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Toner Transfer, but Not for PCBs


It is old news that you can print PCB artwork on glossy paper and use a clothes iron to transfer the toner to a copper board, which will resist etchant. But [Squalius] shows us how to do a similar trick with 3D prints in a recent video, which you can see below.

The example used is a QR code, although you can use anything you can print in a mirror image. Of course, heat from a clothes iron isn’t going to be compatible with your 3D-printed plastic. The trick is to use some acrylic medium on the part, place the print face down, and apply more medium to the back of the paper.

Once the acrylic dries, you can use water to remove the paper, but the toner pattern will remain. Once it dries, you’ll need to remove bits of paper still left. Be careful, though. The image is now pretty fragile. To make it more durable, the process calls for a clear varnish overcoat. Some commenters on the video mentioned that a UV clear coat would probably work, too.

This is an easy technique to experiment with, and the results look great. Seems perfect for keycaps or front panels. Let us know how it goes!……

La Fine delle Password è vicina! Microsoft Rivoluziona l’Autenticazione con le Passkey

Gli specialisti Microsoft registrano il blocco di circa 7mila attacchi utilizzando password ogni secondo, quasi il doppio rispetto a un anno fa. Questi risultati evidenziano l’urgente necessità di metodi di sicurezza degli account più robusti.

Una soluzione promettente sono le chiavi di accesso (Passkey). Utilizzano dati biometrici o codici PIN per sbloccare la chiave privata sul dispositivo dell’utente, rendendolo praticamente invulnerabile al phishing e ad altri tipi di attacchi.

Le statistiche mostrano anche la crescente sofisticazione degli attacchi informatici. Nell’ultimo anno, il numero di attacchi man-in-the-middle è aumentato del 146%. Microsoft sta implementando attivamente le passkey come parte della transizione verso metodi di autenticazione più sicuri.

Nel maggio 2024, Microsoft ha annunciato il supporto per le chiavi di accesso per servizi popolari come Xbox, Microsoft 365 e Microsoft Copilot. Questo passaggio accelera notevolmente il processo di accesso agli account: le passkey sono tre volte più veloci delle password e otto volte più veloci delle combinazioni di password con autenticazione a più fattori.

Anche gli utenti accettano attivamente il nuovo approccio: già il 98% di loro accede con successo utilizzando le passkey, mentre per le password questa cifra è solo del 32%.

Microsoft promuove attivamente la registrazione delle chiavi di accesso, offrendola durante la creazione di un account o la modifica di una password. Ciò ha portato a un risultato impressionante: l’aumento nell’uso delle passkey è stato del 987% dopo l’implementazione di un nuovo design di accesso per i servizi dell’azienda.

Microsoft prevede che centinaia di milioni di utenti passeranno alle passkey nei prossimi mesi. L’obiettivo finale è eliminare completamente le password e passare ad account a prova di phishing.

Il passaggio a Passkey apre una nuova era di sicurezza informatica. Iniziative come questa da parte di grandi player come Microsoft potrebbero finalmente cambiare l’approccio all’autenticazione, rendendola comoda e sicura. Questa trasformazione potrebbe essere l’inizio della fine dell’era delle password.

L'articolo La Fine delle Password è vicina! Microsoft Rivoluziona l’Autenticazione con le Passkey proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.

L’Intelligenza Emotiva Prende Vita da LG! La Nuova Frontiera dell’Intelligenza Artificiale

LG ha introdotto un nuovo concetto di intelligenza artificiale chiamato “intelligenza emotiva” (intelligenza affettuosa), volto a migliorare l’interazione dell’utente. L’innovazione è stata annunciata dal CEO dell’azienda William Cho all’evento LG World Premiere a Las Vegas il 6 gennaio 2025, alla vigilia del CES 2025.

La tecnologia promette di ridefinire il modo in cui pensiamo all’intelligenza artificiale. L'”Intelligenza Emotiva” è posizionata come assistente domestico personale. L’obiettivo del nuovo prodotto è comprendere meglio ed entrare in empatia con gli utenti, fornendo un’esperienza personalizzata.

L’attenzione principale è stata rivolta all’agente LG FURON AI aggiornato, basato su modelli LLM e analisi dei dati sulle preferenze degli utenti. La demo includeva una scena in cui FURON regolava la temperatura di una stanza al mattino dopo aver notato che qualcuno tossiva durante la notte. Inoltre, l’agente ha suggerito all’utente di portare la madre per un controllo medico di routine in base al tempo disponibile nel programma dell’utente.

FURON può anche anticipare i bisogni. Ad esempio, il sistema può ricordarti un thermos di caffè dimenticato a casa o suggerirti di evitare un ingorgo per non arrivare in ritardo al lavoro. Oltre alle previsioni, FURON offre soluzioni per prevenire possibili problemi.

Ad esempio, se il traffico è intenso, FURON può consigliarti di condurre un incontro online direttamente dalla tua auto. Dopo una giornata di lavoro, l’intelligenza artificiale analizza il tuo ambiente, le tue abitudini e la cronologia delle interazioni per consigliare contenuti personalizzati.

Il concetto si basa su tre elementi chiave: dispositivi connessi, intelligenza artificiale e servizi integrati. I dispositivi fungono da punti di contatto tra l’utente e l’intelligenza artificiale. Sebbene il concetto sembri promettente, il suo costo elevato potrebbe renderlo accessibile solo a un numero limitato di acquirenti.

