Good morning everyone @Friendica Support
I would like to try to understand why from Friendica I can't connect to the Wordpress blog of @.mau. :friendfeed: already federated with @Matthias Pfefferle plugin, which is instead displayed correctly by Mastodon.
The blog is while the user who publishes is @Notiziole di .mau.
If I paste the address of this post…
in the Friendica toolbar, I get an error, while if I paste it on mastodon, I can view the post (here is an example:
Furthermore, if I try to search on Friendica for the user @Notiziole di .mau. I can see it, but if I try to follow it, I still get an error.
NB: I also have federation problems with Lemmy and not just with Friendica
Have any of you figured out what the problem might be that prevents Friendica and Lemmy from federating with that blog (but not Mastodon)?
Friendica Support reshared this.
Edit: il riavvio è avvenuto correttamente. Abbiamo dovuto aumentare lo spazio disco perché stiamo avendo un po' di nuove iscrizioni 😅
L'istanza verrà riavviata per qualche decina di minuti
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La risposta su #MastodonUno della nostra #UnoCommunity é solo una:
"Ti aiuto io (a imparare a costruire uno spazio sociale più civile)". 😊
Nei prossimi giorni pubblicheremo una guida passo-passo su come inserire l'#AltText alle immagini. 😉
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Le madri, invece, se lo scrivono e poi imparano.
Ad oggi, che i manuali d'uso sono sempre piu' bistrattati e talvolta fatti molto male, la pazienza di chi sa' e vuole spiegare, e' importante.
A volte anche chi sa' impara dall'"ignorante" nuove prospettive in cui "il problema" viene visto e anche nuove possibili soluzioni.
Serendipity - uno strumento per offrire alle persone diversi modi per esplorare il fediverso
Quanto è difficile per i principianti scoprire account da seguire, postando cose che li interessano?
Gli algoritmi di raccomandazione sono un problema, ma la scoperta semi-casuale è una cosa che le persone trovano utile.
L'anno scorso è venuta a l'idea di creare un'app separata con una serie di algoritmi di scoperta con adesione volontaria, pensati appositamente per trovare persone da seguire.
Questo è il progetto:…
Serendipity - a tool to give people a variety of ways to explore the fediverse
A lot of folks are pretty traumatised by The Algorithms(TM), thanks to their time on the DataFarms. So there's a strong aversion to them in a large chunk of the fediverse community. But 'chrological order, from most recent' is an
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A lot of the criticism of the fediverse focuses on how hard newbies find it to discover accounts to follow, posting stuff they're interested in. Despite all the downsides of recommendation algorithms, semi-random discovery is one thing people find them useful for.
Last year I came up with an idea for a separate app with a range of opt-in discovery algorithms, just for finding people to follow;…
#fediverse #FediverseIdeas #discovery
Serendipity - a tool to give people a variety of ways to explore the fediverse
A lot of folks are pretty traumatised by The Algorithms(TM), thanks to their time on the DataFarms. So there's a strong aversion to them in a large chunk of the fediverse community. But 'chrological order, from most recent' is an
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Gruppo test reshared this.
Lemmy interoperability with other Fediverse projects
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and I wonder if you have any advice/testimonials to share regarding Fediverse interoperability.
I'm working on a post about it for my blog series The Future is Federated. I’d like to do a show & tell, demonstrating what interoperability looks like between #Lemmy and #Friendica, #Mastodon + a federated blog to start with.
There’s a superb post by about Lemmy and Friendica communities:… and I wonder if you have ever tried further integrations.
I know this sounds crazy, but does #Phanpy work with Lemmy? I’m asking because I use it with not only #Mastodon but also #Pixelfed and Friendica.
Anyway, any testimonials and tips would be greatly appreciated!
fediverse - Elena Rossini
Essays by Italian film director and photographer Elena Rossini - about women in film, representation, activism and life as a mom artist (mammartist)Elena Rossini
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“The loss of science on #Twitter is a contemporary mass extinction event”, says Professor Edward #Holmes, who recently was awarded the prestigious Croonian Medal by the Royal Society. He has also deleted his Twitter account recently. “Twitter used to be THE place where you shared ideas, data, preprints and papers. Now it’s a post-Apocalyptic hell hole.” #scicomm…
Elon Musk's War Against Science, Evidence and Objective Truth – Byline Times
Scientists are abandoning Elon Musk's Twitter amid a "mass extinction event" on the social media network, says Philipp Markolin.Philipp Markolin (Byline Times)
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@j_bertolotti @mori_au @gubi @uniinnsbruck @helmholtz it would be great if there was a way (if it doesn't exists yet) to have a servers directory with hashtags.
