photo, make sure to clarify whether or not you can publish or describe it.

Access is allowed, but can be restricted and erratic

The First Amendment covers journalists’ ability to report on incarceration facilities, but two 1974 Supreme Court rulings determined the press has no privilege beyond that of the general public to talk to people who are incarcerated.

This means that incarceration agencies and facilities can invoke a series of restrictions to impede journalists’ access and ability to do their jobs. Often these restrictions will be presented as measures to ensure the operational security of staff and incarcerated people.

These restrictions can mean that in-person interviews may be ended by prison or jail staff at any time, that prison or jail staff can select who journalists may talk to, or that interviews may be severely time-restricted.

If general visitors (like family members and friends) are prohibited from using cameras or recording devices at an incarceration facility, the facility may forbid reporters’ ability to bring those items into the facility as well. Facilities may also legally deny media members the right to interview particular incarcerated people. However, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press notes, “Even though courts have rejected a First Amendment right to interview specific prisoners, most states have statutes or prison rules allowing for some type of access.”

Even so, some states have created enormous barriers to speaking with incarcerated people. Last year, the South Carolina Department of Corrections issued a press release saying that people incarcerated in its system “are not allowed to do interviews.” The ACLU sued the state over that policy in February 2024.

If you are denied the right to an interview, you should ask for a copy of the regulation that dictates access to determine whether the agency is violating its own policy.

Visits require time, jumping through hoops

Even once granted access, visits with incarcerated people are often difficult to arrange and require significant lead time. Many states have online instructions for scheduling a media visit and gaining approval for an in-person interview, or require you to contact the agency’s public information officer.

Media visits in Texas prisons, for example, require at least two weeks’ notice. You will only have an hour for the interview. In California, the subject must send you a visiting questionnaire, which the state corrections department may take approximately 30 working days to review and approve.

Once you gain approval, you will have to schedule a date and time for a visit. This visit could be abruptly canceled for a range of reasons, including facility lockdowns, that the person you want to interview has been subject to discipline by corrections officials, or because someone harmed by the offense that led to your source’s imprisonment has protested the interview.


Journalists exposed serious health and safety concerns at the infamous “F House” in Illinois' recently closed Stateville Correctional Center.

AP Photo/Richard A. Chapman

Some states place stringent restrictions on what you can bring into facilities and bar equipment like audio recorders. In California facilities, cameras and recording devices are not permitted, though the agency says it will provide pencil, pen, and paper “as needed.”

Policies around in-person interviews of those who are incarcerated can also be changed abruptly. In 2020, Arizona reporter Jimmy Jenkins was surprised to discover that the state’s corrections department had suddenly altered its media policy and now only permitted reporters to communicate with incarcerated people via paper mail.

Earlier this year, an incarcerated Texas journalist was scheduled to be interviewed by another reporter. Though the state prison agency had previously approved the in-person conversation, the department revoked that permission prior to the meeting. The ombudsman explained via email that the interview had been canceled “due to victim protest.” The scheduled call was not related to the charges that led to the journalist’s incarceration.

Multiple means of (monitored) messaging

Beyond visits, there are other ways to contact incarcerated people. As with in-person visits, though, you should assume that phone calls, messages sent through electronic systems, and regular mail are being read and monitored by corrections officials.

All forms of communication with incarcerated people can be disrupted and be subject to unpredictable delays. While physical letters in some cases previously served as a work-around to unreliable phone and messaging systems, a number of jurisdictions have taken steps in recent years that alter how incarcerated people receive mail.

At least 14 states have started delivering scanned versions of physical mail sent to incarcerated people. (Though corrections officials have claimed they’re taking this step to stop contraband from entering facilities, there’s little evidence these policies are working.)

Until the beginning of the 2010s, reporters who wanted to communicate with people who were incarcerated were restricted to phone calls, in-person visits, or mail. In the last decade, private telecommunications companies started distributing and selling personal tablets in incarceration facilities (and earning large profits by doing so). Most states and the federal prison system now have an electronic messaging system.

Typically, you must create an account on the electronic messaging platform used by the particular corrections facility or system, add the person you want to message to your list of contacts using their state-assigned ID number and then add money to your account.

Messages sent via systems like JPay may be delayed by days or even weeks before they reach their recipient. Since messages are monitored by corrections officials, some communications may be heavily redacted by the time they reach the person you contacted.

Also, many incarcerated people do not have personal tablets and so must view messages via a centralized kiosk, limiting access to communications. (This was often a problem during the early pandemic, as persistent lockdowns hindered access to kiosks where people could respond to messages.).

Like electronic messages, phone calls with incarcerated people are monitored by the corrections agency and can be costly to them. Unlike with electronic messages, you will not be able to contact incarcerated people. Instead, they will have to call you. Even if you have agreed to talk at a certain time, they may be delayed in contacting you, as lockdowns, long phone lines, or other problems may impede phone access.

You should assume that phone calls, messages sent through electronic systems, and regular mail are being read and monitored.

Incarcerated people do not earn a living wage, and the meager amount of money they may make from a job inside does not cover the cost of communicating with family members and friends, let alone journalists.

Both phone calls and messages on electronic systems can be exorbitant for them. In Alabama, for example, a 15-minute in-state call will run over $3.75. Like phone calls, electronic “stamps” that allow messaging range in price across states. A pack of 10 stamps costs $1.50 in New York and $4.40 in Florida.