L'articolo L’Intelligenza Emotiva Prende Vita da LG! La Nuova Frontiera dell’Intelligenza Artificiale proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.

Through the Spyglass: MAGA flavored Imperialism

The following statements are pieces taken from the United States Pirate Party platform:

  • “A restructuring from a paradigm of United States dominance to genuine collaboration and friendship is essential.”
  • “A more united American Continent will help each country become stronger and create a stronger bond between every American, from Greenland to Patagonia.”
  • “We advocate for increased diplomacy in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, especially where we do not have a good record of friendly and diplomatic relations. We need to earn the trust of our fellow American countries in the New World by being a helpful ally rather than an overarching imperial authority.”
  • “We advocate for increasing trade and signing friendship treaties with these countries in order to assist them economically, helping to bolster the continent’s economy in general, and strengthening our cultural ties as Americans.”
  • “We call for free movement for Americans from every American country.”
  • “We advocate for ending the Cuban embargo and lifting sanctions on Nicaragua and Venezuela.”
  • “We call for the free movement of all peoples.”
  • “We advocate for the right to free association and self-determination. People living in a political entity should have the right to maintain, alter or conclude their relationship to larger entities, or join in union, if it is the will of the people.”
  • “We advocate for lifting sanctions on countries who only have said sanctions because we disapprove of their government.”
  • “We advocate for legislation which ensures our government and intelligence agencies do not interfere in any elections in Europe, Africa, Asia or any part of the American Continent and that the will of the people is respected.”
  • “The US has made a lot of missteps along the way, so we should make the first steps to fix them.”

Back in November, the 2024 Presidential election ended with the reelection of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States.

Since embarking on his road back to the White House, President Trump has elected to make imperialist comments regarding our neighbors.

It has been a number of things: calling PM Trudeau “Governor”, Canada the “51st State”, threats of tariffs and even military action to gain control on Greenland or the Panama Canal, trying to rename the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America”, etc.

All this before he’s set to take the Presidency in less than two weeks from the posting of this article.

On behalf of the United States Pirate Party, we would like to echo Danish PM Frederiksen’s words:

“Greenland is for the Greenlanders”

Our platform is clearly stated. The USPP calls for the United States to uphold a good neighbor policy. A REAL good neighbor policy. One that should be implemented with future generations in mind.

This is a massive step in the wrong direction for the United States. Seeing the President-elect speaking with such imperialist terms is worrying, but something we will not hesitate to speak out about.

One of the most honorable actions the recently passed President Carter enabled via the Torrijos-Carter Treaties was the transfer of the Panama Canal to the Republic of Panama.

In the shadow of President Carter’s funeral, President-elect Trump is attempting to wrong that right.

The alleged “anti-war candidate” seems to be just fine with US Imperialism.

To our northern and southern neighbors who feel antagonized by our President’s comments. To our fellow Americans, from Greenland to Patagonia, because América is the continent and Americans are from América:

A key issue of this party is Pan-Americanism. We believe the USA should be a good neighbor and uphold a real good neighbor policy.

We believe US Imperialism is a stain on this continent and we wish to correct that, not return to it.

We denounce any attempt at US expansion, unless it is the will of the people to join in union with the USA. President Trump’s comments are not reflective of the vast majority of this country, certainly not of this party, and certainly not something will we watch happen quietly.

Oh, and the Gulf of Mexico being renamed to “Gulf of America” is a waste of time, but the “Gulf of América”?


Dando un'occhiata al Fediverso, ne ho ammirato una galassia e un sistema planetario: #mobilizon e #diggita.
Per il momento ho aggiunto al mio lettore di RSS gli eventi di Torino e la timeline di Diggita.
Seguiranno sviluppi.

AI generated slop is tricking people into thinking an already devastating series of wildfires in Los Angeles are even worse than they are — and using it to score political points. #AI #Wildfires #grok

Corno d’Africa, REPORT EEPA n.599

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Situazione in Sudan (al 9 gennaio) Le forze armate sudanesi (SAF) hanno dovuto affrontare una battuta d’arresto all’inizio dell’anno, quando le Rapid Support Forces (RSF) le hanno sorprese in un’imboscata durante un’offensiva nello stato del Nilo

Hidden dependencies, social engineering attacks, and the complexity of foundation models can all contribute tothe insecure use of open-source software in 2025.#artificialintelligence #endorlabs #opensource #security

reshared this

Aprite le case sfitte, non le porte sante

Sono già 11 le persone senza fissa dimora che, nei primi sei giorni del 2025, sono state trovate morte per strada. Praticamente, due al giorno.
Più di 700 i morti che si contano tra il 2022 e il 2023.

A tutto il 2024, secondo i dati dell’ISTAT, sono quasi 97.000 le persone senza tetto e senza dimora sul territorio nazionale.
Dato che non tiene conto del “sommerso”, perché prende in considerazione le sole persone iscritte all’anagrafe escludendo i non censiti.

Sempre un’indagine ISTAT dello scorso anno rivela che 1 casa su 3 in Italia non è abitata.
Il 33% delle abitazioni è sfitto o non assegnato a individui a cui viene così negato il diritto fondamentale economico, sociale e culturale ad un adeguato alloggio e riparo, tema cardine di giustizia sociale citato nella Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani (Art. 25).