GitHub - nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodon: A list of various lists consisting of academics on Mastodon
A list of various lists consisting of academics on Mastodon - nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodonGitHub
Quando si parla di accessibilità (cioè di un diritto universale sancito nel 2006 dalla Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità), l'#AltText assume una connotazione ben precisa: è uno standard internazionale specifico (W3C), che prevede un utilizzo specifico, con uno scopo specifico: garantire accesso e partecipazione inclusivi a tutte le persone non vedenti o ipovedenti.
Questo è anche il position statement ufficiale di #MastodonUno. 😉
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Siamo impegnati a sensibilizzare la #UnoCommunity a un utilizzo responsabile del #AltText.
Lo facciamo e lo faremo sempre con una consapevolezza: i cambiamenti culturali più profondi non sono mai calati dall'alto, sono processi che agiscono nei cuori e nelle menti delle persone.
Più che "spingere" all'uso responsabile del AltText, desideriamo "attrarre" all'uso responsabile del AltText: non deve essere una (nostra) obbligazione, deve diventare una (vostra) convinzione. 😉
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Flipboard rafforza il suo legame con il Fediverso, social web open source
Flipboard, un'app di social magazine dell'era Web 2.0 che si sta reinventando per capitalizzare la spinta rinnovata verso un social web aperto , sta rafforzando i suoi legami con il #Fediverso, il social network di server interconnessi che include app come Mastodon, Friendica, Pixelfed, PeerTube, Wordpress e, col tempo, Instagram Threads, tra le altre.
Giovedì, la società ha annunciato che sta espandendo le sue integrazioni del Fediverso ad altri 400 creatori di contenuti in Flipboard e che sta introducendo le notifiche del fediverso nell'app Flipboard stessa.
Quest'ultima novità consentirà agli utenti di #Flipboard di vedere i loro nuovi follower e altre attività relative ai contenuti che condividono nel fediverse direttamente nell'app Flipboard. Ciò segue l'introduzione dell'anno scorso di un'integrazione di Mastodon nell'app , in sostituzione di Twitter, e l'introduzione del supporto per ActivityPub , il protocollo di social networking che alimenta i social network open source e decentralizzati che includono Mastodon e altri software.
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Che succede nel Fediverso? reshared this.
Allora... Capisco che sia un commento da #Bimbominkia ma io che sono su #mastodon posto col mio account citando un'istanza di #Feddit sto pubblicando su entrambe le piattaforme e se mi seguisse qualcuno da una terza (diciamo #friendica ) potrebbe comunicare con tutti gli altri...
Questo é davvero un cambio di paradigma, é davvero una nuova #internet, un passo avanti per l'umanità, erano decenni che non provavo una simile emozione per un sistema tecnologico.
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Nel mondo che non c'è il #fediverso dovrebbe essere usato da tutte le istituzioni come unico canale social ufficiale
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Che succede nel Fediverso? reshared this.
Hi all, we’re IFTAS (Independent Federated Trust & Safety), a nonprofit supporting trust and safety on the open social web.
We do this by convening the community of practice; providing tools and services; and serving as a group purchaser for the #moderator community.
If you’re an admin, moderator, community manager, or moderation tools developer on the Fediverse, we want to hear from you!
#TrustAndSafety #Moderation #FediAdmins #FediMods #MastoAdmin #MastoMods
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Conviene essere molto chiari su un punto: se si ritiene che un utente di #MastodonUno stia violando il regolamento o sia "borderline" con comportamenti non espressamente vietati, ci si deve limitare a segnalarlo privatamente: moderatori e amministratori si occuperanno di gestire il caso nel modo più opportuno.
È l'unico modo con cui chiunque può essere sicuro di contribuire a far "crescere" la nostra istanza e comunità.