So they may not be able to afford the cost of contacting you and could ask to place collect calls, or for you to send stamps so they can respond to your messages. It is typical for reporters who cover the criminal legal system to pay for a return stamp when contacting an incarcerated source and foot the bill for communicating with sources.

Although two main communications systems are used across most prison systems in the U.S., you will need to add separate funds for each state correction system (i.e., Florida stamps cannot be used to message people in New York prisons.).

In Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas, correspondence with the news media is considered to be “privileged communication,” according to the Prison Policy Initiative. This designation means that prison staff can’t open and read the letters like they can with other correspondence. Even if you have this protection, at any point in your reporting process, your source may lose their ability to communicate with you.

Partnering to find additional sources

In some cases, you may have a good tip for an article but no incarcerated sources to help move the story forward. Cold-messaging incarcerated people isn’t guaranteed to get you any reliable information, and it could endanger the safety of the people you contact. In these cases, you may be able to find helpful sources through local organizations.

Public defenders or other legal advocacy groups will likely know if there are incarcerated people who are willing to speak for your story and might be able to facilitate communication. Activist groups will also often have information and incarcerated contacts who can assist with sourcing.

In some cases, activists may agree to organize a three-way phone call. This can both protect the incarcerated source from being identified (if they have asked to be anonymous) and speed up the process of getting in touch, as these activists will already be entered in the corrections agency’s communications system.

Many family members are part of Facebook groups focused on their particular state’s incarceration facilities or the place their loved one is imprisoned. They can direct you to useful sources at the facility who might provide critical insights.

In other cases, incarcerated writers can help, as they have a wealth of knowledge about their institution and the broader incarceration system that detains them. In recent years, grassroots organizations like Empowerment Avenue have helped incarcerated journalists get their work published in outlets like The New York Times, The Appeal, and The Marshall Project. Reading the work of these writers, which can also be found at websites like Prison Writers and the Prison Journalism Project, can provide insights about how to approach a story.

Due to the restrictions placed on incarcerated journalists — such as departments attempting to limit what work they can publish, censored communications with news outlets, and retaliation for writing negative stories — these writers may have information they chose not to publish. If you are building on the work of an incarcerated writer, you should offer them the chance to collaborate on a publication, co-report the story, and get paid for their contributions to the writing process.

Read Part 2 of this series, focused on obtaining documents and information about jails, prisons and incarcerated people.


Ho finito di vedere Letterkenny e mi è dispiaciuto, alla fine ai personaggi mi sono affezionata.
Ho iniziato a vedere Cent'anni di solitudine e non so se mi piace, ma mi ci sento un po' obbligata avendo letto il libro.
Ho visto trailer e scene isolate di The Substance e non so se voglio vederlo tutto (l'horror mi disturba, però capisco che qui ha un senso tutto suo).

Sono di nuovo da sola in casa dopo due settimane di mamma e si vede.

#serie #film

Movies Feed reshared this.

No Frills PCB Brings USB-C Power to the Breadboard


At this point, many of us have gone all-in on USB-C. It’s gotten to the point that when you occasionally run across a gadget that doesn’t support being powered USB-C, the whole experience seems somewhat ridiculous. If 90% of your devices using the same power supply, that last 10% starts feeling very antiquated.

So why should your breadboard be any different? [Axiometa] has recently unveiled a simple PCB that will plug into a standard solderless breadboard to provide 3.3 and 5 VDC when connected to a USB-C power supply. The device is going to start a crowdfunding campaign soon if you want to buy a completed one — but with the design files and Bill of Materials already up on GitHub, nothing stops you from spinning up your own version today.

30872910What we like about this design is how simple it is. Getting the 5 V is easy, it just takes the proper resistors on the connector’s CC line. From there, a TPS63001 and a handful of passives provide a regulated 3.3 V. As you can see in the video, all you need to do when you want to change the output voltage for either rail is slide a jumper over.

Sure, it wouldn’t be much harder to add support the other voltages offered by USB-C Power Delivery, but how often have you really needed 20 volts on a breadboard? Why add extra components and complication for a feature most people would never use?

As an aside, we were very interested to see the torture test of the SMD pin headers at the end of the video. There’s considerable debate in the world of badge Simple-Add Ons (SAOs) about whether or not surface mount headers are strong enough to hold up to real-world abuse, and apparently similar concerns were raised about their usage here. But judging by the twisting and wrenching the pins withstood in the video, those fears would appear unwarranted.……

Informapirata – La rassegna della sera del 6 gennaio 2025

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TikTok dovrebbe perdere il suo grande caso della Corte Suprema

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Microsoft rivela un piano a sorpresa per spendere 80 miliardi di dollari in data center AI

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L’India propone norme sui dati digitali con sanzioni severe e requisiti di sicurezza informatica

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La guida semplice e completa di Giovanni Ziccardi al RANSOMWARE: commento riga per riga al documento ACN/CSIRT 2024

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Il caso delle estensioni Chrome compromesse: analisi tecnica, impatti e mitigazione

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Un gruppo antipirateria vuole estendere lo “scudo antipirateria” italiano per proteggere i film

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La rassegna della sera del 6 gennaio 2025: conoscenza as service, TikTok, Melon Musk e altro ancora…

FabioTurco reshared this.