Il fenomeno delle abitazioni sfitte diventa più rilevante e critico soprattutto nelle grandi città, dove si concentrano un maggior numero di indigenti, ma dove la bolla degli affitti brevi distorce e piega il soddisfacimento dei bisogni fondamentali alle mere logiche del libero mercato.

Il Giubileo a Roma ne è un esempio eclatante.
Già oggi, Roma è la terza città in Europa (dopo Londra e Parigi) per numero di alloggi dedicati agli affitti brevi.
Ci sono zone della città dove il rapporto tra posti letto offerti su Airbnb e residenti supera il 70% del totale degli alloggi disponibili.
E questo succede perché, alle condizioni date, l’affitto breve è molto più remunerativo, oltre che molto meno “rischioso” in termini di riappropriazione della titolarità dell’immobile da parte della proprietà, rispetto a formule più classiche di locazione.

Nell’arco del 2025, la Capitale si aspetta di ospitare oltre 35 milioni di pellegrini, quando non si ha idea di come dotare di un alloggio dignitoso 18mila famiglie che da più di 10 anni sono in attesa dell’assegnazione di una casa popolare.

Dati alla mano, la vera indulgenza sarebbe rendere agibili le costruzioni di edilizia popolare.
E aprire le case sfitte, anziché le porte sante.
Perché non sia un principio di carità cristiana a determinare la realizzazione sociale della dignità umana.

Abitare Possibile

L'articolo Aprite le case sfitte, non le porte sante proviene da Possibile.

Retrotechtacular: Soldering the Tek Way


For a lot of us, soldering just seems to come naturally. But if we’re being honest, none of us was born with a soldering iron in our hand — ouch! — and if we’re good at soldering now, it’s only thanks to good habits and long practice. But what if you’re a company that lives and dies by the quality of the solder joints your employees produce? How do you get them to embrace the dark art of soldering?

If you’re Tektronix in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the answer is simple: make in-depth training videos that teach people to solder the Tek way. The first video below, from 1977, is aimed at workers on the assembly line and as such concentrates mainly on the practical aspects of making solid solder joints on PCBs and mainly with through-hole components. The video does have a bit of theory on soldering chemistry and the difference between eutectic alloys and other tin-lead mixes, as well as a little about the proper use of silver-bearing solders. But most of the time is spent discussing the primary tool of the trade: the iron. Even though the film is dated and looks like a multi-generation dupe from VHS, it still has a lot of valuable tips; we’ve been soldering for decades and somehow never realized that cleaning a tip on a wet sponge is so effective because the sudden temperature change helps release oxides and burned flux. The more you know.

The second video below is aimed more at the Tek repair and rework technicians. It reiterates a lot of the material from the first video, but then veers off into repair-specific topics, like effective desoldering. Pro tip: Don’t use the “Heat and Shake” method of desoldering, and wear those safety glasses. There’s also a lot of detail on how to avoid damaging the PCB during repairs, and how to fix them if you do manage to lift a trace. They put a fair amount of emphasis on the importance of making repairs look good, especially with bodge wires, which should be placed on the back of the board so they’re not so obvious. It makes sense; Tek boards from the era are works of art, and you don’t want to mess with that.………

Writing a RISC-V OS From Scratch


If you read Japanese, you might have seen the book “Design and Implementation of Microkernels” by [Nu Tian Sheng]. An appendix covers how to write your own operating system for RISC-V in about 1,000 lines of code. Don’t speak Japanese? An English version is available free on the Web and on GitHub.

The author points out that the original Linux kernel wasn’t much bigger (about 8,500 lines). The OS allows for paging, multitasking, a file system, and exception handling. It doesn’t implement interrupt handling, timers, inter-process communication, or handling of multiple processors. But that leaves you with something to do!

The online book covers everything from booting using OpenSBI to building a command line shell. Honestly, we’d have been happier with some interrupt scheme and any sort of crude way to communicate and synchronize across processes, but the 1,000 line limit is draconian.

Since the project uses QEMU as an emulation layer, you don’t even need any special hardware to get started. Truthfully, you probably won’t want to use this for a production project, but for getting a detailed understanding of operating systems or RISC-V programming, it is well worth a look.

If you want something more production-ready, you have choices. Or, stop using an OS at all.…

Tv2000, domenica 12 gennaio alle ore 9.30, trasmette in diretta dalla Cappella Sistina, in occasione della festa del Battesimo del Signore, la Messa presieduta da Papa Francesco nel corso della quale impartisce il sacramento del battesimo ad alcuni b…

Dell’impatto umano della crisi del debito ha parlato oggi pomeriggio Chiara Mariotti, in servizio presso l’Alto commissariato per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite, durante il convegno sul messaggio del Papa per la Giornata mondiale della pace, in …

Pace: Moro (economista), “il debito estero è una condanna alla povertà. Istituire un Forum per definire le regole del prestito responsabile”

Play2000, la piattaforma streaming di Tv2000 e inBlu2000, sabato 11 gennaio dalle ore 10, trasmette in diretta l’apertura ufficiale dell’VIII Centenario della composizione del Cantico delle Creature di San Francesco (1225/2025) presso il Santuario Sa…

Bluesky rumoured to be valued at 700M USD, adds Trending Topics, Graze talks about how to monetise custom feeds, and a persistent bot problem on Bluesky.