Qualsiasi post pubblico a riguardo, complica solo le cose. 😉
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If you are posting an image, video or audio on here, remember to add an alt text description if you can. This helps blind or deaf people access your post, and it also helps your post be much more widely shared.
Many people on here only boost posts that include a description. If you want your post to be boosted, add a description if you are able.
(If you are unable to add a description, you can include the hashtag #Alt4me which asks people to reply with a description.)
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I do enjoy not to watch cat-content.
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Mike Masnick joins the Bluesky Board, new ideas on microblogging focused on specific topics, and more.
[share author='Laurens Hof' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2024-08-11 17:09:02' guid='08552256-1ddb98c771664f15-878de609' message_id='']Last Week in Fediverse – ep 79
While we’re busy enjoying the summer (or the Olympics), here is this week’s fediverse news.
The News
Mike Masnick, author of the ‘Protocols, not Platforms‘ paper has joined Bluesky’s Board of Directors. There has been a seat available since Jack Dorsey suddenly left the board a few months ago. In his personal announcement post, Masnick says that ‘Bluesky is the service that is coming closest to making the vision I articulated in my paper a reality‘. Masnick also explains that one of the key aspects that excites him about Bluesky is how ‘they recognize how a future version of the company could, itself, be a threat to the vision the current team has. As a result, they are designing the system to be technically resistant to such a threat.’
With the current implementation of Bluesky, two parts of the architecture (the Relay and the AppView) are theoretically decentralised, but with no incentive structure for other people to also run an alternative part of the infrastructure, nobody actually has done so. Furthermore, the Identity part of Bluesky is still fully centralised and under control of Bluesky, with no clear path to change this. This places Bluesky significantly behind other major fediverse software, who are all already fully resistant to future self-harm. As Masnick values this principle, it is worth seeing how his position on the board will influence the direction of the development of the AT Protocol.
Two new fediverse projects that stand out to me for a similar reason; they both shift away from ‘microblogging about anything you want’ to a community that is clearly defined by interests or topics. CollabFC is a football-based social network, that creates a specific network for football clubs. When you join a hub for a club, such as Liverpool for example, you have the possibility for a ‘local’ feed dedicated to Liverpool, as well as a feed for all other football instances. Gush is a platform that is in development for talking about video games. Part review site similar to BookWyrm and NeoDB, it focuses on posting about specific games. What is different about it is that each game ‘a first-class object that you can reference and share across the fediverse’. Both of these platforms are early in their lifecycle, but point in a direction of more focused discussion on fediverse platforms.
Bonfire shared some more information about their upcoming platform Mosaic. Full details will be available in September, but it looks like a front-end UI for displaying posts as a website instead of the regular feeds. Something similar is Servus, a CMS for Nostr, or, which are both experiments for Nostr to display posts not as a feed but a website as well. Meanwhile, the main aspect that is holding up the release of the ‘main’ version of Bonfire is a slow performance, and the Bonfire team put out two bounties for developers to help them fix this issue.
Threads held an AMA about the fediverse with Flipboard’s Mike McCue and Blockparty’s Tracy Chou. It seems relevant that Threads wants to promote their fediverse connection by hosting an AMA on their main account, but there were little answers that stood out or provided new information, with most answers talking more about a conceptual understanding of what the fediverse could be, more than what the actual rest of the fediverse outside of Threads actually looks like.
Manyfold is an open source self hosted platform for sharing your 3d printer files. They have been working on adding ActivityPub support, and the latest update added experimental early stage support for ActivityPub.
Link aggregator platform Kbin is getting closer and closer to being completely dead, with the main flagship instance now also being offline. The lead developer could not keep up with work on the platform due to personal reasons for a while now. The project has been superseded by the hard fork Mbin, which has been around for a while now, and got another update this week.
The Links
- Newsmast’s Michael Foster writes about ‘how can we persuade organisations and creators that it makes sense to federate using tools they already have in place’.
- Bandwagon, the upcoming fediverse music sharing platform, is expanding their beta test.
- Buffer recently added support for Bluesky, and the Buffer CEO wrote a blog post about the significance of Bluesky and decentralised social networks.
- Elena Rossini’s newsletter ‘The Future is Federated’ does an extensive deep dive into Friendica.
- WeDistribute takes a closer look at the successful ‘Mastodon for Harris’ campaign, which raised over half a million USD.