The number of data requests fulfilled by Telegram skyrocketed, with the company providing data to U.S. authorities on 2,253 users last year.#News #Privacy

Growing Semiconductor Layers Directly With TMDs

Schematic for progress of 3D integration. a, Schematic showing conventional 3D integration by TSV through wafers. b, M3D integration of single-crystalline Si devices by transfer, c, Growth-based M3D integration of polycrystalline devices. d, Growth-based seamless M3D integration of single-crystalline devices. (Credit: Ki Seok Kim et al., 2024, Nature)

Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a class of material that’s been receiving significant attention as a possible successor of silicon. Recently, a team of researchers has demonstrated the use of TMDs as an alternative to through-silicon-vias (TSV), which is the current way that multiple layers of silicon semiconductor circuitry are stacked, as seen with, e.g., NAND Flash ICs and processors with stacked memory dice. The novelty here is that the new circuitry is grown directly on top of the existing circuitry, removing the need for approaches like TSV to turn 2D layers into 3D stacks.

As reported in the paper in Nature by [Ki Seok Kim] and colleagues (gift article), this technique of monolithic 3D (M3D) integration required overcoming a number of technological challenges, most of all enabling the new TMD single-crystals to grow at low enough temperatures that it doesn’t destroy the previously created circuitry. The progress is detailed in the paper’s schematic (pictured above): from TSV to M3D by transfer of layers and high- and low-temperature growth of single-crystal layers.

Ultimately, the demonstration device with vertically grown transistor arrays (nMOS and pMOS) on a silicon substrate was grown at 385℃, which, if commercially developed, could mean a significant boost in transistor density and possibly the development of 3D semiconductor circuits rather than stacked 2D ones. We are still worried about making them the old-fashioned way.…

Meno un altro....ora tocca al prossimo.

Il premier canadese Trudeau ha annunciato le dimissioni

Il primo ministro canadese Justin Trudeau ha annunciato che rassegnerà le dimissioni quando il partito liberale, di cui è esponente, sceglierà un nuovo leader. Trudeau si dimetterà tanto dalla carica di primo ministro quanto dalla leadership del partito. Dopo settimane di instabilità politica, termina così la crisi politica canadese. Da quanto comunica Trudeau, il parlamento verrà sospeso fino al 24 marzo. Il Paese, che sarebbe stato chiamato alle urne nell’ottobre di quest’anno, vedrà dunque elezioni anticipate. La crisi di governo in Canada è iniziata con le dimissioni della ministra delle Finanze, Chrystia Freeland, che si è scontrata con Trudeau sul tema della gestione degli eventuali dazi doganali statunitensi sui prodotti importati.


Feedback a caldissimo su NOSTR:

a suo tempo @informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: disse "occhio, Nostr è un protocollo interessante ma pieno di spazzatura".

Partendo dall'inizio: ho cercato sui motori di ricerca "come funziona Nostr" e il primo titolo è un video su un canale relativo alle criptovalute, di un tale Alessandro Mazza.

Alessandro lo spiega in modo abbastanza chiaro ma secondo me a un certo punto confonde, o almeno io mi sono sentita confusa quando ha parlato della chiave privata come "firma digitale", dicendo che è il modo di identificare un utente da un altro.

La "firma digitale" però è altra cosa - sempre crittografia ma ha valore legale e se uno si chiama all'anagrafe Severino Sparaballe, quella è legata al suo codice fiscale e (almeno in teoria) nessuno lo clona.

Nostr, invece, no.

Tu vai su un client che può essere SnortSocial o altri, ti crei la tua chiave pubblica e privata, gli dai un nome e stop! Ma puoi avere anche millantamila account con lo stesso pseudonimo.

Severino Sparaballe quindi ha la sua public e private key, associata a niente - nessun indirizzo email o altro dato e questo è interessante, specie se è uno che in rete parla di temi delicati e vuole tutelarsi da regimi e cose varie. Non si discute.

Poi però arriva Franco Onesti, rivelatore di segreti inconfessabili, si mette nome Severino Sparaballe, anche la foto del tizio in questione, chiave privata e pubblica nuove di palla, e manda in giro per Nostr l'opposto di quello che dice Severino reale, nessuno sarà in grado di distinguere chi sia quello vero da quello finto.

NIP-05: da quello che ho capito c'è modo di identificarsi con un nome "umanamente leggibile" con la chiocciola davanti, come quelli del Fediverso e c'è pure un plugin WordPress che ho installato per farlo. Non ho però idea se funzioni e come verificare se è andato davvero a buon fine.

Questione relay: se non ho capito male sono ancora più decentralizzati delle istanze, io del fediverso a volte ho perplessità perché non è detto ad esempio che i client mastodon funzionino anche con friendica, con nostr invece non hai problemi perché se ti colleghi a qualunque relay basta che tu abbia la chiave pubblica o privata, magari salvate in un'estensione browser, gli dici "login with extension" e vai dentro diretto.

Contenuti e spazzatura: io ho usato un client per iOS che si chiama Damus e mi sono trovata subito in home dei contenuti di estrema estremissima destra. Roba che manco l'algoritmo di Facebook mi fa.

Pazienza, sto studiando non ci sto interagendo; più che altro voglio capire quanto e se sia proponibile per trasmettere contenuti e le limitazioni, quanto e se siano pubblici, con la storia di Trump e Musk voglio capire con quali sistemi posso continuare a scrivere in modo libero in modo da avere meno probabilità di ricevere blocchi o oscuramenti "shadowban".

Fosse per me butterei su tutto su Nostr, curando i filtri; ma poi se uno ti deve seguire penso gli serva Nostr apposta.