Last Week in Bluesky – 2025jan.a

The year has only just started, and already the owners of the current Big Tech social networks have made it abundantly clear why open social networks matter. While it was never really true that networks, such as Twitter, were neutral platforms, we could at least collectively agree to that polite fiction. But in 2025, social networks are political, and have political alignments. Over the holidays I’ve taken some time away from all of my socials, and it’s been nice to have some space for reflection. Two articles came out this week that touch on some of my thoughts. The first is Henry Farrell’s ‘We’re getting the social media crisis wrong’, in which Farrell says: “The fundamental problem, as I see it, is not that social media misinforms individuals about what is true or untrue but that it creates publics with malformed collective understandings.” He takes the perspective of information and how it shapes beliefs, but his core observation is powerful and worth repeating. In effect, social media is a tool of collective sense-making. We have let a few tech billionaires control our tools that we globally use to collectively make sense of the world, and it turns out that has some negative consequences, to put it mildly.

This is why I care about social networks, because they are one of the main tools that we use in 2025 to come to a collective understanding of how the world works. I think that it is bad that these extraordinary powerful tools are in the hands of a few fascist billionaires, allowing them unprecedented control over how society sees and understands the world. The value of open social networks is in creating new forms of governance for our collective sense making tools.

Bluesky Won’t Save Us by Katharina Alejandra Cross touches on more of the risks that having access to collective sense making tools bring, as well as the issues that Bluesky has to truly be a different place. I agree with all the major points here: Being on X is a severe risk for many reasons, but a major one is that it warps your perspective of collective thought, shaped by a fascist billionaire. Bluesky has struggled to adapt to what it wants to be exactly, and while it is clearly a much better place than X, it has not yet provided a good answer to the tension between building a safe (centralised) platform and a decentralised open protocol. Cross writes: “Our best hope, then, is that Bluesky acts as a halfway house—most especially for politicians, journalists, academics, influencers, and other people who clearly spend way too much time online to their detriment.” I also hope that Bluesky acts as a halfway house, although maybe in a slightly different way than Cross is talking about here. I think we need to invent new types of social networks that better serve their role as collective tools for sense-making. Bluesky is a good step in the right direction, but I think we can do more than ‘decentralised microblogging’. ATProto can provide a powerful substrate for people to experiment on with new forms of social networking, and I’m excited to see what 2025 will bring for that.

The News

Business Insider reports that Bluesky is now valued at 700 million USD, and that they are close to finishing another funding round, this time led by Bain Capital Ventures. It is not known how much money Bluesky would raise in this new round. The previous funding round, the series A, was led by Blockchain Capital for 15 million, just barely 3 months ago. The series A did not provide a valuation for Bluesky. The series A also was just before the massive inflow of new users following the results of the US election, and Bluesky has doubled its user base in the 3 months since, from 13 million to 26 million. The new inflow of users also led to significant extra costs for Bluesky, which quadrupled its moderation team from 25 to 100 people, as well as the additional technical costs that comes with the growing user base. Bluesky got critiqued during the previous funding round for Blockchain Capital’s ties with cryptocurrency. In Blockchain Capital’s investment thesis they describe investing in a ‘vision of social infrastructure’ more than investing into a specific product. Crypto-themed VC funds tend to be more open to investing into lower-level internet infrastructure. Bain Capital Ventures seems to be a more generic VC fund: it does not have the connections to crypto that a significant part of the Bluesky user base finds noxious, but does not have a clear indication of a willingness to invest in social infrastructure over products either.

Bluesky has recently added Trending Topics as a new feature to their app. When you hit search on the app, you’ll now see a list of the most talked about topics. The feature is also visible in the Discover feed. Trending Topics has been a long-requested feature, and especially the Brazilian community was asking for it a lot during their time on Bluesky in fall 2024. The technological underpinning of how Trending Topics work on Bluesky is noteworthy: every trending topic is a custom feed. Every time a new topic is trending, a new custom feed gets created, giving the team better control over the topic. It also allows for new possibilities that have not yet been explored, such as archiving and documenting feeds after the trend is over, or other options that have not yet been explored. One of the more interesting trends on Bluesky is the emergence of (some) custom feeds as digital places, with Blacksky as the most notable example. I am interested in seeing how Trending Topics also being custom feeds interacts with that dynamic.

Graze is a tool for people to create their own custom feeds on ATProto. It has an extensive feature set allowing for a great amount of customisability, complex logic and the ability to moderate content that appears in a feed. Graze recently published their plans for monetisation. Graze says that the project is experiencing explosive growth, and is escalating quickly from a small gamble, with the tool now serving over 170k unique people every day. Graze expects that they can host 90-95% of custom feeds for free, and view it as a priority to keep making feeds as accessible as possible. Operating the infrastructure for custom feeds is not free however, and Graze plans to make money as follows: they will allow feed operators to run sponsored posts in their Graze feeds, at a cost specified by the feed operator. Feed operators are free to run their own sponsored content or find their own sponsors. If feed operators decide to monetise their custom feed, Graze will take a cut of the transaction. Graze has not specified yet how that transaction cost will be determined.

Bluesky has seen a large increase in the number of bot and spam accounts in recent weeks. There are roughly three groups of bots active: porn and romance scams, inauthentic accounts posing as Democratic defenders, content farms, and Russian disinformation networks. The Bluesky team has finally managed to crack down on the current spam wave. As spam is an eternal cat-and-mouse game between spammers and moderation, the reprieve is likely temporarily however. The spam has significant impact on how community moderation functions, as the tools that are available are not up to the task of handling such a massive inflow of reports. More automod functions are needed for community labeling projects to deal with the spam.