- Bluesky is summoning a community marketing manager.
- The new video series Fediverse Files by has a second episode in which they interview Evan Prodromou about ActivityPub.
- Font Awesome for the fediverse, with Decentralised Social Icons, by WeDistribute.
- A blog by Smoke Signal, an upcoming event platform build on top of atproto, about building communities with atproto.
- Mastodon posted an update about the first half of 2024 for their Patreon supporters.
- A closer look at the new features in Newsmast latest update.
- For the atproto devs: an atproto browser.
- Owncast Newsletter August 2024.
- TechLinked discusses the fediverse and how the web is different now in their podcast.
- IFTAS Connect July 2024 roundup. IFTAS is also looking for admin support while they are seeking funding to continue their work on building an opt-in content classifier to detect CSAM.
- A proof of concept for fediverse spam filtering.
- This week’s fediverse software updates.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!
🎯 Calling all Elixir developers to take on a bounty and get compensated for contributing to the commons!
Help us overcome key technical challenges and move closer to the Bonfire v1.0 release.
🔍 Discover more about our Bonfire cooperative bounty program:…
Check out the current bounties and start contributing:
🧁 Improve DB query performance:…
🧁 Improve feed rendering performance:…
#Elixir #bounties #Bonfire
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Improve DB query performance · Issue #1 · bonfire-networks/bounties
Overview Querying feed is quite slow, which is likely a combination of issues spanning database structure and querying best practices, debugging and improving how our boundaries system impacts how ...GitHub
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🌍 Fediverse community, we need your support!
We’re funding bounties with the resources we have, but we need YOU to help fuel open-source contributions.
💡 Each bounty now has a dedicated donation page via our Open Collective:
1️⃣ Optimize DB query performance:…
2️⃣ Boost feed rendering performance:…
Join us in creating a cooperative environment where every input and suggestion counts!
#Fediverse #bounties #Crowdfunding #OpenSource #Bonfire
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GitHub - bonfire-networks/bounties
Contribute to bonfire-networks/bounties development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
@wizardfrag have tagged a few here:…
happy to discuss further here or in an issue if one catches your eye…
Grazie a tutta la #UnoCommunity per rendere #Mastodon e il #Fediverso più accessibile e inclusivo. 😎
#MastodonUno è l'11esima istanza Mastodon mondiale per numero di iscritti, e tra le 11 è attualmente la prima per utilizzo di #AltText.
Non abbiamo intenzione di fermarci, vogliamo consolidare la posizione e migliorarla ancora.
Pertanto rinnoviamo l'invito a inserire sempre (adeguatamente) l'AltText ogni qualvolta si inserisce un'immagine (o video) nei propri post. 😉…
𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕 likes this.
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E grazie ancora. 😎
Vale la pena ricordare che l'accessibilità e l'inclusività sono cambiamenti culturali, e come tali richiedono metodi, tempo, pazienza e conoscenza (invitiamo a leggere con attenzione l'articolo con le cose da evitare e il link ai numerosi esempi).…
Serve dar modo alle persone di acquisire consapevolezza là dove c'è buona volontà.
Su #MastodonUno è un cambiamento culturale in atto ed è tutto merito vostro. 😉
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Vorremmo ringraziare tutte le persone che usano e che inseriscono immagini fornite di una descrizione per i non vedenti
M1 compare nella classifica di @AltTextHealthCheck come 20ma istanza mastodon fra le top 50 più virtuose in una classifica che monitora le 1000 più attive!
Questa è una grande occasione per migliorarci e rendere M1 sempre più inclusiva anche per le molte persone non vedenti, qua la nostra guida:
" title=""/>…
#mastodon #alttext #MastodonUno
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Con un mio intervento sulla corrispondenza sulla scuola USA inviata al ministero da un funzionario dell'ambasciata di Washington nel 1888 @notizie @poliverso @intellectualhistory @intellectualhistorians @histodons @histodon @poliversity
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"Google è un monopolista e ha agito come tale per mantenere il suo monopolio", afferma il giudice statunitense sulla sentenza che condanna Google.