#nostr #impressioni #crittografia #prove #informatica

in reply to Shai

@shai qualsiasi ecosistema che minimizza la gestione dei dati personali deve usare l'autenticazione basata su nome utente e password. Anche la nostra istanza non chiede email, ma necessita di questa autenticazione. Se fai a meno di autenticazione, devi compensare con un sistema di tracciamento che solitamente è invasivo sia per ragioni di autenticazione sia per ragioni di sfruttamento commerciale dei dati personali e comportamentali dell'utente

@77nn @talksina @elvecio

in reply to informapirata ⁂

@informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: @TiTiNoNero :__: @elvecio @Shai quando una cosa è troppo facile di solito bisogna chiedersi il perché - almeno stando le cose come stanno adesso.
Io sarei per un'autenticazione hardware, vedi te - da quando per diversi sistemi ho le chiavette FIDO2 vado comodissima, ce la ho sempre appesa al collo.

Naturalmente ne ho più di una, conservate in posti sicuri, perché se perdi o dimentichi il dispositivo da qualche parte e ne hai uno solo, ti trovi chiuso fuori.

Dopo? Ho la sensazione che si voglia un po' salvare capre e cavoli dappertutto: l'informatica di massa che induce le persone a usare la tecnologia in modo passivo illudendo che lo studio del computer e del suo funzionamento non sia più necessario. E dall'altra parte il diritto ad avere la privacy che confligge parecchio con la facilità d'uso.

IMHO è molto difficile che le tecnologie pro-privacy arrivino all'informatica di massa perché il mercato si muove dove un tema viene molto richiesto, ma per volerlo bisogna che la gente sia consapevole dell'urgenza che questo tema ha.

Ricordiamoci che la massa dei [parolaccia casuale] è quella che dice "Io? Privacy? Non ho niente da nascondere, non mi interessa!" E sparano nei social le foto anche di quando vanno in gabinetto. E dei loro figli minori.

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Before GPS There Was LORAN


We found it nostalgic to watch [ve3iku] fire up an old Loran-A receiver and, as you can see in the video below, he got it working. If you aren’t familiar with LORAN, it was a common radio navigation technique before GPS took over everything.

LORAN — an acronym for Long Range Navigation — was a US byproduct of World War II and was similar in many ways to Britain’s Gee system. However, LORAN operated at lower frequencies to improve its range. It was instrumental in helping convoys cross the Atlantic and also found use in the Pacific theater.…

How it Worked

The video shows a Loran-A receiver, which, in its day, would have been known as LORAN. The A was added after versions B and C appeared. Back in the 1940s, something like this with a CRT and precision electronics would have been very expensive.

Unlike GPS, keeping a highly synchronized clock over many stations was impractical at the time. So, LORAN stations operated in pairs on different frequencies and with a known distance between the two. The main station sends a blip. When the secondary station hears the blip, it sends its own blip. Sometimes there were multiple secondaries, too.

If you receive both blips, you can measure the time between them and use it to get an idea of where you are. Suppose the stations were 372 miles apart. That means the secondary will hear the blip roughly 2 milliseconds after the primary sends it (the speed of light is about 186 miles per millisecond). You can characterize how much the secondary delays, so let’s just say that’s another millisecond.


Now both transmitted blips have to make it to your receiver. Let’s take a sill example. Suppose you are on top of station B. You’ll hear station A at the same time station B hears it. Then, when you subtract out the delay for station B, you’ll hear its blip immediately. You could easily guess you were 372 miles from station A.

30851975It is more likely, though, that you will be somewhere else, which complicates things. If you find there is a 372-mile difference in your distance from station A to station B, that could mean you were 186 miles away from each station. Or, you could be 202 miles from station A and 170 miles from station B.

If you plot all the possibilities, you’ll get a hyperbolic curve. You are somewhere on the curve. How do you know where? You take a reading on a different pair of transmitters, and the curves should touch on two points. You are on one of those points.

This is similar to stellar navigation, and you usually have enough of an idea where you are to get rid of one of the points as ridiculous. You do, however, have to take into account the motion of your vehicle between readings. If there are multiple secondary stations, that can help since you can get multiple readings without switching to an entirely new pair. The Coast Guard video below explains it graphically, if that helps.…

Receiver Tech

The receiver was able to inject a rectangular pulse on both channels to use as a reference, which is what the video talks about being the “pedestal” (although the British typically called it a cursor).

LORAN could operate up to 700 nautical miles in the day, but nighttime propagation would allow measurements up to 1,400 nautical miles away. Of course, the further away you are, the less accurate the system is.

During the day, things were simple because you typically just got one pulse from each station. But at night, you could get multiple bounces, and it was much more difficult to interpret.

If you want to dive really deep into how you’d take a practical fix, [The Radar Room] has a very detailed video. It shows multiple pulses and uses a period-appropriate APN-4 receiver.

In Care Of…

The U.S. Army Air Force originated LORAN. The Navy was working on Loran-B, but later gave up on it and took over an Air Force project with similar goals. In 1957, the Coast Guard took over both systems and named them Loran-A and Loran-C and decided they weren’t acronyms anymore. Loran-A started going away in the mid-1970s, although some overseas systems were active well into the 1990s. Loran-C survived even longer than that.

Oddly, the development of LORAN took place in a radiation laboratory. GPS isn’t that different other than having super synchronized clocks, many transmitters, and some very fancy math.