The Analysis

There are multiple connections between these four different news stories. Early in 2024, Bluesky CEO Jay Graber gave an interview with The Verge, in which she talked about potential ways for Bluesky to make money. She described the idea of marketplaces that Bluesky could operate, such as marketplaces for algorithms. While she did not go into much detail on this, the basic idea seemed to be that people could create valuable systems (algorithms, moderation layers, custom feeds) and sell access to those systems to other people. Bluesky could then potentially operate these marketplaces, take a cut of every transaction as payment for providing the infrastructure, and make money this way. What we are seeing now with Graze is some version of this idea: Graze provides a marketplace for custom feed operators to put sponsored content in their feed, and Graze takes a cut of every transaction as payment for operating the infrastructure. It shows the interesting challenge for Bluesky PBC that is ahead: in an open system it is not actually guaranteed to be the first one to build marketplaces and become the default/largest operator of such a marketplace. If the potential is high enough, other organisations might just get there first.

There has been a lot of conversation about whether or not Bluesky will have advertisement in the future. The large majority of these conversations, and even remarks by Bluesky CEO Graber herself, imply a direct connection between people seeing advertisement when they open the Bluesky app, and the actions of Bluesky PBC. People assume that if they were to see ads on Bluesky, that is because Bluesky PBC put those ads there. The plans by Graze however show that this assumption is not always correct. In the near future, any ads people will see on the Bluesky app will likely be outside of the control of Bluesky PBC. Instead, the trend is towards ads being connected to the community/place/feed that shows the advertisement. I think this has a lot of implications for how we conceptualise advertisements on social networks that are hard to fully grasp right now, but certainly something I’m keeping an eye on.

One factor that has contributed to the bot spam in recent weeks is the inflow of a specific type of accounts, often called resistlibs in a derogatory manner. This is a group of people who identify as Democrat, and want to resist the Trump presidency by being active on social media. A defining characteristic is that they tend to engage in follow-back campaigns such as the ‘NoDemocratUnder1k‘ hashtag, where they follow all accounts that have that hashtag. Using Starter Packs this group can very quickly build up accounts that are followed and follow tens of thousands of people. This behaviour is easily hijacked by bad actors however, it is easy for spam networks to make accounts that look similar to resistlibs. Following Starter Packs, participating in follow-back culture and using the right hashtags makes it particularly easy for spam networks or other bad actors to build up large accounts on Bluesky. This has contributed to the influx of spam and bots on Bluesky recently, although it is far from the only factor.

The Links


ATProto links

Editors note: I’m experimenting with alternating the weekly newsletters with prioritising Bluesky and prioritising ATProto. I’ve found that especially ATProto tech needs more context. If you are an ATProto dev, here are some interesting tech to check out. And if you are not, next week I’ll give some more context on what is happening in the wider ATmosphere

Bluesky Tools

  • ByeSky allows you to filter the people you follow, for example by removing all non-mutual follows.
  • UnfollowPack allows you to unfollow entire Starter Packs with one click.
  • Hopper is a tool that lets you customize the websites and services used to view AT-URIs.
  • Convert a Bluesky post to Markdown or HTML.
  • Uksnowmap uses hashtags to display an interactive map of the UK to display where it is showing. The tool has been around for a while, and has now fully transitioned from Twitter to Bluesky.
  • BlueskyTimeline allows you to embed a Bluesky timeline on your site.

That’s all for this week, thanks for reading! You can subscribe to my newsletter to receive the weekly updates directly in your inbox below, and follow this blog and my personal account…

Ecco come gli imbonitori manipolano Google per promuovere estensioni sospette di Chrome

Le persone che supervisionano la sicurezza del browser Chrome di Google proibiscono esplicitamente agli sviluppatori di estensioni di terze parti di provare a manipolare il modo in cui le estensioni del browser che inviano vengono presentate nel Chrome Web Store . La politica richiama specificamente le tecniche di manipolazione della ricerca come l'elencazione di più estensioni che forniscono la stessa esperienza o l'aggiunta di parole chiave vagamente correlate o non correlate alle descrizioni delle estensioni.

Mercoledì, il ricercatore di sicurezza e privacy Wladimir Palant ha rivelato che gli sviluppatori stanno palesemente violando quei termini in centinaia di estensioni attualmente disponibili per il download da Google. Di conseguenza, le ricerche di un termine o di termini specifici possono restituire estensioni non correlate, imitazioni di qualità inferiore o svolgere attività abusive come la monetizzazione occulta delle ricerche web, cosa che Google proibisce espressamente.…

@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)

LIBANO. Joseph Aoun presidente, anche con i voti di Hezbollah e Amal

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Il movimento sciita e i suoi alleati, sotto pressione in Libano e a causa degli sconvolgimenti regionali, hanno dovuto accettare l'elezione a capo dello Stato del comandante delle forze armate sostenuto dagli Usa
L'articolo LIBANO. Joseph Aoun presidente, anche con i

L’intera industria della Difesa europea fattura poco più di Lockheed Martin. L’allarme del Parlamento Ue

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Da sola, Lockheed Martin fattura poco meno dell’intera industria europea della Difesa. Questo è quanto emerge da un report realizzato dagli analisti del Parlamento europeo. Che l’Europa sia indietro per quanto riguarda la Difesa non è un mistero,

I problemi dell'identità digitale europea (EUDI): un feedback indipendente sui pericoli dell'attuale implementazione dell'EUDI.