La sentenza negli Usa è una mannaia: monopolio e azioni illegali per mantenerlo, #Google ha pagato miliardi per mantenere il suo monopolio, ma questa pratica sta per finire. 💰
Dettagli 👉…
Alcune alternative libere da Google:
Google, la sentenza negli Usa è una mannaia: monopolio e azioni illegali per mantenerlo
Google ha agito illegalmente per mantenere un monopolio nella ricerca online. Lo ha stabilito un giudice federale con una decisione storica che
Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂ likes this.
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di solito si vende prima della notizia negativa, nell'ultimo mese ha perso il 20%!
e comunque per google ci sarà l'appello e poi si arriverà oltre, nel breve termine non ci sarà nulla da temere per i profitti...
Some personal news! I'm excited to be joining the Bluesky board to support Jay and the team in achieving their vision of a decentralized, protocol-based social internet.
Bluesky Welcomes Mike Masnick ...
Bluesky Welcomes Mike Masnick to Board of Directors - Bluesky
We’re thrilled to announce that Mike Masnick has joined Bluesky’s Board of Directors.Bluesky
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È possibile aprire un nuovo thread su Reddit dal tuo blog wordpress o dal tuo account social? E ricevere le risposte direttamente nei commenti sotto il tuo blog oppure nelle risposte al tuo post?
È possibile?
::: spoiler Qui la risposta:
ASSOLUTAMENTE NO! Perché Reddit non ha nessuna voglia di farlo.
Tuttavia è possibile pubblicare un post dal tuo blog Wordpress federato su una comunità Lemmy (la versione libera e federata di Reddit) oppure aprire un nuovo thread su Lemmy utilizzando il tuo account Mastodon, Friendica, Pleroma, Misskey o Pixelfed!
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Building on our earlier thread about Mosaic's federated publication theme, we're excited to dive deeper into some of the key features.
Our goal is to co-design the theme with pilot projects, to make this platform ideal for knowledge dissemination on the Fediverse. #Mosaic
Earlier thread for context:…
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This week, we'll be sharing a glimpse into the diverse themes and possibilities we'll offer with Mosaic, an all-in-one platform built with Bonfire and tailored to each organization's unique needs. We begin with a federated journal and magazine theme—ideal for journalists, editors, and communities looking to organize and disseminate knowledge on the Fediverse. Explore what's possible with #Mosaic…
See our previous post on for context:…
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Full details will be available in September, but if this sounds like something you've been waiting for, feel free to DM us or email to learn more.
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Breve guida all'#AltText su #Mastodon.
Il focus è su #MastodonUno.
C'è una sfida di civiltà da vincere: entrare (e rimanere) almeno nella Top 20 delle 1000 istanze più attive che non solo utilizzano maggiormente l’AltText, ma che lo utilizzano bene.
Ed è una sfida in cui il vero vincitore è il #Fediverso, che diventa più accessibile per tutti. 😉
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Welcome back to another edition of the weekly-ish news of the fediverse. This edition contains the news of last week, as well as some news items from the previous few weeks that I’ve spotted while I was on holiday break.
[share author='Laurens Hof' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2024-08-04 18:07:25' guid='08552256-1ddb99c7716650c2-f2303ba4' message_id='']Last Week in Fediverse – ep 78
Welcome back to another edition of the weekly-ish news of the fediverse. This edition contains the news of last week, as well as some news items from the previous few weeks that I’ve spotted while I was on holiday break. My holiday was indeed fully offline out of the feeds, but I could not resist afterwards to dig in to find out what happened while I was offline.
As a teaser: I’ve started working behind the scenes to launch something new with Fediverse Report, that will be in addition to the weekly newsletters. Stay tuned!
The News
GoToSocial’s latest release adds comment-controls, which allows people to determine who can reply to their posts. GoToSocial explains: ‘you’ll be able to configure your account so that new posts created by you will have an interaction policy set on them, which determines whether your instance drops or accepts replies, likes, and boosts of your posts, depending on the visibility of the post, and whether or not an account trying to interact with you is in your followers/following list.’
Safety has been a major conversation on the fediverse feeds recently, especially with Black people pointing out the lacking safety tools and major harrassment they experience on the fediverse. One aspect that facilitates the harassment is the default opt-out approach to federation; where racists and other bigots will simply spin up a new fediverse server and send (semi)-private messages with hate speech to Black people. This is why ‘just switch to a server with better moderation’ is such a problematic response; it does not actually fix one of the main ways Black people experience on the fediverse, while placing the onus on them to solve the problem. One interesting response is in building a separate network with ActivityPub based on allow-list federation, and I’m keeping a close eye on how this evolves.