Featured Image: Detail of USAF special Loran chart. (LS-103) from the David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.…

È uscita Delta Chat Android v1.50.4 (Beta)

🔸invia correttamente come adesivi animati i file GIF selezionati dalla tastiera

🔸migliorato il selettore emoji in modalità orizzontale e quando si passa da orizzontale a verticale

🔸evita i crash quando si ricevono notifiche push se l'utente ha impedito all'app di funzionare in secondo piano

🔸migliorata l'interfaccia utente quando si allega un file o un'immagine per riconoscere facilmente che è allegato ma non ancora inviato

🔸evita il caricamento lento delle app in chat su alcuni dispositivi quando si riapre rapidamente un'app dopo averla chiusa

🔸consente di selezionare più immagini contemporaneamente nel selettore multimediale tramite il pulsante "Galleria"

🔸contrassegna i messaggi di avviso delle festività come generati da bot

🔸non contrassegna i contatti come bot quando si ricevono messaggi solo sulla posizione e sincronizzazione

🔸preferisce crittografare anche se gli altri utenti hanno la loro preferenza per "nessuna preferenza"

🔸avvia timer per i messaggi effimeri quando la chat viene archiviata o notificata

🔸diverse correzioni di bug e traduzioni aggiornate


Recensione : No Strange Chiedilo a Te Stesso

Recensione : No Strange Chiedilo a Te Stesso
No Strange e il loro nuovo album Chiedilo a Te Stesso: un inno alla creatività dell'epoca d'oro del garage e della psychedelia italiana. Scopri la magia! @Musica Agorà…

Il futuro dell’Europa e del mondo

@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)
In queste ore si stanno sollevando cori da stadio sui social network a favore e contro il sedicente accordo con l’azienda Space X di Elon Musk, voluto della Presidente del […]
L'articolo Il futuro dell’Europa e del mondo proviene da Edoardo Limone.


djpanini reshared this.

ATM e trattamento dati personali: tanta sciatteria e impenetrabile ottusità.

@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:…
Questo articolo fa riferimento alla pagina del sito ATM dedicata all'iscrizione degli utenti per effettuare attività online, acquisto di abbonamenti, richiesta della tessera su cui caricarli, ecc. È un

Cassette Tape Plays MP3s


Cassette tapes were a major way of listening to (and recording) music througout the 1980s and 1990s and were in every hi-fi stereo, boom box, and passenger vehicle of the era. Their decline was largely as a result of improvements in CD technology and the rise of the MP3 player, and as a result we live in a world largely absent of this once-ubiquitous technology. There are still a few places where these devices crop up, and thanks to some modern technology their capabilities as a music playback device can be greatly enhanced.

The build starts, as one might expect, by disassembling the cassette and removing the magnetic tape from the plastic casing. With the interior of the cassette empty it’s capable of holding a small battery, USB-C battery charger, and a Bluetooth module. The head of an old tape deck can be wired to the audio output of the Bluetooth module and then put back in place in the housing in place of the old tape. With the cassette casing reassembled, there’s nothing left to do but pair it to a smartphone or other music-playing device and push play on the nearest tape deck.

As smartphones continue to lose their 3.5 mm headphone jacks, builds like this can keep lots of older stereos relevant and usable again, including for those of us still driving older vehicles that have functioning tape decks. Of course, if you’re driving a classic antique auto with a tape technology even older than the compact cassette, there are still a few Bluetooth-enabled options for you as well.……

La RAI trasmetta Magma, il docu-film sul delitto Mattarella

@Giornalismo e disordine informativo…
Crediamo che sia importante che la RAI trasmetta MAGMA, il docu-film di Giorgia Furlan che ricostruisce il delitto Mattarella a quarantacinque anni da quel terribile atto criminale. In gioco c’è,

Qualora dovesse essere finalizzato l'accordo con Space X risulterebbe agghiacciante per diverse ragioni.

1) La cessione a un privato del sistema di crittografia dei canali di comunicazione governativi.

2) Quel privato è l'uomo più ricco, e probabilmente anche il più potente del mondo, nonché consulente governativo di un Paese straniero.

3) L'accordo viene effettuato senza alcuna gara e senza alcuna consultazione.

Si tratta di una mossa con delle implicazioni politiche gravissime, oltre che di una scelleratezza rara.

in reply to FabioTurco

oltretutto si tratta di criminale che vuole deliberatamente destabilizzare altri Stati sovrani, o quantomeno vuole far credere di poterlo fare...…

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in reply to informapirata ⁂

@informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: esattamente. Musk dal giorno uno post elezioni sta conducendo una campagna aperta di destabilizzazione dei Paesi europei. L'obiettivo mi sembra fin troppo chiaro ed è lo stesso che con altri mezzi viene perseguito dal Cremlino.