Il framework di riferimento per l'architettura EUDI (ARF) è basato sulla specifica eIDAS2 e il suo atto di attuazione è stato recentemente approvato dai rappresentanti degli stati membri dell'UE. La Commissione europea ne ha appena ratificato l'adozione.
La motivazione alla base dell'EUDI è quella di raggiungere un'autonomia strategica per i nostri servizi pubblici e sociali, ma la sua realizzazione va nella direzione opposta, mettendo di fatto nelle mani dei produttori di sistemi operativi mobili i principali canali di interazione con le istituzioni che governano la nostra società.

@Etica Digitale (Feddit)…

Grazie a @Jaromil per la segnalazione

The problems in the European Digital Identity (EUDI)

@jaromil's independent feedback on the dangers of the current #EUDI implementation. What it should be, and the issues it has regarding Fairness, Privacy, Security, Scalability, Obsolescence and Methodology.

#Fairness #Privacy #Security #Scalability #Obsolescence #Methodology.…

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Google's AI search feature is telling people searching for answers about using vibrating sex toys during pregnancy that they should consider it for counseling children, instead.

Googlex27;s AI search feature is telling people searching for answers about using vibrating sex toys during pregnancy that they should consider it for counseling children, instead.#Google #AI #aioverview

Read our comprehensive review of IPVanish VPN. Discover its features, pricing, and more to determine if it meets your online security and privacy needs.#IPVanishVPN #ipvanishvpnreview #VPN

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Oggi, a Roma, il Ministro Giuseppe Valditara è intervenuto presso l'Istituto Professionale per i Servizi per Enogastronomia ed Ospitalità Alberghiera Vincenzo Gioberti all’iniziativa “Olio extravergine di oliva, nuovi percorsi didattici negli Istitut…

Musk and Zuck: Engineering Free Speech

Under the guise of protecting free speech, an alarming alignment between government power and Big Tech’s corporate power is unfolding. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, while publicly claiming that they wish to protect free speech, are in fact aligning their corporate power with the political interests of the second Trump administration. Unsurprisingly, their claims have provoked alarm.

The politico-corporate bubble

What does it mean for global social media giants to be promoting “free speech” under Donald Trump? Are Meta and X now claiming that misinformation and disinformation are not a significant challenge; or that we should protect the speech of liars and frauds? The challenges of dealing with misconceptions and lies, especially when sponsored by state actors, are not at all trivial, and solutions are not easy to implement at scale.

At Meta, the appointment of Joel Kaplan, a Trump ally as their head of global affairs marks a significant shift in the company’s direction. Following this appointment, Zuckerberg announced changes at Meta in a video in which he addressed issues with the company’s approach to fact-checking and algorithmic moderation systems. Both of these issues warrant closer examination.

Algorithmic moderation

Firstly, the flaws of algorithmic moderation systems are well-documented. Open Rights Group campaigned against mandating these automated censorship tools during the debates on the Online Safety Act. We warned that governments could pressure social media companies to deploy algorithms in ways that align with political agendas, effectively enabling prior restraint censorship of content. However, simply removing one kind of unaccountable algorithmic moderation and replacing it with another, looser kind of moderation still leaves users disempowered and likely more vulnerable.

Furthermore, what content is promoted and why is just as important as what is removed, when we consider its impacts. All of the approaches suggested by Meta are top down and centralised;, as of today, we are forced to accept their rules if we want to engage with Meta’s products.

Subject to T&Cs

Secondly, Meta’s loosening of moderation rules are not a one way street to greater freedom of expression. Meta’s products serve a vast diversity of communities, and changes to limitations can be both positive and negative. There is a need to ensure civility between users, which is a legitimate and necessary aim for any online community, but is also incredibly hard to achieve when moderating at scale.

Meta’s content acceptability rules are designed to enable easy and swift decisions, but present arbtitrary hard lines (this not that) and are problematic as a result. For example, their restrictions on nudity and adult material have frequently caused problems, as have bans on “violent” material. However, changes designed to allow people to be more insulting or offensive could easly result in legitimising toxic behaviour. Many of the exclusions which have been removed look very likely to result in more hate speech, rather than more useful free speech.

This matters: for example, speech on Facebook denying the existence of the Rohingya as an ethnic group in Myanmar was a precursor to genocidal violence, and after being added to Meta’s exclusions, is now again permissable. Problems enforcing content rules at these extremes, especially in non-English language contexts are very serious, so presenting the problems of moderation as solely about over-enforcement while removing references to real world harms is not a good way to signal Meta’s direction of travel.

Decisions for change in moderation rules at scale need to be based on human rights principles alongside evidence of their likely impact, and should preferably interate slowly. Meta’s team needs to explain what evidence and human rights analysis lies behind their decision, and how they believe they will continue to ensure users’ safety. Making politically motivated announcements to present moderation changes has understandably undermined public confidence in their decision making.