PeerTube’s latest update adds ‘automatic video transcription using Whisper , a new comment policy “requires approval first”, auto-tagging/labelling of videos and comments based on specific rules and a comment moderation page for video publishers’. This blog post provides more details about the development story on adding the transcription feature.
Patchwork is an upcoming plugin system for Mastodon that is developed by Newsmast, that is tentatively scheduled to be released next month. The latest update by Newsmast showcases the variety of plugins that they’ll offer, including setting local-only posts, changing post length, and scheduling posts. The bigger part is also the addition of Channels, custom timelines that will allow external parties to hook into as well.
Some statistics that relate compare the different platforms. A comparison of sources of traffic to news site, showing how Bluesky has surpassed Mastodon in clicks. A new comparison by Kuba Suder shows the different ways people post on Bluesky that is not done via a PDS that is hosted by Bluesky company. In February this year, Bluesky started support for having people self-host their own Personal Data Server (PDS) that is not managed by their company. The amount of people who do so is small, with less than 100 active account. Significantly more people post onto Bluesky via their bridged ActivityPub account. Speaking of bridged accounts: Eugen Rochko has now bridged his Mastodon account to Bluesky. Rochko has been outspokenly critical of Bluesky in the past, saying that they should adopt ActivityPub instead of building their own protocol.
Some more updates by Ghost, who is getting along further with their ActivityPub implementation. The newsletter is now getting better connected to the fediverse, allowing you to follow it directly from your Mastodon account.
Mastodon moves their iOS app development in-house, and is recruiting a full-time iOS app developer. Up until now, the Mastodon iOS app was developed by two freelance developers.
A slightly obscure news update because I love interoperability: Guppe Groups have been around for a while, and are a way to get some semblance of Groups added onto microblogging platforms, functioning similar to hashtags. Now link-aggregator platform PieFed has added support for these types of groups, you can see an example here. I’m mentioning this news here because I think there is a lot more space to experiment with different platform designs that take inspiration from both microblogging, link-aggregators and forums, and this is a small example of it. PieFed added support for community wikis as well.
Bluesky released Starter Packs a month ago as a way to easy the onboarding process, and reactions on the rest of the fediverse were that this was a good idea that could potentially be copied. Statistics show however that the feature has not been actively used by the community. Part of the reason could be that signups to decentralised social networks in general have mostly stopped.
WeDistribute wrote about NeoDB, calling it ‘a review system for culture’. NeoDB is one of the more interesting platforms available in the fediverse, with an incredible wide variety of features. NeoDB themselves describes by drawing comparison to other platforms, saying ‘NeoDB integrates the functionalities of platforms like Goodreads, Letterboxd, RateYourMusic, and Podchaser, among others.’ NeoDB’s own pitch is taking fediverse platforms tendency to be ‘centralised platform concept + ActivityPub’ to the extreme, and I enjoy the simplicity of NeoDB is a fediverse review platform for culture more.
What is the fediverse? This question is answered by a tech-free explainer video by Newsmast, a new video series by, or a podcast episode by TheNewStack with Evan Prodromou.
The latest update for software forge Forgejo has foundational parts of ActivityPub based federation, and the first forgejo instances that have federation in some alpha form are starting to appear.
The Links
- Privacy and Consent for Fediverse Developers: A Guide – by WeDistribute.
- ‘Rethinking Trust and Safety in the Fediverse, with Samantha Lai and Jaz-Michael King’ – the latest podcast episode by Flipboards dot social podcast.
- An update on the Bridgy Fed, the bridge between the fediverse, Bluesky and the web, and websites can now be bridged directly onto Bluesky.
- A tool to view all labels applied on your Bluesky. posts and account.
- Replies from the fediverse can now be read on Threads.
- The history of the fediverse logo.
- The third party app for Pixelfed Vernissage has been renamed to Impressia. Vernissage is now exclusively the name for the fediverse photo sharing platform that is currently in development by the same developer.
- A tool to temporarily mute words in Bluesky.
- An experimental demo of how a “Sign in with the Fediverse” mechanism might work.