Members of an underground criminal community are targeting U-Haul because of the wealth of non-public information it can hold on targets.#News #Hacking



Vorrei avere il dono di viaggiare nel tempo
Un tappeto volante per il passato
E artigli,
più lunghi e decisi
Per riprendermi qualcosa cui dar nome non so
Qualcosa, che solamente il cuore
Isole genuine e pure che anima ignota
sicuro mi rubò

Nel tempo, così pensavo
osservando il fantasma di greto
d'un rivo antico disseccato
Combatterei a capo di mille guerrieri
se fosse servito a farti voltare
Donna mia
dallo sguardo che avvolge
Fuoco che consuma
e addolcisce il mio giorno
Saper di avere più cose in comune
Un senso di strano e un brandello di pelle
Tutti i guai in attesa di volo
Qualcuno - meno male
col passaporto già scaduto

E mi risvegliai sereno
dopo averti in qualche modo vissuto
Eri un bianconero di fumetto
E nel ricordo di acqua pura e fresca
la voce d’eremita
di un ruscello stretto in quota
S'accende la Grigna d'arancione
saluta la luce d'occaso
C'è chi ne resta ipnotizzato
Io non ci casco, e sarà pure bello e che
Però Io
Io Rivoglio solo te

Un altro anno nasce; e sarà già duro e vecchio
Oltre il passo delle luci e dei bicchieri
Oltre la montagna lo stesso sole
Con la testa sopra il mio cuscino di gambe
curiosa mi domandavi ripetendo: E poi
E poi, e poi ma cosa mai vuoi
che Io ti dica di più
Donna mia
Fotogramma di sorrisi e un pizzico di follia
Amore già sublimato via

Rotolando nei meandri del giorno
Strattonato dalla luce
Dei pomeriggi d'inverno
Un ruscello di pietra guarda giù
Non vede e tacito insiste e illuso reclama
Ma l'acqua pura di ieri, di qui
più non passerà. Ed Io

Vorrei avere il dono di viaggiare nel tempo
Tappeto volante per dove ho già dato…

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in un libro che descriveva un futuro distopico fascistoide erano banditi i libri, e il "pensiero" scritto era permesso e limitato a poche parole, nella forma di slogan. con l'avvento del telefonino quel mondo distopico è diventato realtà, e il pensiero si è semplificato e necrotizzato. e così adesso leggi frasi troppo brevi per esprimere concetti complessi. la gente pensa "semplicemente", per rigidi schemi, per lo più preconfezionati. una frase lunga non è né letta né capita. ecco che quel mondo è perfettamente realizzato, e io ho la mia risposta, sul dove siano finiti i nerd, la gente che pensa, le persone, e siano rimasti solo zombie capaci di esprimere pensieri semplici e molto basilari. ci sono addirittura social, apparentemente liberi, dove pur potendo scrivere liberamente, non è di fatto permesso, perché quello che pubblici ha un limite massimo di parole. si invitano le persone a essere cretine in sostanza. un social "idiot only".
in reply to simona

ho anche posto la domanda su google gemini e ha detto che in effetti ho posto una questione pertinente ma che sono fondamentalmente troppo pessimista e che non deve per forza finire come sostengo io. in sostanza l'ai ammette la possibilità di un miracolo.

Il Papa ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale dell’arcidiocesi di Washington presentata dal card. Wilton Daniel Gregory e ha nominato arcivescovo di Washington il card. Robert Walter McElroy, trasferendolo dalla diocesi di San Diego.

Il Papa ha nominato prefetto del Dicastero per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica suor Simona Brambilla, finora segretario della stessa istituzione curiale. Ne dà notizia oggi la Sala Stampa della Santa Sede.

I Re Magi, eroi dimenticati della Natività. Il commento di Cristiano

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Nella storia delle nostre festività, in quella rappresentazione delle grandi festività che ci educa fin da bambini, tre straordinari, misteriosi e seducenti personaggi del racconto evangelico, i Re magi, sono stati sostituiti dalla simpaticissima Befana. Ma anche loro hanno un grande fascino. Una vecchia fiaba dice che i Re

“Non dimentichiamo di pregare per la pace in Ucraina, in Israele e in tutti i Paesi che sono in guerra”. È l’appello del Papa, al termine dell’Angelus dell’Epifania in piazza San Pietro.

Elisabetta Belloni lascia il vertice dei servizi segreti: “Via dal 15 gennaio”

@Politica interna, europea e internazionale
“Ho maturato questa decisione da tempo ma non ho altri incarichi. Lascerò il posto di direttore del Dis il 15 gennaio”. A dirlo, confermando le indiscrezioni lanciate da Repubblica, è Elisabetta Belloni, che dunque non sarà più il capo dei servizi segreti. Nominata il 21

siccome la libertà nei paesi occidentali è imperfetta allora scegliamo la libertà alla "russa". io questo non lo comprendo. che poi a essere coerenti se sei un fascista e ti piacciono le dittature perché lamentarsi che le democrazie occidentali non sono davvero libere? dovresti gioire. se sono già sulla via giusta secondo te perché lamentarti? spera solo che migliori nel tempo dal tuo punto di vista e ci siano sempre meno libertà e campi di prigionia con lavori forzati. tutti felici in vacanza in residence in siberia. per gli anti-americani è anche disponibile il trasferimento a richiesta a guantanamo. per gentile concessione e con spirito di fratellanza. credo apprezzerete.

un tempo esistevano nerd e persone "normali". adesso non esistono più i nerd ma solo persona normali e persone "strane". sarà sintomo di un decadimento cerebrale collettivo? un tempo c'erano persone con le quali parlavi e ti toccava pensare "mannaggia quanto sono idiota e sempliciotta". ma che fine hanno fatto nel mondo quelle persone? adesso con chi parli non fa che gonfiare il tuo io... ti senti un genio. e non è sano. va bene quando parlando con una persona ti senti un cretino e non un genio. così ti distruggono anche come persona. senti una bella frase ben detta che ti fa capire che non hai considerato qualcosa, o che il tuo ragionamento è fallato. bei tempi quando esistevano persone e un'umanità. non resta che sperare che dopo di noi la prossima specie "intelligente" sia migliore, perché una cosa è chiara: noi siamo al capolinea. e tutto questo detto da persone come me ben consapevole dei propri limiti e ben consapevole di essere solo umana rende tutto davvero molto triste. ma dove sono finite le persone? perché questo imbarbarimento? la scuola è quel che è, ma gli strumenti ci sono tuttti a voler crescere.