Fact-checking to Community Notes

Thirdly, fact-checking panels—composed of experts appointed by centralized authorities—have their own limitations. These systems depend on trust in the appointing authority, raising the question: what happens if that authority abuses its power? And who oversees the fact-checkers – Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Community-driven solutions, such as the Community Notes feature offer a different approach but raise philosophical and ethical problem of the “tyranny of the majority”. In any case, while useful mitigations against misinformation, neither fact checkers nor community notes directly address the underlying reasons causing untrue and unreliable content to be created and spred. Some are about the platforms’ business models, and their desire to drive advertising engagement, through mechanisms such as recommendation algorithms, which tend to promote extreme content over more nuanced opinions.

Other reasons are about the society we live in today, and may be very hard to address – such as the desire to seek simple explanations, social alienation, to the failure of politics to produce a sense of fairness. High spending domestic or foreign actors deliberately attempt to manipulate these concerns. The problems generated by bad actors with deep pockets need more fundamental actions, which are the responsibility of governments to co-ordinate.

Big Tech / Big Media

The immediate concern generated by the realignment of social media’s corporate and political interests by figures like Musk and Zuckerberg has familiar parallels. Historically, media companies were criticised for similar behaviour. It was once said that winning a general election in the UK required the backing of the Murdoch news empire. Today, Musk, the world’s richest man, has acquired Twitter (now X) and uses it as a platform to amplify his worldview including directly attacking the UK government. Big Tech’s platform power has become a political weapon, enabling figures like Musk to attack politicians, while on occasions still suppressing journalistic free expression.

Zuckerberg, meanwhile, speaks of previous political pressures to censor content and a new political direction under the Trump administration. Yet his past compliance with such pressures and current alignment with the new presidency reveal a troubling pattern. Whereas Musk uses his platforms to impose his perspective, Zuckerberg appears to have aligned Meta (who own four of the most popular social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp) with the prevailing political climate in order to ensure that Meta is better able to maintain their dominance and model of surveillance capitalism.

Ending monopolies

The solution to these abuses of power lies in dismantling Big Tech’s monopolistic grip on the Internet. As we have argued repeatedly, this requires shifting power to social media’s users, through greater use of competition powers and enforcing data protection rights. The aim has to social media plurality – just as we aim for media plurality in traditional media.

Over the past year, users have increasingly abandoned platforms like X in favor of alternatives such as Mastodon, the Fediverse, and BlueSky. However, many users remain trapped in Big Tech’s “walled gardens” because their content, connections, and networks are deeply embedded within them. How often do we stay on Facebook or X simply because a specific relative, organisation, or journalist we follow remains active there? Writ large, these “network effects” make Big Tech heavily entrenched, for users, organisations and advertisers.


Political leaders concerned about misinformation and Big Tech’s abuses of power (and our privacy and personal data) should take concrete steps to promote fair competition online. Encouraging decentralised social media models, such as the Fediverse, where communities host their own content independent of any single corporate entity, could be a crucial step forward. Interoperability standards that allow seamless communication across platforms could further reduce Big Tech’s stranglehold. Other measures can be taken to allow alternative prioritisation and moderation engines, even within centralised systems, as envisaged by BlueSky.


Likewise, greater enforcement of data protection law could begin to dismantle the unfair abuse of personal data, to engage in profitable but unlawful profiling of users, and to harvest their data to build Artificial Intelligence products that are further designed to cement Big Tech monopolies.

The alternative looks dire. Measures that concentrate on the symptoms of the social media mess – like the Online Safety Act – at best can only deal with the most problematic content. At worst, they result in safe online spaces closing down because they face inappropriate levels of compliance risks. With a resurgent Trump administration, even measures like the UK’s OSA and the European Digital Services Act will be under pressure through trade related threats made to the UK and EU about their approach to US corporations. The underlying agenda will be to promote a changed information environment, that favours Trump’s allies, whether in the US or Europe; this is only possible because social media’s power is concentrated and monopolistic.

Breaking these monopolies and fostering diverse, user-driven platforms is essential to ensuring a free and fair society.

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Chi è Vittorio Rizzi, il nuovo capo dei Servizi Segreti che prende il posto di Elisabetta Belloni

@Politica interna, europea e internazionale
Servizi Segreti, Meloni nomina Vittorio Rizzi al posto di Elisabetta Belloni Sarà Vittorio Rizzi a prendere il posto di Elisabetta Belloni a capo del Dipartimento delle informazioni per la sicurezza (Dis), l’organo di coordinamento dei Servizi Segreti

In this tutorial, you will learn how to automate a cold disaster recovery for Oracle #HeatWave #MySQL in #OCI. It outlines the procedures for utilizing the OCI Full Stack DR service to manage the switchover and failover processes…

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

Cecilia Sala, Elon Musk, Servizi Segreti: cosa ha detto Meloni nella conferenza stampa di inizio anno

@Politica interna, europea e internazionale
Cosa ha detto Meloni nella conferenza stampa di inizio anno 2025 La liberazione di Cecilia Sala, le dimissioni di Elisabetta Belloni dalla guida dei Servizi Segreti, il presunto accordo su Starlink con Elon Musk, la guerra in Ucraina, le voci su

L'autorità austriaca per la protezione dei dati è stata condannata dalla CGUE
L'autorità voleva consentire un massimo di due reclami al mese per ciascun reclamante. La CGUE ha respinto questo limite
mickey09 January 2025
CJEU Decision…

Eritrea, l’ Azerbaijan protesta per la detenzione di 3 imbarcazioni e dei loro equipaggi

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

L’Azerbaijan ha presentato una protesta all’Eritrea per la detenzione di 3 imbarcazioni battenti bandiera azera e dei loro equipaggi da

RFanciola reshared this.