- IceShrimp originally started as a Misskey fork, but they have changed so much it is starting to make more sense to see it as their own project: a full rewrite of the backend, and now the added support for plugins.
- Smoke Signal is a new event planner platform that is in development and build on top of atproto.
- The newsletter ‘The Future is Federated’ has a showcase of the interoperability between Mastodon and WordPress.
- An extensive comparison how different apps for Lemmy display content correctly.
- This week’s overview of fediverse software updates.
- is ‘a modified Mastodon instance that allows you to study the ActivityPub protocol in real life’ that has gotten some new features.
- In the main Bluesky app, if you block someone and you have a thread in which both you and the blocked account have posted replies, it prevents other people from viewing those posts, which often breaks the thread. This system, the ‘apocalypseblock’ is intentional for Bluesky, but the openness of the protocol allows people to build other thread viewers that do not have this feature.
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!
I'm an unpaid volunteer who runs five websites and five accounts helping people use Mastodon and the wider Fediverse. These cause bills every month, which I pay.
If you want to help support these sites & accounts, you can buy me a coffee at:
(No registration, choose any amount, all currencies work.)
...or alternatively become a patron at:
All support greatly appreciated! 🙂
❤️ @FediTips, @FediFollows, @FediVideo, @FediGarden & @homegrown
FediThing's profile - Liberapay
Since 2020, I've been trying to help people use the Fediverse, and encourage the Fedi to grow, through five accounts and five websites:Liberapay
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Ho provato diversi sistemi per formattare questo post e nessuno di questi mi ha convinto...
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Che succede nel Fediverso? reshared this.
@Elena ``of Valhalla'' ho provato diversi sistemi per rendere quel post compatibile con mastodon, meno invasivo possibile e leggibile. .
Mi sembra che finora non sia riuscito a trovare nessuna possibilità. Considerando che non è stato neanche pubblicato nella community di Lemmy, e non ho neanche capito perché, ho deciso di cancellarlo 🤣
Che succede nel Fediverso? reshared this.
@Simone ma sì, tanto a riscrivere un post meglio si fa sempre in tempo. E se non ci si riesce, vuol dire che era meglio non scriverlo... 😁
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Sempre a proposito di #AltText.
Come scrivere descrizioni efficaci delle immagini pubblicate sulle piattaforme social?
Per tenere le cose semplici, consigliamo (soprattutto agli utenti di #Mastodon, #MastodonUno e a tutta la #UnoCommunity) di attenersi alle linee guida di accessibilità digitale della Harvard University.
Se si vuole approfondire, nella pagina si troveranno molte altre risorse preziose.
Poi magari dedichiamo anche un articolo ad hoc sul blog. 😉…
Write helpful Alt Text to describe images | Digital Accessibility
Alternative (Alt) Text is an essential part of making content accessible. When adding images, charts, icons or other graphic elements, alt text should be added to ensure your content will be accessible to all
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Ps happy to jump over a 30min call if you want to share more about #mosaic and get some feedback from you
La storia del logo del #Fediverso. 🤓
Nell'articolo ci sono degli esempi di una funzionalità di #Mastodon che dovrebbe essere utilizzata maggiormente da giornalisti e blogger presenti su Mastodon: i post direttamente incorporati (embed) nelle pagine web.
É sufficiente cliccare sui 3 puntini (da interfaccia web) del post che si vuole incorporare e cliccare "Incorpora": verrà mostrato il codice da copiare e incollare direttamente negli editor. 😉…
People-powered technology
Let me start this article with a correction: there is no official fediverse logo. The one that most often comes up when you search for it is a widely used logo proposal. And it has quite an interesting history.Stefan Bohacek (
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Vorrei chiarire: su M1 non blocchiamo istanze perchè risultano antipatiche a qualcuno, e non modifichiamo il codice di #mastodon (siamo su non si può!) blocchiamo solo server bloccati dalla vasta maggioranza del fediverso per gravi motivi.
la lista di server bloccati è verificabile solo via web e solo dagli iscritti qui:
Esclusi questi, da M1 si può accedere a tutto il #fediverso, nessuna istanza esclusa e si è liberi di decidere quali server bloccare.