“Noi, oggi, a quale categoria apparteniamo? Siamo più simili ai pastori, che la notte stessa vanno in fretta alla grotta, e ai Magi d’Oriente, che partono fiduciosi alla ricerca del Figlio di Dio fatto uomo; o siamo più simili a coloro che, pur essen…

Announcing The Next PPI Board Meeting

The Next PPI Board Meeting will take place on January 7th at 20:00 UTC / 21:00 CET.

Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will take place on Jitsi:…

“La stella ci parla del sogno di Dio: che tutta l’umanità, nella ricchezza delle sue differenze, giunga a formare una sola famiglia, e che viva concorde nella prosperità e nella pace”.


Dobbiamo preoccuparci della sicurezza del volo? L’analisi del gen. Tricarico

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Ne stanno accadendo troppe nei cieli di guerra e negli spazi aerei dell’ordinaria quotidianità per non fermarsi e riflettere sull’evidente sgretolamento della sicurezza del volo, e sugli eventuali provvedimenti da adottare. Nessun comparto del complesso mondo dell’aviazione civile pare al riparo dalla

L'ultima follia degli eurocrati: bandire dal 2030 il cotone, con la scusa che non è abbastanza riciclabile e la sua coltivazione è troppo dannosa per l’ambiente.

Ci penso io a rappresentare i loro diritti, che vengano sono disponibile, dietro casa ho un bel muro...per le riunioni.
Spunta l'organizzazione per i diritti dei pedofili • Imola Oggi…

Ambasciata della Federazione Russa in Italia, 2 gennaio 2025

Kiev si è rifiutata di rinnovare gli accordi di transito siglati tra la società russa Gazprom e le ucraine “Naftogaz” e OGTSU (Operatore ucraino del sistema di trasporto del gas). Tali accordi sono scaduti il 1 gennaio 2025, data a partire dalla quale è stato interrotto il transito del gas russo verso l’Europa attraverso il territorio dell’Ucraina.

Sottolineiamo che le autorità di Kiev hanno deciso di interrompere il pompaggio del “combustibile blu” che giungeva dalla Russia ed era destinato ai cittadini dei Paesi europei nonostante Gazprom abbia rispettato i propri obblighi contrattuali.

L’interruzione delle forniture di una risorsa energetica ecosostenibile e dal costo competitivo come il gas russo non va soltanto a indebolire il potenziale economico europeo, ma ha anche un impatto fortemente negativo sul tenore di vita dei cittadini europei.

È evidente come le reali motivazioni che risiedono alla base della decisione presa dal regime di Kiev siano di carattere geopolitico.

Il principale beneficiario di questa nuova ripartizione del mercato energetico del Vecchio Continente, nonché principale promotore della crisi ucraina, sono gli USA. A cadere vittima per prima della loro strategia predatoria è stata la maggiore economia europea, quella tedesca, che a seguito delle esplosioni che hanno danneggiato i gasdotti North Stream 1 e 2 si è trovata costretta a rifornirsi di gas naturale a prezzi significativamente più elevati e ha dovuto procedere allo smantellamento di molte delle sue più grandi industrie, leggendari marchi di fabbrica del settore produttivo tedesco.

E adesso, a dover pagare il prezzo del clientelismo americano saranno anche gli altri Paesi che fanno parte di quella che, una volta, era un’Unione Europea prospera e indipendente.

La responsabilità per l’interruzione delle forniture di gas russo è da attribuirsi in tutto e per tutto agli USA, al regime fantoccio di Kiev, ma anche alle autorità dei Paesi europei, che pur di fornire sostegno finanziario all’economia americana hanno scelto di sacrificare il benessere dei propri cittadini.


Storia della Befana


Originariamente la Befana era simbolo dell’anno appena passato, un anno ormai vecchio proprio come lo è la Befana stessa. I doni che la vecchietta portava erano dei simboli di buon auspicio per l’anno che sarebbe iniziato.
In un centro delle Marche, Urbania, in provincia di Pesaro, si festeggia il 6 gennaio di ogni anno la Befana.


EPA has known for 20 years that it promotes toxic fertilizer

Dear Friend of Press Freedom,

I’m Lauren Harper, the first Daniel Ellsberg Chair on Government Secrecy at Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), and welcome to “The Classifieds.” This is FPF’s weekly newsletter highlighting important secrecy news that shows how the public is harmed when the government keeps too many secrets.

EPA’s silence on ‘forever chemicals’ in fertilizer a public health risk

For over 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency has promoted a fertilizer it knows contains “forever chemicals” linked to birth defects and cancer.

An investigation by veteran environmental reporter Hiroko Tabuchi for The New York Times shows that, in the early 2000s, chemical manufacturer 3M found high levels of the toxic chemicals it produced in the nation’s sewage supply. Because the wastewater was used to fertilize farmland as part of a practice promoted by the EPA, the company concluded its “chemicals were being unwittingly spread on fields across the country.”

3M told the EPA about its findings during a 2003 meeting.