Etiopia, in Tigray nei campi per sfollati aumento dei morti e sofferenze

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Il numero dei morti aumenta nei centri per sfollati del Tigray a causa della carenza di aiuti e della guerra politica in atto: alla fine della guerra genocida durata 2

BNI notizie 6-2024

Per la soggettazione del fascicolo n. 6-2024 della Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana, serie Monografie, abbiamo introdotto nel Thesaurus del Nuovo soggettario i seguenti nuovi termini di soggetto:

  • Battaglia di Marengo <1800> IT 2024-7694
  • Eccidio di Canneto Sabino IT 2024-7753
  • Film portoghesi IT 2024-6910
  • Lavoro povero IT 2024-6698
  • Liste d’attesa IT 2024-6802
  • Soul IT 2024-7279
  • Takaful IT 2024-6733
  • Teatro tibetano IT 2024-7331
  • Udienza predibattimentale IT 2024-6711
  • Popoli indoeuropei IT 2024-6473

Per i fascicoli precedenti rimandiamo alla pagina BNI dedicata.

L'articolo BNI notizie 6-2024 proviene da Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.

AI agents don’t care about how pretty your API documentation is. They only care that your OpenAPI spec is correct, descriptive, and up to date. They care about what data your API takes and what data it outputs. That’s it.]

Nonostante le proteste, il governo libanese decide di estradare Abdul Rahman Yusuf

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Il poeta e attivista egiziano ha postato un video mentre si trovava a Damasco, affermando che “la vittoria è imminente” in altri Paesi arabi dove la gente ha protestato “contro l'ingiustizia e la tirannia”.
L'articolo Nonostante le proteste,

Il sud della Siria è la spina nel fianco di Al Julani

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Gruppi di vario orientamento nelle regioni meridionali si oppongono alla nuova Damasco. Inviati 2mila uomini a Deraa contro Mohsen Al Haimed, un leader locale pro-Assad
L'articolo Il sud della Siria


Ha conseguito un primo risultato l'operazione "Identify Me" di INTERPOL, lanciata l'8 ottobre 2024 da INTERPOL e da sei nazioni aderenti alla organizzazione internazionale di polizia (Italia compresa) che mira a riaprire 46 cold cases (ora 45) per la identificazione di altrettante donne assassinate o morte in circostanze sospette, nel tentativo di identificarne i resti.

Ne avevamo parlato qui: .

L'identificazione raggiunta riguarda Rita Roberts, una donna britannica, che è stata riconosciuta ben 31 anni dopo essere stata assassinata in Belgio. Un membro della famiglia ha individuato il suo tatuaggio grazie alla copertura mediatica data all'iniziativa.

L'occasione è utile per ricordare i quattro casi "italiani":
- Il corpo della donna trovato il 25 maggio 2008 nel fiume Po, nel comune di Carbonara di Po (Mantova) in località Boscone. Il suo corpo era avvolto in tre sacchi di nylon neri. Possibile origine est europea. (…);
- Il corpo della donna trovato in una zona boschiva ad Asso, Como, il 23 gennaio 2004. Portava un orologio verde Swatch (modello 1994 vintage Swatch Gent Minareth GG126). (…)
- Il corpo della donna trovato il 14 giugno 2001 dentro una scatola di cartone in Via dei Fregoso, a Genova. La donna potrebbe essere originaria del Sud America. Aveva tre piercing in ogni lobo dell'orecchio. Aveva ingerito capsule contenenti cocaina. La sua morte è stata causata dalla rottura di una delle capsule. (…)
- Il corpo della donna trovato il 13 novembre 2007 in Via di Cavagliano, a Prato. Fu trovata impiccata a un albero in un parco. I seguenti oggetti sono stati rinvenuti in una borsa appesa vicino al corpo della donna: Mappa di Vancouver, Canada, su cui era stato cerchiato il Victoria Conference Centre, con le parole: "Conference 2427 Sept". La conferenza FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) si è tenuta lì dal 24 al 27 settembre 2007. Mappa dell'aeroporto di Copenaghen. Copia della rivista "Scientific American" con una richiesta di abbonamento relativa a un indirizzo postale a Payson, Arizona, Stati Uniti. Articolo sull'uso dei laser in dermatologia, con un indirizzo a Cambridge, Regno Unito, scritto sul retro. Pagine di una rivista con una fotografia della famiglia reale danese
Un'etichetta per bagaglio della Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). (…)

#identifyme #interpol
@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Sabrina Web reshared this.

Leoni da tastiera col pene piccolo. Commento a un video true crime su una ragazza uccisa da uno stalker: "Mia cugina era assieme ad un tipo che la maltrattava,e non riusciva a lasciarlo...,l.ha detto a me,in una settimana e risorta,e il suo ex se ne è andato e non l ha più molestata...,non dico questo perché voglio fare il duro,ma perché quando si ha una parente in difficoltà...,bisogna agire "di persona" al più presto...,perché poi, è inutile piangere al funerale...". Amiocuggino mentre girava il sugo è caduto in testa un asteroide edemmorto. #TrueCrime #amiocuggino #bugie #girasugo