Mastodon Uno Social - Italia
Mastodon.Uno è la prima comunità generalista italiana. Con oltre 73.000 iscritti è il più grande nodo Mastodon italiano. Anima ambientalista a supporto della privacy e del mondo Open Source.Mastodon ospitato su
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Whenever I need to optimize and I think I know where to start, I’m wrong. Not always, but close enough.
Measure first. Then optimize. Every time.
Optimize costs · Issue #1149 · snarfed/bridgy-fed
Don't want to draw attention to this, I've been looking at it mostly behind the scenes, but I'd like to start tracking at least the investigation and work more publicly. I expect there's plenty of ...GitHub
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Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂ reshared this.
Come va il "vero" fediverso, quello delle origini, quindi senza le istanze wordpress e
Va male, #Kbin, uno dei progetti più popolari che aveva attratto migliaia di nuovi iscritti è stato abbandonato e nell'ultimo mese tutto il #fediverso ha visto sparire ben 25mila utenti attivi.
Anche #mastodon non si sente molto bene, la fuga di utenti continua, nell'ultimo mese ben 13mila se ne sono andati.
In controtendenza c'è #wordpress e il nuovo social federato #threads che crescono bene.
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Ma cos'è veramente il fediverso?
Non preoccupatevi, @docpop ha le risposte.
Andate su sull'account ufficiale Wordpress: @wordpressdotcom
per vedere il primo episodio di The Fediverse Files!
Wordpress ha l'account ufficiale su, federato su mastodon, quindi se l'admin della vostra istanza lo blocca non sarete in grado di raggiungerlo.
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Nasce Mistique Boudoir l'istanza Pixelfed tematica dedicata solo ed esclusivamente alle immagini erotiche e di nudo artistico
Un'ora fa, nel buio della mezzanotte, @Chiara [Ainur] [Айнұр] ha annunciato una nuova istanza #pixelfed dedicata al nudo artistico e all'erotismo:
Un ambiente dove ci si possa sentire liber* di esporre immagini di corpi (non necessariamente il proprio), senza pornografia (vietata) ma solo per il piacere di ammirare ciò che la natura ci ha donato. Le regole sono quelle di ogni altra istanza, con in più quella specifica di divieto di pubblicare immagini pornografiche. La moderazione sarà fatta di conseguenza. Mi piacerebbe che condividessero le loro opere anche fotograf* e modell* in modo da avere dei contenuti di qualità.
L'istanza non è al momento federata.
Chi mi conosce sa che sono una persona abbastanza fuori dagli schemi. Era da tempo che mi frullava nella testa l'idea di creare qualcosa di più meno nuovo, più o meno inusuale e quindi eccomi qua a raccontarvi della mia ultima follia:
E' un esperimento di un'istanza Pixelfed tematica dedicata solo ed esclusivamente alle immagini erotiche e di nudo artistico. Un ambiente dove ci si possa sentire liber* di esporre immagini di corpi (non necessariamente il proprio), senza pornografia (vietata) ma solo per il piacere di ammirare ciò che la natura ci ha donato. Le regole sono quelle di ogni altra istanza, con in più quella specifica di divieto di pubblicare immagini pornografiche. La moderazione sarà fatta di conseguenza. Mi piacerebbe che condividessero le loro opere anche fotograf* e modell* in modo da avere dei contenuti di qualità.
Qualche amica ha gia aderito. Vediamo cosa succede, al massimo avrò buttato via 12€ e rotto le scatole come al solito a qualcuno così gentile da supportare tecnicamente queste mie idee.
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Chiara [Ainur] [Айнұр] likes this.
Matthias Pfefferle
in reply to Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂ • • •I had no issues with Friendica so far and on it everything works smoothly. Maybe it's the redirection of `.well-known/webfinger` that is not supported by Friendica?!?
There was an issue with Lemmy, maybe it is not yet deployed everywhere?…
/cc @nutomic
Discourse WordPress Integration
SocialHubPoliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂ likes this.
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Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂
in reply to Matthias Pfefferle • •@Matthias Pfefferle Thank you for your feedback. At this point I will test from other Friendica instances. I would not want my instance to have some problems... 😅
@nutomic @.mau. :friendfeed: @Notiziole di .mau.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂
Unknown parent • •@Tobias I also get the follow button, but if I try to press it the page goes into error
@Notiziole di .mau.
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