The EPA sat on the study, continues to promote the fertilization method that may “permanently contaminate” soil, and does not require testing for forever chemicals in wastewater. The only reason we know about the public health risk at all is because Tabuchi dug through thousands of pages of records — all stored on CDs — that were released by 3M as part of a legal settlement.

For more information on the dangers of these same chemicals found in drinking water, which the EPA only recently began regulating, read here and here.

CIA’s mind-control programs declassified

The National Security Archive (where I used to work) recently published a collection of over 1,200 declassified documents on the CIA’s infamous mind-control research programs, projects MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, and ARTICHOKE. The publication comes 50 years after journalist Seymour Hersh broke the story about the existence of the illegal programs in The New York Times.

The most infamous example of the CIA’s illegal experiments — often conducted on U.S. citizens who had no idea they were being targeted — may be Operation Midnight Climax. As part of this 1950s program, prostitutes working under the direction of the agency lured unsuspecting men back to CIA-run brothels in San Francisco and New York City. The CIA’s own records show the victims were unwittingly fed a variety of drugs, including LSD manufactured by companies like Eli Lilly. The prostitutes then attempted to coax information from the drugged victims so CIA officials, hidden behind one-way mirrors, could assess the drugs’ impact on the men’s ability to tell the truth.

The legacy of these projects, and the medical community’s willingness to support the agency’s illegal and unethical work, goes beyond mind-control experiments. Former New York Times journalist Stephen Kinzer notes that MKULTRA in particular “contributed decisively to the development of techniques that Americans and their allies used at detention centers in Vietnam, Latin America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, and secret prisons around the world.”

Federal police accountability database issues first report. Will Trump maintain it?

The Justice Department released its first annual report assessing statistics from the National Law Enforcement Accountability Database. The database was mandated by President Joe Biden’s 2022 executive order, “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety,” and mirrors similar efforts by the Biden administration to bring accountability and transparency to local policing.

The database, which is used by agencies when making personnel decisions like hiring and promotions, contains information on federal law enforcement misconduct for 2018 through 2023. It currently consists of 4,790 records and shows 63% of incidents “were for sustained complaints or records of disciplinary action based on findings of serious misconduct.”

While the order mandates annual reporting, it’s possible President-elect Donald Trump will rescind the requirement and discontinue the database.

Incentivized lying plagued U.S. efforts in Afghanistan across decades

The Special Inspector General on Afghanistan Reconstruction will issue its final report this year.

SIGAR’s work has been instrumental in informing the public how the U.S. government lied for decades about its progress in Afghanistan, particularly concerning the effectiveness of the billions of dollars spent training Afghanistan’s security forces. A large part of the problem, which IG John Sopko highlights in a recent New York Times op-ed, is the “perverse incentive” for military officials and contractors to justify previous spending levels to keep their budgets from getting cut, no matter how ineffective or useless the programs were.

The IG’s office was, by its own assessment, “the only government agency reliably reporting on the situation” in Afghanistan, and did so in spite of “stiff opposition from officials in the departments of Defense and State, USAID and the organizations that supported their programs.” (SIGAR was not universally transparent with the public, however. Washington Post reporter Craig Whitlock had to sue SIGAR under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain copies of the “lessons learned” interviews SIGAR conducted with policymakers, military officials, and contractors who worked in Afghanistan for his book, “The Afghanistan Papers.”)

What I’m reading

The American oil industry’s playbook, illustrated: How drillers offload costly cleanup onto the public (ProPublica). In more environmental secrecy news, ProPublica reports that the Interior Department has known for 35 years that unplugged oil and gas wells can leak dangerous material into the water supply. The public health impact of this problem needs get more attention as the incoming Trump administration works to “increase the number of sales for oil leases on public lands and shrink federal environmental agencies.”

Trump advisers seek to shrink or eliminate bank regulators (Wall Street Journal). The Trump transition team is exploring ways to eliminate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, an agency that maintains “public confidence in the nation’s financial system.” The public regularly demonstrates its interest in the FDIC’s work, filing nearly 700 FOIA requests with the agency in 2023 alone. These requests seek a wide swath of information, ranging from bank acquisitions to communications with Congress.

He leaked Trump’s tax returns. Will Biden protect him? (The Intercept). Tax law professors are encouraging President Biden to commute the sentence of former IRS contractor Charles Littlejohn. Littlejohn leaked Trump’s tax returns to The New York Times after Trump broke tradition and refused to release them. Littlejohn also leaked returns of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and other billionaires, showing how the superrich exploit the tax system.…

5 gennaio 2025: la preparazione all'abbandono di Facebook sta procedendo anche se il 99% dei contatti non possiede (o addirittura non conosce) i protocolli aperti, tanto meno l'RSS.
E sembra non esserci un modo "ufficiale" di leggere i contenuti di una pagina Facebook da feed, se no li avrei messi tutti qua su Friendica.
Però sto anche studiando Nostr, ho trovato un bel video esplicativo - purtroppo su piattaforma chiusa YouTube.…

Ma con tutti gli asini che potevano morire... quello sbagliato. RIP.…


StopElon. Un'idea divertente che nasconde una grossa fregatura.

@Privacy Pride
Il post completo di Christian Bernieri è sul suo blog:…
Grazie ad un post di‬ ho visto una divertente iniziativa di protesta #stopElon A prescindere dal contenuto e dai

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🔴 Alcune immagini della manifestazione tenutasi stamattina a Roma dove sono intervenuti attivisti di diverse organizzazioni

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